- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-eazy-e-impact_of_a_legend-2002-cms.nfo 00-eazy-e-impact_of_a_legend-2002-cms

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                            Eazy-E - Impact of A Legend

   ┌────────────────────── -=[-sEe_eMm_eSs__2_0_0_2-]=- ────────────────────────┐
   │                                                                            │
   | ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
   : │     ─ ── ───────────┐                          ┌───────────── ── ─     │ :
   . │                 ─ ── ────── INFoRMATiON ─────-─ ── ─                   │ .
   . │                                                                        │ .
     │                                                                        │
     │     RiPPER.: Gnosis                 DATE RiPPED..: 03-22-2002          │
     │     LAbEL..: Ruthless/epic          DATE RELEaSEd: 00-00-0000          │
     │     ENCOdER: LAME                   RELEaSE SiZE.: 39,6 MB             │
     │     BiTrAtE: 192 kbps               TRACkS.......: 08                  │
     │     MOdE...: Full Stereo            SoURCe.......: CDDA                │
     │                                                                        │
     │                                                                        │
     │                                                                        │
     │     ─ ── ───────────┐                          ┌───────────── ── ─     │
     │                 ─ ── ────── RELeASE NoTES ───── ── ─                   │
     │                                                                        │
     │                                                                        │
     │       Yo this cd came wit a game,comic book,and a dvd...all we         │
     │       need now is a blunt and house shoes..well here is is new         │
     │       shit from eazy e..once again cms bringin nothing but hot         │
     │       shit.                                                            │
     │                                                                        │
     │                                                                        │
     │     ─ ── ───────────┐                          ┌───────────── ── ─     │
     │                 ─ ── ─────── TRaCK LiST ─────── ── ─                   │
     │        ____ __________________________________________ _______         │
     │       │    │                                          │       │        │
     │       │ #  │ Track Name                               │ Time  │        │
     │       ├────┼───────────-──────────────────────────────┼───────┤        │
     │       │ 01 │ Intro                                    │ 01:06 │        │
     │       │ 02 │ Eazy 1, 2, 3                             │ 04:00 │        │
     │       │ 03 │ Cock the 9                               │ 04:02 │        │
     │       │ 04 │ Switchez                                 │ 04:29 │        │
     │       │ 05 │ The Rev (Skit)                           │ 01:13 │        │
     │       │ 06 │ No More Tears                            │ 04:42 │        │
     │       │ 07 │ Ruthless Life                            │ 04:50 │        │
     │       │ 08 │ Still Fuckem                             │ 04:25 │        │
     │       │    ├──────────────────────────────────────────┼───────┤        │
     │       │    │                                    Total │ 28:47 │        │
     │─────── ──── ──────── ────────────────────────── ────── ─────── ────────┤
     ├──────────────────────┘   UnDeRGroUnD JeWeLz   └────────────────────────┤
     │                                                                        │
     │                                                                        │
     │                                                                        │
     │                                                                        │
     │     ─ ── ───────────┐                          ┌───────────── ── ─     │
     │                  ─ ── ───────── AbOUT ──────── ── ─                    │
     │                                                                        │
     │    CMS was established in 1998 due to the fact that nobody was         │
     │    releasing slept on hiphop. In 2g, cms has developed into one of     │
     │    the deepest mp3 crews on Efnet. People have came and left, but      │
     │    the legacy lives on. And about competition, we don't compete with   │
     │    other groups, we compete with ourselves.                            │
     │                                                                        │
     │                                                                        │
     │     ─ ── ───────────┐                          ┌───────────── ── ─     │
     │                 ─ ── ─────── WaNNA HeLP? ────── ── ─                   │
     │                                                                        │
     │    CMS is always looking for new members. T1+ siteops with at least    │
     │    50Gb space, rippers who can get new/rare underground stuff, *nix    │
     │    admins who can provide legitimate shells, haQerz that can change    │
     │    members grades in college and anyone who has skills which may be    │
     │    useful are welcome to...                                            │
     │    Join #CMS on EFnet and ask an operator for assistance.              │
     │                                                                        │
     ├─────────────────────┘                          └───────────────────────┤
   . │                                                                        │ .
   . │          ─ ── ─────── CMS WorldWide Underground ─────── ── ─           │ .
   : │                                                                        │ :
   | └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
   │                                                                            │
   └─ -=[         " Every Single Day Is A Step Toward The End "            ]=- ─┘

