- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: gs-cowbib.nfo gs-cowbib

                Call_of_Juarez_Bound_in_Blood_NTSC_PROPER_XBOX360-GameStop                |
Release Date: 01/19/10                                                                    |
Retail Date:  06/30/09                                                                    |
Size:         73x100mb                                                                    |
Region:       NTSC-U (Region Free)                                                        |
Platform:     XBOX360                                                                     |
Genre:        Shooter                                                                     |
Publisher:    Ubisoft                                                                     |
Release Notes:                                                                            |
Previous release nuked for: bad.pack_invalid.rar.sizes                                    |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------           |
\\//\\//\\//\\//  _ |_  _ \ \/ /_  _  _  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\           |
//\\//\\//\\//\\ (_||_)(_|/ /\ \_||_ | | //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//           |
------------------------_|------_||_||_|--v1.0.2-------[]----           |
Checking for updates to abgx360.dat...                                                    |
     Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving                    |
X:\Call_of_Juarez_Bound_in_Blood_NTSC_PROPER_XBOX360-GameStop\gs-cojbib.dvd is valid      |
Checking Game                                                                             |
     ISO: "X:\Call_of_Juarez_Bound_in_Blood_NTSC_PROPER_XBOX360-GameStop\gs-cojbib.iso"   |
     Size: 7838695424 bytes (SplitVid 3rd or 4th wave)                                    |
     Game partition offset: 0xFD90000                                                     |
     Root sector: 1769734 (0xE7E13000), 2048 bytes                                        |
     default.xex sector: 1773848 (0xE861C000), 20660224 bytes                             |
     Files in ISO: 457, Folders in ISO: 17                                                |
     Total bytes used: 4676858196 (64.08%)                                                |
Game appears to have random padding                                                       |
Checking default.xex                                                                      |
     Module Flags:          Title Module                                                  |
     Image Flags:           XGD2 Media Only                                               |
                            64 KB Pages                                                   |
     No System Flags                                                                      |
     Title ID:              5553081C (US-2076)                                            |
     Ver / Base Ver:        v0.0.0.1 / v0.0.0.1                                           |
     Disc Number:           1 of 1                                                        |
     Original PE Filename:  CoJ2Game.exe                                                  |
     Original PE Timestamp: 2009/05/16 17:14:26                                           |
     Allowed Media Types:   DVD-XGD2 (Xbox 360 original disc)                             |
     Game Ratings:          ESRB:    M (Mature 17+)                                       |
                            PEGI:    16+                                                  |
                            PEGI-FI: 15+                                                  |
                            PEGI-PT: 16+                                                  |
                            BBFC:    16+                                                  |
                            USK:     18+                                                  |
                            OFLC-AU: MA15+                                                |
                            OFLC-NZ: MA15+                                                |
                            FPB:     18+                                                  |
     Compression Info:      Uncompressed and Encrypted                                    |
     Title Type:            Full Game Title                                               |
     Dashboard Languages:   English (default)                                             |
                            Japanese                                                      |
                            German                                                        |
                            French                                                        |
                            Spanish                                                       |
                            Italian                                                       |
     Game Name:             Call of Juarez: BiB                                           |
     Developer:             Techland                                                      |
     Publisher:             Ubisoft                                                       |
     Genre:                 Action                                                        |
     Description: THE OLD WEST, 1864. Join the McCall Brothers in their                   |
                  ruthless journey of Lust, Greed and Gunslinging.                        |
     No Avatar Awards                                                                     |
     Achievements:          47 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore                      |
     XEX CRC = B9A0AE5B                                                                   |
     XEX Media ID: F3B5D3A02D201AA59275BEBB-577753F3                                      |
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood                                                            |
Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF                                                                   |
     Region Free!                                                                         |
Checking SS                                                                               |
     04FB20h ------- PSN ------> 20339Fh DFCC60h ------- PSN ------> FB04DFh              |
     +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+              |
     |  L0 Data Area = 1783936 sectors  |  L1 Data Area = 1783936 sectors  |              |
