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         | |__) | | __ _ _ __   ___| |_| \  / | __ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __
         |  ___/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ __| |\/| |/ _` / __| __/ _ \ '__|
         | |    | | (_| | | | |  __/ |_| |  | | (_| \__ \ ||  __/ |
         |_|    |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___|\__|_|  |_|\__,_|___/\__\___|_|
                      The Centurion Underground Presents

Audjoo Helix VSTi v1.0 Plug-in

Helix is a Wave-Table-Shaping, Phase modulation, Virtual Analog, Physical Modelling Hybrid >>
Synthesizer. Unusually high sound quality, massive modulation, creative audio-routing and many built-in >>
effects all make Helix a synth easy to like.

Click for full size screenshot.
Your CPUs new best friend
Few synths can match Helix's features, and even fewer can match the CPU-friendliness. Intel, AMD, and >>
PowerPC. They all love the Helix treatment.

19 voices, 1.6% CPU hit (@3GHz), This is not a joke.
Proud Presets
Helix comes with over 800 presets, from BigTone, Reason Lahalla, MaliceX, Alonso Sound and more. The >>
presets range most styles where electronic instrument might fit.

800+ presets ordered in bank/category/preset.
Super Sound
Inspired by the "super-saw" of the late nineties, Helix takes the unison-sound to the next level and >>
allow you to make any waveform "super". This makes Helix capable of huge and wide unison pads and leads. >>
Where many Virtual analogs stops at seven or nine detuned waves for a supersaw, Helix takes the extra >>
step and allow for 16 detuned and panned waves per oscillator. At four oscillators per voice we realize >>
that we can max out our sound at 64 (sixty four) waves per voice. That's super!

The wave oscillator can do super-wave, and provides start phase control.
Combining the wave-shaping of synths like z3ta+ with the wave-table synthesis of the Prophet VS and the >>
ESQ-1, Helix lets you shape the first and the last waves in a table, the in-between are automatically >>
filled in. The morph control picks the wave to play

Shaping the first wave and looking at the morphed results.
Clean Cut
Great care has been taken to ensure no aliasing in the oscillators, so the sound is free from many >>
artifacts traditionally associated with software (and Virtual Analog) synthesizers. This becomes very >>
clear when playing high notes.

A sawtooth sweeping down into the audible range, showing individual partials.
Filter Frenzy
Three Filter per voice, including traditional low/band/high pass, EQ, and comb, less usual >>
dynamics, to the exotic String Model and PM Delay, a delayline where the delaytime is modulated in audiorate.

Distortion Delight
Three stages of distortion/waveshaping per voice and one global can add a touch of old school >>
harmonics or turn any sound into a nightmare of screaming machinery. Select from ten different shapes >>
to find your favourite style of dirt.

Distorting a sine wave with the 10 shapes.
Surely Stereo
All parts of Helix are stereo in - stereo out. Oscillators, filters, shapers and effects. This helps >>
keeping the signal huge.

Modulation Mayhem
Forty two modulation slots. Each with one source, two destinations and a scale-source. The amount of >>
modulation possible would be impossible to find in the analog realm (it would require a great amount >>
of cables, splitters, multipliers/ringmods and mixers) and hard to find anywhere.

More modulation than you can handle! (8 times the above)
Exhilarating Effects and Radical Routing
Helix comes with some built-in effect: Distortion, Flanger/Chorus, Phaser, Delay, Limiter, Reverb, 3 >>
band Eq. The effects can be applied in any order.

Both the Voice architecture and the Effects of Helix follow an approach where a signal can be mixed in >>
or sent to the effect at any point. The result is great freedom on how to apply filters and effects.

Helix is implemented as a VST plugin. This provides the highest degree of flexibility, since this plug-in >>
format is supported by many leading DAWs. Helix is known to work in the following VST-hosts:

Windows Cubase, Tracktion, REAPER, Samplitude, EnergyXT, Renoise, Minihost, Podium, Bidule, Usine, Orion, >>
Cantabile, Live, Project5, FL Studio, VSTHost, ACID, Logic 5, Sonar

Install and enjoy


Need help or support?

 I only check the comments at PirateBay and will give support there only!!!

DONT FORGET!! Limited Membership Accepted (Free of course)
Join us in December in the underground...


