- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file:

                        ___._     )) hUSHhUSH ((        ___.\_ _
            ____.    __(_   '\_     _____   ____.    __(_   '\_     _____
        ____)  '/___/   / _   / ____)   /___)  '/___/   / _   / ____)   /
      _/  _/  _/  _/  _/  )__/_/  _/  _/  _/  _/  _/  _/  )__/_/  _/  _/
   _ _\   \   \   \   \____   \   \   \   \   \   \   \____   \   \   \__ _
    \\__   __  \   \   \/  \   \   __  \   __  \   \   \/  \   \   __   _\\
     2o!\___\   \_____  \_____  \___\   \___\   \_____  \_____  \___\   \_

                         hiTS yAR sTiNKY fACE wiTH ...


 Genre...: BDSM
 Format..: MPEG-4 (1280x720)
 Duration: 48mn 11s

         .-.                                                        .-.
        -+-'  __ ________ _ ___                  ___ _ ________ __  `-+-
         :  .-'//'           `(__   RELEASE    __)'           `\\`-.  :
        .`--'                   )\_ NOTES..  _/(                   `--'.


 Date: Feb 2, 2010
 Performers: Felony

 Here is the edited version of the intense live Voyeur View in which Felony
 flooded the Armory!

 Strung up & overloaded over & over again Felony is made to endure gut
 wrenching orgasms in the most exposing positions. At one point she is so
 deep in a rolling orgasm on the Sybian that she doesn't even feel the
 zipper being ripped off her tender flesh. In two scenes she squirts so much
 that the flood she creates matched the real flood we had on our original
 set! No worries, she is made to clean up her mess...

         .-.                                                        .-.
         +-'  __ ________ _ ___                  ___ _ ________ __  `-+
         :  .-'//'           `(__    GROUP     __)'           `\\`-.  :
        .`--'                   )\_  NEWS..  _/(                   `--'.
       :                                                                :
      .:                                                                :.
      |`   hUSHhUSH - Don't say a word!                                 '|
      |                                                                  |
      |    So you like gothic styled bdsm piss picsets of some           |
      |    bloodsplattered bitch getting her tit bound so hard they      |
      |    turn blue? I think you know what grp you need to affil        |
      |    on your site then...                                          |
      |.                                hUSHhUSH - We're different!     .|
      |.                                                                .|
      `: .-.                                                        .-. :'
       `-+-'  __ ________ _ ___                  ___ _ ________ __  `-+-'
         :  .-'//'           `(__  RESPECT &   __)'           `\\`-.  :
        .`--'                   )\_ GREETZ.. _/(                   `--'.
       :                                                                :
      .:                                                                :.
      |`                     GN koCZka RACiM XXX4U                     '|
      |                                                                 |
      |                 AEROHOLiCS bASS BERC gEm gF GREiD               |
    ..|.                                                               .|...
   :  |'               HERiTAGE JFK LMi MiSFiTS mwnd PsyCZ              `|  :
   : -'                                                                  `- :
 .-:-.                            ARiDWEED CRO                            .-:-.
 | `-'                                                                    `-' |
 |      __   __ __                  __    __                  __ __   __      |
 `----.-'/___\ \\ \ __________ ___   )\/\/(   ___ __________ / // /___\`-.----'
  -2o!'      (_/(_/       _ _// `(__ \_\/_/ __)' \\_ _       \_)\_)      `CRO-
                                   )\_ \/ _/(

This NFO File was rendered by

                        ___._     )) hUSHhUSH ((        ___.\_ _
            ____.    __(_   '\_     _____   ____.    __(_   '\_     _____
        ____)  '/___/   / _   / ____)   /___)  '/___/   / _   / ____)   /
      _/  _/  _/  _/  _/  )__/_/  _/  _/  _/  _/  _/  _/  )__/_/  _/  _/
   _ _\   \   \   \   \____   \   \   \   \   \   \   \____   \   \   \__ _
    \\__   __  \   \   \/  \   \   __  \   __  \   \   \/  \   \   __   _\\
     2o!\___\   \_____  \_____  \___\   \___\   \_____  \_____  \___\   \_

                         hiTS yAR sTiNKY fACE wiTH ...


 Genre...: BDSM
 Format..: MPEG-4 (1280x720)
 Duration: 48mn 11s

         .-.                                                        .-.
        -+-'  __ ________ _ ___                  ___ _ ________ __  `-+-
         :  .-'//'           `(__   RELEASE    __)'           `\\`-.  :
        .`--'                   )\_ NOTES..  _/(                   `--'.


 Date: Feb 2, 2010
 Performers: Felony

 Here is the edited version of the intense live Voyeur View in which Felony
 flooded the Armory!

 Strung up & overloaded over & over again Felony is made to endure gut
 wrenching orgasms in the most exposing positions. At one point she is so
 deep in a rolling orgasm on the Sybian that she doesn't even feel the
 zipper being ripped off her tender flesh. In two scenes she squirts so much
 that the flood she creates matched the real flood we had on our original
 set! No worries, she is made to clean up her mess...

         .-.                                                        .-.
         +-'  __ ________ _ ___                  ___ _ ________ __  `-+
         :  .-'//'           `(__    GROUP     __)'           `\\`-.  :
        .`--'                   )\_  NEWS..  _/(                   `--'.
       :                                                                :
      .:                                                                :.
      |`   hUSHhUSH - Don't say a word!                                 '|
      |                                                                  |
      |    So you like gothic styled bdsm piss picsets of some           |
      |    bloodsplattered bitch getting her tit bound so hard they      |
      |    turn blue? I think you know what grp you need to affil        |
      |    on your site then...                                          |
      |.                                hUSHhUSH - We're different!     .|
      |.                                                                .|
      `: .-.                                                        .-. :'
       `-+-'  __ ________ _ ___                  ___ _ ________ __  `-+-'
         :  .-'//'           `(__  RESPECT &   __)'           `\\`-.  :
        .`--'                   )\_ GREETZ.. _/(                   `--'.
       :                                                                :
      .:                                                                :.
      |`                     GN koCZka RACiM XXX4U                     '|
      |                                                                 |
      |                 AEROHOLiCS bASS BERC gEm gF GREiD               |
    ..|.                                                               .|...
   :  |'               HERiTAGE JFK LMi MiSFiTS mwnd PsyCZ              `|  :
   : -'                                                                  `- :
 .-:-.                            ARiDWEED CRO                            .-:-.
 | `-'                                                                    `-' |
 |      __   __ __                  __    __                  __ __   __      |
 `----.-'/___\ \\ \ __________ ___   )\/\/(   ___ __________ / // /___\`-.----'
  -2o!'      (_/(_/       _ _// `(__ \_\/_/ __)' \\_ _       \_)\_)      `CRO-
                                   )\_ \/ _/(

This NFO File was rendered by

