- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: tv_test_nfo.nfo tv_test_nfo

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Font Name: Barbwire
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Font Name: Basic


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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Font Name: Bent
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
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                                                                                   Font Name: Big Chief
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Font Name: Big Money-ne
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Font Name: Big Money-nw
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Font Name: Big Money-se
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 42 of 309

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Font Name: Big Money-sw
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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                                                             Font Name: Big
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 45 of 309

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Font Name: Binary
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 46 of 309

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Name: Blest
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
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Name: Boie
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 50 of 309

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Name: Boie2
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.


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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 57 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 58 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 59 of 309

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Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 60 of 309

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Font Name: Caligraphy
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Font Name: Caligraphy2
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 62 of 309

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Name: Cards
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 63 of 309

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Font Name: Catwalk
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 64 of 309

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Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 65 of 309

 l»»»»»l   /»»l\»»\    l»»l)»»)  l»»l)»»)  l»»(\__\  l»»\l»»l   l»»»»»l    \»»\   /»»/'  /»»/l»»læ >>
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Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 66 of 309

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Font Name: Cheese
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 67 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 68 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 69 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 70 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 71 of 309

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Name: Colossal
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 72 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 73 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 74 of 309

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Name: Contrast
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 75 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 76 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 77 of 309

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                                                                            Font Name: Crawford2
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 78 of 309

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`-'  `--'        `'-'   Font Name: Crazy
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 79 of 309

  _______                                   __    ___ ___                __  __
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                                                                                  Font Name: Cricket
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 80 of 309

  ______                      _    _         _
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(_/  (_)/ (_/ (_</_/ / <_<__   \/(_/|_(_/_</_<__

                                                 Font Name: Cursive
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 81 of 309

 _______  _____   ______  ______ _______ __   _ _______ _    _ _______ _     _        _______
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                                                                                             Font Name: >>
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 82 of 309

___ ____ ____ ____ ____ _  _ ___ _  _ ____ _  _ _    ___
 |  |  | |__/ |__/ |___ |\ |  |  |  | |__| |  | |     |
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                                                         Font Name: Cybermedium
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 83 of 309

 ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ _ ___ _  _ ____ _  _ _    ___
  |  [__] |--< |--< |=== | \|  |   \/  |--| |__| |___  | Font Name: Cybersmall
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 84 of 309

---               . . .       . .
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                                  Font Name: Cygnet
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 85 of 309

'\   /`\O/\O/  \O/  \O/    O/'\   /`  O/# \O/    \O   |_O'\   /`
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 86 of 309

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            Font Name: DWhistled
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 87 of 309

          _.╖-╖.╕_'      /( '       ╕.╖┤`╖. '   (»»¿*╖~-.,╕ ░   (»»¿*╖~-.,╕ ░    ╕.╖ùûû-╖._)`╖. '' >>
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Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 88 of 309

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(_")("_)__) (__) Font Name: Dancing Font
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 89 of 309

84 111 114 114 101 110 116 86 97 117 108 116 Font Name: Decimal
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 90 of 309

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Font Name: Def Leppard
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 91 of 309

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Font Name: Diamond
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 92 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 93 of 309

 +-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-+Font Name: Digital
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 94 of 309

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      TT:::::::TT   o:::::ooooo:::::o r:::::r             r:::::r            e::::::::e            n::::n >>
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      TTTTTTTTTTT      ooooooooooo    rrrrrrr             rrrrrrr                eeeeeeeeeeeeee    nnnnnn >>
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Font Name: Doh
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 95 of 309

 _____                         _   _   _             _ _
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                                                           Font Name: Doom
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 96 of 309

    _  _  _  _  _                                                                    _        _ >>
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(_)(_)(_)  (_) (_)(_)(_) (_)(_)(_)(_)  (_)(_)

Font Name: Dot Matrix
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 97 of 309

_____  _____  _____ _____ _____ __  __ _____ __ __  ___  __ __ __    _____
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 98 of 309

 ______   ___   ____  ____   ____ __  __ ______ __ __  ___  __ __ __    ______
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                                                                              Font Name: Double
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 99 of 309

 ___                           _    _ _            _    _
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                                                            Font Name: Dr Pepper
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 100 of 309

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#########    "    ###########################Font Name: Efti Chess
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 101 of 309

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                                    Font Name: Efti Font
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 102 of 309

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                                              Font Name: Efti Italic
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 103 of 309

____     _ _
                Font Name: Efti Piti
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 104 of 309

 _____                        _   _  _            _  _
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                                                        Font Name: Efti Robot
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 105 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 106 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 107 of 309

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Name: Epic
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 108 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 109 of 309

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Font Name: Filter
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 110 of 309

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Font 111 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 112 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 113 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 114 of 309

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Font Name: Flower Power
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 115 of 309

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Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 116 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 117 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 118 of 309

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Fun Face
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 119 of 309

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Fun Faces
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 120 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 121 of 309

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Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 122 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 123 of 309

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                                                                                                   Font >>
Name: Georgia11
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 124 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 125 of 309

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Font Name: Ghoulish
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 126 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 127 of 309

 '/»/|»|\»\░ '/»/|»|  |»|\»\  |»|\»\  '/»/|»|  |»|\»\ ' '/»/|»|\»\░ |»|   /»/  |_|\»\ ' |»| |»|  |»| >>
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Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 128 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 129 of 309

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                                                                           Font Name: Gothic
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 130 of 309

 ____  __  ____  ____  ____  __ _  ____  _  _   __   _  _  __   ____
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 (__) \__/(__\_)(__\_)(____)\_)__) (__)  \__/ \_/\_/\____/\____/(__) Font Name: Graceful
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 131 of 309

Font Name: Gradient
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 132 of 309

___________                                  __  ____   ____              .__    __
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                                   \/     \/                     \/                   Font Name: Graffiti
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 133 of 309

 _____                                             __
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          |_|   |_|                 (__/                    Font Name: Greek
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 134 of 309

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'»»»»»»»»│  »»»»»»» '                                           '    Font Name: HeX's Font
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 135 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 136 of 309

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                                                                         Font Name: Heart Right
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 137 of 309

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Font Name: Hellfire
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 138 of 309

  ____                                                 _      _  _                      __   _
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                                                                                                  Font >>
Name: Henry 3D
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 139 of 309

54 6F 72 72 65 6E 74 56 61 75 6C 74 Font Name: Hex
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 140 of 309

                                                           <~)_   ,-~~\    <~)_     ,-.       ,-.
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Font Name: Hieroglyphs
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 141 of 309

      __                                                        _
     (  ~-_ /'                                               /'' )       )                   /'  /'
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                                                                                                   Font >>
Name: Hollywood
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 142 of 309

 _         _______   _______   _______   _______   _______   _         _____      ______   ______ >>
_______   _
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\_| |_\

Font Name: Horizontal Left
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 143 of 309

       _   _______   _______   _______   _______   _______         _     _____   ______     ______ >>
_______         _
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Font Name: Horizontal Right
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 144 of 309

    *   *
 *** *    *
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  **        Font Name: ICL-1900
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 145 of 309

       _            _            _           _           _            _           _      _          _ >>
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\_\/       \/_________/ \/_/    \_\/\/_/    \_\/\/__________/\/_/     \/_/ \_\/               \_\/ \_\___\ >>
/____/_/\/_________/ \_______\/    \_\/
Font Name: Impossible
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 146 of 309

    ______)                 __    __)
   (, /                    (, )  /          /)
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  ) /   (_)/ (_/ (__(/_/ (_(__|/  (_(_(_(_(/_ (__
 (_/                          |
                                                  Font Name: Invita
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 147 of 309

      ___           ___           ___           ___           ___           ___           ___ >>
___           ___           ___           ___       ___
     /\  \         /\  \         /\  \         /\  \         /\  \         /\__\         /\  \ >>
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___   /::\~\:\  \   /:/  /  ___   /:/  /        /::\  \
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\/__/         \/__/         \/__/              Font Name: Isometric1
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 148 of 309

                    ___           ___           ___           ___           ___ >>
___           ___
                   /\  \         /\  \         /\  \         /\__\         /\  \ >>
___          /\  \         /\  \
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~~~~           \/__/         \/__/         \/__/           \/__/  Font Name: Isometric2
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 149 of 309

                  ___           ___           ___           ___           ___ >>
___           ___
      ___        /  /\         /  /\         /  /\         /  /\         /__/\          ___         ___ >>
/  /\         /__/\                        ___
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                 \__\/         \__\/         \__\/         \__\/         \__\/ >>
~~~~       \__\/         \__\/                              Font Name: Isometric3
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 150 of 309

                    ___           ___           ___           ___           ___ >>
___           ___           ___
      ___          /  /\         /  /\         /  /\         /  /\         /  /\          ___ >>
___          /  /\         /  /\         /  /\      ___
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___  /__/:/\:\_\:\ /__/:/     /\ /__/:/         /  /::\
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                   \__\/         \__\|         \__\|         \__\/         \__\/ >>
~~~~        \__\/         \__\/         \__\/              Font Name: Isometric4
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 151 of 309

 /   _ _ _  _/(  /_   /_/
( ()/ / (-/)/ |_/(/(/( /
                          Font Name: Italic
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 152 of 309

  _   _            __     ___                            _____
 | |_| |_   _  __ _\ \   / / |_ _ __   ___ _ __ _ __ ___|_   _|
 | __| | | | |/ _` |\ \ / /| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__| '__/ _ \ | |
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  \__|_|\__,_|\__,_|  \_/   \__|_| |_|\___|_|  |_|  \___/ |_|
                                                               Font Name: Ivrit
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 153 of 309

 _____  ____ _____ _____  ____  __  _  _____ __  __ ____  __ __  _    _____
|_   _|/ () \| () )| () )| ===||  \| ||_   _|\ \/ // () \|  |  || |__|_   _|
  |_|  \____/|_|\_\|_|\_\|____||_|\__|  |_|   \__//__/\__\\___/ |____| |_|  Font Name: JS Block Letters
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 154 of 309

 .---.  .----. .----. .----. .----..-. .-. .---. .-. .-.  .--.  .-. .-..-.  .---.
{_   _}/  {}  \| {}  }| {}  }| {_  |  `| |{_   _}| | | | / {} \ | { } || | {_   _}
  | |  \      /| .-. \| .-. \| {__ | |\  |  | |  \ \_/ //  /\  \| {_} || `--.| |
  `-'   `----' `-' `-'`-' `-'`----'`-' `-'  `-'   `---' `-'  `-'`-----'`----'`-'  Font Name: JS Bracket >>
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 155 of 309

 ____, ____, ___,   ___,   ____, ____,   ____, __  _, ___,   __   _, __    ____,
(-|   (-/  \(-|_)  (-|_)  (-|_, (-|  |  (-|   (-\ |  (-|_\_,(-|  |  (-|   (-|
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(           (      (      (     (       (            (              (     (     Font Name: JS Capital Curves
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 156 of 309

 -/- _,_ ,_   ,_   _   ,__,  -/-_,    __,        // -/-
_/__(_/_/ (__/ (__(/__/ / (__/_  (_/_(_/(__(_/__(/__/_

                                                       Font Name: JS Cursive
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 157 of 309

___  __   __   __   ___      ___                     ___
 |  /  \ |__) |__) |__  |\ |  |  \  /  /\  |  | |     |
 |  \__/ |  \ |  \ |___ | \|  |   \/  /~~\ \__/ |___  |
                                                         Font Name: JS Stick Letters
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 158 of 309

 ________     ____     ______     ______      _____      __      _   ________   __    __     ____ >>
__    __   _____       ________
(___  ___)   / __ \   (   __ \   (   __ \    / ___/     /  \    / ) (___  ___)  ) )  ( (    (    ) >>
) )  ( (  (_   _)     (___  ___)
    ) )     / /  \ \   ) (__) )   ) (__) )  ( (__      / /\ \  / /      ) )    ( (    ) )   / /\ \ >>
( (    ) )   | |           ) )
   ( (     ( ()  () ) (    __/   (    __/    ) __)     ) ) ) ) ) )     ( (      \ \  / /   ( (__) ) >>
) )  ( (    | |          ( (
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( (    ) )   | |   __      ) )
   ( (      \ \__/ /  ( ( \ \_)) ( ( \ \_))  \ \___   / /  \ \/ /      ( (        \  /     /  /\  \ >>
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\______/  \________/     /__\
Font Name: Jacky
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 159 of 309

ooooo                                   o  o     o               8   o
  8                                     8  8     8               8   8
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::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Font Name: Jazmine
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 160 of 309

__   _________ ___ _   _   ___     ____   _________ ______ ______ ______ ________ _____
\ \ / /____  .|_  | | | | | \ \   / /\ \ / /.  __  |____  |____  |____  |.  ___  |_   _|
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|_| \_\    | |  |_|_______/    \_/   |_| \_\|_||___|| |        |_|    |_||_______| |_|
           |_|                                      |_|                                 Font Name: Jerusalem
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 161 of 309

#    #   #                                  ######        #                #        ########## >>
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Font Name: Katakana
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 162 of 309

|''||''|                                            .   '||'  '|'                  '||    .
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  .||.    '|..|' .||.    .||.     '|...' .||. ||.  '|.'     |     '|..'|'  '|..'|. .||.  '|.'

