- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-paul_van_dyk-autumn-cds-2001-ns.nfo 00-paul_van_dyk-autumn-cds-2001-ns
$$$ ,$$$, _.,sS½²$$$$²¼Ss,._ .sSSSSSS$SS$$SSSSSSSs. .½S²"'| $$$ `"²S½. `¼$ $$$ ¼' ²¼$$$$¼$$$$$$$SSs,._ :Ss;,_ ,$$$ : $$s$$SsS½²~"²⌐¼S$Ss `"²½Ssss$$$s_ :$$$$$ `S$$$$ ·ss$$$$$$s½Sss,. ·|$$$: :$$$$ : `$$$` `~"²%. $$$$ $|$$ .¼ $$$ ¼' S|$| $$$$ `½Ss,._ s$$$s_ _.,S½. S:$: S$$S `²½SSSSSSS$$$SSSSSS½²' ·$$$s. ,sS$$$· `²¼Ss$$$$$$$$sS²' `$$$` $$$ .,sSSS$$$$$$$Ss,. .,sS$$$$$$$SSSs,. .s$$SS²"~~ `²%$Ss,. - N O R T H $ T A R - .,sS$%²' ~~"²SS$$s $S¼' _.,sSS½s._ `²%$S,. .,S$%²' _.s½SSs,._ `¼S$ $$' -- `$$ `²¼. `"²½SSSSSSSS%s,.__ `~"²Ss,_ _,sS²"~' __.,s%SSSSSSSS½²"' .¼²' :' _.,ss._ __ __,._ `: _.sS$½²'~ _.,s;÷-- - : - --÷;s,._ ~`²½$Ss._ .½S½²' _.,s%$$¼" .s½²':.s$s.:`²½s, "¼$$%s,._ `²½S½. %S½"' .,s%$$$$~ .s¼²' .sS$$$$$Ss. `²½s, ~$$$$%s,. `"½S $½$. ..s¼$$$$$² _.,s²"' .sSS$$$$$$$$$SSs. `"²s,._ ²$$$$$¼s. .$½ `²Ss,_ .s$$$$$$$²,Ss.__ __.sS²~ ~²½S$$½²~ ~²Ss.__ __.sS,²$$$$$$$s. _,sS²` .s$$$$$$$².S² `²" "²' ²S.²$$$$$$$s. .s$$$$$$$$'.¼'.sS$$S;÷--s- $$S;÷-- -- --÷;S$$Ss.`½.'$$$$$$$$s. _.,:$$$$$$$$: :' .$S$$².$S$$²~$Ss. `$Ss. `$Ss..$S'"$$S$.²$$S$. `: :$$$$$$$$:,. `~"²$ ¼S$$ `S¼$ $¼S"' $¼S' $¼S' S¼$ $¼S' $$S¼ $²"~ Vega!n$ : `S¼$ `¼: :¼' :¼' :¼' `¼: :¼' $¼S' : `¼: : : : : : : : : :¼' --÷,._ : .¼: : : : : :¼. : _.,÷-- `²SSs. .S¼$ .¼: :¼. :¼. :¼. .¼: $¼S. .sSS²' `Ss. ¼S$$ _.S¼$ $¼S_ $¼S_ $¼S_ S¼$,. $$S¼ .sS' .½SS S$S$$s`²S$$s,s$Ss's$Ss's$Ss' $S:,s$$S$S SS½. _.s$SS' ·"²S$$S;÷-- - - --÷;S$$S²"' `SS$s._ `²½$Ss,. .,sS$½²' · · _.,s%²$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$²%s,._ >$½²` `²½$< `%s, ,s%` ~s,._ P R E S E N T S : _.,s~ ; ; .' '. _.,s%²$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$²%s,._ >$½²` `²½$< `%s, Artist:Paul Van Dyk ,s%` ~s,. Album:Autumn-CDS .,s~ .' '. _.,s%²$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$²%s,._ >$½²` `²½$< ~s,._ Rip-Date:10/05/2001 _.,s~ ; Release-Date:00/00/0000 ; ; Genre:Trance ; ; Source:Compact Disc ; ; Ripper:Berlitz ; .' '. _.,s%²$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$²%s,._ >$½²` `²½$< `%s, No . Time . Track Title ,s%` ~s,._ --- ----- ------------ _.,s~ ; 01 5:18 Autumn (Radio Edit) ; ; ; ; .. Total Time: 0hr05min .. Total Size: 7MB .. ; .' '. _.,s%²$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$²%s,._ >$½²` Do you want to join North$tar? We are looking for ppl living `²½$< `%s, in the UK, and Nederlands. As well as ppl who have access to ,s%` ~s,._ promo, or retail CD/Vinyls before they hit the store date. _.,s~ ; Email Us At: ; ;$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$; This NFO File was rendered by
