- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: i-to220701.nfo i-to220701

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          ,8 d8P       8  Rls Date : 25/02/10        88   :8
          d: 8P       ,:  Type     : Tech Bookware  :88   :8
          8',8:,d     d'  Supplier : iNK H0RN       :8:   :8
         ,8,8P'8'    ,8   Disks    : 1 DVD           8'   :8
         :8`' d'     d'   Archive  : i-to220701      8'   p:
         `8  ,P     :8    # Files  : 58 x 50 MB     :8:   p:
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     :  TestOut - CompTIA 2009 A+ Essentials : 220-701



     The CompTIA A+ Essentials exam (220-701), measures the necessary
     competencies of an entry-level IT professional. It tests for the
     fundamentals of computer technology, networking and security, as well
     as the communication skills and professionalism now required of all
     entry-level IT professionals.

     :  Follow the instructions in ink-readme.txt

  8                                                                       8
  8                                                                       8
  8  :  INSTALLATION                                                      8
  8                                                                       8
  8    a. Extract                                                         8
  8    b. Mount/Burn                                                      8
  8    c. Play & Learn                                                    8
  8                                                                       8
  8                                                                       8


        DDUiSO .. JGTiSO .. AG .. CFE .. LiBiSO

This NFO File was rendered by

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           8 ,88P'     d'                            88   :8
          ,8 d8P       8  Rls Date : 25/02/10        88   :8
          d: 8P       ,:  Type     : Tech Bookware  :88   :8
          8',8:,d     d'  Supplier : iNK H0RN       :8:   :8
         ,8,8P'8'    ,8   Disks    : 1 DVD           8'   :8
         :8`' d'     d'   Archive  : i-to220701      8'   p:
         `8  ,P     :8    # Files  : 58 x 50 MB     :8:   p:
          8, `      d8.                             :8:   8:
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     :  TestOut - CompTIA 2009 A+ Essentials : 220-701



     The CompTIA A+ Essentials exam (220-701), measures the necessary
     competencies of an entry-level IT professional. It tests for the
     fundamentals of computer technology, networking and security, as well
     as the communication skills and professionalism now required of all
     entry-level IT professionals.

     :  Follow the instructions in ink-readme.txt

  8                                                                       8
  8                                                                       8
  8  :  INSTALLATION                                                      8
  8                                                                       8
  8    a. Extract                                                         8
  8    b. Mount/Burn                                                      8
  8    c. Play & Learn                                                    8
  8                                                                       8
  8                                                                       8


        DDUiSO .. JGTiSO .. AG .. CFE .. LiBiSO

This NFO File was rendered by