All my releases here:

This NFO File was rendered by

          _____  _                  _   __  __           _
         |  __ \| |                | | |  \/  |         | |
         | |__) | | __ _ _ __   ___| |_| \  / | __ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __
         |  ___/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ __| |\/| |/ _` / __| __/ _ \ '__|
         | |    | | (_| | | | |  __/ |_| |  | | (_| \__ \ ||  __/ |
         |_|    |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___|\__|_|  |_|\__,_|___/\__\___|_|
                      The Centurion Underground Presents

Audjoo Helix VSTi v1.0 Plug-in

Helix is a Wave-Table-Shaping, Phase modulation, Virtual Analog, Physical Modelling Hybrid >>
Synthesizer. Unusually high sound quality, massive modulation, creative audio-routing and many built-in >>
effects all make Helix a synth easy to like.

Click for full size screenshot.
Your CPUs new best friend
Few synths can match Helix's features, and even fewer can match the CPU-friendliness. Intel, AMD, and >>
PowerPC. They all love the Helix treatment.

19 voices, 1.6% CPU hit (@3GHz), This is not a joke.
Proud Presets
Helix comes with over 800 presets, from BigTone, Reason Lahalla, MaliceX, Alonso Sound and more. The >>
presets range most styles where electronic instrument might fit.

800+ presets ordered in bank/category/preset.
Super Sound
Inspired by the "super-saw" of the late nineties, Helix takes the unison-sound to the next level and >>
allow you to make any waveform "super". This makes Helix capable of huge and wide unison pads and leads. >>
Where many Virtual analogs stops at seven or nine detuned waves for a supersaw, Helix takes the extra >>
step and allow for 16 detuned and panned waves per oscillator. At four oscillators per voice we realize >>
that we can max out our sound at 64 (sixty four) waves per voice. That's super!

The wave oscillator can do super-wave, and provides start phase control.
Combining the wave-shaping of synths like z3ta+ with the wave-table synthesis of the Prophet VS and the >>
ESQ-1, Helix lets you shape the first and the last waves in a table, the in-between are automatically >>
filled in. The morph control picks the wave to play

Shaping the first wave and looking at the morphed results.
Clean Cut
Great care has been taken to ensure no aliasing in the oscillators, so the sound is free from many >>
artifacts traditionally associated with software (and Virtual Analog) synthesizers. This becomes very >>
clear when playing high notes.

A sawtooth sweeping down into the audible range, showing individual partials.
Filter Frenzy
Three Filter per voice, including traditional low/band/high pass, EQ, and comb, less usual >>
dynamics, to the exotic String Model and PM Delay, a delayline where the delaytime is modulated in audiorate.

Distortion Delight
Three stages of distortion/waveshaping per voice and one global can add a touch of old school >>
harmonics or turn any sound into a nightmare of screaming machinery. Select from ten different shapes >>
to find your favourite style of dirt.

Distorting a sine wave with the 10 shapes.
Surely Stereo
All parts of Helix are stereo in - stereo out. Oscillators, filters, shapers and effects. This helps >>
keeping the signal huge.

Modulation Mayhem
Forty two modulation slots. Each with one source, two destinations and a scale-source. The amount of >>
modulation possible would be impossible to find in the analog realm (it would require a great amount >>
of cables, splitters, multipliers/ringmods and mixers) and hard to find anywhere.

More modulation than you can handle! (8 times the above)
Exhilarating Effects and Radical Routing
Helix comes with some built-in effect: Distortion, Flanger/Chorus, Phaser, Delay, Limiter, Reverb, 3 >>
band Eq. The effects can be applied in any order.

Both the Voice architecture and the Effects of Helix follow an approach where a signal can be mixed in >>
or sent to the effect at any point. The result is great freedom on how to apply filters and effects.

Helix is implemented as a VST plugin. This provides the highest degree of flexibility, since this plug-in >>
format is supported by many leading DAWs. Helix is known to work in the following VST-hosts:

Windows Cubase, Tracktion, REAPER, Samplitude, EnergyXT, Renoise, Minihost, Podium, Bidule, Usine, Orion, >>
Cantabile, Live, Project5, FL Studio, VSTHost, ACID, Logic 5, Sonar

Install and enjoy


Need help or support?

 I only check the comments at PirateBay and will give support there only!!!

DONT FORGET!! Limited Membership Accepted (Free of course)
Join us in December in the underground...


All my releases here:

This NFO File was rendered by

