- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: lang_3_4.txt lang_3_4.txt
photoscape = PhotoScape yes = Da no = Ne ok = OK cancel = Otka₧i default = Podrazumevano initialize = Inicijalizacija close = Napusti mydocuments = Moji Dokumenti desktop = Desktop refresh = Osve₧i refreshcache = Osve₧i Cache refreshtooltip = Osve₧i(F5)\nOsve₧i indexe od fascikli i fotografija. save = Sacuvaj saveas = Sacuvaj kao saveinfolder = Sacuvaj u fasciklu modify = Preuredi round = Zaobljeno background = Pozadina bgcolor = Boja Pozadine name = Naziv filename = Naziv fajla folder = Fascikla preview = Pregledaj copy = Kopiraj convert = Konvertuj second = Sek width = èirina height = Visina longaxis = Najdu₧a du₧ina shortaxis = Najkraca du₧ina longaxisinshort = Dugacko shortaxisinshort = Kratko pixel = Pixel resize = Promeni velicinu ratio = Kolicina size = Velicina cell = Cel row = Red col = Kol column = Kolona rows = Redovi columns = Kolone photo = Fotografija image = Slika picture = Slika clipboard = Ostava clipboardphoto = Fotografija Ostave text = Tekst balloon = Balon apply = Osve₧i queryapply = Äelite li da osve₧ite? landscapephoto = Pejza₧ portraitphoto = Portret prevphoto = Predhodna Fotografija nextphoto = Sledeca Fotografija next = Dalje up = Gore down = Dole add = Dodaj delete = IzbriÜi deleteall = IzbriÜi sve deleteallphotos = IzbriÜi sve Fotografije favorites = Omiljene addtofavorites = Dodaj u omiljenje copytoclipboard = Kopiraj u Ostavu copyselectedtoclipboard = Kopiraj izabrane slike u ostavu bgpatterntooltip = èara pozadine \nPromeni Üaru pozadine photoedit = Izmena Fotografija home = Pocetna object = Objekat crop = Iseci region = Regijon drophere = Prevucite sliku ovde opacity = Providnost explorer = Pretra₧ivac shadow = Senka configload = Config. Ucitaj configsave = Config. Sacuvaj level = Nivo original = Original radius = Radijus amount = Kolicina range = Opseg direction = Direkcija directiondiagonal = Dijagonalno directionvertical = Vertikalno directionhorizontal = Horizontalno regionradial = Radijalno regionhorizontal = Horz regionvertical = Vert regionhorizontal2 = Horz(2) regionvertical2 = Vert(2) type = Tip interval = Interval number = Broj length = Du₧ina thickness = Tankost penthickness = Tankost Olovke angle = Ugao degrees = Stepeni feather = Feata processing = Ucitavanje menu = Meni explorertooltip = WindowsPretra₧ivac\nPokreni pretra₧ivac na tvoju fasckilu fotografija copytooltip = Kopiraj(Ctrl-C)\nKoripaj svoje slike iz ostave completed = ZavrÜeno failed = NeuspeÜno title = A₧uriranje message = A₧uriran PhotoScape je trenutno dostupan. \nDa li ₧elite da preuzmete paket?\nPreuzmite sa >> skip = Ne proveravaj a₧uriranja za Photoscape fza nedelju dana. title = PhotoScape photorefresh = Uzmite svoje slike sa i prika₧ite ih photoswitch = Ukljuci/Iskljuci Sliku [viewer] title = Pregledac tooltip = Pregledac Fotografija na Ekranu [editor] title = Uredivac tooltip = Ekran za uredivanje savetooltip = Sacuvaj(Ctrl-S) roundtooltip = Napravi svoje slike zaobljene i napravi marginu oko njih. margintooltip = Napravi marginu oko svoje slike. framelinetooltip = Nacrtaj ram oko svoje slike. mergeframetooltip = Kombinuj svoju sliku sa ramom.\nAko ih kombinujete zajedno, ram ce postati deo slike croptooltip = Isecite svoju sliku(Enter) cropsavetooltip = Sacuvaj isecenu sliku. scrolltooltip = Ekramni Klizacki mod\nKlikni i pomeraj svoju sliku.\nKroz nije Ekramni mod, mo₧ete pomeriti >> svoju sliku tako Üto ce te zadr₧ati space i ispustiti je. selecttooltip = Mod Objekta Selekcije(S)\nMo₧ete selektovati, pomeriti ili promeniti velicinu slike >> (Fotografije, Ikonice, Balona, Figure).\nMo₧ete videti pop-up meni od nameÜtanja Desnim klikom.\nMo₧ete >> izmeniti objekt selekcije statusa dr₧eci shift dugme i levi klik. redeyetooltip = Brisanje Crvenih ociju mod\nPrevucite malu kutiju na svaku oko koje se crveni. spottooltip = Brisanje Mlade₧a Mod\nPrevucite malu kutiju na mlade₧ da bi ste uklonili. mosaictooltip = Mozaicni mod\nOsve₧ite mozaicin efekat na delu vaÜe slike. linetooltip = Linijski Mod\nCrtanje linije.\nMo₧ete crtati vertikalne ili horizontalne linije dr₧eci >> shift dugme i puÜtajuci.\nNacrtajte liniju izmedu dve tacke pritiskom na shift dugme i kliktanje. straightlinetooltip = Straight Line Mode\nDraw a straight line\nYou can draw vertical or horizontal lines >> by holding down the shift key and dragging. boxtooltip = Box Mode\nDraw a box.\nYou can draw a square by holding down the shift key and dragging. roundboxtooltip = Rounded Box Mode\nDraw a rounded box.\nYou can draw a rounded square by holding down >> the shift key and dragging. circletooltip = Circle Mode\nDraw an ellipse.\nYou can draw a circle by holding down the shift key and >> dragging. polygontooltip = Polygon Mode\nDraw a polygon. startooltip = Star Mode\nDraw a star. round = Round frameline = Frame Line mergeframe = Photo+Frame cropsave = Save the cropped area cropcircle = Crop roundly scroll = Screen Scroll redeyeremoval = Red Eye moleremoval = Mole cropcomment = Select the crop size you want\nYou can scroll screen by holding down the space key and >> dragging. redeyeremovalcomment = Drag a small box around each eye to remove red eye\nDrag a small box and release >> your mouse to complete your selection then the red eye will be removed moleremovalcomment = Drag a small box around a mole to remove it\nDrag a small box and release your mouse >> to complete your selection, then the mole will be removed mosaiccomment = Apply the mosaic effect to the area selected by your mouse.\nDrag a small box and release >> your mouse to complete your selection, then the mosaic filter will be applied currentfolder = Current Folder editfolder = Edited Photo Folder querysave = Edited photo was not saved.