- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: ghc-mohaa.nfo ghc-mohaa

              .                      .
                .         .                      .         .
                .         :       *  GhC  *      :         .
      .         :  ____   |                      |   ____  :         .
      .      ___|__)  /___|_     G E R M A N    _|___\  (__|___      .
    __:_____\\  |         :    h A l U N k E N   :         |  //_____:__
_ _\\ |         :         .     C O M P A N Y    .         :         | //__ _
      |         .                                          .         |
      |                                    /\                        :
      :                                   /  \                 ._________
      _____/\  _ _______ _ ___/\   _ __  /   \\ _ _____/\ _ ___|       _/
     /  __ //____   ___/  ___  \\      \/      \   .__  \\     \       |
    //  \ \/     \ __)_____ /  _/____  \/       \  __/    \    \       |
    \____________/______  /_\        \_||        \_|       \_ _|\______|
      .         yop^shd \/   \________/ |_________/|________/        .
      :                         .____    .________                   .________
______.      _ ____/\ __.   _ __|    \ __|      _/__.   _ _______ ___|      _/
\_    |_____   .___ \\  |______ |    \\  \      |   |____    ___/    \      |
 |    _     \  ___/   \ |      \       \ \      |   _  _/__ __)_____ \      |
 |____|     \\_|       \_ __  //_______/_|\_____|___|      \_ ___  /_|\_____|
      |_______/|________/   /\                      |_______/    \/  .
      .                    /  \                           ._________ .______
  _____/\  _ ______/\ __  /   \\ _ _______/\ _ ___/\ _ ___|       _/_|      \
 /  __ //____       \\  \/      \ ____     \\ .__  \\     \       |  |      \\
//    \/     \ |      \ \/       \   '______/ __/    \    \       |     _____/
\____________/________/_||        \_ _|  _ ___|       \_ _|\______|_____|
      .                  |_________/          |________/             .
      :                                           We love old Games! :
      |                                                              |
  _ __|__       .                                          .       __|__ _
      : //______:_ _  is proud to present:              _ _:______\\ :
      .         |                                          |         .
                |  Medal of Honor Allied Assault:          |
                |                                          |
                |       PROTECTION :       Safedisc2       |
                |       GAMETYP    :       War/Shooter     |
                |       PACKED   BY:       GHC             |
                |       CRACKED  BY:       GHC             |
                |       SUPPLIED BY:       GHC             |
                |                                          |
                |      RELEASE DATE:  Febuary   23, 2007   |
                |      RETAIL  DATE:  January   20, 2002   |
                |      RELEASE SIZE:      Disc1 52x 15MB   |
                |                         Disc2 49x 15MB   |
                |                                          |
                |  GAME NOTES:                             |
                |  ===========                             |
                |  Medal of Honor represents the absolute  |
                |  best that action-packed, event-driven   |
                |  shooters have to offer.                 |
                |                                          |
                | Nothing to say more :)                   |
                |                                          |
                |  INSTALL NOTES:                          |
                |  ==============                          |
                |                                          |
                |  1. Unrar/ Mount (Burn) the Game         |
                |  2. Install the Game and Patch located   |
                |     on GHC dir on CD1! Copy Crack to     |
                |     installation Folder override the old |
                |     executable and run this killer game! |
                |                                          |
                |  3. Enjoy the GOOD OLD TIMES :)          |
                |                                          |
                |  NEWZ and GREETZ:                        |
                |  ================                        |
                |                                          |
                |                                          |
                |  We are currently looking for:           |
                |                                          |
                |                  10/100+Mbit afill Sites |
                |                  outside the EU!!        |
                |                                          |
                |                                          |
                |     Contact us under:       |
                |                                          |
                |      GREETZ and RESPEKT to:              |
                |                                          |
                |     FAIRLIGHT   RAZOR1911  DEViANCE      |
                |  iMMERSION    GENESIS     SOULDRINKER    |
                |     RELOADED      HATRED    MONEY        |
                |                                          |
                |   and to all others forgotten ones..     |
                |                                          |
                |      WE HOPE EVERYONE IS DOING FINE!!    |
                |                                          |
                |                                          |
                |                                          |
                |   Special THX goes out to "yop^shd"      |
                |   for this nice oldschool NFO!!          |
                |                                          |
                |                                          |
                |                                          |
                |         .                      .         |
            _ __|__     __:_      *GHC          _:__     __|__ _
                : //___(  |           2007*      |  )___\\ :
                .         :                      :         .
                     ______/\  _ ___.      _ _____/\
                    /   __ //____   |_______   __ //____
                   //   \ \/     \  _       \    \/     \
                   \_____________/__|       \\_ ________/
                 _ __     .         |_________/  .     __ _
                    //____|_                    _|____\\
                          |                      |
                          |      G E R M A N     |
                          |    h A l U N k E N   |
                          :     C O M P A N Y    :
                          .                      .

