- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-paul_van_dyk-autumn-cds-2001-ns.nfo 00-paul_van_dyk-autumn-cds-2001-ns





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>$½²`                                                                       `²½$<

`%s,                                                                         ,s%`

   ~s,._                       P R E S E N T S :                         _.,s~

       ;                                                                 ;

     .'                                                                   '.


>$½²`                                                                       `²½$<

`%s,               Artist:Paul Van Dyk                                       ,s%`

   ~s,.             Album:Autumn-CDS                                      .,s~

     .'                                                                   '.


>$½²`                                                                       `²½$<

   ~s,._         Rip-Date:10/05/2001                                     _.,s~

       ;     Release-Date:00/00/0000                                     ;

       ;            Genre:Trance                                         ;

       ;           Source:Compact Disc                                   ;

       ;           Ripper:Berlitz                                        ;

     .'                                                                   '.


>$½²`                                                                       `²½$<

`%s,         No  .  Time  .  Track Title                                    ,s%`

   ~s,._     ---    -----    ------------                               _.,s~

       ;     01      5:18    Autumn (Radio Edit)                        ;

       ;                                                                ;

       ;         .. Total Time: 0hr05min .. Total Size: 7MB ..         ;

     .'                                                                  '.


>$½²`    Do you want to join North$tar? We are looking for ppl living       `²½$<

`%s,     in the UK, and Nederlands. As well as ppl who have access to       ,s%`

   ~s,._ promo, or retail CD/Vinyls before they hit the store date.     _.,s~

       ;                 Email Us At:                     ;


This NFO File was rendered by





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>$«ý`                                                                       `ý«$<

`%s,                                                                         ,s%`

   ~s,._                       P R E S E N T S :                         _.,s~

       ;                                                                 ;

     .'                                                                   '.


>$«ý`                                                                       `ý«$<

`%s,               Artist:Paul Van Dyk                                       ,s%`

   ~s,.             Album:Autumn-CDS                                      .,s~

     .'                                                                   '.


>$«ý`                                                                       `ý«$<

   ~s,._         Rip-Date:10/05/2001                                     _.,s~

       ;     Release-Date:00/00/0000                                     ;

       ;            Genre:Trance                                         ;

       ;           Source:Compact Disc                                   ;

       ;           Ripper:Berlitz                                        ;

     .'                                                                   '.


>$«ý`                                                                       `ý«$<

`%s,         No  .  Time  .  Track Title                                    ,s%`

   ~s,._     ---    -----    ------------                               _.,s~

       ;     01      5:18    Autumn (Radio Edit)                        ;

       ;                                                                ;

       ;         .. Total Time: 0hr05min .. Total Size: 7MB ..         ;

     .'                                                                  '.


>$«ý`    Do you want to join North$tar? We are looking for ppl living       `ý«$<

`%s,     in the UK, and Nederlands. As well as ppl who have access to       ,s%`

   ~s,._ promo, or retail CD/Vinyls before they hit the store date.     _.,s~

       ;                 Email Us At:                     ;


This NFO File was rendered by