\nDo you want to save it now? failtoloadfile = File does not exist or is unreadable failtoloadbitmap = Fail to read the bitmap failtocreatenew = Fail to create a new photo noballoon = Fail to find the balloon newphoto = New Photo newphototoobig = Your photo is too big.\nDo you want to make a new photo? loadclipboard = Load your photo from clipboard explorertexture = Explorer (Texture Folder) cropfreely = Crop freely cropsetratio = Assign Ratio/Size croporiginalratio = Original photo's ratio savecomment = Save your photo. If necessary, the original photo will be backed up in the 'Originals' folder. saveinfoldercomment = Save your photo in the designated folder. saveascomment = Save as a new file name. selectsavefolder = Select your save folder queryextrename = You can use only %s as a file extension. \nDo you want to save it as a new file name? queryreadonly = The file's attribution is "read only".\nDo you want to change it? failtosavereadonly = Fail to save\nIf the attribute is "read only", you can not save it [object] richedit = Rich Edit symbol = Symbol phototooltip = Photo\nInput Photo, Clipboard Image and Icon balloontooltip = Balloon\nInput a balloon texttooltip = Text\nInput an outline and shadow-effected words. richedittooltip = Rich Edit\nInupt various fonts and colors symboltooltip = Symbol\nSelect a symbol from symbol fonts installed in PC mergetooltip = Combine your photo with objects.\nIf you combine them together, objects will become a >> part of your photo propertytooltip = Change Attribution(A)\nChange selected object's attribution.\nDouble-click your object >> to change attribution in abttribution select mode backtooltip = Back\nPut the selected object behind other objects\nSelected object may be blocked by >> deselected objects. fronttooltip = Front\nPut the selected object in front of other objects\nSelected object may block >> deselected objects. copytooltip = Copy\nCreate one more object deletetooltip = Delete(Del)\nDelete the selected object merge = Photo+Objects mergeinside = Combine your photo with objects mergeoutside = Object is out of range of your photo or your frame. To show all objects, your photo should >> be enlarged. mergecolor = Background Color of enlarged area hide = Hide properties = Properties anchor = Anchor rotatedegree = Rotate %s degrees front = Front back = Back thickness = Thickness fill = Fill outline = Outline [history] undoall = Undo All undo = Undo redo = Redo undoalltooltip = Undo All(Ctrl-Alt-Z)\nUndo all and return to the original photo. undotooltip = Undo(Ctrl-Z) redotooltip = Redo(Ctrl-Y,Ctrl-Shift-Z) [cropdlg] sizesetting = Size Setting width = Width height = Height maxvalue = Max %d pixels x = X y = Y ratiosetting = Ratio Setting ratio = Width : Height outofwidthrange = Width should be between 1 and %d outofheightrange = Height should be between 1 and %d invalidratio = Ratio should be more than 1 title = Batch Editor tooltip = Screen for batch editing convertall = Convert All convertcurrent = Convert Current Photo processing = Processing... savetitle = Save destination = Location of Saved files destinationfirst = Create your output folder under the first changed photo destinationeach = Create output folders under each changed photo destinationfolder = Save your photo in the designated folder naming = Naming namingoriginal = Save as the same name namingnew = Save as a new name format = Image Format formatcomment = The quality of PNG is better than that of JPG but its file size will be bigger. The format >> of BMP is not compressed so its file size will be very big. originalformat = Original Format etc = Etc keepexif = Maintain the Exif Information keepfmtime = Preserve file date picproptooltip = Change Property\nChange photo's property txtproptooltip = Change Property\nChange text's property currentfolder = Current Folder savefolder = Folder of Saved Photos savefoldernotexist = Folder for saved photos is not created original = Original converted = Converted marginround = Apply Margin && Round margin = Magin: T %d, B %d, L %d, R %d round = Round: photonotassigned = Photo file is not assigned failtoread = Fail to read your photo file failtosave = Fail to save your photo file failed = Fail to convert your photo file completed = Conversion Completed canceled = Conversion Canceled noconfigfile = No Configuration explorerconfigfolder = Explorer(Configuration) enterconfigname = Please input the file name of Configuration. queryconfiginit = Do you want to reset Configuration? configread = Config. Open configsave = Config. Save configinit = Initialize [jpgquality] title = JPEG Quality quality = Quality low = Low Quality high = High Quality comment = Recommend to save your photo file in very high quality (More than 95).\nIf you save your photo >> file in low quality, its size will be small but it will lose its resolution. [overwritedlg] title = Overwrite Confirm comment = Same file name already exists.\n\nDo you want to replace it? applyall = Apply to all files yes = Overwrite no = Do not overwrite stop = Stop [margin] title = Margin outer = Outer Margin inside = Inside Margin color = Margin Color assignsame = Assign same margins title = Page tooltip = Make one photo by merging multiple photos at the page frame savetooltip = Save your page.(Ctrl-S) edit = Edit edittooltip = Open your working page at photo edit tab. sizetooltip = Assign the size pastephoto = Paste your photo pasteclipboard = Paste your clipboard photo deletephoto = Delete your photo resetcoordinates = Reset the coordinates assignsize = Assign the page size originalsize = Original Page Size(Initialize) assignratio = Assign the ratio of width and height originalratio = Original ratio openpspage = Open a page file savepspage = Save as a page file ratiovaluerestriction = Ratio value should be more than 1 [combine] title = Combine tooltip = Make one photo by mergining multiple photos vertically or horizontally savetooltip = Save your combined photo.