- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: i-vaics4.nfo i-vaics4

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          d: 8P       ,:  Type     : Bookware       :88   :8
          8',8:,d     d'  Supplier : iNK H0RN       :8:   :8
         ,8,8P'8'    ,8   Disks    : 1 CD            8'   :8
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     :  VTC - Adobe Illustrator CS4



     Create illustrations on multiple art boards, experience a new way of
     working with the Blob Brush and take even greater control of your gradients
     with the revamped Gradient Tool. Adobe Illustrator CS4Æs improved interface
     and tools help you take your creativity to the next level. Professional
     illustrator, television animation art director and writer Dwayne Ferguson
     takes you on an in-depth look at Illustrator CS4. To begin learning today,
     simply click on the movie links.


  8                                                                       8
  8                                                                       8
  8  :  INSTALLATION                                                      8
  8                                                                       8
  8    a. Extract                                                         8
  8    b. Mount/Burn                                                      8
  8    c. Play & Learn                                                    8
  8                                                                       8
  8                                                                       8


        CFE .. LiBiSO .. AG .. JGTiSO .. HELL .. DDUiSO

This NFO File was rendered by

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          ,8 d8P       8  Rls Date : 14/03/09        88   :8
          d: 8P       ,:  Type     : Bookware       :88   :8
          8',8:,d     d'  Supplier : iNK H0RN       :8:   :8
         ,8,8P'8'    ,8   Disks    : 1 CD            8'   :8
         :8`' d'     d'   Archive  : i-vaics4.rar    8    p:
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     :  VTC - Adobe Illustrator CS4



     Create illustrations on multiple art boards, experience a new way of
     working with the Blob Brush and take even greater control of your gradients
     with the revamped Gradient Tool. Adobe Illustrator CS4’s improved interface
     and tools help you take your creativity to the next level. Professional
     illustrator, television animation art director and writer Dwayne Ferguson
     takes you on an in-depth look at Illustrator CS4. To begin learning today,
     simply click on the movie links.


  8                                                                       8
  8                                                                       8
  8  :  INSTALLATION                                                      8
  8                                                                       8
  8    a. Extract                                                         8
  8    b. Mount/Burn                                                      8
  8    c. Play & Learn                                                    8
  8                                                                       8
  8                                                                       8


        CFE .. LiBiSO .. AG .. JGTiSO .. HELL .. DDUiSO

This NFO File was rendered by