This NFO File was rendered by

              .                      .
                .         .                      .         .
                .         :       *  GhC  *      :         .
      .         :  ____   |                      |   ____  :         .
      .      ___|__)  /___|_     G E R M A N    _|___\  (__|___      .
    __:_____\\  |         :    h A l U N k E N   :         |  //_____:__
_ _\\ |         :         .     C O M P A N Y    .         :         | //__ _
      |         .                                          .         |
      |                                    /\                        :
      :                                   /  \                 ._________
      _____/\  _ _______ _ ___/\   _ __  /   \\ _ _____/\ _ ___|       _/
     /  __ //____   ___/  ___  \\      \/      \   .__  \\     \       |
    //  \ \/     \ __)_____ /  _/____  \/       \  __/    \    \       |
    \____________/______  /_\        \_||        \_|       \_ _|\______|
      .         yop^shd \/   \________/ |_________/|________/        .
      :                         .____    .________                   .________
______.      _ ____/\ __.   _ __|    \ __|      _/__.   _ _______ ___|      _/
\_    |_____   .___ \\  |______ |    \\  \      |   |____    ___/    \      |
 |    _     \  ___/   \ |      \       \ \      |   _  _/__ __)_____ \      |
 |____|     \\_|       \_ __  //_______/_|\_____|___|      \_ ___  /_|\_____|
      |_______/|________/   /\                      |_______/    \/  .
      .                    /  \                           ._________ .______
  _____/\  _ ______/\ __  /   \\ _ _______/\ _ ___/\ _ ___|       _/_|      \
 /  __ //____       \\  \/      \ ____     \\ .__  \\     \       |  |      \\
//    \/     \ |      \ \/       \   '______/ __/    \    \       |     _____/
\____________/________/_||        \_ _|  _ ___|       \_ _|\______|_____|
      .                  |_________/          |________/             .
      :                                           We love old Games! :
      |                                                              |
  _ __|__       .                                          .       __|__ _
      : //______:_ _  is proud to present:              _ _:______\\ :
      .         |                                          |         .
                |  Medal of Honor Allied Assault:          |
                |                                          |
                |       PROTECTION :       Safedisc2       |
                |       GAMETYP    :       War/Shooter     |
                |       PACKED   BY:       GHC             |
                |       CRACKED  BY:       GHC             |
                |       SUPPLIED BY:       GHC             |
                |                                          |
                |      RELEASE DATE:  Febuary   23, 2007   |
                |      RETAIL  DATE:  January   20, 2002   |
                |      RELEASE SIZE:      Disc1 52x 15MB   |
                |                         Disc2 49x 15MB   |
                |                                          |
                |  GAME NOTES:                             |
                |  ===========                             |
                |  Medal of Honor represents the absolute  |
                |  best that action-packed, event-driven   |
                |  shooters have to offer.                 |
                |                                          |
                | Nothing to say more :)                   |
                |                                          |
                |  INSTALL NOTES:                          |
                |  ==============                          |
                |                                          |
                |  1. Unrar/ Mount (Burn) the Game         |
                |  2. Install the Game and Patch located   |
                |     on GHC dir on CD1! Copy Crack to     |
                |     installation Folder override the old |
                |     executable and run this killer game! |
                |                                          |
                |  3. Enjoy the GOOD OLD TIMES :)          |
                |                                          |
                |  NEWZ and GREETZ:                        |
                |  ================                        |
                |                                          |
                |                                          |
                |  We are currently looking for:           |
                |                                          |
                |                  10/100+Mbit afill Sites |
                |                  outside the EU!!        |
                |                                          |
                |                                          |
                |     Contact us under:       |
                |                                          |
                |      GREETZ and RESPEKT to:              |
                |                                          |
                |     FAIRLIGHT   RAZOR1911  DEViANCE      |
                |  iMMERSION    GENESIS     SOULDRINKER    |
                |     RELOADED      HATRED    MONEY        |
                |                                          |
                |   and to all others forgotten ones..     |
                |                                          |
                |      WE HOPE EVERYONE IS DOING FINE!!    |
                |                                          |
                |                                          |
                |                                          |
                |   Special THX goes out to "yop^shd"      |
                |   for this nice oldschool NFO!!          |
                |                                          |
                |                                          |
                |                                          |
                |         .                      .         |
            _ __|__     __:_      *GHC          _:__     __|__ _
                : //___(  |           2007*      |  )___\\ :
                .         :                      :         .
                     ______/\  _ ___.      _ _____/\
                    /   __ //____   |_______   __ //____
                   //   \ \/     \  _       \    \/     \
                   \_____________/__|       \\_ ________/
                 _ __     .         |_________/  .     __ _
                    //____|_                    _|____\\
                          |                      |
                          |      G E R M A N     |
                          |    h A l U N k E N   |
                          :     C O M P A N Y    :
                          .                      .

This NFO File was rendered by