(Ctrl-S) edit = Edit edittooltip = Edit your combined photo at the edit tab. down = Down side = Side tile = Checker referencesize = Reference canvassize = Canvas resizeratio = Resize Ratio interval = Intervals of photos column = Columns refuserset = Set the reference size reforiginal = Maintain the original size reffirst = The first photo's size refbiggest = The biggest photo's size refsmallest = The smallest photo's size openpscombine = Open a combine file savepscombine = Save as a combine file [combinesizedlg] title = Set the reference size of your photo width = Width(Pixel) height = Height(Pixel) help = Only width needed for down-attach\nOnly height needed for side-attach\nBoth width and height needed >> for check-attach outofrange = From %d to %d, you can adjust your size title = AniGif tooltip = Make one animation photo with multiple photos savetooltip = Save your animated GIF file.(Ctrl-S) preview = Web Browser Preview previewtooltip = Preview GIF at web browser\nYou can check how GIF actually looks like. starttooltip = Start animation stoptooltip = Stop animation changetimeinshort = Change time changetime = Change display time changeeffect = Change effect changetimetooltip = Change the display time of all frames. changeeffecttooltip = Change the effect: Change the effect of all frames. setthecanvassize = Set the canvas size canvassize = Canvas resizeratio = Resize Ratio reffirst = The first photo's size refbiggest = The biggest photo's size refsmallest = The smallest photo's size refuserset = Set the canvas size effectnone = No Transit Effect effectup = Move up the current frame to transit the next frame. effectdown = Move down the current frame to transit the next frame. effectleft = Move left the current frame to transit the next frame. effectright = Move right the current frame to transit the next frame. effectbgcolor = Transit the current frame to background color. effectblack = Transit the current frame to black. effectwhite = Transit the current frame to white. querylongtime = Because of the big canvas, it may take some time. (%dx%d)\nIf you reduce the canvas size, >> it may take less time.\nContinue? changingnow = Changing Now changingprogress = Canvas size %dx%d, total %d frames. savingnow = Saving Now. outofdisplaytimerange = Frame display time should be between %d and %d savesuccess = Saved\nFile size: %s htmlcreationfail = Fail to create a preview HTML file. gifcreationfail = Fail to create a preview GIF file. displaytime = Display Time displaytimecomment = Displayed Time, '1', is equal to 1/100 sec.\n'100' is equal to 1 sec. changetimeselected = Change only display time of the selected frame changetimeall = Change display times of all frames title = Print tooltip = Print photos setup = Print Setup portraitprint = Portrait Shot Print thumbnailprint = Thumbnail Print printer = Printer paper = Paper printingarea = Printable photosize = Photo Size rpp = Rows per a page cpp = Columns per a page ppp = %d photos per a page interval = Intervals titleon = Filename Height titleoff = Off drawborder = Draw a photo border autorotate = Rotate a photo automatically printrange = Print Range printallpages = Print all pages printcurrentpage = Print the current page setprintrange = Set Print Range copies = Copies wrongpagenumber = Wrong Page Number wrongcopynumber = Wrong Copy Number accessfail = Fail to access your printer title = Paper Print tooltip = Print lined paper, graph paper, music paper, calandars title = Set the photo size outofrange = Photo size should be between %d and %d (mm) [howmanycopiesdlg] title = The number of copies comment = How many copies, do you want to add? outofrange = You can add between %d and %d title = Splitter tooltip = Divide a photo into multiple parts load = Open split = Split colrowmode = Col,Row widthheightmode = Width,Height cellsize = Cell Size colrow = Cols x Rows destinationoutput = Create your output folder under the original photo destinationfolder = Save your split photos in the designated folder title = Screen Capture tooltip = Capture your screenshot and save it fullscreencapture = Capture Full Screen windowcapture = Capture Window rectcapture = Capture Region repeatlastcapture = Repeat last capture process = Capture Screen Process clipboard = Copy to clipboard edit = Open at the tab of Editor rect = Coordinate size = Size sound = Sound clipboardcomplete = Copy the captured screen to clipboard. title = Color Picker tooltip = Screen for color tone copytooltip = Copy RGB value to clipboard.\nYou can also copy the color value by clicking the zoomed screen. copytooltip2 = Copy RGB value to clipboard. comment = If you drag your fountainpen filler, you can zoom in. If you click the zoomed screen, you can >> pick the color currentcolor = Current Color pickedcolor = Picked Color History sound = Sound [rename] title = Rename tooltip = Batch Rename comment = You can drag and drop your photo into index window. converttooltip = Change the file name. rollback = Rollback rollbacktooltip = Restore the converted file. naming = File Naming todaydate = Today's Date filedate = File Date photographydate = Photo Date startingnumber = Starting Number separator = Separator space = Space example = Ex) %s will change to %s original = Original newname = New Name digits = %d Digit(s) alreadyexist = The file name, %s, already exists.