- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: camelot-oldts.nfo camelot-oldts

  _________     _____      _____  ___________.____    ___________________
  \_   ___ \   /  _  \    /     \ \_   _____/|    |   \_____  \__    ___/
  /    \  \/  /  /_\  \  /  \ /  \ |    __)_ |    |    /   |   \|    |
  \     \____/    |    \/    Y    \|        \|    |___/    |    \    |
   \______  /\____|__  /\____|__  /_______  /|_______ \_______  /____|
          \/         \/         \/        \/         \/       \/
            <>               8@8        *~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,.
          .::::.             888
      @\\/W\/\/W\//@         8@8         .:>Old.Dogs.2009.TELESYNC.XviD-CAMELOT<:.
       \\/^\/\/^\//     _    )8(    _
        \_O_<>_O_/     (@)__/8@8\__(@)
   ____________________ `~"-=):(=-"~`
  |<><><>  |  |  <><><>|     |.|         Resolution - 640x432
  |<>      |  |      <>|     |N|         Bitrate    - 1189kb/s
  |<>      |  |      <>|     |'|         Aud bitrate- 160kb/s
  |<>   .--------.   <>|     |.|
  |     |   ()   |     |     |O|
  |_____| (O\/O) |_____|     |'|
  |     \   /\   /     |     |.|we use the video our spanish friend give us
  |------\  \/  /------|     |T|and our own audio thnx and enjoy
  |       '.__.'       |     |'|
  |        |  |        |     |.|video has a angle at 53minute mark for a while
  :        |  |        :     |E|we could of fixed the the angle or crop but would
   \<>     |  |     <>/      |'|make bad ar, so we left it,also has dupe frames that
    \<>    |  |    <>/       |.|ictv could not help with, sorry nothing we could do
     \<>   |  |   <>/        |S|
      `\<> |  | <>/'         |'|
        `-.|  |.-`           \ /Looking for a new Ascii contact us<!>
           '--'               ^
No One May Use Our Video Or Audio!!!
We are currently looking for:
Dump Sites for Relase Spreading
Servers for Group Private use
CAM OR DIRECT Audio Suppliers
CAM/SILVER Suppliers
Screener Suppliers
Retail DVD Suppliers
100+ .eu affil sites.
Or anything else you think you can offer us

This NFO File was rendered by

  _________     _____      _____  ___________.____    ___________________
  \_   ___ \   /  _  \    /     \ \_   _____/|    |   \_____  \__    ___/
  /    \  \/  /  /_\  \  /  \ /  \ |    __)_ |    |    /   |   \|    |
  \     \____/    |    \/    Y    \|        \|    |___/    |    \    |
   \______  /\____|__  /\____|__  /_______  /|_______ \_______  /____|
          \/         \/         \/        \/         \/       \/
            <>               8@8        *~'`^`'~*-,._.,-*~'`^`'~*-,.
          .::::.             888
      @\\/W\/\/W\//@         8@8         .:>Old.Dogs.2009.TELESYNC.XviD-CAMELOT<:.
       \\/^\/\/^\//     _    )8(    _
        \_O_<>_O_/     (@)__/8@8\__(@)
   ____________________ `~"-=):(=-"~`
  |<><><>  |  |  <><><>|     |.|         Resolution - 640x432
  |<>      |  |      <>|     |N|         Bitrate    - 1189kb/s
  |<>      |  |      <>|     |'|         Aud bitrate- 160kb/s
  |<>   .--------.   <>|     |.|
  |     |   ()   |     |     |O|
  |_____| (O\/O) |_____|     |'|
  |     \   /\   /     |     |.|we use the video our spanish friend give us
  |------\  \/  /------|     |T|and our own audio thnx and enjoy
  |       '.__.'       |     |'|
  |        |  |        |     |.|video has a angle at 53minute mark for a while
  :        |  |        :     |E|we could of fixed the the angle or crop but would
   \<>     |  |     <>/      |'|make bad ar, so we left it,also has dupe frames that
    \<>    |  |    <>/       |.|ictv could not help with, sorry nothing we could do
     \<>   |  |   <>/        |S|
      `\<> |  | <>/'         |'|
        `-.|  |.-`           \ /Looking for a new Ascii contact us<!>
           '--'               ^
No One May Use Our Video Or Audio!!!
We are currently looking for:
Dump Sites for Relase Spreading
Servers for Group Private use
CAM OR DIRECT Audio Suppliers
CAM/SILVER Suppliers
Screener Suppliers
Retail DVD Suppliers
100+ .eu affil sites.
Or anything else you think you can offer us

This NFO File was rendered by

