- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-sondorgo_and_ferus_mustafov-in_concert-hu-2009-ethnic.nfo 00-sondorgo_and_ferus_mustafov-in_concert-hu-2009-ethnic

     │░█████▀▀▓██████ ███▓██████████ │░█████ ▓█████  ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▓████    ▀▀▀▀▀ │░█████▀▀▀▀▀████│
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            │▓                           - RELEASE NAME -
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
       █ .  │▓                Sondorgo and Ferus Mustafov  - In Concert                   █
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
         .  │▓
         ...│▒.............RELEASE_INFOs. . .
         .  │▓
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
       █ .  │▓  ▄  Artist........: Sondorgo and Ferus Mustafov pplier......: ETHNiC       █
       █ .  │▓  ▄  Title.........: In Concert             ▄  Ripper........: ETHNiC       █
       █ .  │▓  ▄  Rlz date......: 2010-01-31             ▄  Size .........: 62,7 MBb     █
       █ .  │▓  ▄  Quality.......: VBRkbps / Joint-Stereo ▄  Playtime......: 51:49 min    █
       █ .  │▓  ▄  Genre.........: Folk                                                   █
       █ .  │▓  ▄  Year..........: 2009                   ▄  Source........: CDDA         █
       █ .  │▓  ▄  Grabber.......: EAC                    ▄  Encoder.......: LAME         █
       █ .  │▓  ▄  Label.........: Sonodisc               ▄  Cat.num...... : SONDISC001   █
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
         .  │▓
         ...│▒.............TRACKs_LIST. . . .
         .  │▓
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
       █ .  │▓           01 - Kisacko Kolo                [05:10]                         █
       █ .  │▓           02 - Tikino                      [07:09]                         █
       █ .  │▓           03 - Meten                       [03:44]                         █
       █ .  │▓           04 - Makedonska Gajda            [03:30]                         █
       █ .  │▓           05 - Davolja                     [03:40]                         █
       █ .  │▓           06 - Dada Sali                   [05:34]                         █
       █ .  │▓           07 - Arabis                      [05:17]                         █
       █ .  │▓           08 - Staro Cunovo Oro            [05:22]                         █
       █ .  │▓           09 - K4                          [04:22]                         █
       █ .  │▓           10 - Lilino Oro                  [06:03]                         █
       █ .  │▓           11 - Ferus Solo                  [01:58]                         █
       █ .  │▓                                            ───────                         █
       █ .  │▓                                            51:49 Min                       █
       █ .  │▓                                             62,7 Mb                        █
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
         .  │▓
         ...│▒..........RIPPER_NOTEs... . . .
         .  │▓
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
       █ .  │▓                     █
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
       █ .  │▓ The Band says:                                                             █
       █ .  │▓ "The S÷nd÷rgo Ensemble was established in Szentendre, Hungary, in 1995. It █
       █ .  │▓ was on the basis of our family tradition and due to our attraction to      █
       █ .  │▓ Southern Slav folk music that we set the objective of cultivating this     █
       █ .  │▓ particularly rich and valuable tradition. It was during our secondary      █
       █ .  │▓ education years that we got to know each other and began playing music     █
       █ .  │▓ together. We strive to perform archaic folk music in a concert setup and   █
       █ .  │▓ to instrumentalise it in a way that is true to both reality and tradition. █
       █ .  │▓ We are currently studying the folk music collected by great Hungarian      █
       █ .  │▓ researchers of music such as BΘla Bart≤k and TihamΘr Vujicsics, as well as █
       █ .  │▓ the extant Southern Slav folk music tradition.                             █
       █ .  │▓ Our ensemble is classified as a tambur band occasionally complemented with █
       █ .  │▓ accordeon and flute.                                                       █
       █ .  │▓ To perform melodies from the Balkans, we sound various wind instruments    █
       █ .  │▓ such as clarinet, kaval and saxophone, a variety of drums like tarabuka    █
       █ .  │▓ and tapan, as well as a wealth of string instruments, e.g. litarka.        █
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
       █ .  │▓ Southern Slav folk music has developed an extraordinary treasure of        █
       █ .  │▓ melodies as a result of an interaction with various music traditions.      █
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
       █ .  │▓ This applies to Serbian and Croatian folk music in Hungary more than it    █
       █ .  │▓ does to folk music in the Balkans.                                         █
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
       █ .  │▓ All along, the Southern Slav ethnicities living in Hungary have been       █
       █ .  │▓ particularly isolated from each other. Consequently, the traditions that   █
       █ .  │▓ they treasure and maintain display a wide variety of differences, which is █
       █ .  │▓ demonstrated by the use of a wealth of musical instrument types and forms. █