\nPlease use a new file name. completed = Completed failed = Failed to change %d files in list. rollbackcompleted = Restore converted files. rollbackfailed = Fail to restore %d files among %d query = Do you want to change the name? queryrollback = Do you want to restore the converted file? invalid = You can not use %s as a file name naming_name = Original File Name naming_namenumber = Original File Name-Number naming_namedate = Original File Name-Date naming_namedatetime = Original File Name-Date-Time naming_number = Number naming_numbername = Number-Original File Name naming_numberdate = Number-Date naming_numberdatetime = Number-Date-Time naming_datename = Date-Original File Name naming_datenumber = Date-Number naming_datetimename = Date-Time-Original File Name naming_datetimenumber = Date-Time-Number naming_datetime = Date-Time [rawconverter] title = Raw Converter tooltip = Convert RAW to JPG comment = Convert RAW to JPG taken by a DSLR camera options = Conversion Options halfsize = Half Size (Faster) autowb = Auto White Balance camerawb = Camera White Balance, if possible. stop = Stop converttooltip = Convert Raw to JPG previewtooltip = Show your selected RAW file in preview window. previewsavetooltip = Save the preview photo. previewedittooltip = Edit the preview photo. previewcopytooltip = Copy the preview photo to clipboard. queryconvert = Convert RAW to JPG? result = Converted %d photos among %d [facesearch] title = Face Search tooltip = Find similar faces on the internet howto = Upload your photo and click the "Face Search" button. failtofind = Fail to find the face search engine. failtoconnect = Fail to connect with the face search engine noface = Face is not found in the selected photo.\nTry again with another photo. [onlineprint] title = Online Development tooltip = Develop photos from the online studio title = PhotoBookmark tooltip = Photography Web Links [homepage] title = HomePage [help] title = Help tooltip = Help\nOpen the help page cartoon = Cartoon face = Face makeup = Makeup heart = Heart office = Office pencil = Pencil realpicture = Real Picture stamp = Stamp effect = Effect sign = Sign number = Number illust = Illust logo = Logo christmas = Christmas etc = More [options] title = Options tooltip = Options\nSet up options viewerdblclick = Double-click your thumbnail for the full screen view multiresize = Enable multilayer resize windowsfileopen = Use basic window for photo adding window thumbnailcache = Enable cache database for thumbnail images (Performance enhancement) circularmenu = Use circular menu backup = Backup the original photo at 'Originals' folder before overwriting [folder] new = New Folder delete = Delete favorites = Folder Favorites favoritestooltip = Folder Favorites\nAdd to favorites, then you can easily access to your favorite folder addtofavorites = Add your folder to Favorites managefavorites = Folder Favorites Manager... addsuccess = Added to Favorites alreadyadded = Already added to Favorites notexist = Selected folder does not exist.\nDo you want to delete it from favorites? queryclear = Do you want to delete all folders at the list? shortcut = Shortcut to delete = Delete deletetooltip = Delete your photo(Del)\nSend deleted photos to the recycle bin. [wallpaper] title = Wallpaper paperfull = Paper Full center = Center tile = Tile stretch = Stretch query = Do you want to save it as a wall paper? title = Slide Show menuzoomoriginal = Original Size menurestore = Restore menupause = Pause menurestart = Restart menuduration = Display Time (%dsec) menusec = %dsec menunoeffect = No Effect menuoverlap = Overlap menuoverlapslow = Overlap (Slow) menubgmopen = BGM Open menubgmplay = BGM Play menubgmpause = BGM Pause menubgmstop = BGM Stop menubgmautoplay = BGM AutoPlay menucolor = Set the Background Color menutitle = Show the photo's name menuexif = Show the photo's exif [fullscreen] title = Full Screen [fill] stretch = Stretch paperfull = Paper Full imagefull = Image Full imagefullfine = Image Full (No Enlargement) 72dpi = 72 DPI 96dpi = 96 DPI 120dpi = 120 DPI 300dpi = 300 DPI [zoom] zoomin = Zoom In zoomout = Zoom Out preview = Preview Zoom originaltooltip = Zoom 1:1(Ctrl-Alt-0) windowfittooltip = Window Fit(Ctrl-0)\nThe photo fits within Window zoomintooltip = Zoom In(Ctrl +) zoomouttooltip = Zoom Out(Ctrl -) [rotate] title = Rotate right = Rotate CW left = Rotate CCW leveloff = Level Off fail = Fail to rotate your photo righttooltip = Rotate 90 CW lefttooltip = Rotate 90 CCW mirrortooltip = Mirror fliptooltip = Flip degreetooltip = Rotate Arbitrary Degree previewrighttooltip = Rotate 90 CW at the preview window previewlefttooltip = Rotate 90 CCW at the preview window previewmirrortooltip = Mirror previewfliptooltip = Flip overflowmethod = Overflow Method bgcolor00 = Background Color (0,0) bgcolorblack = Background Color (Black) bgcolorwhite = Background Color (White) wrap = Wrap repeat = Repeat mirror = Mirror keeporiginalsize = Keep the original size [losslessrotate] right = Lossless-Rotate 90 CW left = Lossless-Rotate 90 CCW 180 = Lossless-Rotate 180 mirror = Lossless-Flip Vertical flip = Lossless-Flip Horizontally [filter] title = Filter assigntooltip = Assign the filter to all photos restore = Back to the original photo restoreinshort = Reset apply = Apply Filter low = Low mid = Middle midstar = Middle * middefault = Middle (Default) high = High lowgray = Low (Gray Tone) midgray = Middle (Gray Tone) highgray = High (Gray Tone) lowgrayinshort = Low (Gray) midgrayinshort = Middle (Gray) highgrayinshort = High (Gray) whitebalance = White Balance whitebalancecomment = It is to correct yellow or blue pictures that were taken indoor or in the >> dark.\nClick the mouse button over a white area to regain the original color.\nFind white dish or white >> cloth or white wallpaper and click it. colorbalance = Color Balance removecolorcast = Remove Color Cast removecolorcastcomment= Remove colorcast and adjust white balance.\nThe higher level is, the more >> colorcast will be removed. colorize = Colorize colorizecomment = Add color and saturation to the original photo.\nIf you lower saturation, it will be >> a black and white photo.