- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-soylent--green_yellow_blue__xamp_v05_-vinyl-1996-dl.nfo 00-soylent--green_yellow_blue__xamp_v05_-vinyl-1996-dl
: . . ╡╡╡╡_____╡╡___ . __µw╪#╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪m╡__ _w╪W&µ╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪µ_ : µ#╢µ╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪#w . ╞╪W╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪w ╖ ╖ ╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪m_ ╖ ╖ ╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╤╤╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╝ : : ╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪P" ¼╢╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪ML: : #╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╪╤P" ¼╢╪╤╪╪╪╪╪╪╪F ª ª ]╪╪╪╪╪╪╪#░"_ _µ╪╪╪╪«╪╪╪ | | J╪╪╪╪«_╡╞╪╪╪╪m__ _╡╪╪#*Q`╪╪╪F ª ª ╢╪╪#╤░░░░╪╪╪╪╪╪m ,╪╪╪╪L ¼b╢╪╪╡w ╖ ╖╡µ╪╪╪Q`L ╪╪╪__"╢#_ _#╢╪╪╪L╡╡¼#╪╪M╞ °M╪╪╪╪╪╪╪# ╤╪╪╪╪f ' ╢╪╪╪╪K ╞╪╪#╞░\_ _#L_╢╪╪╪╪╪_4_ ╢#M░ _' _ " ,M╪╪╪▐ ¼\, ╞ ░w╢╪╪╪╪# t_ ╡" `. ___╡P ╤╪╪ b ╞ ░4╞╤#░P "░^=*P ¼░" _╞╪Q JL__ JP ╢╤╪K _╡╪╪#░ _J╪╪╪▐ d ¼╢╪╪w__ .___, _µ╪╪╪# _,ñ╪ñ░~ *╪╪m ╢╪╪╢#_ »" _#╢#╤#mP╢╢*P" ░╢╤X****maav^░░ ╢, µ╪m µ~⌐Mt ╖ : ¼\ ╢╤░ d : .-----------------' ¼*m*****.w# `-----------------. | | | unsupervised acid trips and scene error | | »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» | _ ____ | \\\ \_ _ _____ ____ __ ____ ! ._\_ \_(_/__ / /__/ /________________ __(_/__-Disc0LjUS/ /___ ._ | / \ __/__\ \ \ \ _ / /___\_ /___ ______\ \\\\ !_______/ / / // /____/____/ \ \ / _/ / /_\_ // /. .- ---/____/__________/---- ---\________\___/ ___/ / /___________/-. |_ _. \_____/ \_______/ ._ _| |//________)| |(_______\\: __| % purchased pr0cessed enc0ded and released % |__ __ _) (_ __ __) \ _\ Soylent - Green Yellow Blue (XAMP V05) /_ / (__ ____\ \\\\______________________________________________________//// /____ \ \\ // / \___\\_\\ [%] producer..... Soylent //_//___/ \. [%] drug......... Green Yellow Blue (XAMP V05) ./ | | | [>] source....... Vinyl | | [>] effect....... Trance | | [>] bi-effect.... Maxi | | | | [>] drug.plateu.. 21:18 min | | [>] drug.solution 35,8 mb per ml | | [>] bulk.size.... 03 injections | | | | [>] label........ Championsound | | [>] XAMP - V05 | | [>] year......... 1996 | | | | [╗] encoder...... LAME 3.90.3 (modified) --APS | | off. mp3 rules 11. Encoding pt. 2 Encoders | | [╗] quality...... VBR/44,1kHz/Joint-Stereo | | | | [+] 00.00.0000 | | [+] 08.07.2008 | | | | [>] | | | | _:___ _ _______ + R E V I E W + | |_\_ \_____ __///__ / __ ____ ______| __ _/ / / / ____\_ / /_(_// / ___ ______ / _//_/ __\ \ \__ // / / / / // /_ // /:| \_\\___\ \_\________\______/____/\__________/ /\ _ /::| |::|:\_____\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/_____/_// /:::| |::|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/____/::::| |::| |::| |::| |. | | .| |::| |::|. | .| |. | \ |::| ______|_____\__ |::| ( (.-----. __ )___í__ _ _ __:________.::| \ \\____í((_)/ | ! |::| \__\________/ | TURN ON, TUNE IN, DROP OUT | |::| `' `|::: `' | | |::| _ _í_________|_ _ _ _|________:_ _ ! | | 01 Green 09:33 | | 02 Yellow 06:32 | | 03 Blue 05:13 | |__________________________________________________| __________________________________________________ | | | ... ... | | ::╖ | | :: | | this is just a substitute of real music . | | .: | | buy the original! :: | | . .::: | |_____________________________________ _ ______ ___| | ___ _____ _______ / /____:__ | Disc0LjUS_/ \___/ / _____\_ // / \ _/ : NEWS \ _ \ // / /\ _ / __\ \ :_____ ___ /___/ \__________/_____/_// / // . \ | \______/ /____//_______:_/ | | | | | WHO CAN WRITE ANYTHING THESE DAYS? | | STOP LEAKING RELEASES TO PUBLIC! | |__________________________________________________| | | : _ | | . _( )_ . -╖- _ | . ░o (_____) _____________í____//_ _________ .:░ . : ╖ __\ _ /_ __/__/ __ / ░ o . : _______ \ \ _ _// / /__ / __///__ . ╖ _ __.__\ __ \ \_\ \ \\_ // / / / /_ /// /______ _ \\\_\ \ \\\\ \ \_\ \ \\\ / / / /// _ / / /_/// :\_\/\____\/__\ \ / /__/ / // /\/__/ : \__\ /_/ \/_________/ : : \_______/ : : : : love to those who treats us with mind expansion : : : : : : last update 2008-01-26 [%] we love you all : : nfo by (t^/⌐Mt) « Divine Stylers 1995-2008 : :..................................................: ____________________________________________________ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU! ____________________________________________________ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: This NFO File was rendered by