     +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+              |
     0x000FD90000 --------> 0x00E99CFFFF 0x00E99D0000 --------> 0x01C360FFFF              |
     <----------------- 3567872 sectors (7307001856 bytes) ---------------->              |
     Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/05/29 00:00:00                                          |
     Timestamp of Mastering: 2009/06/17 03:40:01                                          |
     SS Version: 2 (trusted)                                                              |
     ------------------------------------------------------------------------             |
     CT RT CID Mod? Pad? Data          CD       Response   Angle Deviation                |
     -- -- --  --   --   ------------- -------- ---------- ----- ------------             |
     14    81  00   00                 2BBF3CA6 52B467C2                                  |
        03 81  00        04A9B0 04B9AF 2BBF3CA6 52B467C200                                |
     15    90  00   00                 B64D1AA4 EF0B342F                                  |
        01 90  00        20D7F0 20E7EF B64D1AA4 EF0B342F00                                |
     14    EF  00   00                 9F877F41 3D510A99                                  |
        03 EF  00        DF85F0 DF95EF 9F877F41 3D510A9900                                |
     15    C8  00   00                 752E560F 8718073F                                  |
        01 C8  00        FB5B70 FB6B6F 752E560F 8718073F00                                |
     24    63  0F   00                 80387766 80380001   1                              |
        07 63  00        04A9B0 04B72F 80387766 0100000100                                |
                         v1 deviation from CCRT            1      0   (00.0%)             |
                         v2 deviation from CCRT            1      0   (00.0%)             |
                         v1 deviation from v2                     0   (00.0%)             |
     25    0A  0F   00                 14BD89FB 14BD005B   91                             |
        05 0A  00        20D7F0 20E56F 14BD89FB 5B00005B00                                |
                         v1 deviation from CCRT            91     0   (00.0%)             |
                         v2 deviation from CCRT            91     0   (00.0%)             |
                         v1 deviation from v2                     0   (00.0%)             |
     24    9C  0F   00                 FEE27234 FEE200B5   181                            |
        07 9C  00        DF85F0 DF936F FEE27234 B40000B400                                |
                         v1 deviation from CCRT            180   -1   (00.6%)             |
                         v2 deviation from CCRT            180   -1   (00.6%)             |
                         v1 deviation from v2                     0   (00.0%)             |
     25    8C  0F   00                 03356594 0335010F   271                            |
        05 8C  00        FB5B70 FB68EF 03356594 0E01000E01                                |
                         v1 deviation from CCRT            270   -1   (00.6%)             |
                         v2 deviation from CCRT            270   -1   (00.6%)             |
                         v1 deviation from v2                     0   (00.0%)             |
     01    1E  00   00                 8121129E 598D11D5                                  |
        00 1E  00        CF598D 8611D5 00000000 0000000000                                |
     E0    58  00   00                 C1C1189F C023C5FE                                  |
        E0 58  00        14C023 22C5FE 00000000 0000000000                                |
     ------------------------------------------------------------------------             |
     CPR_MAI: 8121129E                                                                    |
     SS CRC = 791403E6 (RawSS = 97F3B432)                                                 |
     SS Media ID: F3B5D3A02D201AA59275BEBB-577753F3 (matches game)                        |
SS looks valid                                                                            |
Checking DMI                                                                              |
     Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/05/29 00:00:00 (matches SS)                             |
     Catalog Number: US-2076-01-W0-X11                                                    |
     DMI CRC = 0479C531                                                                   |
     DMI Media ID: F3B5D3A02D201AA59275BEBB-577753F3 (matches game)                       |
DMI looks valid                                                                           |
Checking PFI                                                                              |
     030000h ------- PSN ------> 03975Fh FC68A0h ------- PSN ------> FCFFDFh              |
     +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+              |
     |  L0 Data Area = 0038752 sectors  |  L1 Data Area = 0038720 sectors  |              |
     +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+              |
     0x0000000000 --------> 0x0004BAFFFF 0x01CE7F0000 --------> 0x01D338FFFF              |
     <----------------- 0077472 sectors (0158662656 bytes) ---------------->              |
     PFI CRC = 2A4CCBD3                                                                   |
PFI matches known data (3rd wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 or later)                       |
Video partition found                                                                     |
     Volume ID: "CD_ROM"                                                                  |
     Volume space size: 38690 sectors (79237120 bytes)                                    |
     Volume creation date & time: 2009/01/14 16:00:00 (GMT-08:00)                         |
     Video is zero padded                                                                 |
     Video CRC = 0E58FB9D (V0 = CF942E7B, V1 = 4809B37A)                                  |
Video partition matches known data (3rd wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 or later)           |
Stealth check passed!                                                                     |
Starting Verification                                                                     |
     Looking for 791403E6B9A0AE5B.ini in the online verified database                     |