\nThe higher the stronger. colorenhance = Color Enhance autolevel = Auto Level autocontrast = Auto Contrast brighten = Brighten darken = Darken deepen = Deepen grayscale = Grayscale sepia = Sepia negative = Reverse black and white negativeinshort = Negative gammacorrection = Gamma Correction gammacorrectioninshort = Gamma gammabright = Gamma Bright exposure = Exposure sharpen = Sharpen sharpencomment = Set the radius between 0.1 and 1.0\nand adjust the amount between 10% and 100% blur = Blur bright = Bright contrast = Contrast decolor = Decolor bloom = Bloom bloomregion = Set the area for bloom lce = Contrast Enhancement lceinshort = Contrast Enhance smartblur = Smart Blur(Clear Skin) noisereduction = Noise Reduction(Clear Skin) film = Film Effect filmcinema = Cinema filmcrossprocess = CrossProcess filmprovia = Provia filmvelvia = Velvia filmportra = Portra filmagfa = Agfa old = Antique Photo dilate = Dilate erode = Erode mosaic = Mosaic regionfilter = Region (Out of Focus) regionfilterreverse = Reverse the area lineargradient = Linear Gradient graduatedtint = Graduated Tint graduatedtintcomment = Make the upper side of your photo deeper. Good for a landscape photo with sky. graduatedtintfeather = Feather graduatedtintshade = Shade faketiltshift = Fake Tilt-Shift faketiltshiftcomment = Makes aerial photos of real scenes look like miniature models. lensflare = Lens Flare lensflareshape = New Shape lensflarenegative = Negative fadestyle = Fade Style contrastmasking = Backlight Correction contrastmaskinginshort = Backlight texture = Texture noise = Noise jitter = Jitter crystallize = Crystallize edge = Edge embossing = Embossing cellophane = Cellophane pictorialization = Pictorialization impressionistic = Impressionistic pastel = Pastel pen = Pen waterpainting = Water painting waterpaintingbrushsize = Brush Size oilpainting = Oil painting pencil = Pencil colorpencil = Colored Pencil watercolorpencil = Watercolor Pencil cartoon = Cartoon colorengraving = Color Engraving monochromeengraving = Monochrome Engraving distorts = Distorts glasstile = Glasstile doublefacedglasstile = Double-faced Glasstile verticalglasstile = Vertical Glasstile horizontalglasstile = Horizontal Glasstile window = Window illusion = Illusion fisheye = Fisheye fisheyelensvalue = Lens Value motionblur = Motionblur motionblurstep = Step zoomblur = Zoomblur radialblur = Radialblur wave = Wave wavelength = Wavelength waveamplitude = Amplitude swirl = Swirl box = Make a box boxrightside = The box that shows the right side boxleftside = The box that shows the left side reflection = Reflection perspective = Perspective newsprint = Newsprint sepiatooltip = Sepia\nCreate an "old-fashioned" effect by changing your photo to a reddish brown tone. grayscaletooltip = Grayscale\nGrayscale is to convert your images into black and white tones. >> Grayscaling eliminates hue. thresholdtooltip = B&W. Threshold\nChange a color photo to a black and white photo. negativetooltip = Invert. Negative\nReverse colors of all pixels. bloomtooltip = Bloom(Ctrl-G) autoleveltooltip = Auto Level\n Adjust hue automatically autocontrasttooltip = Auto Contrast\n Adjust contrast automatically brightpacktooltip = Adjust Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation ... sharpentooltip = Sharpen\nMake the edges of objects crisper and less fuzzy. blurtooltip = Blur\nSoften your image, making it blurry and blunt. contrastmaskingtooltip = Backlight Correction\nMake dark parts bright. brightpack = Bright,Color applygraytone = Apply Gray Tone hue = Hue saturation = Saturation colorconversion = Color Conversion normalmode = Normal Mode brightmode = Bright Mode deepmode = Deep Mode lighter = Lighter stronger = Stronger stroke = Stroke threshold = Threshold previewnotreal = Preview image, usually filtered for quick display, may be different from the real image. title = Color apply = Apply Color black = Black white = White red = Red green = Green blue = Blue red2 = Red green2 = Green blue2 = Blue cyan2 = Cyan magenta2 = Magenta yellow2 = Yellow [curves] title = Curves rgb = Color Curves saturation = Saturation Curve luminance = Luminance Curve rgbinshort = Color saturationinshort = Saturation luminanceinshort = Luminance load = Load (Curve) save = Save (Curve) [resize] portrait = Adjust vertical photo's size original = Original Size adjustwidth = Adjust width adjustheight = Adjust height adjustlonger = Adjust the longer length adjustshorter = Adjust the shorter length reducewidth = Reduce width reduceheight = Reduce height reducelonger = Reduce the longer length reduceshorter = Reduce the shorter length stretch = Stretch crop = Crop nearestneighbor = Nearest Neighbor bilinear = Bilinear bicubic = Bicubic bicubicbest = Bicubic (Best) interpolation = Interpolation preserveaspectratio = Preserve aspect ratio excludingframe = Adjust your photo size excluding the frame. includingframe = Adjust your photo size including the frame. adjustautomatically = "%s" can be adjusted automatically based on "%s". outofwidthrange = Out of width range outofheightrange = Out of height range widthnotvalid = Inputted width is not valid morethan = It should be more than %d lessthan = It should be less than %d adjust = Adjust %s [file] name = Filename ext = Ext size = Size ctime = Created mtime = Modified atime = Accessed propreadfail = Fail to read the properties\nRefresh (F5) and check the file enter = Input Filename queryoverwrite = Same filename already exists. Do you want to overwrite? add = Add delete = Delete forward = Move Forward backward = Move Backward addtooltip = Add a photo(Insert) deletetooltip = Delete the selected photo at the list(Del) cleartooltip = Delete all photos at the list(Ctrl-Del) addphoto = Add a photo addclipboard = Add a photo from clipboard addblank = Add spaces insertphoto = Insert a photo in the current position insertclipboard = Insert a clipboard photo in the current position queryclear = Do you want to delete all photos at the list? multiselection = You can select multiple photos by holding down Ctrl or Shift and mouse clicking. [frame] title = Frame assign = Assign the frame favorites = Frame Favorites assigntooltip = Assign the frame to all photos favoritestooltip = Frame Favorites\nAssign the frame to all photos empty = No Frame addtofavorites = Add the frame to Favorites managefavorites = Manage the frame Favorites... addsuccess = Added to Favorites alreadyadded = Already added to Favorites notexist = Selected frame does not exist.