                                                                                              Font Name: Kban
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 163 of 309

 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|
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                                                                                                 Font >>
Name: Keyboard
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 164 of 309

         _  _________  _________  _________  _________  _________          _   ________  _________ >>
_________  _________          _
 _______| |(  _____  )(___   _  )(___   _  )(  _   _  )(______  _) _______| | / _______)(____  _  )( >>
_______)(  _______) _______| |
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|_______ | |        (_______  |
        |_|(_________)(__/(_____)(__/(_____)(_) (_) (_)(_________)        |_| \________)(_________)( >>
________)(_)                |_|Font Name: Knob
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 165 of 309

┤/┤  /┤/  /┤/  /┤/  /.┤  /1 / ┤/┤ / /  /1 / /  / ┤/┤
/   /./  /`.  /`.  /..  / 1/  /   1/  /┤/ L/  /. /   Font Name: Konto Slant
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 166 of 309

┤┤T┤┤ ,┤`. I┤┤, I┤┤, I.` I`.I ┤┤T┤┤ ` / .^. I  I I   ┤┤T┤┤
  I   `..' I┤`. I┤`. I.. I `I   I    V  I^I `..I L..   I   Font Name: Konto
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 167 of 309

  |                                   |   |  /                |     |
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       -                 --            -         --    --     -      -
                                                                        Font Name: LCD
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 168 of 309

 ______                                 __    __  __                    ___    __
/\__  _\                               /\ \__/\ \/\ \                  /\_ \  /\ \__
\/_/\ \/   ___   _ __  _ __   __    ___\ \ ,_\ \ \ \ \    __     __  __\//\ \ \ \ ,_\
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     \ \_\ \____/\ \_\ \ \_\ \____\ \_\ \_\ \__\\ `\___/ \__/.\_\\ \____/ /\____\\ \__\
      \/_/\/___/  \/_/  \/_/\/____/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `\/__/ \/__/\/_/ \/___/  \/____/ \/__/

                                                                                       Font Name: Larry 3D
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 169 of 309

_/_/_/_/_/                                                    _/      _/      _/ >>
_/    _/
   _/      _/_/    _/  _/_/  _/  _/_/    _/_/    _/_/_/    _/_/_/_/  _/      _/    _/_/_/  _/    _/ >>
_/  _/_/_/_/
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 _/    _/    _/  _/        _/        _/        _/    _/    _/        _/  _/    _/    _/  _/    _/  _/    _/
_/      _/_/    _/        _/          _/_/_/  _/    _/      _/_/      _/        _/_/_/    _/_/_/  _/ >>

Font Name: Lean
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 170 of 309

TTTTTTT                                     tt    VV     VV                 lll tt
  TTT    oooo  rr rr  rr rr    eee  nn nnn  tt    VV     VV   aa aa uu   uu lll tt
  TTT   oo  oo rrr  r rrr  r ee   e nnn  nn tttt   VV   VV   aa aaa uu   uu lll tttt
  TTT   oo  oo rr     rr     eeeee  nn   nn tt      VV VV   aa  aaa uu   uu lll tt
  TTT    oooo  rr     rr      eeeee nn   nn  tttt    VVV     aaa aa  uuuu u lll  tttt
                                                                                      Font Name: Letters
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 171 of 309

(`-')                   (`-')    (`-')  (`-')  _<-. (`-')_ (`-')           (`-') (`-')  _ >>
( OO).->       .->   <-.(OO ) <-.(OO )  ( OO).-/   \( OO) )( OO).->       _(OO ) (OO ).-/      .-> >>
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`-----'    `--'    Font Name: Lil Devil
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 172 of 309

_______  ______   ______   ______   ______  ______  _______  _     _   ______   _    _   _       _______
  | |   / |  | \ | |  | \ | |  | \ | |     | |  \ \   | |   | |   | | | |  | | | |  | | | |        | |
  | |   | |  | | | |__| | | |__| | | |---- | |  | |   | |   \ \   / / | |__| | | |  | | | |   _    | |
  |_|   \_|__|_/ |_|  \_\ |_|  \_\ |_|____ |_|  |_|   |_|    \_\_/_/  |_|  |_| \_|__|_| |_|__|_|   |_|
Font Name: Line Blocks
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 173 of 309

.---..----..---. .---. .---..-..-..---..-..-..---..-..-..-.   .---.
`| |'| || || |-< | |-< | |- | .` |`| |' \  / | | || || || |__ `| |'
 `-' `----'`-'`-'`-'`-'`---'`-'`-' `-'   `'  `-^-'`----'`----' `-'
                                                                   Font Name: Linux
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 174 of 309

::::::|                          :|  ::| ::|          :|  :|
  ::|  ,::\ :::| :::| :~~/ :::\ :::|  ::::/ .::\ :\:| :| :::|
  ::|  `::/ :|   :|   :::, :|:|  :|    ::/  `::| `::| :|  :|
                                                              Font Name: Lockergnome
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 175 of 309

/=\                   |- /  \         |  |-
 |  /=\ /= /= /=\ /=\ |  |==| /=| | | |  |
 |  \=/ |  |  \=  | | \=  \/  \=| \=/ \= \=
                                            Font Name: Madrid
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 176 of 309

.::: .::::::                                             .::  .::         .::                   .::  .::
     .::                                                 .::   .::       .::                    .::  .::
     .::       .::    .: .:::.: .:::   .::    .:: .::  .:.: .:  .::     .::     .::    .::  .:: .::.:.: .:
     .::     .::  .::  .::    .::    .:   .::  .::  .::  .::     .::   .::    .::  .:: .::  .:: .::  .::
     .::    .::    .:: .::    .::   .::::: .:: .::  .::  .::      .:: .::    .::   .:: .::  .:: .::  .::
     .::     .::  .::  .::    .::   .:         .::  .::  .::       .::::     .::   .:: .::  .:: .::  .::
     .::       .::    .:::   .:::     .::::   .:::  .::   .::       .::        .:: .:::  .::.::.:::   .::
Font Name: Marquee
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 177 of 309

~~|~~                 ||    |        | |
  |/~\|/~\|/~\/~/|/~\~|~\  //~~||   ||~|~
  |\_/|   |   \/_|   ||  \/ \__| \_/|| |
                                         Font Name: Maxfour
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 178 of 309

         '|»»»»|'          '/»»»»/\»»»»\   |»»»»|/»»»»\░ |»»»»|/»»»»\░ /»»»»/|»»»»|'  |»»»»|\»»»»\' >>
'|»»»»|'          \»»»»\   /»»»»/   /»»»»/'         \»»»»\ '|»»»»|  |»»»»|          '|»»»»|'
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|       | |       |  |»»»»||       ||»»»»|   |       |  |       |   /____/|»»»»|   |       | | >>
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        ' |____|'          '\____\/____/   |____|    ░      |____|    ░              /____/   |____| >>
|____|         ' |____|'           '\____\/____/'   \____\|____|   '\____\|____|  |____|         ' |____|' >>
Font Name: MeDi
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 179 of 309

|»»»»»|░ /»»»»»\ |»»»»\  |»»»»\   /»x»»\ |»»»\|»»»| |»»»»»|░\»»»\    /»»»/'    /»»»»»| |'»»|»»'|░|»»»»| >>
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 »|__|»   \_____/ |__|\__\|__|\__\ \____\ |___|\___|  »|__|»      \_____/ _' /___/»|__'|  \____/ >>
'|______|  »|__|»  Font Name: Mer
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 180 of 309

 ___________  ______     _______    _______    _______  _____  ___  ___________  ___      ___  __ >>
____  ____  ___  ___________
("     _   ")/    " \   /"      \  /"      \  /"     "|(\"   \|"  \("     _   ")|"  \    /"  |/""\ >>
("  _||_ " ||"  |("     _   ")
 )__/  \\__/// ____  \ |:        ||:        |(: ______)|.\\   \    |)__/  \\__/  \   \  //  //    \ >>
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\___)(__________) \_______)\__|
Font Name: Merlin1
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 181 of 309

    _        _        _         _          _        _          _        _      _          _      _          _
 __/\\__  __/\\___  _/\\___   _/\\___   __/\\___  _/\\___   __/\\__  _ /\\  __/\\__  ___ /\\   _/\\_ >>
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(__  __))
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____))\__  //
    \//   \//           \//       \//   \//           \//      \//    \//   \// \//   \//        \// >>

Font Name: Merlin2
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 182 of 309

  _      _  _  _     _              |  _
   |  | |  |  |/ |\   | |/ //| |/|  |   |
                                         Font Name: Mike
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 183 of 309

  |  _  ._ ._ _  ._ _|_ \  / _.     | _|_
  | (_) |  | (/_ | | |_  \/ (_| |_| |  |_
                                          Font Name: Mini
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 184 of 309

   _ _           __     __  _                          _____
 _| | |_   _ _ __\ \   / /_| | __ _ ___ __ _ __ _  ___|_   _|
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                                                             Font Name: Mirror
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 185 of 309

TorrentVaultFont Name: Mnemonic
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 186 of 309

 _______  _______  ______   ______   _______  __    _  _______  __   __  _______  __   __  ___      _______
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  |   |  |  | |  ||   |_|| |   |_|| |   |___ |       |  |   |  |       ||       ||  |_|  ||   |      |   |
  |   |  |  |_|  ||    __ ||    __ ||    ___||  _    |  |   |  |       ||       ||       ||   |___   |   |
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  |___|  |_______||___|  |||___|  |||_______||_|  |__|  |___|    |___|  |__| |__||_______||_______| >>
|___|  Font Name: Modular
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 187 of 309

- --- .-. .-. . -. - ...- .- ..- .-.. - Font Name: Morse
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 188 of 309

- --- .-. .-. . -. - ...- .- ..- .-.. - Font Name: Morse2
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 189 of 309

#####  ###  ####  ####  ##### #   # ##### ####    #   #   # ##### #####
  #   #   # #   # #   # #     #   #   #   #   #  # #   # #   #  #   #
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 190 of 309

\>""|||/ |\>Y"\ ""|""|""||""|
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 191 of 309

                      __                 __
>>|<<  >>  |<<  |<<  |   | | >>|<< |  | |  | |  | |   >>|<<
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  |    <<  |  \ |  \ |__ | |   |    \/  |  | '<<' |<<   |   Font Name: Muzzle
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 192 of 309

 ,ggggggggggggggg                                                             ,ggg,         ,gg
dP""""""88"""""""                                                       I8   dP""Y8a       ,8P >>
,dPYb,   I8
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IP'`Yb   I8
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I8  8I88888888
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        88    ,ggggg,     ,gggggg,   ,gggggg,   ,ggg,    ,ggg,,ggg,     I8        I8       8I   ,gggg,gg >>
gg      gg  I8 dP    I8
        88   dP"  "Y8ggg  dP""""8I   dP""""8I  i8" "8i  ,8" "8P" "8,    I8        `8,     ,8'  dP"  "Y8I >>
I8      8I  I8dP     I8
  gg,   88  i8'    ,8I   ,8'    8I  ,8'    8I  I8, ,8I  I8   8I   8I   ,I8,        Y8,   ,8P  i8' >>
,8I  I8,    ,8I  I8P     ,I8,
   "Yb,,8P ,d8,   ,d8'  ,dP     Y8,,dP     Y8, `YbadP' ,dP   8I   Yb, ,d88b,        Yb,_,dP  ,d8, >>
,d8b,,d8b,  ,d8b,,d8b,_  ,d88b,
     "Y8P' P"Y8888P"    8P      `Y88P      `Y8888P"Y8888P'   8I   `Y888P""Y88        "Y8P" >>

Font Name: NScript
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 193 of 309

 _____                                             __
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  | |/ _ \ / _ \ / _ \/ __) |/ (   ) ___)  \/ / | | |> (   )
  | ( (_) ) |_) ) |_) > _)| / / | ( (__( ()  <| |_| / ^ \ |
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          | |   | |                  _) )
          |_|   |_|                 (__/                    Font Name: NT Greek
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 194 of 309

 ,ggggggggggggggg                                                        ,ggg,         ,gg
dP""""""88"""""""                                                   I8  dP""Y8a       ,8P >>
,dPYb,   I8
Yb,_    88                                                          I8  Yb, `88       d8' >>
IP'`Yb   I8
 `""    88                                                       88888888`"  88       88 >>
I8  8I88888888
        88                                                          I8       88       88 >>
I8  8'   I8
        88   ,ggggg,   ,gggggg,   ,gggggg,   ,ggg,    ,ggg,,ggg,    I8       I8       8I ,gggg,gg  gg >>
gg  I8 dP    I8
        88  dP"  "Y8gggdP""""8I   dP""""8I  i8" "8i  ,8" "8P" "8,   I8       `8,     ,8'dP"  "Y8I  I8 >>
8I  I8dP     I8
  gg,   88 i8'    ,8I ,8'    8I  ,8'    8I  I8, ,8I  I8   8I   8I  ,I8,       Y8,   ,8Pi8'    ,8I  I8, >>
,8I  I8P     ,I8,
   "Yb,,8P,d8,   ,d8',dP     Y8,,dP     Y8, `YbadP' ,dP   8I   Yb,,d88b,       Yb,_,dP,d8, >>
,d8b,,d8b,  ,d8b,,d8b,_  ,d88b,
     "Y8P'P"Y8888P"  8P      `Y88P      `Y8888P"Y8888P'   8I   `Y88P""Y8        "Y8P" P"Y8888P"`Y88P >>
"Y88P"`Y88P'"Y88 8P""Y8

Font Name: NV Script
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 195 of 309

M""""""""M                                                dP   M""MMMMM""M                   dP   dP
Mmmm  mmmM                                                88   M  MMMMM  M                   88   88
MMMM  MMMM .d8888b. 88d888b. 88d888b. .d8888b. 88d888b. d8888P M  MMMMP  M .d8888b. dP    dP 88 d8888P
MMMM  MMMM 88'  `88 88'  `88 88'  `88 88ooood8 88'  `88   88   M  MMMM' .M 88'  `88 88    88 88   88
MMMM  MMMM 88.  .88 88       88       88.  ... 88    88   88   M  MMP' .MM 88.  .88 88.  .88 88   88
MMMM  MMMM `88888P' dP       dP       `88888P' dP    dP   dP   M     .dMMM `88888P8 `88888P' dP   dP
MMMMMMMMMM                                                     MMMMMMMMMMM
Font Name: Nancyj-Fancy
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 196 of 309

d888888P                                                dP   dP     dP                   dP   dP
   88                                                   88   88     88                   88   88
   88    .d8888b. 88d888b. 88d888b. .d8888b. 88d888b. d8888P 88    .8P .d8888b. dP    dP 88 d8888P
   88    88'  `88 88'  `88 88'  `88 88ooood8 88'  `88   88   88    d8' 88'  `88 88    88 88   88
   88    88.  .88 88       88       88.  ... 88    88   88   88  .d8P  88.  .88 88.  .88 88   88
   dP    `88888P' dP       dP       `88888P' dP    dP   dP   888888'   `88888P8 `88888P' dP   dP

                                                                                                   Font >>
Name: Nancyj-Improved
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 197 of 309

d888888P                                                dP   dP     dP                   dP   dP
   88                                                   88   88     88                   88   88
   88    .d8888b. 88d888b. 88d888b. .d8888b. 88d888b. d8888P 88    .8P .d8888b. dP    dP 88 d8888P
   88    88'  `88 88'  `88 88'  `88 88ooood8 88'  `88   88   88    d8' 88'  `88 88    88 88   88
   88    88.  .88 88       88       88.  ... 88    88   88   88  .d8P  88.  .88 88.  .88 88   88
   dP    `88888P' dP       dP       `88888P' dP    dP   dP   888888'   `88888P8 `88888P' dP   dP
                                                                                                   Font >>
Name: Nancyj-Underlined
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 198 of 309

d888888P                                                dP   dP     dP                   dP   dP
   88                                                   88   88     88                   88   88
   88    .d8888b. 88d888b. 88d888b. .d8888b. 88d888b. d8888P 88    .8P .d8888b. dP    dP 88 d8888P
   88    88'  `88 88'  `88 88'  `88 88ooood8 88'  `88   88   88    d8' 88'  `88 88    88 88   88
   88    88.  .88 88       88       88.  ... 88    88   88   88  .d8P  88.  .88 88.  .88 88   88
   dP    `88888P' dP       dP       `88888P' dP    dP   dP   888888'   `88888P8 `88888P' dP   dP