     Server file 791403E6B9A0AE5B.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving           |
     Using 791403E6B9A0AE5B.ini (372 bytes):                                              |
[791403E6B9A0AE5B]                                                                        |
SS=791403E6                                                                               |
RawSS=D1C9D60F                                                                            |
PFI=2A4CCBD3                                                                              |
DMI=0479C531                                                                              |
RegionFlags=FFFFFFFF                                                                      |
V0=CF942E7B                                                                               |
V1=4809B37A                                                                               |
Video=0E58FB9D                                                                            |
Game=10B41225                                                                             |
XexHash=B9A0AE5B                                                                          |
MediaID=F3B5D3A02D201AA59275BEBB-577753F3                                                 |
DiscSource=Retail                                                                         |
GameName=Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood                                                   |
GamerTag=Stepto                                                                           |
DriveName=TS-H943A                                                                        |
DriveFW=iXtreme v1.6 0800 standalone                                                      |
Notes=XBC v2.9 0306                                                       |
     Video CRC matches                                                                    |
     V0    CRC matches                                                                    |
     V1    CRC matches                                                                    |
     PFI   CRC matches                                                                    |
     DMI   CRC matches                                                                    |
     SS    CRC matches                                                                    |
     Xex   CRC matches                                                                    |
     AnyDVD style corruption was not detected                                             |
     Game CRC = 10B41225 (matches)                                                        |
All CRCs match                                                                            |
Verification was successful!                                                              |
Comparing L1 Video on L0 to L1 Video on L1...                                             |
SplitVid is valid                                                                         |
L1 Video is zero padded                                                                   |
Group Notes:                                                                              |
Is it lame?  Or do kiddies just need to follow the rules?                                 |

This NFO File was rendered by

                Call_of_Juarez_Bound_in_Blood_NTSC_PROPER_XBOX360-GameStop                |
Release Date: 01/19/10                                                                    |
Retail Date:  06/30/09                                                                    |
Size:         73x100mb                                                                    |
Region:       NTSC-U (Region Free)                                                        |
Platform:     XBOX360                                                                     |
Genre:        Shooter                                                                     |
Publisher:    Ubisoft                                                                     |
Release Notes:                                                                            |
Previous release nuked for: bad.pack_invalid.rar.sizes                                    |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------           |
\\//\\//\\//\\//  _ |_  _ \ \/ /_  _  _  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\           |
//\\//\\//\\//\\ (_||_)(_|/ /\ \_||_ | | //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//           |
------------------------_|------_||_||_|--v1.0.2-------[]----           |
Checking for updates to abgx360.dat...                                                    |
     Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving                    |
X:\Call_of_Juarez_Bound_in_Blood_NTSC_PROPER_XBOX360-GameStop\gs-cojbib.dvd is valid      |
Checking Game                                                                             |
     ISO: "X:\Call_of_Juarez_Bound_in_Blood_NTSC_PROPER_XBOX360-GameStop\gs-cojbib.iso"   |
     Size: 7838695424 bytes (SplitVid 3rd or 4th wave)                                    |
     Game partition offset: 0xFD90000                                                     |
     Root sector: 1769734 (0xE7E13000), 2048 bytes                                        |
     default.xex sector: 1773848 (0xE861C000), 20660224 bytes                             |
     Files in ISO: 457, Folders in ISO: 17                                                |
     Total bytes used: 4676858196 (64.08%)                                                |
Game appears to have random padding                                                       |
Checking default.xex                                                                      |
     Module Flags:          Title Module                                                  |
     Image Flags:           XGD2 Media Only                                               |
                            64 KB Pages                                                   |
     No System Flags                                                                      |
     Title ID:              5553081C (US-2076)                                            |
     Ver / Base Ver:        v0.0.0.1 / v0.0.0.1                                           |
     Disc Number:           1 of 1                                                        |
     Original PE Filename:  CoJ2Game.exe                                                  |
     Original PE Timestamp: 2009/05/16 17:14:26                                           |