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
       █ .  │▓ The first written record of the Southern Slav tambur dates from 1551, this █
       █ .  │▓ instrument being of Iranian and Turkish origin, used in a variety of forms █
       █ .  │▓ in the Balkan peninsula. Originally, the tambur was a solo instrument with █
       █ .  │▓ a small resonance volume and a long neck.                                  █
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
       █ .  │▓ It began to be updated in the 1800s with a long neck and a diatonic        █
       █ .  │▓ succession of sounds.                                                      █
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
       █ .  │▓ It was by the middle of the 1800s that the tambur family used today had    █
       █ .  │▓ evolved. They have four strings, a shorter neck and represent the          █
       █ .  │▓ so-called cromatic succession of sounds, classified as the SzerΘmsΘg type  █
       █ .  │▓ of instruments.                                                            █
       █ .  │▓ The first tambur band of amateur artists was set up by Pajo Kolaric, in    █
       █ .  │▓ EszΘk, in 1847."                                                           █
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
         .  │▓
         ...│▒............NEWs.&.CONTACTs. .
         .  │▓
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
       █ .  │▓   *  We looking for affils, rlzer and legit                                █
       █ .  │▓   *  WANTED : Anyone Who Thinks They Can contribute in ETHNiC              █
       █ .  │▓               Videos - Clips - Mp3s - ect...                               █
       █ .  │▓               from Africa, West Indies, Europe etc...                      █
       █ .  │▓   *  If you think you are one of those person, please contact us           █
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
       █ .  │▓   *  Contact E-Mail :  Find Us By Yourself.                                █
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
         .  │▓
         ...│▒.............GREETs....... . .
         .  │▓
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
       █ .  │▓                        ▄ All ethnic teams ▄                                █
       █ .  │▓               And everyone who love the wibe we share                      █
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
         .  │▓
         ...│▒............Ascii.By.SK... . .
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █
       █ .  │▓      ETHNiC..Don't hate, apreciate...             LAST UPDATED 03.2009     █
       █ .  │▓                                                                            █

This NFO File was rendered by


            ³²                           - RELEASE NAME -
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
       Û .  ³²                Sondorgo and Ferus Mustafov  - In Concert                   Û
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
         .  ³²
         ...³±.............RELEASE_INFOs. . .
         .  ³²
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
       Û .  ³²  Ü  Artist........: Sondorgo and Ferus Mustafov pplier......: ETHNiC       Û
       Û .  ³²  Ü  Title.........: In Concert             Ü  Ripper........: ETHNiC       Û
       Û .  ³²  Ü  Rlz date......: 2010-01-31             Ü  Size .........: 62,7 MBb     Û
       Û .  ³²  Ü  Quality.......: VBRkbps / Joint-Stereo Ü  Playtime......: 51:49 min    Û
       Û .  ³²  Ü  Genre.........: Folk                                                   Û
       Û .  ³²  Ü  Year..........: 2009                   Ü  Source........: CDDA         Û
       Û .  ³²  Ü  Grabber.......: EAC                    Ü  Encoder.......: LAME         Û
       Û .  ³²  Ü  Label.........: Sonodisc               Ü  Cat.num...... : SONDISC001   Û
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
         .  ³²
         ...³±.............TRACKs_LIST. . . .
         .  ³²
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
       Û .  ³²           01 - Kisacko Kolo                [05:10]                         Û
       Û .  ³²           02 - Tikino                      [07:09]                         Û
       Û .  ³²           03 - Meten                       [03:44]                         Û
       Û .  ³²           04 - Makedonska Gajda            [03:30]                         Û
       Û .  ³²           05 - Davolja                     [03:40]                         Û
       Û .  ³²           06 - Dada Sali                   [05:34]                         Û
       Û .  ³²           07 - Arabis                      [05:17]                         Û
       Û .  ³²           08 - Staro Cunovo Oro            [05:22]                         Û
       Û .  ³²           09 - K4                          [04:22]                         Û
       Û .  ³²           10 - Lilino Oro                  [06:03]                         Û
       Û .  ³²           11 - Ferus Solo                  [01:58]                         Û
       Û .  ³²                                            ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ                         Û
       Û .  ³²                                            51:49 Min                       Û
       Û .  ³²                                             62,7 Mb                        Û
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
         .  ³²
         ...³±..........RIPPER_NOTEs... . . .
