- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: embrace.nfo embrace

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       |     "|_\                E M B R A C E       .        /_|"     |
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                       P r o u d l y . P r e s e n t s . .
                                 . _
        _________________________|( \.-.___________`-.___ _ ___________
       |                                                               |
       |                   TMPGEnc Xpress v4.7.4.299                   |
       |                          (c) TMPGEnc                          |
       | date       : 17 Jan, 2o1o        size     : 06 disks/5.00 MB  |
       | os         : WinAll              language : English           |
       | type       : Multimedia          release  : Incl.Keyfilemaker |
       | protection : Keyfile                                          |
       |_____________________________________________________________. |
       :    |                                                    .'    :
   ._  |    |__________________________________________________.       |  _.
   |/  |                                                               |  \|
   < __             [  r  e  l  e  a  s  e  .  i  n  f  o  ]            __ >
    \  |                                                               |  /
     \ |  TMPGEnc XPress gives you the freedom to take almost any      | /
      \|  video file and encode it to your desired file format         |/
       `  including DivX« HD, AVI, QuickTime, MPEG 4-ISO, H.264, DVD-  '
       .  Video, DVD-VR, HDV camcorder, Blu-ray Disc and much more.    .
       :  This powerful software provides you with functions and       :
       |  features ranging from a simple cut-editor tool to multiple   |
       |  powerful video filtering and effects. Now with NVIDIA CUDA   |
       |  support!                                                     |
       |                                                               |
       |  * Convert Almost Any Video File!                             |
       |  TMPGEnc XPress excels at converting video from one format    |
       |  to another. Got a Media Center recording that you'd like to  |
       |  convert to DivX? Or maybe you have a DivX file you'd like    |
       |  to convert to DVD-compliant MPEG? TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress can do  |
       |  it all, and you'll have complete control over the output     |
       |  settings. You can even make your own custom output           |
       |  settings!                                                    |
       |                                                               |
       |  * Edit Your Video                                            |
       |  TMPGEnc XPress includes plenty of tools to enhance your      |
       |  video. Use the cut-editor to cut out unwanted scenes. Add    |
       |  filters to correct color, crop the picture, resize,          |
       |  sharpen, deinterlace, reduce noise, and more!                |
       |                                                               |
       |  * NVIDIA CUDA Support!                                       |
       |  If you have a NVIDIA CUDA compatible graphics card, you can  |
       |  unleash the power of the GPU's multiple cores to crush the   |
       |  processing time for decoding and applying video filters!     |
       |                                                               |
       |  * Convert Your AVCHD Footage!                                |
       |  The popular AVCHD video format is now officially supported   |
       |  as an input source! Easily take your AVCHD footage and       |
       |  convert it to other video formats such as DVD-Video!         |
       |                                                               |
       |  * Blu-ray Disc Encoding!                                     |
       |  We've added a new output template for the Blu-ray Disc       |
       |  format! Convert your video into BDMV or BDAV compliant       |
       |  MPEG-2 video and maintain the quality of your high           |
       |  definition footage!                                          |
       |                                                               |
       |  * DivX HD 1080p Support!                                     |
       |  With support for the latest DivX encoder/decoder, you can    |
       |  output in full 1080p! Awesome DivX compression technology    |
       |  and full HD video! What more could you ask for?              |
       |                                                               |
       |  INSTALL NOTES:                                               |
       |                                                               |
       |  You should run the app at least once before generating a     |
       |  license!                                                     |
       |  Generate a keyfile using our keyfilemaker, after using the   |
       |  included patch.                                              |
       |                                                             __|__ __
       |_                      E n j o y . . .                      /\    \\ `
       |_|_____________________________________________________  __/  \____\\
                                                               )/\ \  /    /
         :::::::::::::::: [ g r o u p . i n f o ] :::::::::::  "  \_\/____/
        _ ____________________________________________________ _  /    /\
       |_|                                                       /____/  \
       |                                                         `"   \  /
       |  6000 releases! Another joyous anniversary for EMBRACE!  .____\/
       |  We exist to serve the scene with quality releases, and       |
       |  to help the scene maintain some vestige of its former self.  |
       |                                                               |
       |  A lot has changed since our last anniversary, and many of    |
       |  the things we have proposed back then seem to be finally     |
       |  getting accepted. The 0day scene is attempting to catch up   |
       |  with today's applications by proposing a new ruleset, and    |
       |  this is a good thing.                                        |
       |                                                               |
       |  Our main concern is still the future of our scene, and       |
       |  because of this we would like to invite and challenge the    |
  __ __|__      talented minds of the young generations. Join the      |
 ' //    /\     scene! Educate yourselves in the art of reverse        |
  //____/  \__  engineering. We welcome competition, and hope that     |
   \    \  / /  together, we can continue to tackle every protection.  |
    \____\/_/                                                          |
      /\    \                    E M B R A C E                       . |
     /  \____\            established in October 2000              .:: |
     \  /   "'                                              . .: .:::: |
      \/____. _ _______________________  ______________________________|
                                    __/ /_
                    [  g  r  e  e  |_  __/  i  n  g  s  ]
       i.___________________________/ /_______________________________.i
       |                                                               |
       |                                                               |
       :                 ACME ADDICTION NULL DI AiR                    :
       .                                                               .