$$$ ,$$$, _.,sS«ý$$$$ý¬Ss,._ .sSSSSSS$SS$$SSSSSSSs. .«Sý"'| $$$ `"ýS«. `¬$ $$$ ¬' ý¬$$$$¬$$$$$$$SSs,._ :Ss;,_ ,$$$ : $$s$$SsS«ý~"ý©¬S$Ss `"ý«Ssss$$$s_ :$$$$$ `S$$$$ úss$$$$$$s«Sss,. ú|$$$: :$$$$ : `$$$` `~"ý%. $$$$ $|$$ .¬ $$$ ¬' S|$| $$$$ `«Ss,._ s$$$s_ _.,S«. S:$: S$$S `ý«SSSSSSS$$$SSSSSS«ý' ú$$$s. ,sS$$$ú `ý¬Ss$$$$$$$$sSý' `$$$` $$$ .,sSSS$$$$$$$Ss,. .,sS$$$$$$$SSSs,. .s$$SSý"~~ `ý%$Ss,. - N O R T H $ T A R - .,sS$%ý' ~~"ýSS$$s $S¬' _.,sSS«s._ `ý%$S,. .,S$%ý' _.s«SSs,._ `¬S$ $$' -- `$$ `ý¬. `"ý«SSSSSSSS%s,.__ `~"ýSs,_ _,sSý"~' __.,s%SSSSSSSS«ý"' .¬ý' :' _.,ss._ __ __,._ `: _.sS$«ý'~ _.,s;ö-- - : - --ö;s,._ ~`ý«$Ss._ .«S«ý' _.,s%$$¬" .s«ý':.s$s.:`ý«s, "¬$$%s,._ `ý«S«. %S«"' .,s%$$$$~ .s¬ý' .sS$$$$$Ss. `ý«s, ~$$$$%s,. `"«S $«$. ..s¬$$$$$ý _.,sý"' .sSS$$$$$$$$$SSs. `"ýs,._ ý$$$$$¬s. .$« `ýSs,_ .s$$$$$$$ý,Ss.__ __.sSý~ ~ý«S$$«ý~ ~ýSs.__ __.sS,ý$$$$$$$s. _,sSý` .s$$$$$$$ý.Sý `ý" "ý' ýS.ý$$$$$$$s. .s$$$$$$$$'.¬'.sS$$S;ö--s- $$S;ö-- -- --ö;S$$Ss.`«.'$$$$$$$$s. _.,:$$$$$$$$: :' .$S$$ý.$S$$ý~$Ss. `$Ss. `$Ss..$S'"$$S$.ý$$S$. `: :$$$$$$$$:,. `~"ý$ ¬S$$ `S¬$ $¬S"' $¬S' $¬S' S¬$ $¬S' $$S¬ $ý"~ Vega!n$ : `S¬$ `¬: :¬' :¬' :¬' `¬: :¬' $¬S' : `¬: : : : : : : : : :¬' --ö,._ : .¬: : : : : :¬. : _.,ö-- `ýSSs. .S¬$ .¬: :¬. :¬. :¬. .¬: $¬S. .sSSý' `Ss. ¬S$$ _.S¬$ $¬S_ $¬S_ $¬S_ S¬$,. $$S¬ .sS' .«SS S$S$$s`ýS$$s,s$Ss's$Ss's$Ss' $S:,s$$S$S SS«. _.s$SS' ú"ýS$$S;ö-- - - --ö;S$$Sý"' `SS$s._ `ý«$Ss,. .,sS$«ý' ú ú _.,s%ý$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ý%s,._ >$«ý` `ý«$< `%s, ,s%` ~s,._ P R E S E N T S : _.,s~ ; ; .' '. _.,s%ý$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ý%s,._ >$«ý` `ý«$< `%s, Artist:Paul Van Dyk ,s%` ~s,. Album:Autumn-CDS .,s~ .' '. _.,s%ý$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ý%s,._ >$«ý` `ý«$< ~s,._ Rip-Date:10/05/2001 _.,s~ ; Release-Date:00/00/0000 ; ; Genre:Trance ; ; Source:Compact Disc ; ; Ripper:Berlitz ; .' '. _.,s%ý$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ý%s,._ >$«ý` `ý«$< `%s, No . Time . Track Title ,s%` ~s,._ --- ----- ------------ _.,s~ ; 01 5:18 Autumn (Radio Edit) ; ; ; ; .. Total Time: 0hr05min .. Total Size: 7MB .. ; .' '. _.,s%ý$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ý%s,._ >$«ý` Do you want to join North$tar? We are looking for ppl living `ý«$< `%s, in the UK, and Nederlands. As well as ppl who have access to ,s%` ~s,._ promo, or retail CD/Vinyls before they hit the store date. _.,s~ ; Email Us At: ; ;$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$; This NFO File was rendered by