\nDo you want to delete it from favorites? all = All Frames title = Align photo = Photo Align horizontal = Horizontal Align vertical = Vertical Align left = Left right = Right top = Top bottom = Bottom center = Center topleft = Top-Left topright = Top-Right bottomleft = Bottom-Left bottomright = Bottom-Right outofrange = If coordinates are out of range, \nPlease reset X and Y. [vignetting] title = Vignetting no = No Vignetting comment = You can select multiple vignettings\nIf you select 'white', then white vignetting will be applied >> instead of 'black'. [text] leftalign = Left Align centeralign = Center Align rightalign = Right Align bold = Bold italic = Italic underline = Underline vertical = Vertical antialiasing = Anti Aliasing outline = Outline outlineplustext = Outline+Text outlineonly = Outline outlineminustext = Outline-Text thickness = Thickness blur = Blur outofpointrange = The size of your font is out of range. notext = Input your text. color = Select balloon's color rotate0 = Original rotate1 = Mirror rotate2 = Mirror+Flip rotate3 = Flip rotate4 = CCW rotate5 = CCW+Flip rotate6 = CW rotate7 = CW+Flip [exifshortcut] photodate = Photo Taken Date phototime = Photo Taken Time photoyear = Photo Taken Date(Year) photomonth = Photo Taken Date(Month) photoday = Photo Taken Date(Day) shutterspeed = Shutter Speed fnumber = Aperture(F Number) ev = Exposure Bias(EV) focallength = Focal Length iso = ISO Value flash = Flash make = Camera Maker makeuppercase = Camera Maker(uppercase) makelowercase = Camera Maker(lowercase) model = Camera Model modeluppercase = Camera Model(uppercase) modellowercase = Camera Model(lowercase) filename = Filename filenameuppercase = Filename(uppercase) filenamelowercase = Filename(lowercase) [exif] tooltip = Exif Info\nShow photo's Exif info (Maker, Model, Flash etc) info = Exif Info delete = Delete Exif info querydelete = Do you want to delete Exif info? deletefail = Fail to delete EXIF info deletesuccess = Exif info deleted make = Maker model = Model datetime = Date software = Software artist = Artist copyright = Copyright editor = Editor resolution = Resolution orientation = Orientation flash = Flash focallength = Focal Length digitalzoom = Digital Zoom ccdwidth = CCD Width exposuretime = Exposure Time aperturefnumber = Aperture isoequiv = ISO equiv exposurebias = Exposure Bias whitebalance = WhiteBalance lightsource = Light Source meteringmode = Metering Mode exposure = Exposure exposuremode = Exposure Mode description = Description comment = Comments title = Associations comment = Check image format types for association [expandsize] title = Enlarge your photo comment = Do you want to save the photo including objects outside? expandcolor = Background color of the expanded area title = Send photos to phone tooltip = Send photos to your phone failtoconnect = Fail to connect with the server. [language] title = Language comment = Select your language langfile = Language File alert = If you want to change your language, you have to restart Photoscape.\nContinue? english = English korean = Korean chinese = Chinese (Simplified) traditional_chinese = Chinese (Traditional) german = German dutch = Dutch spanish = Spanish spanishmx = Spanish (Mexico,latin-america) french = French japanese = Japanese russian = Russian polish = Polish italian = Italian portugesebr = Portugese (Brazil) thai = Thai hungarian = Hungarian turkish = Turkish catalan = Catalan slovak = Slovak czech = Czech norwegian = Norwegian bulgarian = Bulgarian ukrainian = Ukrainian greek = Greek swedish = Swedish estonian = Estonian danish = Danish romanian = Romanian portugesept = Portugese (Portugal) hebrew = Hebrew This NFO File was rendered by
photoscape = PhotoScape yes = Da no = Ne ok = OK cancel = Otkai default = Podrazumevano initialize = Inicijalizacija close = Napusti mydocuments = Moji Dokumenti desktop = Desktop refresh = Osvei refreshcache = Osvei Cache refreshtooltip = Osvei(F5)\nOsvei indexe od fascikli i fotografija. save = Sacuvaj saveas = Sacuvaj kao saveinfolder = Sacuvaj u fasciklu modify = Preuredi round = Zaobljeno background = Pozadina bgcolor = Boja Pozadine name = Naziv filename = Naziv fajla folder = Fascikla preview = Pregledaj copy = Kopiraj convert = Konvertuj second = Sek width = irina height = Visina longaxis = Najdua duina shortaxis = Najkraca duina longaxisinshort = Dugacko shortaxisinshort = Kratko pixel = Pixel resize = Promeni velicinu ratio = Kolicina size = Velicina cell = Cel row = Red col = Kol column = Kolona rows = Redovi columns = Kolone photo = Fotografija image = Slika picture = Slika clipboard = Ostava clipboardphoto = Fotografija Ostave text = Tekst balloon = Balon apply = Osvei queryapply = elite li da osveite? landscapephoto = Pejza portraitphoto = Portret prevphoto = Predhodna Fotografija nextphoto = Sledeca Fotografija next = Dalje up = Gore down = Dole add = Dodaj delete = Izbrii deleteall = Izbrii sve deleteallphotos = Izbrii sve Fotografije favorites = Omiljene addtofavorites = Dodaj u omiljenje copytoclipboard = Kopiraj u Ostavu copyselectedtoclipboard = Kopiraj izabrane slike u ostavu bgpatterntooltip = ara pozadine \nPromeni aru pozadine photoedit = Izmena Fotografija home = Pocetna object = Objekat crop = Iseci region = Regijon drophere = Prevucite sliku ovde opacity = Providnost explorer = Pretraivac shadow = Senka configload = Config. Ucitaj configsave = Config. Sacuvaj level = Nivo original = Original radius = Radijus amount = Kolicina range = Opseg direction = Direkcija directiondiagonal = Dijagonalno directionvertical = Vertikalno directionhorizontal = Horizontalno regionradial = Radijalno regionhorizontal = Horz regionvertical = Vert regionhorizontal2 = Horz(2) regionvertical2 = Vert(2) type = Tip interval = Interval number = Broj length = Duina thickness = Tankost penthickness = Tankost Olovke angle = Ugao degrees = Stepeni feather = Feata processing = Ucitavanje menu = Meni explorertooltip = WindowsPretraivac\nPokreni pretraivac na tvoju fasckilu fotografija copytooltip = Kopiraj(Ctrl-C)\nKoripaj svoje slike iz ostave completed = Zavreno failed = Neuspeno title = Auriranje message = Auriran PhotoScape je trenutno dostupan. \nDa li elite da preuzmete paket?