- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: fear-arthur.xvid.nfo fear-arthur.xvid

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                              FEAR PRESENT:



                      REGION:         1
                      RIP DATE:       April 27th 2007
                      RETAIL DATE:    May 15th 2007
                      USER RATING:    5.0/10 (1,485 votes)
                      DURATION:       94 Minutes
                      Resolution:     640* 272
                      Audio:          mp3 vbr 128 kbit

Ten-year-old Arthur, in a bid to save his grandfather's house from being
demolished, goes looking for some much-fabled hidden treasure in the land
of the Minimoys, a tiny people living in harmony with nature.
                          Back after a small break!
     Region 1 dvd9 source. Thanks to recoders for wasting people's bandwidth.
        Contact us if you think you can help in any way, including site
                                  & supply.
                      You will of course be rewarded amply.
Month        Day       Year        Release
August       13th      2006        SOUTH.PARK.S08D1.DVDR-FEAR
August       14th      2006        SOUTH.PARK.S08D2.DVDR-FEAR
August       14th      2006        SOUTH.PARK.S08D3.DVDR-FEAR
September    21st      2006        Down.In.The.Valley.DVDR-FEAR
September    28th      2006        Click.DVDRip.XViD-FEAR
September    28th      2006        CLICK.DVDR-FEAR
October      21st      2006        The.Queen.DVDSCR.XViD-FEAR
October      22nd      2006        Dirty.Sanchez.The.Movie.DVDSCR.XViD-FEAR
January      6th       2007        24.SEASON.6.PREMIERE.DVDR-FEAR
January      15th      2007        Right.At.Your.Door.LiMiTED.DVDR-FEAR
February     7th       2007        Man.About.Town.LiMiTED.DVDR-FEAR
February     13th      2007        Stranger.Than.Fiction.DVDR-FEAR
February     26th      2007        Life.And.Lyrics.LiMiTED.DVDR-FEAR
March        8th       2007        Eragon.PROPER.DVDR-FEAR
April        27th      2007        Arthur.And.The.Invisibles.DVDR-FEAR
April        27th      2007        Arthur.And.The.Invisibles.DVDR-FEAR

|.:.MisterX & MisterY.:.:..  \/ // | ||/| ||::.::.:::.Site Scripts V2.0:|

This NFO File was rendered by

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                              FEAR PRESENT:



                      REGION:         1
                      RIP DATE:       April 27th 2007
                      RETAIL DATE:    May 15th 2007
                      USER RATING:    5.0/10 (1,485 votes)
                      DURATION:       94 Minutes
                      Resolution:     640* 272
                      Audio:          mp3 vbr 128 kbit

Ten-year-old Arthur, in a bid to save his grandfather's house from being
demolished, goes looking for some much-fabled hidden treasure in the land
of the Minimoys, a tiny people living in harmony with nature.
                          Back after a small break!
     Region 1 dvd9 source. Thanks to recoders for wasting people's bandwidth.
        Contact us if you think you can help in any way, including site
                                  & supply.
                      You will of course be rewarded amply.
Month        Day       Year        Release
August       13th      2006        SOUTH.PARK.S08D1.DVDR-FEAR
August       14th      2006        SOUTH.PARK.S08D2.DVDR-FEAR
August       14th      2006        SOUTH.PARK.S08D3.DVDR-FEAR
September    21st      2006        Down.In.The.Valley.DVDR-FEAR
September    28th      2006        Click.DVDRip.XViD-FEAR
September    28th      2006        CLICK.DVDR-FEAR
October      21st      2006        The.Queen.DVDSCR.XViD-FEAR
October      22nd      2006        Dirty.Sanchez.The.Movie.DVDSCR.XViD-FEAR
January      6th       2007        24.SEASON.6.PREMIERE.DVDR-FEAR
January      15th      2007        Right.At.Your.Door.LiMiTED.DVDR-FEAR
February     7th       2007        Man.About.Town.LiMiTED.DVDR-FEAR
February     13th      2007        Stranger.Than.Fiction.DVDR-FEAR
February     26th      2007        Life.And.Lyrics.LiMiTED.DVDR-FEAR
March        8th       2007        Eragon.PROPER.DVDR-FEAR
April        27th      2007        Arthur.And.The.Invisibles.DVDR-FEAR
April        27th      2007        Arthur.And.The.Invisibles.DVDR-FEAR

|.:.MisterX & MisterY.:.:..  \/ // | ||/| ||::.::.:::.Site Scripts V2.0:|

This NFO File was rendered by