                                                                                                   Font >>
Name: Nancyj
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 199 of 309

{___ {______                                             {__  {__         {__                   {__  {__
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     {__       {__    {___   {___     {____   {___  {__   {__       {__        {__ {___  {__{__{___   {__
Font Name: Nipples
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 200 of 309

ooooooooooo                                                         o8  ooooo  oooo >>
o888   o8
88  888  88 ooooooo  oo oooooo  oo oooooo    ooooooooo8 oo oooooo o888oo 888    88 ooooooo oooo  oooo >>
888 o888oo
    888   888     888 888    888 888    888 888oooooo8   888   888 888    888  88  ooooo888 888   888 >>
888  888
    888   888     888 888        888        888          888   888 888     88888 888    888 888   888 >>
888  888
   o888o    88ooo88  o888o      o888o         88oooo888 o888o o888o 888o    888   88ooo88 8o 888o88 8o >>
o888o  888o
Font Name: O8
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 201 of 309

______________________________________________________________________________________________Font Name: OS2
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 202 of 309

124 157 162 162 145 156 164 126 141 165 154 164 Font Name: Octal
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 203 of 309

 _____                          _                    _ _
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                                                           Font Name: Ogre
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 204 of 309

#######                                          #     #
   #     ####  #####  #####  ###### #    # ##### #     #   ##   #    # #      #####
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   #     ####  #    # #    # ###### #    #   #      #    #    #  ####  ######   #   Font Name: Old Banner
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 205 of 309

 _______                          _   _     _           __ _
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   (_)(___)(____)____)_)_(_)____)(_) (_)   (_)____)_) (_)_)_)
   (_)_)_(_)_)  (_)  (__)__(_) (_)_)_ (_)_(_) )_( )_)_(_)_)_)_
   (_)(___)(_)  (_)   (____)_) (_)(__) (___) (__)_)(___)___)__)

                                                               Font Name: Pawp
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 206 of 309

     _/\/\/\/\/\/\________________________________________________________________/\/\______/\/\____ >>
    _____/\/\________/\/\/\____/\/\__/\/\__/\/\__/\/\____/\/\/\____/\/\/\/\____/\/\/\/\/\__/\/\____/ >>
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 _____/\/\________/\/\/\____/\/\________/\/\__________/\/\/\/\__/\/\__/\/\____/\/\/\________/\/\____ >>
____________________________________________________________________________________________________ >>
___________________________________________     Font Name: Peaks Slant
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 207 of 309

/^^^ /^^^^^^                                             /^^  /^^         /^^                   /^^  /^^
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Font Name: Peaks
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 208 of 309

oOoOOoOOo                                        o      'O                o
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Font 211 of 309

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Font 213 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Font Name: Rammstein
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Font 219 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 222 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 223 of 309

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Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 224 of 309

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Font Name: Ribbit2
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 225 of 309

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Name: Ribbit3
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 226 of 309

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Font Name: Roman
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 227 of 309

GbeeragInhygFont Name: Rot13
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 228 of 309

____|  _   ___  ___   _   __.   _,_ ____ _     __  ___   _,_
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                                                            Font Name: Rotated
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 229 of 309

 _______                                _     _             _
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                                                                    Font Name: Rounded
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 230 of 309

   dMP   dMP"dMP dMP.dMP dMP.dMP dMP     dMP dMP   dMP   dMP dMP dMP"dMP dMP dMP dMP     dMP
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 dMP   dMP.aMP dMP"AMF dMP"AMF dMP     dMP dMP   dMP    YMvAP" dMP dMP dMP.aMP dMP     dMP
                                                                                                Font >>
Name: Rowan Cap
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 231 of 309

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                                                                                                    Font >>
Name: Rozzo
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 232 of 309

  /|\   |\
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 233 of 309

  /|\                         |\
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 234 of 309

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Font Name: S Blood
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 235 of 309

  ______                      _    _         _
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 --/  __ __  __  _  ____  /   (  /__.  . . // /
(_/  (_)/ (_/ (_</_/ / <_<__   \/(_/|_(_/_</_<__

                                                 Font Name: SL Script
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 236 of 309

 ______                      _,   _         _
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  /  __ _   _   _  _ _   /    | /__,  , , // /
_/  (_)/ (_/ (_(/_/ / /_(__   |/(_/(_(_/_(/_(__

                                                Font Name: Santa Clara
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 237 of 309

  ______                            _                   _
 (_) |                             (_|   |_/           | |
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                                                              Font Name: Script
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 238 of 309

 ____ __ ___  ___  ___ _  _ ____ _  _ __ _  _ __  ____
(_  _)  \  ,)(  ,)(  _) \( )_  _) )( )  ) )( )  )(_  _)
  )(( () )  \ )  \ ) _))  (  )(  \\///__\)()( )(__ )(
 (__)\__/_)\_)_)\_)___)_)\_)(__) (__)_)(_)__/(____)__) Font Name: Serifcap
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 239 of 309

 __ __|                               |  \ \     /              |  |
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                                                                       Font Name: Shadow
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 240 of 309

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                                                  Font Name: Shimrod
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 241 of 309

~|~       _ ,_|-| /    ||-
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                          Font Name: Short
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 242 of 309

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_______\/////___________\///__________\////////\//____\/////////____\/////////_______\/////____Font Name: >>
Slant Relief
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 243 of 309

  ______                            __  _    __             ____
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                                                                 Font Name: Slant
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 244 of 309

##HH||                      #|  ##  ||         #|  #|
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                                                        Font Name: Slide
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 245 of 309

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                                                                                   Font Name: Small Caps
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 246 of 309

    ___       ___       ___       ___       ___       ___       ___       ___       ___       ___ >>
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\/__/            Font Name: Small Isometric1
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 247 of 309

 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 248 of 309

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Font Name: Small Poison
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 249 of 309

 () | _   ,_   ,_   _      _|_(|  |_/_,        |\_|_
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                                                     Font Name: Small Script
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 250 of 309

 __ __|                        |  \ \   /             |  |
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   _| \___/ _| _| \___| _| _| \__|  \_/ \__,_| \_,_| _| \__|
                                                             Font Name: Small Shadow
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 251 of 309

 ______                      __  _   __           ____
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 / /  / _ \/ __/ __/ -_) _ | __/| |/ // _ `/ // / / __/
/_/   \___/_/ /_/  \__/_//_|__/ |___/ \_,_/\_,_/_/\__/
                                                       Font Name: Small Slant
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 252 of 309

 _  c       ,'  _ _      |_ _   .', ?
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 253 of 309

  _____                     _  __   __          _ _
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   | | / _ \ '_| '_/ -_) ' \  _|\ V // _` | || | |  _|
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                                                      Font Name: Small
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 254 of 309

,--------.                                     ,--. ,--.   ,--.              ,--.  ,--.
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   `--'   `---' `--'   `--'    `----'`--''--'  `--'     `-'   `--`--' `----' `--'  `--'
                                                                                          Font Name: Soft
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 255 of 309

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                        '                        æ                        æ >>
'é                        ░                                                 æ
                                       '                    æ                        æ >>
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'é    '/____/|____'|'|  '\;;'\____\___.|
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     \|____|'                  '|____'|/   |____|            'é   |____|            'é   '\|____||____| >>
'|____| |____|            \|____|'                \|____||____|  '\|___,|/|____'|      '|____,|/|____|æ >>
|____|/|____'| ░     \|____|'        Font Name: Sony
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 256 of 309

________                                     _____ ___    __                ___________
___  __/______ _____________________ _______ __  /___ |  / /______ _____  _____  /__  /_
__  /   _  __ \__  ___/__  ___/_  _ \__  __ \_  __/__ | / / _  __ `/_  / / /__  / _  __/
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/_/     \____/ /_/     /_/     \___/ /_/ /_/ \__/  _____/   \__,_/  \__,_/  /_/   \__/
                                                                                        Font Name: Speed
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 257 of 309

 ____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  ____  __ __  _____  __ __  ____   ____
/    \/  _  \/  _  \/  _  \/   __\/  _  \/    \/  |  \/  _  \/  |  \/  _/  /    \
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 |__| \_____/\__|\_/\__|\_/\_____/\__|__/ |__|  \___/ \__|__/\_____/\_____/ |__|
                                                                                 Font Name: Spliff
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 258 of 309

______________________________________________________ _____________________   ________
7      77     77  _  77  _  77     77     77      77  V  77  _  77  7  77  7   7      7
!__  __!|  7  ||    _||    _||  ___!|  _  |!__  __!|  |  ||  _  ||  |  ||  |   !__  __!
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                                                                                       Font Name: Stacey
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 259 of 309

,--,--'                  .  ,.   ,.       .  .
`- | ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-. |- `|  / ,-. . . |  |-
 , | | | |   |   |-' | | |   | /  ,-| | | |  |
 `-' `-' '   '   `-' ' ' `'  `'   `-^ `-' `' `'

                                                Font Name: Stampate
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 260 of 309

,--,--'                  .  ,.   ,.       .  .
`- | ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-. |- `|  / ,-. . . |  |-
 , | | | |   |   |-' | | |   | /  ,-| | | |  |
 `-' `-' '   '   `-' ' ' `'  `'   `-^ `-^ `' `'

                                                Font Name: Stampatello
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 261 of 309

  _____                          _  __     __           _ _
 |_   _|___  _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ | |_\ \   / /__ _ _   _| | |_
   | | / _ \| '__| '__/ _ \ '_ \| __|\ \ / // _` | | | | | __|
   | || (_) | |  | | |  __/ | | | |_  \ V /| (_| | |_| | | |_
   |_| \___/|_|  |_|  \___|_| |_|\__|  \_/  \__,_|\__,_|_|\__|
                                                              Font Name: Standard
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 262 of 309

------------   --------   -----------  -----------  ------------ ----    ---- ------------ ---    --- >>
------    ----    ---- ----         ------------
************  **********  ***********  ***********  ************ *****   **** ************ ***    *** >>
********   ****    **** ****         ************
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----------  ----    ---- ----         ------------
    ****     ***      *** *********    *********    ************ ************     ****     ***    *** >>
****    **** ****    **** ****             ****
    ----     ---      --- ---------    ---------    ------------ ------------     ----     ---    --- >>
------------ ----    ---- ----             ----
    ****     ****    **** ****  ****   ****  ****   ****         ****  ******     ****      ******** >>
************ ************ ************     ****
    ----      ----------  ----   ----  ----   ----  ------------ ----   -----     ----       ------ >>
----    ---- ------------ ------------     ----
    ****       ********   ****    **** ****    **** ************ ****    ****     ****        **** >>
****    **** ************ ************     ****
Font Name: Star Strips
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 263 of 309

.___________.  ______   .______      .______       _______ .__   __. .___________.____    ____  ___ >>
__    __   __      .___________.
|           | /  __  \  |   _  \     |   _  \     |   ____||  \ |  | |           |\   \  /   / /   \ >>
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\  |  |  |  | |  |         |  |
    |  |     |  `--'  | |  |\  \----.|  |\  \----.|  |____ |  |\   |     |  |        \    / /  _____ >>
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\______/  |_______|    |__|
Font Name: Star Wars
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 264 of 309

`... `......                                             `..  `..         `..                   `..  `..
     `..                                                 `..   `..       `..                    `..  `..
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     `..     `..  `..  `..    `..    `.   `..  `..  `..  `..     `..   `..    `..  `.. `..  `.. `..  `..
     `..    `..    `.. `..    `..   `..... `.. `..  `..  `..      `.. `..    `..   `.. `..  `.. `..  `..
     `..     `..  `..  `..    `..   `.         `..  `..  `..       `....     `..   `.. `..  `.. `..  `..
     `..       `..    `...   `...     `....   `...  `..   `..       `..        `.. `...  `..`..`...   `..
Font Name: Stellar
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 265 of 309

 _____ __  ___ ___ ___ __  _ _____ _   _   __  _  _ _ _____
|_   _/__\| _ \ _ \ __|  \| |_   _| \ / | /  \| || | |_   _|
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  |_| \__/|_|_\_|_\___|_|\__| |_|   \_/  |_||_|\__/|___|_|   Font Name: Stforek
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 266 of 309

___  __   __   __   ___      ___                     ___
 |  /  \ |__) |__) |__  |\ |  |  \  /  /\  |  | |     |
 |  \__/ |  \ |  \ |___ | \|  |   \/  /~~\ \__/ |___  |
                                                         Font Name: Stick Letters
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 267 of 309

 _______                                 _    _            _
(_______)                            _  | |  | |          | |_
 _        ___   ____ ____ ____ ____ | |_| |  | |____ _   _| | |_
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 \______)\___/|_|  |_|   \____)_| |_|\___) \/  \_||_|\____|_|\___)
                                                                  Font Name: Stop
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 268 of 309

 | _  _ _ _ _ |_\  /_    ||_
 |(_)| | (-| )|_ \/(_||_|||_
                             Font Name: Straight
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 269 of 309

 ______   ______     ______     ______     ______     __   __     ______   __   __   ______     __  __ >>
__         ______
/\__  _\ /\  __ \   /\  == \   /\  == \   /\  ___\   /\ "-.\ \   /\__  _\ /\ \ / /  /\  __ \   /\ \/\ >>
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   \ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \_\\"\_\    \ \_\  \ \__|    \ \_\ \_\  \ \_____\ >>
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    \/_/   \/_____/   \/_/ /_/   \/_/ /_/   \/_____/   \/_/ \/_/     \/_/   \/_/      \/_/\/_/   \/_____/ >>
\/_____/     \/_/
Font Name: Sub-Zero
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 270 of 309

 _________  ______   ______    ______    ______   ___   __    _________  __   __   ________   __  __ >>
__     _________
/________/\/_____/\ /_____/\  /_____/\  /_____/\ /__/\ /__/\ /________/\/_/\ /_/\ /_______/\ /_/\/_/\ >>
/_/\   /________/\
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\_____\/ \__\/
Font Name: Swamp Land
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 271 of 309

.---.                    ..       .        . .
  |                     _|_\     /         |_|_
  | .-. .--..--..-. .--. |  \   /.-.  .  . | |
  |(   )|   |  (.-' |  | |   \ /(   ) |  | | |
  ' `-' '   '   `--''  `-`-'  '  `-'`-`--`-`-`-'

                                                Font Name: Swan
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 272 of 309

 ___                                                            ___ >>
___   ___
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(   ) (   )
 | |_       .--.    ___ .-.     ___ .-.      .--.    ___ .-.    | |_      ___  ___    .---.   ___  ___ >>
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/   | |   ' `-' ;
  `.__.    `.__.'  (___)       (___)        `.__.'  (___)(___)   `.__.      '_.'    `.__.'_.   '.__.' >>
(___)   `.__.