\nPreuzmite sa >> skip = Ne proveravaj auriranja za Photoscape fza nedelju dana. title = PhotoScape photorefresh = Uzmite svoje slike sa i prikaite ih photoswitch = Ukljuci/Iskljuci Sliku [viewer] title = Pregledac tooltip = Pregledac Fotografija na Ekranu [editor] title = Uredivac tooltip = Ekran za uredivanje savetooltip = Sacuvaj(Ctrl-S) roundtooltip = Napravi svoje slike zaobljene i napravi marginu oko njih. margintooltip = Napravi marginu oko svoje slike. framelinetooltip = Nacrtaj ram oko svoje slike. mergeframetooltip = Kombinuj svoju sliku sa ramom.\nAko ih kombinujete zajedno, ram ce postati deo slike croptooltip = Isecite svoju sliku(Enter) cropsavetooltip = Sacuvaj isecenu sliku. scrolltooltip = Ekramni Klizacki mod\nKlikni i pomeraj svoju sliku.\nKroz nije Ekramni mod, moete pomeriti >> svoju sliku tako to ce te zadrati space i ispustiti je. selecttooltip = Mod Objekta Selekcije(S)\nMoete selektovati, pomeriti ili promeniti velicinu slike >> (Fotografije, Ikonice, Balona, Figure).\nMoete videti pop-up meni od nametanja Desnim klikom.\nMoete >> izmeniti objekt selekcije statusa dreci shift dugme i levi klik. redeyetooltip = Brisanje Crvenih ociju mod\nPrevucite malu kutiju na svaku oko koje se crveni. spottooltip = Brisanje Mladea Mod\nPrevucite malu kutiju na mlade da bi ste uklonili. mosaictooltip = Mozaicni mod\nOsveite mozaicin efekat na delu vae slike. linetooltip = Linijski Mod\nCrtanje linije.\nMoete crtati vertikalne ili horizontalne linije dreci >> shift dugme i putajuci.\nNacrtajte liniju izmedu dve tacke pritiskom na shift dugme i kliktanje. straightlinetooltip = Straight Line Mode\nDraw a straight line\nYou can draw vertical or horizontal lines >> by holding down the shift key and dragging. boxtooltip = Box Mode\nDraw a box.\nYou can draw a square by holding down the shift key and dragging. roundboxtooltip = Rounded Box Mode\nDraw a rounded box.\nYou can draw a rounded square by holding down >> the shift key and dragging. circletooltip = Circle Mode\nDraw an ellipse.\nYou can draw a circle by holding down the shift key and >> dragging. polygontooltip = Polygon Mode\nDraw a polygon. startooltip = Star Mode\nDraw a star. round = Round frameline = Frame Line mergeframe = Photo+Frame cropsave = Save the cropped area cropcircle = Crop roundly scroll = Screen Scroll redeyeremoval = Red Eye moleremoval = Mole cropcomment = Select the crop size you want\nYou can scroll screen by holding down the space key and >> dragging. redeyeremovalcomment = Drag a small box around each eye to remove red eye\nDrag a small box and release >> your mouse to complete your selection then the red eye will be removed moleremovalcomment = Drag a small box around a mole to remove it\nDrag a small box and release your mouse >> to complete your selection, then the mole will be removed mosaiccomment = Apply the mosaic effect to the area selected by your mouse.\nDrag a small box and release >> your mouse to complete your selection, then the mosaic filter will be applied currentfolder = Current Folder editfolder = Edited Photo Folder querysave = Edited photo was not saved.\nDo you want to save it now? failtoloadfile = File does not exist or is unreadable failtoloadbitmap = Fail to read the bitmap failtocreatenew = Fail to create a new photo noballoon = Fail to find the balloon newphoto = New Photo newphototoobig = Your photo is too big.\nDo you want to make a new photo? loadclipboard = Load your photo from clipboard explorertexture = Explorer (Texture Folder) cropfreely = Crop freely cropsetratio = Assign Ratio/Size croporiginalratio = Original photo's ratio savecomment = Save your photo. If necessary, the original photo will be backed up in the 'Originals' folder. saveinfoldercomment = Save your photo in the designated folder. saveascomment = Save as a new file name. selectsavefolder = Select your save folder queryextrename = You can use only %s as a file extension. \nDo you want to save it as a new file name? queryreadonly = The file's attribution is "read only".\nDo you want to change it? failtosavereadonly = Fail to save\nIf the attribute is "read only", you can not save it [object] richedit = Rich Edit symbol = Symbol phototooltip = Photo\nInput Photo, Clipboard Image and Icon balloontooltip = Balloon\nInput a balloon texttooltip = Text\nInput an outline and shadow-effected words. richedittooltip = Rich Edit\nInupt various fonts and colors symboltooltip = Symbol\nSelect a symbol from symbol fonts installed in PC mergetooltip = Combine your photo with objects.\nIf you combine them together, objects will become a >> part of your photo propertytooltip = Change Attribution(A)\nChange selected object's attribution.