- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-boot_camp_clik-casualties_of_war-2007-bbh_int.nfo 00-boot_camp_clik-casualties_of_war-2007-bbh_int

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  ????????      .   ????í┬?     ??í┬???      Presents      ????í┬?     ??í┬???   .      ????????
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?í┬??????   íº?????í┬?í┬??       Ice Cube - War & Peace Vol. I (the War Disc)   ???í┬?í┬????   ???????í┬
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????                                   info                                     ????
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?í┬????                 Year.............: 1998                                  ?????í┬
??í┬??                 Genre............: Rap                                   ???í┬?
  ??                 Release.Date.....: Mar-12-2003                           ??
                    Street.Date......: 000-00-0000
??                   Type.............: Album                                   ??
????                  Url..............: n/a                                    ????
????                  Label............: priority records                       ????
?í┬??                                                                            ???í┬
??í┬                                   notes                                    ?í┬?
??                                                                              ??
??                                                                              ??
??                   the war disc                                               ??
?í┬                                                                              ?í┬


        01. Ask About Me                                    [03:05]
        02. Pushin' Weight (Feat. Mr.Short Khop)            [04:34]
        03. Dr. Frankenstein                                [04:54]
        04. Fuck Dying (Feat. Korn)                         [04:03]
        05. War & Peace                                     [03:18]
        06. Ghetto Vet                                      [05:05]
        07. Greed                                           [04:28]
        08. Mp                                              [00:49]
        09. Cash Over Ass                                   [04:21]
        10. The Curse of Money (Feat. Mack 10)              [03:39]
        11. The Peckin' Order                               [03:20]
        12. Limos, Demos & Bimbos (Feat. Mr.Short Khop)     [03:51]
        13. Once Upon A Time in the Projects 2              [03:05]
        14. If I Was Fuckin' You                            [03:28]
            (Feat. Mr.Short Khop & K-Mac)
        15. X-Bitches                                       [04:59]
        16. Extradition                                     [04:44]
        17. 3 Strikes You in                                [04:28]
        18. Penitentiary                                    [04:12]
                                                            70:23 min

                                   about us

             eNT exists purely as a means for music to be shared.
        There is no place for leechers here .. this is run solely for those
         who are willing to help the group progress by ripping music which
               they feel others will enjoy, knowing that others are
                        doing the same for their benefit.

          If you agree with the above ideals and you would like to help
            eNT and its members expand their music collections, whilst
              having fun and downloading as many eNT rips as you want
               ...then join #eNT on EFnet, and message an active op.


This NFO File was rendered by

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  ????????      .   ????¡Â?     ??¡Â???      Presents      ????¡Â?     ??¡Â???   .      ????????
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  ????                                                                        ????
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????                                   info                                     ????
??????                               ??????????                                 ??????
?¡Â????                 Year.............: 1998                                  ?????¡Â
??¡Â??                 Genre............: Rap                                   ???¡Â?
  ??                 Release.Date.....: Mar-12-2003                           ??
                    Street.Date......: 000-00-0000
??                   Type.............: Album                                   ??
????                  Url..............: n/a                                    ????
????                  Label............: priority records                       ????
?¡Â??                                                                            ???¡Â
??¡Â                                   notes                                    ?¡Â?
??                                                                              ??
??                                                                              ??
??                   the war disc                                               ??
?¡Â                                                                              ?¡Â


        01. Ask About Me                                    [03:05]
        02. Pushin' Weight (Feat. Mr.Short Khop)            [04:34]
        03. Dr. Frankenstein                                [04:54]
        04. Fuck Dying (Feat. Korn)                         [04:03]
        05. War & Peace                                     [03:18]
        06. Ghetto Vet                                      [05:05]
        07. Greed                                           [04:28]
        08. Mp                                              [00:49]
        09. Cash Over Ass                                   [04:21]
        10. The Curse of Money (Feat. Mack 10)              [03:39]
        11. The Peckin' Order                               [03:20]
        12. Limos, Demos & Bimbos (Feat. Mr.Short Khop)     [03:51]
        13. Once Upon A Time in the Projects 2              [03:05]
        14. If I Was Fuckin' You                            [03:28]
            (Feat. Mr.Short Khop & K-Mac)
        15. X-Bitches                                       [04:59]
        16. Extradition                                     [04:44]
        17. 3 Strikes You in                                [04:28]
        18. Penitentiary                                    [04:12]
                                                            70:23 min

                                   about us

             eNT exists purely as a means for music to be shared.
        There is no place for leechers here .. this is run solely for those
         who are willing to help the group progress by ripping music which
               they feel others will enjoy, knowing that others are
                        doing the same for their benefit.

          If you agree with the above ideals and you would like to help
            eNT and its members expand their music collections, whilst
              having fun and downloading as many eNT rips as you want
               ...then join #eNT on EFnet, and message an active op.


This NFO File was rendered by