Font Name: Sweet
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 273 of 309

|»»»»»»»|░ /»»,»»\  |\»»»,»)░  |\»»»,»)░  |\»»»(\_/   |\»»»\)»»\   |»»»»»»»|░|\»» \   /»»/|   )»»,»\ >>
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 »»|__|»»   \|___ |/ ░  |__|\|__|   |__|\|__| |»»»»»»»| |__|/\|____|  »»|__|»»    '\|____ |/'   |__ |/\|__|' >>
\|_____|/æ |_____'|  »»|__|»»
                                                         »»»»»»»'        ' >>
'             '                            æ                          Font Name: TRaC Mini
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 274 of 309

 ________  /»»|\»»»\ ' )»»|)»»)'é   )»»|)»»)'é       ___    ')»»»\|»»»»)  ________  \»»»(/»»»/░  /» /|»»»( >>
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    (___')░                         »»»»        »»»» |__(/»»»(æ'                      (___')░ >>
æ                                            »»»»      (___')░
                                                                  »»»»'æ' >>
æ                                                                      Font Name: TRaC Tiny
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 275 of 309

    /»»»/»\     /»»»/»»»\     /»»»/»»»\       /»»»/»»»\      /»»»/»»»»/             /»»»/»»\       /»»»/»\ >>
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'\___\__| Font Name: TRaC's Old School Font
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 276 of 309

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Name: TRaC
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 277 of 309

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                                                                                             Font Name: Tanja
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 278 of 309

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.8P        Font Name: Tengwar
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 279 of 309

TorrentVaultFont Name: Term
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 280 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 281 of 309

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                                                                  Font Name: Thick
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 282 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 283 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 284 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 285 of 309

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Font Name: Tiles

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Name: Train

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Font Name: USA Flag

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Font Name: Univers

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                                                        Font Name: Weird
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 302 of 309

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Wet Letter
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 303 of 309

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Name: Whimsy
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 304 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 305 of 309

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Font Name: Basic


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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 39 of 309

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Font Name: Big Money-ne
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 40 of 309

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Font Name: Big Money-nw
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 41 of 309

 ________                                                   __    __     __                     __    __
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Font Name: Big Money-se
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 42 of 309

 ________                                                   __    __     __                     __    __
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Font Name: Big Money-sw
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 43 of 309

  _______                        _ __      __          _ _
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    |_|\___/|_|  |_|  \___|_| |_|\__|  \/  \__,_|\__,_|_|\__|

                                                             Font Name: Big
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 44 of 309

___                  \ /
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 | (_) |  | (/_| | |_   (_||_| |  |_Font Name: Bigfig
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 45 of 309

01010100 01101111 01110010 01110010 01100101 01101110 01110100 01010110 01100001 01110101 01101100 01110100 >>
Font Name: Binary
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 46 of 309

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Name: Blest
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 47 of 309

 _|_|_|_|_|                                                    _|      _|      _| >>
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'`·.:::::`·'`·.:::::`·. '`·.:::::::::::::`·./'  `·.::::::::::::'`·./'         '`·.:::::`·.         Font >>
Name: Boie
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 50 of 309

/¯¯¯¯/|¯¯¯¯|\¯¯¯¯\`·.'/¯¯¯¯/\¯¯¯¯\`·.''/¯¯¯¯/\¯¯¯¯\`·.''/¯¯¯¯/\¯¯¯¯\`·.''/¯¯¯¯/\¯¯¯¯\·. ''/¯¯¯¯/`·. >>
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:|____|:::         |____|:::           \____\/____/::::/|____|::|____|:::'\____\/____/`·.''\____\/____/`·. >>
         '`·.:::::`·.          '`·.:::::::::::::`·./''`·.:::::`·.`·.::::'`·.'`·.:::::`·.`·.::::'`·. >>
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Name: Boie2
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.


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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 56 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 57 of 309

   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 58 of 309

 ____  _____  ____  ____  ____  _  _  ____  _  _  __    __  __  __   ____
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 (__) (_____)(_)\_)(_)\_)(____)(_)\_) (__)   \/(__)(__)(______)(____)(__) Font Name: Bulbhead
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 59 of 309

|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| /¯¯¯/'|¯¯¯\|¯¯¯¯|\¯¯¯\'|¯¯¯¯|\¯¯¯\'|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯||¯¯¯¯\|¯¯¯||¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯||¯¯¯\  |¯¯¯| >>
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|____| '|____| \________/|___|/____|      |____|      Font Name: CaMiZ
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 60 of 309

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Font Name: Caligraphy
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 61 of 309

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Font Name: Caligraphy2
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 62 of 309

|T.--. ||O.--. ||R.--. ||R.--. ||E.--. ||N.--. ||T.--. ||V.--. ||A.--. ||U.--. ||L.--. ||T.--. |
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Name: Cards
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 63 of 309

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Font Name: Catwalk
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 64 of 309

l¯¯l\¯¯ /l¯¯l /¯¯/\¯¯\l¯¯l)¯¯)l¯¯l)¯¯)/¯¯/)¯¯)  /¯¯/¯\ l¯¯ll¯¯l\¯¯ /l¯¯l (¯¯(  )¯¯) /¯¯/\¯¯\'/¯¯/ /¯¯/l¯¯l >>
l¯¯l\¯¯ /l¯¯l
¯¯  l__l ¯¯ '\__\/__/l__l\__\l__l\__\\__\(¯¯(/__/\__\l__l¯¯  l__l ¯¯ ''\__\/__/ '/__/¯\__\\__\/__'\' >>
l__l_\¯¯\'¯¯  l__l ¯¯ 'Font Name: CeA
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 65 of 309

 l¯¯¯¯¯l   /¯¯l\¯¯\    l¯¯l)¯¯)  l¯¯l)¯¯)  l¯¯(\__\  l¯¯\l¯¯l   l¯¯¯¯¯l    \¯¯\   /¯¯/'  /¯¯/l¯¯l‘ >>
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  ¯l__l¯‘   \__\l__/    l__l\__\  l__l\__\  l__(/¯¯/  l_l\___l    ¯l__l¯‘     '\__\/__/ >>
\__\l__'\   \__\/__'\   (__(/¯¯/   ¯l__l¯‘  Font Name: CeA2
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 66 of 309

 /˜¨¯¨˜˜¨¯¨˜˜¨¯¨˜˜¨¯¨˜\         |\˜¨¯¨˜'\           |\˜¨¯¨˜'\ '         |\˜¨¯¨˜'\ ' >>
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   '¯\(¯/     '/ ¯)/¯     /      /  '\       \'  |      | |      '|   |      | |      '|   | >>
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Font Name: Cheese
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 67 of 309

 ,--.--------.   _,.---._                                ,----.  .-._        ,--.--------.        ,-.-. >>
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`--`        `--`..---'  `--`-----'   `--`--`   Font Name: Chiseled
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 68 of 309

 _______                                   __   ___ ___                __ __
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                                                                               Font Name: Chunky
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 69 of 309

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Font Name: Coinstak
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 70 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 71 of 309

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Name: Colossal
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 72 of 309

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                                                                        Font Name: Computer
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 73 of 309

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                                     Font Name: Contessa
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 74 of 309

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Name: Contrast
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 75 of 309

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"YmmMMMM""""""YUMMMMMM    Font Name: Cosmike
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 76 of 309

 ______   ___   ____   ____     ___  ____   ______  __ __   ____  __ __  _     ______
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                                                                                      Font Name: Crawford
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 77 of 309

 ______  ___  ____  ____    ___ ____  ______ __ __  ____ __ __ _     ______
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                                                                            Font Name: Crawford2
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 78 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 79 of 309

  _______                                   __    ___ ___                __  __
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                                                                                  Font Name: Cricket
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 80 of 309

  ______                      _    _         _
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                                                 Font Name: Cursive
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 81 of 309

 _______  _____   ______  ______ _______ __   _ _______ _    _ _______ _     _        _______
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                                                                                             Font Name: >>
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 82 of 309

___ ____ ____ ____ ____ _  _ ___ _  _ ____ _  _ _    ___
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                                                         Font Name: Cybermedium
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 83 of 309

 ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ _ ___ _  _ ____ _  _ _    ___
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 84 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 85 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 86 of 309

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            Font Name: DWhistled
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 87 of 309

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Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 88 of 309

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(_")("_)__) (__) Font Name: Dancing Font
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 89 of 309

84 111 114 114 101 110 116 86 97 117 108 116 Font Name: Decimal
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 90 of 309

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Font Name: Def Leppard
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 91 of 309

/\\\ /\\\\\\                                             /\\  /\\         /\\                   /\\  /\\
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Font Name: Diamond
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 92 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 93 of 309

 +-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-++-+Font Name: Digital
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 94 of 309

tttt     VVVVVVVV           VVVVVVVV                                lllllll         tttt
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      TT:::::::TT   o:::::ooooo:::::o r:::::r             r:::::r            e::::::::e            n::::n >>
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      T:::::::::T   o:::::::::::::::o r:::::r             r:::::r             e::::::::eeeeeeee    n::::n >>
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      T:::::::::T    oo:::::::::::oo  r:::::r             r:::::r              ee:::::::::::::e    n::::n >>
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      TTTTTTTTTTT      ooooooooooo    rrrrrrr             rrrrrrr                eeeeeeeeeeeeee    nnnnnn >>
nnnnnn          ttttttttttt         VVV           aaaaaaaaaa  aaaa   uuuuuuuu  uuuullllllll >>

Font Name: Doh
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 95 of 309

 _____                         _   _   _             _ _
|_   _|                       | | | | | |           | | |
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                                                           Font Name: Doom
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 96 of 309

    _  _  _  _  _                                                                    _        _ >>
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(_)(_)(_)  (_) (_)(_)(_) (_)(_)(_)(_)  (_)(_)

Font Name: Dot Matrix
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 97 of 309

_____  _____  _____ _____ _____ __  __ _____ __ __  ___  __ __ __    _____
 ||   ((   )) ||_// ||_// ||==  ||\\||  ||   \\ // ||=|| || || ||     ||
 ||    \\_//  || \\ || \\ ||___ || \||  ||    \V/  || || \\_// ||__|  ||   Font Name: Double Shorts
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 98 of 309

 ______   ___   ____  ____   ____ __  __ ______ __ __  ___  __ __ __    ______
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                                                                              Font Name: Double
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 99 of 309

 ___                           _    _ _            _    _
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                                                            Font Name: Dr Pepper
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 100 of 309

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#########    "    ###########################Font Name: Efti Chess
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 101 of 309

 ___                  _ _
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                                    Font Name: Efti Font
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 102 of 309

 _____                       _ __
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/_/ |_,'// //  |_(/_n_///  |_,' |_,7/__/////
                                              Font Name: Efti Italic
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 103 of 309

____     _ _
                Font Name: Efti Piti
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 104 of 309

 _____                        _   _  _            _  _
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  /_\ \_/ /_\ /_\  \(  /_\/_\/_\  \__/ /_^_\/___\/_\/_\
                                                        Font Name: Efti Robot
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 105 of 309

               #   ___           !!!           !!!           |"|          _   _ >>
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ooO--(_)--Ooo--8---(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--`o'--Ooo-oo >>
--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--(_)--Ooo-ooO--`o'--Ooo-Font Name: Efti Wall
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 106 of 309

____                    _  _ _            _  _
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(( ((_)(|  (|  (('((\( (( ((,' ((_( ((_( (( ((
                                               Font Name: Efti Water
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 107 of 309

________________ _______  _______  _______ _      _________        _______         _   _________
\__   __/  ___  )  ____ )(  ____ )(  ____ \ (    /|__   __/\     /|  ___  )\     /| \  \__   __/
   ) (  | (   ) | (    )|| (    )|| (    \/  \  ( |  ) (  | )   ( | (   ) | )   ( | (     ) (
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   | |  | |   | |     __)|     __)|  __)  | (\ \) |  | |  ( (   ) )  ___  | |   | | |     | |
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   | |  | (___) | ) \ \__| ) \ \__| (____/\ )  \  |  | |    \   / | )   ( | (___) | (____/\ |
   )_(  (_______)/   \__/|/   \__/(_______//    )_)  )_(     \_/  |/     \|_______)_______/_(
                                                                                                Font >>
Name: Epic
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 108 of 309

|''||''|                                        ||    \\      //                  '||`   ||
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                                                                                               Font Name: >>
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 109 of 309

888888888 88888888   ,dbPPPp   ,dbPPPp   ,d8PPPP 888  ,d8 888888888 d88   88 ,8b.     888  888 888 >>
   '88d   888  888   d88ooP'   d88ooP'   d88ooo  888_dPY8    '88d   d88   88 88'8o    888  888 888 >>
  '888    888  888 ,88' P'   ,88' P'   ,88'      8888' 88   '888    d88_o8P' 88PPY8.  888  888 888 >>
'88p      888oo888 88  do    88  do    88bdPPP   Y8P   Y8 '88p      Y88P'    8b   `Y' 888PP888 888PPPPP '88p
Font Name: Filter
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 110 of 309

 \· . ______ . ·/'     .· ´ ¯ ` ·.    \· . _ . · ´ ¯ ` ·.   \· . _ . · ´ ¯ ` ·.     .· ´ ¯ ` ·.‚ >>
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¯ `·\  /·´ ¯ ` ·\               '     /·´ ¯ `·\   ‘           \.·´'               `· . _ . · ´ >>
`· . __ . ·´‘   '  /· ´ ¯ ` · . _ .·´  '     /·´ ¯ `·\   ‘    Font Name: Filth
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 111 of 309

  *   )                              )                    (     )
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 ( )(_))(   )(   )(    ))\  (     )\()))\  )\ ( /(   ))\ ((_))\())
(_(_()) )\ (()\ (()\  /((_) )\ ) (_))/((_)((_))(_)) /((_) _ (_))/
|_   _|((_) ((_) ((_)(_))  _(_/( | |_ \ \ / /((_)_ (_))( | || |_
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  |_| \___/|_|  |_|  \___||_||_|  \__|  \_/  \__,_| \_,_||_| \__|
                                                                   Font Name: Fire Font-k
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 112 of 309