     Allowed Media Types:   DVD-XGD2 (Xbox 360 original disc)                             |
     Game Ratings:          ESRB:    M (Mature 17+)                                       |
                            PEGI:    16+                                                  |
                            PEGI-FI: 15+                                                  |
                            PEGI-PT: 16+                                                  |
                            BBFC:    16+                                                  |
                            USK:     18+                                                  |
                            OFLC-AU: MA15+                                                |
                            OFLC-NZ: MA15+                                                |
                            FPB:     18+                                                  |
     Compression Info:      Uncompressed and Encrypted                                    |
     Title Type:            Full Game Title                                               |
     Dashboard Languages:   English (default)                                             |
                            Japanese                                                      |
                            German                                                        |
                            French                                                        |
                            Spanish                                                       |
                            Italian                                                       |
     Game Name:             Call of Juarez: BiB                                           |
     Developer:             Techland                                                      |
     Publisher:             Ubisoft                                                       |
     Genre:                 Action                                                        |
     Description: THE OLD WEST, 1864. Join the McCall Brothers in their                   |
                  ruthless journey of Lust, Greed and Gunslinging.                        |
     No Avatar Awards                                                                     |
     Achievements:          47 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore                      |
     XEX CRC = B9A0AE5B                                                                   |
     XEX Media ID: F3B5D3A02D201AA59275BEBB-577753F3                                      |
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood                                                            |
Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF                                                                   |
     Region Free!                                                                         |
Checking SS                                                                               |
     04FB20h ------- PSN ------> 20339Fh DFCC60h ------- PSN ------> FB04DFh              |
     +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+              |
     |  L0 Data Area = 1783936 sectors  |  L1 Data Area = 1783936 sectors  |              |
     +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+              |
     0x000FD90000 --------> 0x00E99CFFFF 0x00E99D0000 --------> 0x01C360FFFF              |
     <----------------- 3567872 sectors (7307001856 bytes) ---------------->              |
     Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/05/29 00:00:00                                          |
     Timestamp of Mastering: 2009/06/17 03:40:01                                          |
     SS Version: 2 (trusted)                                                              |
     ------------------------------------------------------------------------             |
     CT RT CID Mod? Pad? Data          CD       Response   Angle Deviation                |
     -- -- --  --   --   ------------- -------- ---------- ----- ------------             |
     14    81  00   00                 2BBF3CA6 52B467C2                                  |
        03 81  00        04A9B0 04B9AF 2BBF3CA6 52B467C200                                |
     15    90  00   00                 B64D1AA4 EF0B342F                                  |
        01 90  00        20D7F0 20E7EF B64D1AA4 EF0B342F00                                |
     14    EF  00   00                 9F877F41 3D510A99                                  |
        03 EF  00        DF85F0 DF95EF 9F877F41 3D510A9900                                |
     15    C8  00   00                 752E560F 8718073F                                  |
        01 C8  00        FB5B70 FB6B6F 752E560F 8718073F00                                |
     24    63  0F   00                 80387766 80380001   1                              |
        07 63  00        04A9B0 04B72F 80387766 0100000100                                |
                         v1 deviation from CCRT            1      0   (00.0%)             |
                         v2 deviation from CCRT            1      0   (00.0%)             |
                         v1 deviation from v2                     0   (00.0%)             |
     25    0A  0F   00                 14BD89FB 14BD005B   91                             |
        05 0A  00        20D7F0 20E56F 14BD89FB 5B00005B00                                |
                         v1 deviation from CCRT            91     0   (00.0%)             |
                         v2 deviation from CCRT            91     0   (00.0%)             |
                         v1 deviation from v2                     0   (00.0%)             |
     24    9C  0F   00                 FEE27234 FEE200B5   181                            |
        07 9C  00        DF85F0 DF936F FEE27234 B40000B400                                |
                         v1 deviation from CCRT            180   -1   (00.6%)             |
                         v2 deviation from CCRT            180   -1   (00.6%)             |
                         v1 deviation from v2                     0   (00.0%)             |
     25    8C  0F   00                 03356594 0335010F   271                            |
        05 8C  00        FB5B70 FB68EF 03356594 0E01000E01                                |
                         v1 deviation from CCRT            270   -1   (00.6%)             |
                         v2 deviation from CCRT            270   -1   (00.6%)             |