         .  ³²
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
       Û .  ³²                     Û
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
       Û .  ³² The Band says:                                                             Û
       Û .  ³² "The Söndörgo Ensemble was established in Szentendre, Hungary, in 1995. It Û
       Û .  ³² was on the basis of our family tradition and due to our attraction to      Û
       Û .  ³² Southern Slav folk music that we set the objective of cultivating this     Û
       Û .  ³² particularly rich and valuable tradition. It was during our secondary      Û
       Û .  ³² education years that we got to know each other and began playing music     Û
       Û .  ³² together. We strive to perform archaic folk music in a concert setup and   Û
       Û .  ³² to instrumentalise it in a way that is true to both reality and tradition. Û
       Û .  ³² We are currently studying the folk music collected by great Hungarian      Û
       Û .  ³² researchers of music such as Béla Bartók and Tihamér Vujicsics, as well as Û
       Û .  ³² the extant Southern Slav folk music tradition.                             Û
       Û .  ³² Our ensemble is classified as a tambur band occasionally complemented with Û
       Û .  ³² accordeon and flute.                                                       Û
       Û .  ³² To perform melodies from the Balkans, we sound various wind instruments    Û
       Û .  ³² such as clarinet, kaval and saxophone, a variety of drums like tarabuka    Û
       Û .  ³² and tapan, as well as a wealth of string instruments, e.g. litarka.        Û
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
       Û .  ³² Southern Slav folk music has developed an extraordinary treasure of        Û
       Û .  ³² melodies as a result of an interaction with various music traditions.      Û
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
       Û .  ³² This applies to Serbian and Croatian folk music in Hungary more than it    Û
       Û .  ³² does to folk music in the Balkans.                                         Û
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
       Û .  ³² All along, the Southern Slav ethnicities living in Hungary have been       Û
       Û .  ³² particularly isolated from each other. Consequently, the traditions that   Û
       Û .  ³² they treasure and maintain display a wide variety of differences, which is Û
       Û .  ³² demonstrated by the use of a wealth of musical instrument types and forms. Û
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
       Û .  ³² The first written record of the Southern Slav tambur dates from 1551, this Û
       Û .  ³² instrument being of Iranian and Turkish origin, used in a variety of forms Û
       Û .  ³² in the Balkan peninsula. Originally, the tambur was a solo instrument with Û
       Û .  ³² a small resonance volume and a long neck.                                  Û
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
       Û .  ³² It began to be updated in the 1800s with a long neck and a diatonic        Û
       Û .  ³² succession of sounds.                                                      Û
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
       Û .  ³² It was by the middle of the 1800s that the tambur family used today had    Û
       Û .  ³² evolved. They have four strings, a shorter neck and represent the          Û
       Û .  ³² so-called cromatic succession of sounds, classified as the Szerémség type  Û
       Û .  ³² of instruments.                                                            Û
       Û .  ³² The first tambur band of amateur artists was set up by Pajo Kolaric, in    Û
       Û .  ³² Eszék, in 1847."                                                           Û
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
         .  ³²
         ...³±............NEWs.&.CONTACTs. .
         .  ³²
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
       Û .  ³²   *  We looking for affils, rlzer and legit                                Û
       Û .  ³²   *  WANTED : Anyone Who Thinks They Can contribute in ETHNiC              Û
       Û .  ³²               Videos - Clips - Mp3s - ect...                               Û
       Û .  ³²               from Africa, West Indies, Europe etc...                      Û
       Û .  ³²   *  If you think you are one of those person, please contact us           Û
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
       Û .  ³²   *  Contact E-Mail :  Find Us By Yourself.                                Û
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
         .  ³²
         ...³±.............GREETs....... . .
         .  ³²
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
       Û .  ³²                        Ü All ethnic teams Ü                                Û
       Û .  ³²               And everyone who love the wibe we share                      Û
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
         .  ³²
         ...³±............Ascii.By.SK... . .
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û
       Û .  ³²      ETHNiC..Don't hate, apreciate...             LAST UPDATED 03.2009     Û
       Û .  ³²                                                                            Û

This NFO File was rendered by