  *   )                        )                (    )
` )  /(   (   (     (       ( /((   (    )   (  )\( /(
 ( )(_)|  )(  )(   ))\ (    )\())\  )\( /(  ))\((_)\())
(_(_()))\(()\(()\ /((_))\ )(_))((_)((_)(_))/((_)_(_))/
|_   _((_)((_)((_|_)) _(_/(| |_\ \ / ((_)_(_))(| | |_
  | |/ _ \ '_| '_/ -_) ' \))  _|\ V // _` | || | |  _|
  |_|\___/_| |_| \___|_||_| \__| \_/ \__,_|\_,_|_|\__|
                                                        Font Name: Fire Font-s
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 113 of 309

    _   __   ____  ____  ____  ____     _   ___  ___   ____           _
 __| | /  \ |_   ||_   ||    ||__  | __| | /  _||_  \ |   _| ____  __| |
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   |_| \__/ |/\__/|/\__/|_||_||____|   |_| \___||___/ |____||_|      |_|Font Name: Flipped
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 114 of 309

,---------.    ,-----.    .-------.    .-------.        .-''-.  ,---.   .--.,---------. ,---.  ,---. >>
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Font Name: Flower Power
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 115 of 309

    /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\                   \¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\‚                   /¯¯¯¯¯\                  /¯¯¯¯¯\ >>
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Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 116 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 117 of 309

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Font Name: Fraktur
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 118 of 309

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Fun Face
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 119 of 309

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Fun Faces
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 120 of 309

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                                                                  Font Name: Fuzzy
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 121 of 309

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¯¯¯¯           Font Name: Galactus
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 122 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 123 of 309

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                                                                                                   Font >>
Name: Georgia11
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 124 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 125 of 309

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Font Name: Ghoulish
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 126 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 127 of 309

 '/¯/|¯|\¯\° '/¯/|¯|  |¯|\¯\  |¯|\¯\  '/¯/|¯|  |¯|\¯\ ' '/¯/|¯|\¯\° |¯|   /¯/  |_|\¯\ ' |¯| |¯|  |¯| >>
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"   |_|     Font Name: Glue
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 128 of 309

_        ____     ___     ___     ___        __     ___    __        __    __    _____  _____    ___ >>
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/__/      )____|  |____Font Name: Goofy
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 129 of 309

 ___                                            _
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                                                                           Font Name: Gothic
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 130 of 309

 ____  __  ____  ____  ____  __ _  ____  _  _   __   _  _  __   ____
(_  _)/  \(  _ \(  _ \(  __)(  ( \(_  _)/ )( \ / _\ / )( \(  ) (_  _)
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 (__) \__/(__\_)(__\_)(____)\_)__) (__)  \__/ \_/\_/\____/\____/(__) Font Name: Graceful
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 131 of 309

Font Name: Gradient
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 132 of 309

___________                                  __  ____   ____              .__    __
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                                   \/     \/                     \/                   Font Name: Graffiti
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 133 of 309

 _____                                             __
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          | |   | |                  _) )
          |_|   |_|                 (__/                    Font Name: Greek
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 134 of 309

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Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 135 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 136 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 137 of 309

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Font Name: Hellfire
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 138 of 309

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                                                                                                  Font >>
Name: Henry 3D
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 139 of 309

54 6F 72 72 65 6E 74 56 61 75 6C 74 Font Name: Hex
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 140 of 309

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Font Name: Hieroglyphs
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 141 of 309

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                                                                                                   Font >>
Name: Hollywood
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 142 of 309

 _         _______   _______   _______   _______   _______   _         _____      ______   ______ >>
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\_| |_\

Font Name: Horizontal Left
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 143 of 309

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Font Name: Horizontal Right
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 144 of 309

    *   *
 *** *    *
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  **        Font Name: ICL-1900
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Font Name: Impossible
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 146 of 309