       .      ... and to all our old members: may you one day find     .
     ' |          your way back to us! ...                             | `
     i |                                                               | i
   __| |_     From the sky we will rise and conquer like we did so    _| |___
  /\    __      many times before, we will show the spirit of ..      __    /\
 /  \__/\                   .......                                    /\__/  \
 \  /    \                   `:::'          ..                        /    \  /
  \/_     \         :::::: ::. ` .:: :::::: `: :::::: ::::::         /     _\/
    /      \___ _   : ...: :  `:'  : : ...:.   :    : :... :   _ ___/      \
    \      /        :..... : :. .: : :.....:   :....:      :        \      /
     \    /                   `:'                                    \    /
      \  /                   :. .:   E  M  B  R  A  C  E  !           \  /
       \/__ _                 `:'                                  _ __\/

This NFO File was rendered by

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      :::...             | \__________. .__________/ |             ...:::
      ::::::             |            | |            |             ::::::
    ::                _. |            | |            | ._                ::
   .              _ __\| |    _______.' `._______    | |/__ _              .
              ._________ |_  |____.   . .   .____|  _| _________.
             _|         \|            | |            |/         |_
           . \|          "            | |            "          |/ .
    .   _.i(\ \          '            | |            '          / /)i._   .
     """______|\                      ' `            .         /|______"""
       |     "|_\                E M B R A C E       .        /_|"     |
    ___|                  ____ _     _  ____________ i                 |___
  '    |                 |            |/            "|                 |    `
       !                 !            ._____________ '                 !
 _____________ ______ _______________/             /________________ __________
      _______//      | _______      /_______      /_____     ______/   _______/
            /     .  |/      _|   _/_     _/    _/     _     |               /
      _____/     /|  "  .    \_      |    \     '      |     `.__      _____/
 _______________/ |____/|_____|      |____|\____________________//_____________
       .   ___ /_____________________|               .               . .
       |   \  /          .           '               |          .___.' |
  . ___|_   \/           |__________.|           _ __|           `S!  _|___ .
       |/                ._          `.______________.             `. \|
       /                 |___ _                                      . \
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     /_|____________                                      .______..-' _|_\
       |____________|____________             ____________|____________|
                    |            |           |            |
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                                 .           .
                                 :           |
                                 |         _i|
                       _         |_____..i|_||
                      `'-.              "``-.!
                          `                  '
                       P r o u d l y . P r e s e n t s . .
                                 . _
        _________________________|( \.-.___________`-.___ _ ___________
       |                                                               |
       |                   TMPGEnc Xpress v4.7.4.299                   |
       |                          (c) TMPGEnc                          |
       | date       : 17 Jan, 2o1o        size     : 06 disks/5.00 MB  |
       | os         : WinAll              language : English           |
       | type       : Multimedia          release  : Incl.Keyfilemaker |
       | protection : Keyfile                                          |
       |_____________________________________________________________. |
       :    |                                                    .'    :
   ._  |    |__________________________________________________.       |  _.
   |/  |                                                               |  \|
   < __             [  r  e  l  e  a  s  e  .  i  n  f  o  ]            __ >
    \  |                                                               |  /
     \ |  TMPGEnc XPress gives you the freedom to take almost any      | /
      \|  video file and encode it to your desired file format         |/
       `  including DivX® HD, AVI, QuickTime, MPEG 4-ISO, H.264, DVD-  '
       .  Video, DVD-VR, HDV camcorder, Blu-ray Disc and much more.    .