: . . µµµµ_____µµ___ . __æwØ#ØØØØØØØØØØØØmµ__ _wØW&æØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØæ_ : æ#¶æØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ#w . ÆØWØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØw · · ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØm_ · · ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØÑÑØØØØØØØØØØØØؼ : : ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØP" ¬¶ØØØØØØØØØØØML: : #ØØØØØØØØØØØÑP" ¬¶ØÑØØØØØØØF ¦ ¦ ]ØØØØØØØ#°"_ _æØØØØ®ØØØ | | JØØØØ®_µÆØØØØm__ _µØØ#*Q`ØØØF ¦ ¦ ¶ØØ#Ñ°°°°ØØØØØØm ,ØØØØL ¬b¶Øصw · ·µæØØØQ`L ØØØ__"¶#_ _#¶ØØØLµµ¬#ØØMÆ øMØØØØØØØ# ÑØØØØf ' ¶ØØØØK ÆØØ#Æ°\_ _#L_¶ØØØØØ_4_ ¶#M° _' _ " ,MØØØÞ ¬\, Æ °w¶ØØØØ# t_ µ" `. ___µP ÑØØ b Æ °4ÆÑ#°P "°^=*P ¬°" _ÆØQ JL__ JP ¶ÑØK _µØØ#° _JØØØÞ d ¬¶ØØw__ .___, _æØØØ# _,¤Ø¤°~ *ØØm ¶Øض#_ ¯" _#¶#Ñ#mP¶¶*P" °¶ÑX****maav^°° ¶, æØm æ~©Mt · : ¬\ ¶Ñ° d : .-----------------' ¬*m*****.w# `-----------------. | | | unsupervised acid trips and scene error | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | _ ____ | \\\ \_ _ _____ ____ __ ____ ! ._\_ \_(_/__ / /__/ /________________ __(_/__-Disc0LjUS/ /___ ._ | / \ __/__\ \ \ \ _ / /___\_ /___ ______\ \\\\ !_______/ / / // /____/____/ \ \ / _/ / /_\_ // /. .- ---/____/__________/---- ---\________\___/ ___/ / /___________/-. |_ _. \_____/ \_______/ ._ _| |//________)| |(_______\\: __| % purchased pr0cessed enc0ded and released % |__ __ _) (_ __ __) \ _\ Soylent - Green Yellow Blue (XAMP V05) /_ / (__ ____\ \\\\______________________________________________________//// /____ \ \\ // / \___\\_\\ [%] producer..... Soylent //_//___/ \. [%] drug......... Green Yellow Blue (XAMP V05) ./ | | | [>] source....... Vinyl | | [>] effect....... Trance | | [>] bi-effect.... Maxi | | | | [>] drug.plateu.. 21:18 min | | [>] drug.solution 35,8 mb per ml | | [>] bulk.size.... 03 injections | | | | [>] label........ Championsound | | [>] XAMP - V05 | | [>] year......... 1996 | | | | [»] encoder...... LAME 3.90.3 (modified) --APS | | off. mp3 rules 11. Encoding pt. 2 Encoders | | [»] quality...... VBR/44,1kHz/Joint-Stereo | | | | [+] 00.00.0000 | | [+] 08.07.2008 | | | | [>] | | | | _:___ _ _______ + R E V I E W + | |_\_ \_____ __///__ / __ ____ ______| __ _/ / / / ____\_ / /_(_// / ___ ______ / _//_/ __\ \ \__ // / / / / // /_ // /:| \_\\___\ \_\________\______/____/\__________/ /\ _ /::| |::|:\_____\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/_____/_// /:::| |::|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/____/::::| |::| |::| |::| |. | | .| |::| |::|. | .| |. | \ |::| ______|_____\__ |::| ( (.-----. __ )___¡__ _ _ __:________.::| \ \\____¡((_)/ | ! |::| \__\________/ | TURN ON, TUNE IN, DROP OUT | |::| `' `|::: `' | | |::| _ _¡_________|_ _ _ _|________:_ _ ! | | 01 Green 09:33 | | 02 Yellow 06:32 | | 03 Blue 05:13 | |__________________________________________________| __________________________________________________ | | | ... ... | | ::· | | :: | | this is just a substitute of real music . | | .: | | buy the original! :: | | . .::: | |_____________________________________ _ ______ ___| | ___ _____ _______ / /____:__ | Disc0LjUS_/ \___/ / _____\_ // / \ _/ : NEWS \ _ \ // / /\ _ / __\ \ :_____ ___ /___/ \__________/_____/_// / // . \ | \______/ /____//_______:_/ | | | | | WHO CAN WRITE ANYTHING THESE DAYS? | | STOP LEAKING RELEASES TO PUBLIC! | |__________________________________________________| | | : _ | | . _( )_ . -·- _ | . °o (_____) _____________¡____//_ _________ .:° . : · __\ _ /_ __/__/ __ / ° o . : _______ \ \ _ _// / /__ / __///__ . · _ __.__\ __ \ \_\ \ \\_ // / / / /_ /// /______ _ \\\_\ \ \\\\ \ \_\ \ \\\ / / / /// _ / / /_/// :\_\/\____\/__\ \ / /__/ / // /\/__/ : \__\ /_/ \/_________/ : : \_______/ : : : : love to those who treats us with mind expansion : : : : : : last update 2008-01-26 [%] we love you all : : nfo by (t^/©Mt) ® Divine Stylers 1995-2008 : :..................................................: ____________________________________________________ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU! ____________________________________________________ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: This NFO File was rendered by