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                                                  Font Name: Invita
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 147 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
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   \__\/          \  \::/       |__|:|~       |__|:|~       \  \:\         /__/:/      \__\/ >>
\__\::::/       /__/:/       \  \::/       \  \:\   \__\/
                   \__\/         \__\|         \__\|         \__\/         \__\/ >>
~~~~        \__\/         \__\/         \__\/              Font Name: Isometric4
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 151 of 309

 /   _ _ _  _/(  /_   /_/
( ()/ / (-/)/ |_/(/(/( /
                          Font Name: Italic
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 152 of 309

  _   _            __     ___                            _____
 | |_| |_   _  __ _\ \   / / |_ _ __   ___ _ __ _ __ ___|_   _|
 | __| | | | |/ _` |\ \ / /| __| '_ \ / _ \ '__| '__/ _ \ | |
 | |_| | |_| | (_| | \ V / | |_| | | |  __/ |  | | | (_) || |
  \__|_|\__,_|\__,_|  \_/   \__|_| |_|\___|_|  |_|  \___/ |_|
                                                               Font Name: Ivrit
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 153 of 309

 _____  ____ _____ _____  ____  __  _  _____ __  __ ____  __ __  _    _____
|_   _|/ () \| () )| () )| ===||  \| ||_   _|\ \/ // () \|  |  || |__|_   _|
  |_|  \____/|_|\_\|_|\_\|____||_|\__|  |_|   \__//__/\__\\___/ |____| |_|  Font Name: JS Block Letters
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 154 of 309

 .---.  .----. .----. .----. .----..-. .-. .---. .-. .-.  .--.  .-. .-..-.  .---.
{_   _}/  {}  \| {}  }| {}  }| {_  |  `| |{_   _}| | | | / {} \ | { } || | {_   _}
  | |  \      /| .-. \| .-. \| {__ | |\  |  | |  \ \_/ //  /\  \| {_} || `--.| |
  `-'   `----' `-' `-'`-' `-'`----'`-' `-'  `-'   `---' `-'  `-'`-----'`----'`-'  Font Name: JS Bracket >>
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 155 of 309

 ____, ____, ___,   ___,   ____, ____,   ____, __  _, ___,   __   _, __    ____,
(-|   (-/  \(-|_)  (-|_)  (-|_, (-|  |  (-|   (-\ |  (-|_\_,(-|  |  (-|   (-|
 _|     \__/ _| \_, _| \_, _|__, _|  |_, _|      \|   _|  )   |__|_, _|__, _|
(           (      (      (     (       (            (              (     (     Font Name: JS Capital Curves
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 156 of 309

 -/- _,_ ,_   ,_   _   ,__,  -/-_,    __,        // -/-
_/__(_/_/ (__/ (__(/__/ / (__/_  (_/_(_/(__(_/__(/__/_

                                                       Font Name: JS Cursive
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 157 of 309

___  __   __   __   ___      ___                     ___
 |  /  \ |__) |__) |__  |\ |  |  \  /  /\  |  | |     |
 |  \__/ |  \ |  \ |___ | \|  |   \/  /~~\ \__/ |___  |
                                                         Font Name: JS Stick Letters
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 158 of 309

 ________     ____     ______     ______      _____      __      _   ________   __    __     ____ >>
__    __   _____       ________
(___  ___)   / __ \   (   __ \   (   __ \    / ___/     /  \    / ) (___  ___)  ) )  ( (    (    ) >>
) )  ( (  (_   _)     (___  ___)
    ) )     / /  \ \   ) (__) )   ) (__) )  ( (__      / /\ \  / /      ) )    ( (    ) )   / /\ \ >>
( (    ) )   | |           ) )
   ( (     ( ()  () ) (    __/   (    __/    ) __)     ) ) ) ) ) )     ( (      \ \  / /   ( (__) ) >>
) )  ( (    | |          ( (
    ) )    ( ()  () )  ) \ \  _   ) \ \  _  ( (       ( ( ( ( ( (       ) )      \ \/ /     )    ( >>
( (    ) )   | |   __      ) )
   ( (      \ \__/ /  ( ( \ \_)) ( ( \ \_))  \ \___   / /  \ \/ /      ( (        \  /     /  /\  \ >>
) \__/ (  __| |___) )    ( (
   /__\      \____/    )_) \__/   )_) \__/    \____\ (_/    \__/       /__\        \/     /__(  )__\ >>
\______/  \________/     /__\
Font Name: Jacky
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 159 of 309

ooooo                                   o  o     o               8   o
  8                                     8  8     8               8   8
  8   .oPYo. oPYo. oPYo. .oPYo. odYo.  o8P 8     8 .oPYo. o    o 8  o8P
  8   8    8 8  `' 8  `' 8oooo8 8' `8   8  `b   d' .oooo8 8    8 8   8
  8   8    8 8     8     8.     8   8   8   `b d'  8    8 8    8 8   8
  8   `YooP' 8     8     `Yooo' 8   8   8    `8'   `YooP8 `YooP' 8   8
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Font Name: Jazmine
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 160 of 309

__   _________ ___ _   _   ___     ____   _________ ______ ______ ______ ________ _____
\ \ / /____  .|_  | | | | | \ \   / /\ \ / /.  __  |____  |____  |____  |.  ___  |_   _|
|  V /     | |  | | | | | | |\ \ / / |  V / | |  | | _  | |    | |    | || |   | | | |
| |\ \     | |  | | |/ /_/ /  \ V /  | |\ \ | | _| || | |_|    | |    | || |___| | | |
|_| \_\    | |  |_|_______/    \_/   |_| \_\|_||___|| |        |_|    |_||_______| |_|
           |_|                                      |_|                                 Font Name: Jerusalem
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 161 of 309

#    #   #                                  ######        #                #        ########## >>
#    #   # ######### ######### ##########              #######             #   ###           #   ###### >>
##   #   # #       # #       #         #  ##########    # #       ######   ####             # >>
#       # #
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# #
#  #    #  #       # #       #     # #           ##  ##########            #            ##          # >>
#      #   ######### #########      #          ##         #     ########## #          ## >>
##########      #
#    ##                              #       ##           #                 ####### ## >>
Font Name: Katakana
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 162 of 309

|''||''|                                            .   '||'  '|'                  '||    .
   ||      ...   ... ..  ... ..    ....  .. ...   .||.   '|.  .'   ....   ... ...   ||  .||.
   ||    .|  '|.  ||' ''  ||' '' .|...||  ||  ||   ||     ||  |   '' .||   ||  ||   ||   ||
   ||    ||   ||  ||      ||     ||       ||  ||   ||      |||    .|' ||   ||  ||   ||   ||
  .||.    '|..|' .||.    .||.     '|...' .||. ||.  '|.'     |     '|..'|'  '|..'|. .||.  '|.'

                                                                                              Font Name: Kban
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 163 of 309

 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______
|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|\     /|
| +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ |
| |   | | |   | | |   | | |   | | |   | | |   | | |   | | |   | | |   | | |   | | |   | | |   | |
| |T  | | |o  | | |r  | | |r  | | |e  | | |n  | | |t  | | |V  | | |a  | | |u  | | |l  | | |t  | |
| +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ | +---+ |
                                                                                                 Font >>
Name: Keyboard
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 164 of 309

         _  _________  _________  _________  _________  _________          _   ________  _________ >>
_________  _________          _
 _______| |(  _____  )(___   _  )(___   _  )(  _   _  )(______  _) _______| | / _______)(____  _  )( >>
_______)(  _______) _______| |
(_______  || |_____| | _/   |_| | _/   |_| || | | | | | _____/ /_ (_______  || (_______  ___| |_| || >>
|_______ | |        (_______  |
        |_|(_________)(__/(_____)(__/(_____)(_) (_) (_)(_________)        |_| \________)(_________)( >>
________)(_)                |_|Font Name: Knob
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 165 of 309

´/´  /´/  /´/  /´/  /.´  /1 / ´/´ / /  /1 / /  / ´/´
/   /./  /`.  /`.  /..  / 1/  /   1/  /´/ L/  /. /   Font Name: Konto Slant
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 166 of 309

´´T´´ ,´`. I´´, I´´, I.` I`.I ´´T´´ ` / .^. I  I I   ´´T´´
  I   `..' I´`. I´`. I.. I `I   I    V  I^I `..I L..   I   Font Name: Konto
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 167 of 309

  |                                   |   |  /                |     |
  +    -    |-    |-     -    |-     -+-  | +    -            +    -+-
  |   | |   |     |     |/    | |     |   |/    | |   | |     |     |
       -                 --            -         --    --     -      -
                                                                        Font Name: LCD
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 168 of 309

 ______                                 __    __  __                    ___    __
/\__  _\                               /\ \__/\ \/\ \                  /\_ \  /\ \__
\/_/\ \/   ___   _ __  _ __   __    ___\ \ ,_\ \ \ \ \    __     __  __\//\ \ \ \ ,_\
   \ \ \  / __`\/\`'__\\`'__\'__`\/' _ `\ \ \/\ \ \ \ \ /'__`\  /\ \/\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \/
    \ \ \/\ \L\ \ \ \/\ \ \/\  __//\ \/\ \ \ \_\ \ \_/ \\ \L\.\_\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_
     \ \_\ \____/\ \_\ \ \_\ \____\ \_\ \_\ \__\\ `\___/ \__/.\_\\ \____/ /\____\\ \__\
      \/_/\/___/  \/_/  \/_/\/____/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `\/__/ \/__/\/_/ \/___/  \/____/ \/__/

                                                                                       Font Name: Larry 3D
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 169 of 309

_/_/_/_/_/                                                    _/      _/      _/ >>
_/    _/
   _/      _/_/    _/  _/_/  _/  _/_/    _/_/    _/_/_/    _/_/_/_/  _/      _/    _/_/_/  _/    _/ >>
_/  _/_/_/_/
  _/    _/    _/  _/_/      _/_/      _/_/_/_/  _/    _/    _/      _/      _/  _/    _/  _/    _/  _/    _/
 _/    _/    _/  _/        _/        _/        _/    _/    _/        _/  _/    _/    _/  _/    _/  _/    _/
_/      _/_/    _/        _/          _/_/_/  _/    _/      _/_/      _/        _/_/_/    _/_/_/  _/ >>

Font Name: Lean
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 170 of 309

TTTTTTT                                     tt    VV     VV                 lll tt
  TTT    oooo  rr rr  rr rr    eee  nn nnn  tt    VV     VV   aa aa uu   uu lll tt
  TTT   oo  oo rrr  r rrr  r ee   e nnn  nn tttt   VV   VV   aa aaa uu   uu lll tttt
  TTT   oo  oo rr     rr     eeeee  nn   nn tt      VV VV   aa  aaa uu   uu lll tt
  TTT    oooo  rr     rr      eeeee nn   nn  tttt    VVV     aaa aa  uuuu u lll  tttt
                                                                                      Font Name: Letters
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 171 of 309

(`-')                   (`-')    (`-')  (`-')  _<-. (`-')_ (`-')           (`-') (`-')  _ >>
( OO).->       .->   <-.(OO ) <-.(OO )  ( OO).-/   \( OO) )( OO).->       _(OO ) (OO ).-/      .-> >>
<-.   ( OO).->
/    '._  (`-')----. ,------,),------,)(,------.,--./ ,--/ /    '._  ,--.(_/,-.\ / ,---.  ,--.(,--. >>
,--. )  /    '._
|'--...__)( OO).-.  '|   /`. '|   /`. ' |  .---'|   \ |  | |'--...__)\   \ / (_/ | \ /`.\ |  | |(`-') >>
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|  |OO )`--.  .--'
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'__ |   |  |
   |  |     '  '-'  '|  |\  \ |  |\  \  |  `---.|  | \   |    |  |   \-'\   /    |  | |  |\  '-'(_ .' >>
|     |'   |  |
   `--'      `-----' `--' '--'`--' '--' `------'`--'  `--'    `--'       `-'     `--' `--' `-----' >>
`-----'    `--'    Font Name: Lil Devil
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 172 of 309

_______  ______   ______   ______   ______  ______  _______  _     _   ______   _    _   _       _______
  | |   / |  | \ | |  | \ | |  | \ | |     | |  \ \   | |   | |   | | | |  | | | |  | | | |        | |
  | |   | |  | | | |__| | | |__| | | |---- | |  | |   | |   \ \   / / | |__| | | |  | | | |   _    | |
  |_|   \_|__|_/ |_|  \_\ |_|  \_\ |_|____ |_|  |_|   |_|    \_\_/_/  |_|  |_| \_|__|_| |_|__|_|   |_|
Font Name: Line Blocks
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 173 of 309

.---..----..---. .---. .---..-..-..---..-..-..---..-..-..-.   .---.
`| |'| || || |-< | |-< | |- | .` |`| |' \  / | | || || || |__ `| |'
 `-' `----'`-'`-'`-'`-'`---'`-'`-' `-'   `'  `-^-'`----'`----' `-'
                                                                   Font Name: Linux
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 174 of 309

::::::|                          :|  ::| ::|          :|  :|
  ::|  ,::\ :::| :::| :~~/ :::\ :::|  ::::/ .::\ :\:| :| :::|
  ::|  `::/ :|   :|   :::, :|:|  :|    ::/  `::| `::| :|  :|
                                                              Font Name: Lockergnome
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 175 of 309

/=\                   |- /  \         |  |-
 |  /=\ /= /= /=\ /=\ |  |==| /=| | | |  |
 |  \=/ |  |  \=  | | \=  \/  \=| \=/ \= \=
                                            Font Name: Madrid
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 176 of 309

.::: .::::::                                             .::  .::         .::                   .::  .::
     .::                                                 .::   .::       .::                    .::  .::
     .::       .::    .: .:::.: .:::   .::    .:: .::  .:.: .:  .::     .::     .::    .::  .:: .::.:.: .:
     .::     .::  .::  .::    .::    .:   .::  .::  .::  .::     .::   .::    .::  .:: .::  .:: .::  .::
     .::    .::    .:: .::    .::   .::::: .:: .::  .::  .::      .:: .::    .::   .:: .::  .:: .::  .::
     .::     .::  .::  .::    .::   .:         .::  .::  .::       .::::     .::   .:: .::  .:: .::  .::
     .::       .::    .:::   .:::     .::::   .:::  .::   .::       .::        .:: .:::  .::.::.:::   .::
Font Name: Marquee
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 177 of 309

~~|~~                 ||    |        | |
  |/~\|/~\|/~\/~/|/~\~|~\  //~~||   ||~|~
  |\_/|   |   \/_|   ||  \/ \__| \_/|| |
                                         Font Name: Maxfour
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 178 of 309

         '|¯¯¯¯|'          '/¯¯¯¯/\¯¯¯¯\   |¯¯¯¯|/¯¯¯¯\° |¯¯¯¯|/¯¯¯¯\° /¯¯¯¯/|¯¯¯¯|'  |¯¯¯¯|\¯¯¯¯\' >>
'|¯¯¯¯|'          \¯¯¯¯\   /¯¯¯¯/   /¯¯¯¯/'         \¯¯¯¯\ '|¯¯¯¯|  |¯¯¯¯|          '|¯¯¯¯|'
 |¯¯¯¯||       ||¯¯¯¯|  |       |  |       |'  |                /  |                / '|       |/____/ >>
|       | |       |  |¯¯¯¯||       ||¯¯¯¯|   |       |  |       |   /____/|¯¯¯¯|   |       | | >>
|  |       |  |¯¯¯¯||       ||¯¯¯¯|
 |____||       ||____|  |       |  |       |'  |       |\___'/'   |       |\___'/'   \____\/¯¯¯¯/  | >>
| |       |  |____||       ||____|   |       |  |       |   /¯¯¯¯/|       |   |       | |       |  | >>
|  |____||       ||____|
        ' |____|'          '\____\/____/   |____|    °      |____|    °              /____/   |____| >>
|____|         ' |____|'           '\____\/____/'   \____\|____|   '\____\|____|  |____|         ' |____|' >>
Font Name: MeDi
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 179 of 309

|¯¯¯¯¯|° /¯¯¯¯¯\ |¯¯¯¯\  |¯¯¯¯\   /¯x¯¯\ |¯¯¯\|¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯|°\¯¯¯\    /¯¯¯/'    /¯¯¯¯¯| |'¯¯|¯¯'|°|¯¯¯¯| >>
'  |¯¯¯¯¯|°
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/     !     | |         | |       |__ |         |
 ¯|__|¯   \_____/ |__|\__\|__|\__\ \____\ |___|\___|  ¯|__|¯      \_____/ _' /___/¯|__'|  \____/ >>
'|______|  ¯|__|¯  Font Name: Mer
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 180 of 309

 ___________  ______     _______    _______    _______  _____  ___  ___________  ___      ___  __ >>
____  ____  ___  ___________
("     _   ")/    " \   /"      \  /"      \  /"     "|(\"   \|"  \("     _   ")|"  \    /"  |/""\ >>
("  _||_ " ||"  |("     _   ")
 )__/  \\__/// ____  \ |:        ||:        |(: ______)|.\\   \    |)__/  \\__/  \   \  //  //    \ >>
|   (  ) : |||  | )__/  \\__/
    \\_ /  /  /    ) :)|_____/   )|_____/   ) \/    |  |: \.   \\  |   \\_ /      \\  \/. .//' /\  \ >>
(:  |  | . )|:  |    \\_ /
    |.  | (: (____/ //  //      /  //      /  // ___)_ |.  \    \. |   |.  |       \.    ////  __'  \ >>
\\ \__/ //  \  |___ |.  |
    \:  |  \        /  |:  __   \ |:  __   \ (:      "||    \    \ |   \:  |        \\   //   /  \\ >>
\  /\\ __ //\ ( \_|:  \\:  |
     \__|   \"_____/   |__|  \___)|__|  \___) \_______) \___|\____\)    \__|         \__/(___/ >>
\___)(__________) \_______)\__|
Font Name: Merlin1
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 181 of 309

    _        _        _         _          _        _          _        _      _          _      _          _
 __/\\__  __/\\___  _/\\___   _/\\___   __/\\___  _/\\___   __/\\__  _ /\\  __/\\__  ___ /\\   _/\\_ >>
(__  __))(_     _))(_   _  ))(_   _  ))(_  ____))(_      ))(__  __))/ \\ \\(_  ____)/  //\ \\ (_  _)) >>
(__  __))
  /  \\   /  _  \\  /  |))//  /  |))//  /  ._))   /  :   \\  /  \\  \:'/ // /  _ \\ \:.\\_\ \\ /  \\ >>
/  \\
 /:.  \\ /:.(_)) \\/:.    \\ /:.    \\ /:. ||___ /:. |   // /:.  \\  \  // /:./_\ \\ \  :.  ///:.  \\__ >>
/:.  \\
 \__  // \  _____//\___|  // \___|  // \  _____))\___|  //  \__  // (_  _))\  _   //(_   ___))\__ >>
____))\__  //
    \//   \//           \//       \//   \//           \//      \//    \//   \// \//   \//        \// >>

Font Name: Merlin2
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 182 of 309

  _      _  _  _     _              |  _
   |  | |  |  |/ |\   | |/ //| |/|  |   |
                                         Font Name: Mike
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 183 of 309

  |  _  ._ ._ _  ._ _|_ \  / _.     | _|_
  | (_) |  | (/_ | | |_  \/ (_| |_| |  |_
                                          Font Name: Mini
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 184 of 309

   _ _           __     __  _                          _____
 _| | |_   _ _ __\ \   / /_| | __ _ ___ __ _ __ _  ___|_   _|
|__ | | | | | '_ \\ \ / /|__ |/ _` / _ \__` |__` |/ _ \ | |
 _| | | |_| | |_) |\ V /  _| | | | \__  | | |  | | (_) || |
|__/|_|_.__/|_.__/  \_/  |__/|_| |_|___/  |_|  |_|\___/ |_|
                                                             Font Name: Mirror
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 185 of 309

TorrentVaultFont Name: Mnemonic
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 186 of 309

 _______  _______  ______   ______   _______  __    _  _______  __   __  _______  __   __  ___      _______
|       ||       ||    _ | |    _ | |       ||  |  | ||       ||  | |  ||   _   ||  | |  ||   |    |       |
|_     _||   _   ||   | || |   | || |    ___||   |_| ||_     _||  |_|  ||  |_|  ||  | |  ||   |    |_     _|
  |   |  |  | |  ||   |_|| |   |_|| |   |___ |       |  |   |  |       ||       ||  |_|  ||   |      |   |
  |   |  |  |_|  ||    __ ||    __ ||    ___||  _    |  |   |  |       ||       ||       ||   |___   |   |
  |   |  |       ||   |  |||   |  |||   |___ | | |   |  |   |   |     | |   _   ||       ||       |  |   |
  |___|  |_______||___|  |||___|  |||_______||_|  |__|  |___|    |___|  |__| |__||_______||_______| >>