       :  This powerful software provides you with functions and       :
       |  features ranging from a simple cut-editor tool to multiple   |
       |  powerful video filtering and effects. Now with NVIDIA CUDA   |
       |  support!                                                     |
       |                                                               |
       |  * Convert Almost Any Video File!                             |
       |  TMPGEnc XPress excels at converting video from one format    |
       |  to another. Got a Media Center recording that you'd like to  |
       |  convert to DivX? Or maybe you have a DivX file you'd like    |
       |  to convert to DVD-compliant MPEG? TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress can do  |
       |  it all, and you'll have complete control over the output     |
       |  settings. You can even make your own custom output           |
       |  settings!                                                    |
       |                                                               |
       |  * Edit Your Video                                            |
       |  TMPGEnc XPress includes plenty of tools to enhance your      |
       |  video. Use the cut-editor to cut out unwanted scenes. Add    |
       |  filters to correct color, crop the picture, resize,          |
       |  sharpen, deinterlace, reduce noise, and more!                |
       |                                                               |
       |  * NVIDIA CUDA Support!                                       |
       |  If you have a NVIDIA CUDA compatible graphics card, you can  |
       |  unleash the power of the GPU's multiple cores to crush the   |
       |  processing time for decoding and applying video filters!     |
       |                                                               |
       |  * Convert Your AVCHD Footage!                                |
       |  The popular AVCHD video format is now officially supported   |
       |  as an input source! Easily take your AVCHD footage and       |
       |  convert it to other video formats such as DVD-Video!         |
       |                                                               |
       |  * Blu-ray Disc Encoding!                                     |
       |  We've added a new output template for the Blu-ray Disc       |
       |  format! Convert your video into BDMV or BDAV compliant       |
       |  MPEG-2 video and maintain the quality of your high           |
       |  definition footage!                                          |
       |                                                               |
       |  * DivX HD 1080p Support!                                     |
       |  With support for the latest DivX encoder/decoder, you can    |
       |  output in full 1080p! Awesome DivX compression technology    |
       |  and full HD video! What more could you ask for?              |
       |                                                               |
       |  INSTALL NOTES:                                               |
       |                                                               |
       |  You should run the app at least once before generating a     |
       |  license!                                                     |
       |  Generate a keyfile using our keyfilemaker, after using the   |
       |  included patch.                                              |
       |                                                             __|__ __
       |_                      E n j o y . . .                      /\    \\ `
       |_|_____________________________________________________  __/  \____\\
                                                               )/\ \  /    /
         :::::::::::::::: [ g r o u p . i n f o ] :::::::::::  "  \_\/____/
        _ ____________________________________________________ _  /    /\
       |_|                                                       /____/  \
       |                                                         `"   \  /
       |  6000 releases! Another joyous anniversary for EMBRACE!  .____\/
       |  We exist to serve the scene with quality releases, and       |
       |  to help the scene maintain some vestige of its former self.  |
       |                                                               |
       |  A lot has changed since our last anniversary, and many of    |
       |  the things we have proposed back then seem to be finally     |
       |  getting accepted. The 0day scene is attempting to catch up   |
       |  with today's applications by proposing a new ruleset, and    |
       |  this is a good thing.                                        |
       |                                                               |
       |  Our main concern is still the future of our scene, and       |
       |  because of this we would like to invite and challenge the    |
  __ __|__      talented minds of the young generations. Join the      |
 ' //    /\     scene! Educate yourselves in the art of reverse        |
  //____/  \__  engineering. We welcome competition, and hope that     |
   \    \  / /  together, we can continue to tackle every protection.  |
    \____\/_/                                                          |
      /\    \                    E M B R A C E                       . |
     /  \____\            established in October 2000              .:: |
     \  /   "'                                              . .: .:::: |
      \/____. _ _______________________  ______________________________|
                                    __/ /_
                    [  g  r  e  e  |_  __/  i  n  g  s  ]
       i.___________________________/ /_______________________________.i
       |                                                               |
       |                                                               |
       :                 ACME ADDICTION NULL DI AiR                    :
       .                                                               .
       .      ... and to all our old members: may you one day find     .
     ' |          your way back to us! ...                             | `
     i |                                                               | i
   __| |_     From the sky we will rise and conquer like we did so    _| |___
  /\    __      many times before, we will show the spirit of ..      __    /\
 /  \__/\                   .......                                    /\__/  \
 \  /    \                   `:::'          ..                        /    \  /
  \/_     \         :::::: ::. ` .:: :::::: `: :::::: ::::::         /     _\/
    /      \___ _   : ...: :  `:'  : : ...:.   :    : :... :   _ ___/      \
    \      /        :..... : :. .: : :.....:   :....:      :        \      /
     \    /                   `:'                                    \    /
      \  /                   :. .:   E  M  B  R  A  C  E  !           \  /
       \/__ _                 `:'                                  _ __\/

This NFO File was rendered by