                     NFO Generated With Morgoth's Mp3Releaser

This NFO File was rendered by

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      cms - emm pee three           `$#*Ùüø'`,ÚsS$³³º$$$$$$$$$$'
                                              `üüüüü            [cms2k2]

                            Eazy-E - Impact of A Legend

   ³                                                                            ³
   : ³     Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                          ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä     ³ :
   . ³                 Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ INFoRMATiON ÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä ÄÄ Ä                   ³ .
   . ³                                                                        ³ .
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³     RiPPER.: Gnosis                 DATE RiPPED..: 03-22-2002          ³
     ³     LAbEL..: Ruthless/epic          DATE RELEaSEd: 00-00-0000          ³
     ³     ENCOdER: LAME                   RELEaSE SiZE.: 39,6 MB             ³
     ³     BiTrAtE: 192 kbps               TRACkS.......: 08                  ³
     ³     MOdE...: Full Stereo            SoURCe.......: CDDA                ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³     Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                          ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä     ³
     ³                 Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ RELeASE NoTES ÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä                   ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³       Yo this cd came wit a game,comic book,and a dvd...all we         ³
     ³       need now is a blunt and house shoes..well here is is new         ³
     ³       shit from eazy e..once again cms bringin nothing but hot         ³
     ³       shit.                                                            ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³     Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                          ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä     ³
     ³                 Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ TRaCK LiST ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä                   ³
     ³        ____ __________________________________________ _______         ³
     ³       ³    ³                                          ³       ³        ³
     ³       ³ #  ³ Track Name                               ³ Time  ³        ³
     ³       ³ 01 ³ Intro                                    ³ 01:06 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 02 ³ Eazy 1, 2, 3                             ³ 04:00 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 03 ³ Cock the 9                               ³ 04:02 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 04 ³ Switchez                                 ³ 04:29 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 05 ³ The Rev (Skit)                           ³ 01:13 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 06 ³ No More Tears                            ³ 04:42 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 07 ³ Ruthless Life                            ³ 04:50 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 08 ³ Still Fuckem                             ³ 04:25 ³        ³
     ³       ³    ³                                    Total ³ 28:47 ³        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³     Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                          ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä     ³
     ³                  Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ AbOUT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä                    ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³    CMS was established in 1998 due to the fact that nobody was         ³
     ³    releasing slept on hiphop. In 2g, cms has developed into one of     ³
     ³    the deepest mp3 crews on Efnet. People have came and left, but      ³
     ³    the legacy lives on. And about competition, we don't compete with   ³
     ³    other groups, we compete with ourselves.                            ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³     Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                          ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä     ³
     ³                 Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ WaNNA HeLP? ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä                   ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³    CMS is always looking for new members. T1+ siteops with at least    ³
     ³    50Gb space, rippers who can get new/rare underground stuff, *nix    ³
     ³    admins who can provide legitimate shells, haQerz that can change    ³
     ³    members grades in college and anyone who has skills which may be    ³
     ³    useful are welcome to...                                            ³
     ³    Join #CMS on EFnet and ask an operator for assistance.              ³
     ³                                                                        ³
   . ³                                                                        ³ .
   . ³          Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CMS WorldWide Underground ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä           ³ .
   : ³                                                                        ³ :
   ³                                                                            ³
   ÀÄ -=[         " Every Single Day Is A Step Toward The End "            ]=- ÄÙ

                     NFO Generated With Morgoth's Mp3Releaser

This NFO File was rendered by

