- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-quo_vadis-la_musica-vinyl-2001-ute.nfo 00-quo_vadis-la_musica-vinyl-2001-ute

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                          │ United   Trance   Experience │

  │                                                                            │
  │                          quo vadis - la musica                             │
  │                                                                            │
  │ ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????┐ │
  │ |                                                                        | │
  │   quo vadis - la musica                                                    │
  │                                                                            │
  │   Artist : quo vadis                                                       │
  │   Album  : la musica                                                       │
  │                                                                            │
  │ ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????┐ │
  │ │                                                                        │ │
  │ │ Ripper      : Trune                                                    │ │
  │ │ Source      : Trune                                                    │ │
  │ │ Date        : 25.08.2001                                               │ │
  │ | Style       : trance                                                   | │
  │   Year        : 2001                                                       │
  │   Source      : cdda                                                       │
  │   Encoder     : lame                                                       │
  │   Quality     : 192kbps / 44.1kHz / full stereo                            │
  │   Songs       : 02                                                         │
  │   Playtime    : 14:24 min                                                  │
  │   Label       : none                                                       │
  │   Size        : 19,8 MB                                                    │
  │                                                                            │
  │ ??????????????????????????????[ ReleaseNotes ]???????????????????????????┐ │
  │ │                                                                        │ │
  │ │   The New Quo Vadis Tune, Not as good as sonic boom, but still some    │ │
  │ |   nice Epic Trance                                                     | │
  │ |                                                                        | │
  │ |   TRUNE & A 1/2!!!                                                     | │
  │                                                                            │
  │                                                                            │
  │                                                                            │
  │ ???????????????????????????????[ TrackList ]?????????????????????????????┐ │
  │ │                                                                        │ │
  │ │ musica original mix                                    [07:52]  │ │
  │ │ musica andy manston mix                                [06:32]  │ │
  │                                                                            │
  │                                                                 -------    │
  │                                                                            │
  │                                                                 14:24 min  │
  │                                                                  19,8 MB   │
  │ ???????????????????????????????[ GroupNews ]?????????????????????????????┐ │
  │ │                                                                        │ │
  │ │ UTE is new to the mp3 scene. The Group Style  focuses on               │ │
  │ │ releasing high quality trance music. Our goal is to bring              │ │
  │ │ you only the highest and top music. If you are ready to be             │ │
  │ │ a part of UTE, just contact the ops at #ute on Efnet, and              │ │
  │ │ tell what you are able to do for us.                                   │ │
  │ │                                                                        │ │
  │ │ [ Looking For ]                                                        │ │
  │ │                                                                        │ │
  │ │   SiteOps (T-1 and above, 15+ GB).                                     │ │
  │ |   Rippers and promos suppliers.                                        | │
  │                                                                            │
  │                                                                            │
  │                                                                            │
  │ ???????????????????????????????[  ReachUs  ]?????????????????????????????┐ │
  │ │                                                                        │ │
  │ │ IRC         :  #UTE        (EFNET)                                     │ │
  │ │ MAIL        :                                     │ │
  │ │ Web SITE    :  Http://On.To/Ute                                        │ │
  │ │                                                                        │ │
  │ │ last updated : 11 March 2001                                           │ │
  │ │           By : Flat_                                    Nfo & Header   │ │
  │ │                                                           Flat/UTE     │ │
  │ │                                                                        │ │
  │ |                                                                        | │
  │                                ???????????┐                                │
  ?????????????????????????????????┤ 2001 UTE ??????????????????????????????????

This NFO File was rendered by

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                          ³ United   Trance   Experience ³

  ³                                                                            ³
  ³                          quo vadis - la musica                             ³
  ³                                                                            ³
  ³ ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¿ ³
  ³ |                                                                        | ³
  ³   quo vadis - la musica                                                    ³
  ³                                                                            ³
  ³   Artist : quo vadis                                                       ³
  ³   Album  : la musica                                                       ³
  ³                                                                            ³
  ³ ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¿ ³
  ³ ³                                                                        ³ ³
  ³ ³ Ripper      : Trune                                                    ³ ³
  ³ ³ Source      : Trune                                                    ³ ³
  ³ ³ Date        : 25.08.2001                                               ³ ³
  ³ | Style       : trance                                                   | ³
  ³   Year        : 2001                                                       ³
  ³   Source      : cdda                                                       ³
  ³   Encoder     : lame                                                       ³
  ³   Quality     : 192kbps / 44.1kHz / full stereo                            ³
  ³   Songs       : 02                                                         ³
  ³   Playtime    : 14:24 min                                                  ³
  ³   Label       : none                                                       ³
  ³   Size        : 19,8 MB                                                    ³
  ³                                                                            ³
  ³ ??????????????????????????????[ ReleaseNotes ]???????????????????????????¿ ³
  ³ ³                                                                        ³ ³
  ³ ³   The New Quo Vadis Tune, Not as good as sonic boom, but still some    ³ ³
  ³ |   nice Epic Trance                                                     | ³
  ³ |                                                                        | ³
  ³ |   TRUNE & A 1/2!!!                                                     | ³
  ³                                                                            ³
  ³                                                                            ³
  ³                                                                            ³
  ³ ???????????????????????????????[ TrackList ]?????????????????????????????¿ ³
  ³ ³                                                                        ³ ³
  ³ ³ musica original mix                                    [07:52]  ³ ³
  ³ ³ musica andy manston mix                                [06:32]  ³ ³
  ³                                                                            ³
  ³                                                                 -------    ³
  ³                                                                            ³
  ³                                                                 14:24 min  ³
  ³                                                                  19,8 MB   ³
  ³ ???????????????????????????????[ GroupNews ]?????????????????????????????¿ ³
  ³ ³                                                                        ³ ³
  ³ ³ UTE is new to the mp3 scene. The Group Style  focuses on               ³ ³
  ³ ³ releasing high quality trance music. Our goal is to bring              ³ ³
  ³ ³ you only the highest and top music. If you are ready to be             ³ ³
  ³ ³ a part of UTE, just contact the ops at #ute on Efnet, and              ³ ³
  ³ ³ tell what you are able to do for us.                                   ³ ³
  ³ ³                                                                        ³ ³
  ³ ³ [ Looking For ]                                                        ³ ³
  ³ ³                                                                        ³ ³
  ³ ³   SiteOps (T-1 and above, 15+ GB).                                     ³ ³
  ³ |   Rippers and promos suppliers.                                        | ³
  ³                                                                            ³
  ³                                                                            ³
  ³                                                                            ³
  ³ ???????????????????????????????[  ReachUs  ]?????????????????????????????¿ ³
  ³ ³                                                                        ³ ³
  ³ ³ IRC         :  #UTE        (EFNET)                                     ³ ³
  ³ ³ MAIL        :                                     ³ ³
  ³ ³ Web SITE    :  Http://On.To/Ute                                        ³ ³
  ³ ³                                                                        ³ ³
  ³ ³ last updated : 11 March 2001                                           ³ ³
  ³ ³           By : Flat_                                    Nfo & Header   ³ ³
  ³ ³                                                           Flat/UTE     ³ ³
  ³ ³                                                                        ³ ³
  ³ |                                                                        | ³
  ³                                ???????????¿                                ³
  ?????????????????????????????????´ 2001 UTE ??????????????????????????????????

This NFO File was rendered by