                         v1 deviation from v2                     0   (00.0%)             |
     01    1E  00   00                 8121129E 598D11D5                                  |
        00 1E  00        CF598D 8611D5 00000000 0000000000                                |
     E0    58  00   00                 C1C1189F C023C5FE                                  |
        E0 58  00        14C023 22C5FE 00000000 0000000000                                |
     ------------------------------------------------------------------------             |
     CPR_MAI: 8121129E                                                                    |
     SS CRC = 791403E6 (RawSS = 97F3B432)                                                 |
     SS Media ID: F3B5D3A02D201AA59275BEBB-577753F3 (matches game)                        |
SS looks valid                                                                            |
Checking DMI                                                                              |
     Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/05/29 00:00:00 (matches SS)                             |
     Catalog Number: US-2076-01-W0-X11                                                    |
     DMI CRC = 0479C531                                                                   |
     DMI Media ID: F3B5D3A02D201AA59275BEBB-577753F3 (matches game)                       |
DMI looks valid                                                                           |
Checking PFI                                                                              |
     030000h ------- PSN ------> 03975Fh FC68A0h ------- PSN ------> FCFFDFh              |
     +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+              |
     |  L0 Data Area = 0038752 sectors  |  L1 Data Area = 0038720 sectors  |              |
     +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+              |
     0x0000000000 --------> 0x0004BAFFFF 0x01CE7F0000 --------> 0x01D338FFFF              |
     <----------------- 0077472 sectors (0158662656 bytes) ---------------->              |
     PFI CRC = 2A4CCBD3                                                                   |
PFI matches known data (3rd wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 or later)                       |
Video partition found                                                                     |
     Volume ID: "CD_ROM"                                                                  |
     Volume space size: 38690 sectors (79237120 bytes)                                    |
     Volume creation date & time: 2009/01/14 16:00:00 (GMT-08:00)                         |
     Video is zero padded                                                                 |
     Video CRC = 0E58FB9D (V0 = CF942E7B, V1 = 4809B37A)                                  |
Video partition matches known data (3rd wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 or later)           |
Stealth check passed!                                                                     |
Starting Verification                                                                     |
     Looking for 791403E6B9A0AE5B.ini in the online verified database                     |
     Server file 791403E6B9A0AE5B.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving           |
     Using 791403E6B9A0AE5B.ini (372 bytes):                                              |
[791403E6B9A0AE5B]                                                                        |
SS=791403E6                                                                               |
RawSS=D1C9D60F                                                                            |
PFI=2A4CCBD3                                                                              |
DMI=0479C531                                                                              |
RegionFlags=FFFFFFFF                                                                      |
V0=CF942E7B                                                                               |
V1=4809B37A                                                                               |
Video=0E58FB9D                                                                            |
Game=10B41225                                                                             |
XexHash=B9A0AE5B                                                                          |
MediaID=F3B5D3A02D201AA59275BEBB-577753F3                                                 |
DiscSource=Retail                                                                         |
GameName=Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood                                                   |
GamerTag=Stepto                                                                           |
DriveName=TS-H943A                                                                        |
DriveFW=iXtreme v1.6 0800 standalone                                                      |
Notes=XBC v2.9 0306                                                       |
     Video CRC matches                                                                    |
     V0    CRC matches                                                                    |
     V1    CRC matches                                                                    |
     PFI   CRC matches                                                                    |
     DMI   CRC matches                                                                    |
     SS    CRC matches                                                                    |
     Xex   CRC matches                                                                    |
     AnyDVD style corruption was not detected                                             |
     Game CRC = 10B41225 (matches)                                                        |
All CRCs match                                                                            |
Verification was successful!                                                              |
Comparing L1 Video on L0 to L1 Video on L1...                                             |
SplitVid is valid                                                                         |
L1 Video is zero padded                                                                   |
Group Notes:                                                                              |
Is it lame?  Or do kiddies just need to follow the rules?                                 |

This NFO File was rendered by