|___|  Font Name: Modular
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 187 of 309

- --- .-. .-. . -. - ...- .- ..- .-.. - Font Name: Morse
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 188 of 309

- --- .-. .-. . -. - ...- .- ..- .-.. - Font Name: Morse2
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 189 of 309

#####  ###  ####  ####  ##### #   # ##### ####    #   #   # ##### #####
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 190 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 191 of 309

                      __                 __
>>|<<  >>  |<<  |<<  |   | | >>|<< |  | |  | |  | |   >>|<<
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 192 of 309

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Font Name: NScript
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 193 of 309

 _____                                             __
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          |_|   |_|                 (__/                    Font Name: NT Greek
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 194 of 309

 ,ggggggggggggggg                                                        ,ggg,         ,gg
dP""""""88"""""""                                                   I8  dP""Y8a       ,8P >>
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,d8b,,d8b,  ,d8b,,d8b,_  ,d88b,
     "Y8P'P"Y8888P"  8P      `Y88P      `Y8888P"Y8888P'   8I   `Y88P""Y8        "Y8P" P"Y8888P"`Y88P >>
"Y88P"`Y88P'"Y88 8P""Y8

Font Name: NV Script
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 195 of 309

M""""""""M                                                dP   M""MMMMM""M                   dP   dP
Mmmm  mmmM                                                88   M  MMMMM  M                   88   88
MMMM  MMMM .d8888b. 88d888b. 88d888b. .d8888b. 88d888b. d8888P M  MMMMP  M .d8888b. dP    dP 88 d8888P
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MMMM  MMMM 88.  .88 88       88       88.  ... 88    88   88   M  MMP' .MM 88.  .88 88.  .88 88   88
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MMMMMMMMMM                                                     MMMMMMMMMMM
Font Name: Nancyj-Fancy
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 196 of 309

d888888P                                                dP   dP     dP                   dP   dP
   88                                                   88   88     88                   88   88
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                                                                                                   Font >>
Name: Nancyj-Improved
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 197 of 309

d888888P                                                dP   dP     dP                   dP   dP
   88                                                   88   88     88                   88   88
   88    .d8888b. 88d888b. 88d888b. .d8888b. 88d888b. d8888P 88    .8P .d8888b. dP    dP 88 d8888P
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                                                                                                   Font >>
Name: Nancyj-Underlined
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 198 of 309

d888888P                                                dP   dP     dP                   dP   dP
   88                                                   88   88     88                   88   88
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                                                                                                   Font >>
Name: Nancyj
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 199 of 309

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Font Name: Nipples
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 200 of 309

ooooooooooo                                                         o8  ooooo  oooo >>
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Font Name: O8
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 201 of 309

______________________________________________________________________________________________Font Name: OS2
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 202 of 309

124 157 162 162 145 156 164 126 141 165 154 164 Font Name: Octal
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 203 of 309

 _____                          _                    _ _
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                                                           Font Name: Ogre
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 204 of 309

#######                                          #     #
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 205 of 309

 _______                          _   _     _           __ _
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                                                               Font Name: Pawp
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 206 of 309

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___________________________________________     Font Name: Peaks Slant
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 207 of 309

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Font Name: Peaks
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 208 of 309

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                                                                                  Font Name: Pebbles
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 209 of 309

 /_  ___  _ _/_| |_     /_/_
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                            Font Name: Pepper
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 210 of 309

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Font Name: Poison
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 211 of 309

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'Font Name: PsY
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 212 of 309

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/'|_____|    '|__|    Font Name: PsY2
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 213 of 309

 _____                             _    _   _                _    _
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                                                                      Font Name: Puffy
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 214 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 215 of 309

  ^    ^    ^    ^    ^    ^    ^    ^    ^    ^    ^    ^
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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 216 of 309

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Font Name: Rammstein
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 217 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 218 of 309

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Red Phoenix
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 219 of 309

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Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 220 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 221 of 309

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Font Name: Relief2
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 222 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 223 of 309

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'|L,__‚|‚      Font Name: Ribbit
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 224 of 309

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Font Name: Ribbit2
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 225 of 309

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Name: Ribbit3
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 226 of 309

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Font Name: Roman
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 227 of 309

GbeeragInhygFont Name: Rot13
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 228 of 309

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                                                            Font Name: Rotated
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 229 of 309

 _______                                _     _             _
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                                                                    Font Name: Rounded
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 230 of 309

   dMP   dMP"dMP dMP.dMP dMP.dMP dMP     dMP dMP   dMP   dMP dMP dMP"dMP dMP dMP dMP     dMP
  dMP   dMP dMP dMMMMK" dMMMMK" dMMMP   dMP dMP   dMP   dMP dMP dMMMMMP dMP dMP dMP     dMP
 dMP   dMP.aMP dMP"AMF dMP"AMF dMP     dMP dMP   dMP    YMvAP" dMP dMP dMP.aMP dMP     dMP
                                                                                                Font >>
Name: Rowan Cap
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 231 of 309

88P'888'Y88                                           d8   Y8b Y88888P                   888   d8
P'  888  'Y  e88 88e  888,8, 888,8,  ,e e,  888 8e   d88    Y8b Y888P   ,"Y88b 8888 8888 888  d88
    888     d888 888b 888 "  888 "  d88 88b 888 88b d88888   Y8b Y8P   "8" 888 8888 8888 888 d88888
    888     Y888 888P 888    888    888   , 888 888  888      Y8b Y    ,ee 888 Y888 888P 888  888
    888      "88 88"  888    888     "YeeP" 888 888  888       Y8P     "88 888  "88 88"  888  888

                                                                                                    Font >>
Name: Rozzo
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 232 of 309

  /|\   |\
 / | \  | \
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   |    |   |
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   |    |   | Font Name: Runic
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 233 of 309

  /|\                         |\
 / | \                        | \
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   |    \/ |/ |/ |  | `|   |  |   | |\ | | |   |
   |    /\ |\ |\ |  |  |`  |  |   | |  | | |   |  Font Name: Runyc
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 234 of 309

 @@@@@@@  @@@@@@  @@@@@@@  @@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@ @@@  @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@  @@@  @@@@@@  @@@  @@@ @@@      @@@@@@@
   @@!   @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@ @@!      @@!@!@@@   @@!   @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@ @@!        @@!
   @!!   @!@  !@! @!@!!@!  @!@!!@!  @!!!:!   @!@@!!@!   @!!   @!@  !@! @!@!@!@! @!@  !@! @!!        @!!
   !!:   !!:  !!! !!: :!!  !!: :!!  !!:      !!:  !!!   !!:    !: .:!  !!:  !!! !!:  !!! !!:        !!:
    :     : :. :   :   : :  :   : : : :: ::: ::    :     :       ::     :   : :  :.:: :  : ::.: :    :
Font Name: S Blood
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 235 of 309

  ______                      _    _         _
    /                     _/_' )  /         //_/_
 --/  __ __  __  _  ____  /   (  /__.  . . // /
(_/  (_)/ (_/ (_</_/ / <_<__   \/(_/|_(_/_</_<__

                                                 Font Name: SL Script
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 236 of 309

 ______                      _,   _         _
(  /                     _/_( |  /         //_/_
  /  __ _   _   _  _ _   /    | /__,  , , // /
_/  (_)/ (_/ (_(/_/ / /_(__   |/(_/(_(_/_(/_(__

                                                Font Name: Santa Clara
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 237 of 309

  ______                            _                   _
 (_) |                             (_|   |_/           | |
     | __   ,_    ,_    _   _  _  _|_|   | __,         | |_|_
   _ |/  \_/  |  /  |  |/  / |/ |  | |   |/  |  |   |  |/  |
  (_/ \__/    |_/   |_/|__/  |  |_/|_/\_/ \_/|_/ \_/|_/|__/|_/

                                                              Font Name: Script
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 238 of 309

 ____ __ ___  ___  ___ _  _ ____ _  _ __ _  _ __  ____
(_  _)  \  ,)(  ,)(  _) \( )_  _) )( )  ) )( )  )(_  _)
  )(( () )  \ )  \ ) _))  (  )(  \\///__\)()( )(__ )(
 (__)\__/_)\_)_)\_)___)_)\_)(__) (__)_)(_)__/(____)__) Font Name: Serifcap
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 239 of 309

 __ __|                               |  \ \     /              |  |
    |   _ \    __|   __|  _ \  __ \   __| \ \   /  _` |  |   |  |  __|
    |  (   |  |     |     __/  |   |  |    \ \ /  (   |  |   |  |  |
   _| \___/  _|    _|   \___| _|  _| \__|   \_/  \__,_| \__,_| _| \__|
                                                                       Font Name: Shadow
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 240 of 309

,---.                     .   .   ,         . .
  |                       |   |  /          | |
  |   ,-. ;-. ;-. ,-. ;-. |-  | /   ,-: . . | |-
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  '   `-' '   '   `-' ' ' `-' '     `-` `-` ' `-'
                                                  Font Name: Shimrod
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 241 of 309

~|~       _ ,_|-| /    ||-
 | ()|`|`(/_|||_|/ (|L|||_
                          Font Name: Short
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 242 of 309

__/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\__________________________________________________________________________________ >>
 _\///////\\\/////__________________________________________________________________________________ >>
  _______\/\\\______________________________________________________________________________________ >>
   _______\/\\\____________/\\\\\______/\\/\\\\\\\____/\\/\\\\\\\_______/\\\\\\\\____/\\/\\\\\\_____ >>
    _______\/\\\__________/\\\///\\\___\/\\\/////\\\__\/\\\/////\\\____/\\\/////\\\__\/\\\////\\\___ >>
     _______\/\\\_________/\\\__\//\\\__\/\\\___\///___\/\\\___\///____/\\\\\\\\\\\___\/\\\__\//\\\_ >>
      _______\/\\\________\//\\\__/\\\___\/\\\__________\/\\\__________\//\\///////____\/\\\___\/\\\ >>
       _______\/\\\_________\///\\\\\/____\/\\\__________\/\\\___________\//\\\\\\\\\\__\/\\\___\/\\ >>
        _______\///____________\/////______\///___________\///_____________\//////////___\///____\// >>
_______\/////___________\///__________\////////\//____\/////////____\/////////_______\/////____Font Name: >>
Slant Relief
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 243 of 309

  ______                            __  _    __             ____
 /_  __/____  _____________  ____  / /_| |  / /____ ___  __/ / /_
  / /  / __ \/ ___/ ___/ _ \/ __ \/ __/| | / // __ `/ / / / / __/
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/_/   \____/_/  /_/   \___/_/ /_/\__/  |___/ \__,_/\__,_/_/\__/
                                                                 Font Name: Slant
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 244 of 309

##HH||                      #|  ##  ||         #|  #|
  #| #H| ## H|## H|#H| ##H|##HH|##  ||##| ## H|#| ##HH|
  #|## H|##H| ##H|##HH|## H|#|  ##  ||  H|## H|#|  #|
  #|## H|##   ##  ##   ## H|#|   #HH| ##H|## H|#|  #|
  #| #H| ##   ##   #HH|## H|#H|   #|  ##HH|#HH|#H| #H|
                                                        Font Name: Slide
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 245 of 309

 _____  ____   ____   ____   ___   _  _   _____  _   _    _    _  _   _      _____
)__ __(/ __ \ /  _ \ /  _ \ ) __( ) \/ ( )__ __(\ ( ) /  )_\  ) () ( ) |    )__ __(
  | |  ))__(( )  ' / )  ' / | _)  |  \ |   | |   )\_/(  /( )\ | \/ | | (__    | |
  )_(  \____/ |_()_\ |_()_\ )___( )_()_(   )_(    \_/  )_/ \_()____( )____(   )_(
                                                                                   Font Name: Small Caps
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 246 of 309

    ___       ___       ___       ___       ___       ___       ___       ___       ___       ___ >>
___       ___
   /\  \     /\  \     /\  \     /\  \     /\  \     /\__\     /\  \     /\__\     /\  \     /\__\ >>
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/:/  /     \:\  \
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\:\__\    \/__/
             \/__/     \|__|     \|__|     \/__/     \/__/                         \/__/     \/__/ >>
\/__/            Font Name: Small Isometric1
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 247 of 309

 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
||T |||o |||r |||r |||e |||n |||t |||V |||a |||u |||l |||t ||
|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\|Font Name: Small Keyboard
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 248 of 309

@@@@@@@  @@@@@@  @@@@@@@  @@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@ @@@  @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@  @@@  @@@@@@  @@@  @@@ @@@      @@@@@@@
  @!!   @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@ @@!      @@!@!@@@   @!!   @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@ @@!        @!!
  @!!   @!@  !@! @!@!!@!  @!@!!@!  @!!!:!   @!@@!!@!   @!!   @!@  !@! @!@!@!@! @!@  !@! @!!        @!!
  !!:   !!:  !!! !!: :!!  !!: :!!  !!:      !!:  !!!   !!:    !: .:!  !!:  !!! !!:  !!! !!:        !!:
   :     : :. :   :   : :  :   : : : :: ::  ::    :     :       ::     :   : :  :.:: :  : ::.: :    :
Font Name: Small Poison
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 249 of 309

 () | _   ,_   ,_   _      _|_(|  |_/_,        |\_|_
    |/ \_/  | /  | |/ /|/|  |  |  | / |  |  |  |/ |
  (/ \_/    |/   |/|_/ | |_/|_/ \/  \/|_/ \/|_/|_/|_/
                                                     Font Name: Small Script
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 250 of 309

 __ __|                        |  \ \   /             |  |
    |   _ \   _| _| -_)    \    _| \ \ /  _` |  |  |  |   _|
   _| \___/ _| _| \___| _| _| \__|  \_/ \__,_| \_,_| _| \__|
                                                             Font Name: Small Shadow
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 251 of 309

 ______                      __  _   __           ____
/_  __/___  ___________ ___ / /_| | / /___ ___ __/ / /_
 / /  / _ \/ __/ __/ -_) _ | __/| |/ // _ `/ // / / __/
/_/   \___/_/ /_/  \__/_//_|__/ |___/ \_,_/\_,_/_/\__/
                                                       Font Name: Small Slant
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 252 of 309

 _  c       ,'  _ _      |_ _   .', ?
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|     (, (,          |                (_, |   Font Name: Small Tengwar
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 253 of 309

  _____                     _  __   __          _ _
 |_   _|___ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _| |_\ \ / /__ _ _  _| | |_
   | | / _ \ '_| '_/ -_) ' \  _|\ V // _` | || | |  _|
   |_| \___/_| |_| \___|_||_\__| \_/ \__,_|\_,_|_|\__|
                                                      Font Name: Small
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 254 of 309

,--------.                                     ,--. ,--.   ,--.              ,--.  ,--.
'--.  .--',---. ,--.--.,--.--. ,---. ,--,--, ,-'  '-.\  `.'  /,--,--.,--.,--.|  |,-'  '-.
   |  |  | .-. ||  .--'|  .--'| .-. :|      \'-.  .-' \     /' ,-.  ||  ||  ||  |'-.  .-'
   |  |  ' '-' '|  |   |  |   \   --.|  ||  |  |  |    \   / \ '-'  |'  ''  '|  |  |  |
   `--'   `---' `--'   `--'    `----'`--''--'  `--'     `-'   `--`--' `----' `--'  `--'
                                                                                          Font Name: Soft
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 255 of 309

                                     '                        ‘                        ‘ >>
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   /¯¯¯¯/|'‚             /¯¯¯¯/|‘                     '/¯¯¯¯'\‘              '/¯¯¯¯'\‘ >>
'|\¯¯¯¯\/'/|       '|'‚   /¯¯¯¯/|'‚                                          /¯¯¯¯/|      ' >>
'‚           /¯¯¯¯/|               /¯¯¯¯/|'‚
 '/       /;'| '‚          /       /\¯¯¯¯\ '   |\¯¯¯¯\/ /|       '|   |\¯¯¯¯\/ /|       '| >>
'/¯¯¯¯/|¯¯¯¯|    '|;'|       '/'/       /|‘ '/       /;'| '‚         |\¯¯¯¯\              '‚ >>
'/____/|¯¯¯¯|°        /¯¯¯¯/;/¯¯¯¯'/|  '|       |;|             '/       /;'| '‚
 |       '|\¯¯¯¯\     '|       '|;;\       \   |;|       '/;/____/|   |;|       '/;/____/|  |       |;| >>
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'/       /;/       '/;'|  '|\      '\|    '‚        |       '|\¯¯¯¯\
 |\       \'\____\‘   '|\       \;;|       |‘  \/       /|;|       |;|‘  \/       /|;|       |;|‘ | >>
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'|;;'/     /       '|/        /;;/     '\;|       |/¯¯¯¯/|  |;'\       \|       | '‚
 '\;;'\____\___.|    \;'|      /____/;|' |____|;'/‘             |____|;'/‘             |\____\|____| >>
‘|____|;|____|;;/     '\;;'\____\___.|       \;;\____\|____'|  |\____/\____\/'     '|_____/|____|;'/ >>
'‚    '/____/|____'|'|  '\;;'\____\___.|
   \;;|       |'           '\|___|       '|;/  |       |/    '‚          |       |/    '‚          |;| >>
||      '| ‘|       |/|       |/         \;;|       |'              '\;'|       ||       |  |;| >>
|;|       '|      '|        |;|       |/‘        |       |;|       '|/'‚   \;;|       |'
     \|____|'                  '|____'|/   |____|            '‚   |____|            '‚   '\|____||____| >>
'|____| |____|            \|____|'                \|____||____|  '\|___,|/|____'|      '|____,|/|____|‘ >>
|____|/|____'| °     \|____|'        Font Name: Sony
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 256 of 309

________                                     _____ ___    __                ___________
___  __/______ _____________________ _______ __  /___ |  / /______ _____  _____  /__  /_
__  /   _  __ \__  ___/__  ___/_  _ \__  __ \_  __/__ | / / _  __ `/_  / / /__  / _  __/
_  /    / /_/ /_  /    _  /    /  __/_  / / // /_  __ |/ /  / /_/ / / /_/ / _  /  / /_
/_/     \____/ /_/     /_/     \___/ /_/ /_/ \__/  _____/   \__,_/  \__,_/  /_/   \__/
                                                                                        Font Name: Speed
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 257 of 309

 ____  _____  _____  _____  _____  _____  ____  __ __  _____  __ __  ____   ____
/    \/  _  \/  _  \/  _  \/   __\/  _  \/    \/  |  \/  _  \/  |  \/  _/  /    \
\-  -/|  |  ||  _  <|  _  <|   __||  |  |\-  -/\  |  /|  _  ||  |  ||  |---\-  -/
 |__| \_____/\__|\_/\__|\_/\_____/\__|__/ |__|  \___/ \__|__/\_____/\_____/ |__|
                                                                                 Font Name: Spliff
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 258 of 309

______________________________________________________ _____________________   ________
7      77     77  _  77  _  77     77     77      77  V  77  _  77  7  77  7   7      7
!__  __!|  7  ||    _||    _||  ___!|  _  |!__  __!|  |  ||  _  ||  |  ||  |   !__  __!
  7  7  |  |  ||  _ \ |  _ \ |  __|_|  7  |  7  7  |  !  ||  7  ||  |  ||  !___  7  7
  |  |  |  !  ||  7  ||  7  ||     7|  |  |  |  |  |     ||  |  ||  !  ||     7  |  |
  !__!  !_____!!__!__!!__!__!!_____!!__!__!  !__!  !_____!!__!__!!_____!!_____!  !__!
                                                                                       Font Name: Stacey
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 259 of 309

,--,--'                  .  ,.   ,.       .  .
`- | ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-. |- `|  / ,-. . . |  |-
 , | | | |   |   |-' | | |   | /  ,-| | | |  |
 `-' `-' '   '   `-' ' ' `'  `'   `-^ `-' `' `'

                                                Font Name: Stampate
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 260 of 309

,--,--'                  .  ,.   ,.       .  .
`- | ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-. |- `|  / ,-. . . |  |-
 , | | | |   |   |-' | | |   | /  ,-| | | |  |
 `-' `-' '   '   `-' ' ' `'  `'   `-^ `-^ `' `'

                                                Font Name: Stampatello
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 261 of 309

  _____                          _  __     __           _ _
 |_   _|___  _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ | |_\ \   / /__ _ _   _| | |_
   | | / _ \| '__| '__/ _ \ '_ \| __|\ \ / // _` | | | | | __|
   | || (_) | |  | | |  __/ | | | |_  \ V /| (_| | |_| | | |_
   |_| \___/|_|  |_|  \___|_| |_|\__|  \_/  \__,_|\__,_|_|\__|
                                                              Font Name: Standard
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 262 of 309

------------   --------   -----------  -----------  ------------ ----    ---- ------------ ---    --- >>
------    ----    ---- ----         ------------
************  **********  ***********  ***********  ************ *****   **** ************ ***    *** >>
********   ****    **** ****         ************
------------ ----    ---- ----    ---  ----    ---  ----         ------  ---- ------------ ---    --- >>
----------  ----    ---- ----         ------------
    ****     ***      *** *********    *********    ************ ************     ****     ***    *** >>
****    **** ****    **** ****             ****
    ----     ---      --- ---------    ---------    ------------ ------------     ----     ---    --- >>
------------ ----    ---- ----             ----
    ****     ****    **** ****  ****   ****  ****   ****         ****  ******     ****      ******** >>
************ ************ ************     ****
    ----      ----------  ----   ----  ----   ----  ------------ ----   -----     ----       ------ >>
----    ---- ------------ ------------     ----
    ****       ********   ****    **** ****    **** ************ ****    ****     ****        **** >>
****    **** ************ ************     ****
Font Name: Star Strips
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 263 of 309

.___________.  ______   .______      .______       _______ .__   __. .___________.____    ____  ___ >>
__    __   __      .___________.
|           | /  __  \  |   _  \     |   _  \     |   ____||  \ |  | |           |\   \  /   / /   \ >>
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\  |  |  |  | |  |         |  |
    |  |     |  `--'  | |  |\  \----.|  |\  \----.|  |____ |  |\   |     |  |        \    / /  _____ >>
\ |  `--'  | |  `----.    |  |
    |__|      \______/  | _| `._____|| _| `._____||_______||__| \__|     |__|         \__/ /__/     \__\ >>
\______/  |_______|    |__|
Font Name: Star Wars
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 264 of 309

`... `......                                             `..  `..         `..                   `..  `..
     `..                                                 `..   `..       `..                    `..  `..
     `..       `..    `. `...`. `...   `..    `.. `..  `.`. `.  `..     `..     `..    `..  `.. `..`.`. `.
     `..     `..  `..  `..    `..    `.   `..  `..  `..  `..     `..   `..    `..  `.. `..  `.. `..  `..
     `..    `..    `.. `..    `..   `..... `.. `..  `..  `..      `.. `..    `..   `.. `..  `.. `..  `..
     `..     `..  `..  `..    `..   `.         `..  `..  `..       `....     `..   `.. `..  `.. `..  `..
     `..       `..    `...   `...     `....   `...  `..   `..       `..        `.. `...  `..`..`...   `..
Font Name: Stellar
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 265 of 309

 _____ __  ___ ___ ___ __  _ _____ _   _   __  _  _ _ _____
|_   _/__\| _ \ _ \ __|  \| |_   _| \ / | /  \| || | |_   _|
  | || \/ | v / v / _|| | ' | | | `\ V /'| /\ | \/ | |_| |
  |_| \__/|_|_\_|_\___|_|\__| |_|   \_/  |_||_|\__/|___|_|   Font Name: Stforek
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 266 of 309

___  __   __   __   ___      ___                     ___
 |  /  \ |__) |__) |__  |\ |  |  \  /  /\  |  | |     |
 |  \__/ |  \ |  \ |___ | \|  |   \/  /~~\ \__/ |___  |
                                                         Font Name: Stick Letters
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 267 of 309

 _______                                 _    _            _
(_______)                            _  | |  | |          | |_
 _        ___   ____ ____ ____ ____ | |_| |  | |____ _   _| | |_
| |      / _ \ / ___) ___) _  )  _ \|  _)\ \/ // _  | | | | |  _)
| |_____| |_| | |  | |  ( (/ /| | | | |__ \  /( ( | | |_| | | |__
 \______)\___/|_|  |_|   \____)_| |_|\___) \/  \_||_|\____|_|\___)
                                                                  Font Name: Stop
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 268 of 309

 | _  _ _ _ _ |_\  /_    ||_
 |(_)| | (-| )|_ \/(_||_|||_
                             Font Name: Straight
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 269 of 309

 ______   ______     ______     ______     ______     __   __     ______   __   __   ______     __  __ >>
__         ______
/\__  _\ /\  __ \   /\  == \   /\  == \   /\  ___\   /\ "-.\ \   /\__  _\ /\ \ / /  /\  __ \   /\ \/\ >>
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   \ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \_\ \_\  \ \_\ \_\  \ \_____\  \ \_\\"\_\    \ \_\  \ \__|    \ \_\ \_\  \ \_____\ >>
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    \/_/   \/_____/   \/_/ /_/   \/_/ /_/   \/_____/   \/_/ \/_/     \/_/   \/_/      \/_/\/_/   \/_____/ >>
\/_____/     \/_/
Font Name: Sub-Zero
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 270 of 309

 _________  ______   ______    ______    ______   ___   __    _________  __   __   ________   __  __ >>
__     _________
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\_____\/ \__\/
Font Name: Swamp Land
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 271 of 309

.---.                    ..       .        . .
  |                     _|_\     /         |_|_
  | .-. .--..--..-. .--. |  \   /.-.  .  . | |
  |(   )|   |  (.-' |  | |   \ /(   ) |  | | |
  ' `-' '   '   `--''  `-`-'  '  `-'`-`--`-`-`-'

                                                Font Name: Swan
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 272 of 309

 ___                                                            ___ >>
___   ___
(   )                                                          (   ) >>
(   ) (   )
 | |_       .--.    ___ .-.     ___ .-.      .--.    ___ .-.    | |_      ___  ___    .---.   ___  ___ >>
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 | |(   ) | |  | |  | |         | |        |  |/  |  | |  | |   | |(   )  | |  | |   / .'| |  | |  | >>
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 | | | |  | |  | |  | |         | |        |  ' _.'  | |  | |   | | | |   | |  | |  | /  | |  | |  | >>
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 | ' | |  | '  | |  | |         | |        |  .'.-.  | |  | |   | ' | |   ' '  ; '  ; |  ; |  | |  ; >>
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  `.__.    `.__.'  (___)       (___)        `.__.'  (___)(___)   `.__.      '_.'    `.__.'_.   '.__.' >>
(___)   `.__.

Font Name: Sweet
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 273 of 309

|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|° /¯¯,¯¯\  |\¯¯¯,¯)°  |\¯¯¯,¯)°  |\¯¯¯(\_/   |\¯¯¯\)¯¯\   |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|°|\¯¯ \   /¯¯/|   )¯¯,¯\ >>
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/__/'\__\ |\______/| |_____'| |¯¯|__|¯¯|'
 ¯¯|__|¯¯   \|___ |/ °  |__|\|__|   |__|\|__| |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |__|/\|____|  ¯¯|__|¯¯    '\|____ |/'   |__ |/\|__|' >>
\|_____|/‘ |_____'|  ¯¯|__|¯¯
                                                         ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯'        ' >>
'             '                            ‘                          Font Name: TRaC Mini
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 274 of 309

 ________  /¯¯|\¯¯¯\ ' )¯¯|)¯¯)'‚   )¯¯|)¯¯)'‚       ___    ')¯¯¯\|¯¯¯¯)  ________  \¯¯¯(/¯¯¯/°  /¯ /|¯¯¯( >>
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    (___')°                         ¯¯¯¯        ¯¯¯¯ |__(/¯¯¯(‘'                      (___')° >>
‘                                            ¯¯¯¯      (___')°
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‘                                                                      Font Name: TRaC Tiny
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 275 of 309

    /¯¯¯/¯\     /¯¯¯/¯¯¯\     /¯¯¯/¯¯¯\       /¯¯¯/¯¯¯\      /¯¯¯/¯¯¯¯/             /¯¯¯/¯¯\       /¯¯¯/¯\ >>
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'\___\__|     \___\'____/        \___'\/    '        \___\___/ °          \___\___'/ >>
'\___\__| Font Name: TRaC's Old School Font
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 276 of 309

   /\                              /¯¯¯\ '            /\   /¯¯¯¯\          /\   /¯¯¯¯\ >>
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               \::|::/ '‚                 ‘             '\|/        \::|::/      '\|/        \::|::/ >>
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\|/              ¯¯¯¯¯    \|/                            '\|/                       \|/°         Font >>
Name: TRaC
Monospaced Font: No, Arial font used. Individual character widths vary.
Font 277 of 309

T)tttttt                                           t)   V)    vv                 l)L    t)
   T)                                            t)tTTT V)    vv                  l)  t)tTTT
   T)     o)OOO   r)RRR   r)RRR  e)EEEEE n)NNNN    t)   V)    vv a)AAAA  u)   UU  l)    t)
   T)    o)   OO r)   RR r)   RR e)EEEE  n)   NN   t)    V)  vv   a)AAA  u)   UU  l)    t)
   T)    o)   OO r)      r)      e)      n)   NN   t)     V)vv   a)   A  u)   UU  l)    t)
   T)     o)OOO  r)      r)       e)EEEE n)   NN   t)T     V)     a)AAAA  u)UUU  l)LL   t)T

                                                                                             Font Name: Tanja
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 278 of 309

             .dP"Yb                         .dP'                           `Yb                 db    dP"Yb.
           dP'   d'                       dP'                               88              db    db `b   'Yb
`Yb.d888b    'Yb    `Yb    dP' `Yb    dP'  'Yb   `Yb d88b d88b  `Yb.d888b   88 d88b d88b      'Yb >>
'Yb   `Y8888888b. `Yb.d888b
 88'    8Y    88      Yb  dP     Yb  dP     88    88P   8Y   8b  88'    8Y  88P   8Y   8b      88 >>
88      .dP'      88'    8Y
 88     8P    88       YbdP       YbdP      88    88    8P   88  88     8P  88    8P   88      88 >>
88    ,dP         88     8P
 88   ,dP    .8P       .8P        .8P      .8P   .8P  bdP  bdP   88   ,dP   88  .dP' .dP'     .8P >>
.8P    88     .    88   ,dP
 88                  dP'  b     dP'  b                           88         8888888888888b. >>
`Yb...dP    88
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`"""'     88
.8P                   `""'       `""'                           .8P >>
.8P        Font Name: Tengwar
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 279 of 309

TorrentVaultFont Name: Term
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 280 of 309

 _________  _________ _________ _________ __________ ___    __  _________  ___   ___  _______  _____ >>
_________       _________
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    `B'     `BBBBBBB' `BB' `BBB'`BB' `BBB'`BBBBBBBB' `BBBBBBB'     `B'     `BBBBBBB'`BB' >>
`BB'`BBBBBBBBB'`BBBBBBBB'    `B'    Font Name: Test1
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 281 of 309

88888                              w   Yb    dP            8  w
  8   .d8b. 8d8b 8d8b .d88b 8d8b. w8ww  Yb  dP  .d88 8   8 8 w8ww
  8   8' .8 8P   8P   8.dP' 8P Y8  8     YbdP   8  8 8b d8 8  8
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                                                                  Font Name: Thick
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 282 of 309

--.--                         |    .    ,          |    |
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  `  `---'`    `    `---'`   '`---'  `'  `---^`---'`---'`---'
                                                             Font Name: Thin
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 283 of 309

 ___,_, ,_  ,_   _,,  , ___,,   ,_   ,  , , ___,
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                                                 Font Name: Thorned
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 284 of 309

~|~ _  _ _ _  _ _|_\  / _    |_|_
 | (_)| | (/_| | |  \/ (_||_|| |
                                 Font Name: Three Point
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 285 of 309

     _/\/\/\/\/\/\________________________________________________________________/\/\______/\/\____ >>
    _____/\/\________/\/\/\____/\/\__/\/\__/\/\__/\/\____/\/\/\____/\/\/\/\____/\/\/\/\/\__/\/\____/ >>
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___________________________________________     Font Name: Ticks Slant

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___________________________________________Font Name: Ticks

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Font Name: Tiles

  _____                                            _     __   __                    _      _
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Name: Train

          dBP.BP      dBP      dBP              dBP                     BB
   dBP   dBP.BP   dBBBBK   dBBBBK   dBBP   dBP dBP   dBP   dB .BP   dBP BB   dBP dBP dBP    dBP
  dBP   dBP.BP   dBP  BB  dBP  BB  dBP    dBP dBP   dBP    BB.BP   dBP  BB  dBP_dBP dBP    dBP

    __ ___  __  __     __    ___     __    ___     /\     __           ___    ___
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Font Name: Univers

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Font 302 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 303 of 309

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Name: Whimsy
Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 304 of 309

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Monospaced Font: Yes. Individual character widths are the same.
Font 305 of 309

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Font 306 of 309

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