\nDouble-click your object >> to change attribution in abttribution select mode backtooltip = Back\nPut the selected object behind other objects\nSelected object may be blocked by >> deselected objects. fronttooltip = Front\nPut the selected object in front of other objects\nSelected object may block >> deselected objects. copytooltip = Copy\nCreate one more object deletetooltip = Delete(Del)\nDelete the selected object merge = Photo+Objects mergeinside = Combine your photo with objects mergeoutside = Object is out of range of your photo or your frame. To show all objects, your photo should >> be enlarged. mergecolor = Background Color of enlarged area hide = Hide properties = Properties anchor = Anchor rotatedegree = Rotate %s degrees front = Front back = Back thickness = Thickness fill = Fill outline = Outline [history] undoall = Undo All undo = Undo redo = Redo undoalltooltip = Undo All(Ctrl-Alt-Z)\nUndo all and return to the original photo. undotooltip = Undo(Ctrl-Z) redotooltip = Redo(Ctrl-Y,Ctrl-Shift-Z) [cropdlg] sizesetting = Size Setting width = Width height = Height maxvalue = Max %d pixels x = X y = Y ratiosetting = Ratio Setting ratio = Width : Height outofwidthrange = Width should be between 1 and %d outofheightrange = Height should be between 1 and %d invalidratio = Ratio should be more than 1 title = Batch Editor tooltip = Screen for batch editing convertall = Convert All convertcurrent = Convert Current Photo processing = Processing... savetitle = Save destination = Location of Saved files destinationfirst = Create your output folder under the first changed photo destinationeach = Create output folders under each changed photo destinationfolder = Save your photo in the designated folder naming = Naming namingoriginal = Save as the same name namingnew = Save as a new name format = Image Format formatcomment = The quality of PNG is better than that of JPG but its file size will be bigger. The format >> of BMP is not compressed so its file size will be very big. originalformat = Original Format etc = Etc keepexif = Maintain the Exif Information keepfmtime = Preserve file date picproptooltip = Change Property\nChange photo's property txtproptooltip = Change Property\nChange text's property currentfolder = Current Folder savefolder = Folder of Saved Photos savefoldernotexist = Folder for saved photos is not created original = Original converted = Converted marginround = Apply Margin && Round margin = Magin: T %d, B %d, L %d, R %d round = Round: photonotassigned = Photo file is not assigned failtoread = Fail to read your photo file failtosave = Fail to save your photo file failed = Fail to convert your photo file completed = Conversion Completed canceled = Conversion Canceled noconfigfile = No Configuration explorerconfigfolder = Explorer(Configuration) enterconfigname = Please input the file name of Configuration. queryconfiginit = Do you want to reset Configuration? configread = Config. Open configsave = Config. Save configinit = Initialize [jpgquality] title = JPEG Quality quality = Quality low = Low Quality high = High Quality comment = Recommend to save your photo file in very high quality (More than 95).\nIf you save your photo >> file in low quality, its size will be small but it will lose its resolution. [overwritedlg] title = Overwrite Confirm comment = Same file name already exists.\n\nDo you want to replace it? applyall = Apply to all files yes = Overwrite no = Do not overwrite stop = Stop [margin] title = Margin outer = Outer Margin inside = Inside Margin color = Margin Color assignsame = Assign same margins title = Page tooltip = Make one photo by merging multiple photos at the page frame savetooltip = Save your page.(Ctrl-S) edit = Edit edittooltip = Open your working page at photo edit tab. sizetooltip = Assign the size pastephoto = Paste your photo pasteclipboard = Paste your clipboard photo deletephoto = Delete your photo resetcoordinates = Reset the coordinates assignsize = Assign the page size originalsize = Original Page Size(Initialize) assignratio = Assign the ratio of width and height originalratio = Original ratio openpspage = Open a page file savepspage = Save as a page file ratiovaluerestriction = Ratio value should be more than 1 [combine] title = Combine tooltip = Make one photo by mergining multiple photos vertically or horizontally savetooltip = Save your combined photo.(Ctrl-S) edit = Edit edittooltip = Edit your combined photo at the edit tab. down = Down side = Side tile = Checker referencesize = Reference canvassize = Canvas resizeratio = Resize Ratio interval = Intervals of photos column = Columns refuserset = Set the reference size reforiginal = Maintain the original size reffirst = The first photo's size refbiggest = The biggest photo's size refsmallest = The smallest photo's size openpscombine = Open a combine file savepscombine = Save as a combine file [combinesizedlg] title = Set the reference size of your photo width = Width(Pixel) height = Height(Pixel) help = Only width needed for down-attach\nOnly height needed for side-attach\nBoth width and height needed >> for check-attach outofrange = From %d to %d, you can adjust your size title = AniGif tooltip = Make one animation photo with multiple photos savetooltip = Save your animated GIF file.(Ctrl-S) preview = Web Browser Preview previewtooltip = Preview GIF at web browser\nYou can check how GIF actually looks like. starttooltip = Start animation stoptooltip = Stop animation changetimeinshort = Change time changetime = Change display time changeeffect = Change effect changetimetooltip = Change the display time of all frames. changeeffecttooltip = Change the effect: Change the effect of all frames. setthecanvassize = Set the canvas size canvassize = Canvas resizeratio = Resize Ratio reffirst = The first photo's size refbiggest = The biggest photo's size refsmallest = The smallest photo's size refuserset = Set the canvas size effectnone = No Transit Effect effectup = Move up the current frame to transit the next frame. effectdown = Move down the current frame to transit the next frame. effectleft = Move left the current frame to transit the next frame. effectright = Move right the current frame to transit the next frame. effectbgcolor = Transit the current frame to background color. effectblack = Transit the current frame to black. effectwhite = Transit the current frame to white. querylongtime = Because of the big canvas, it may take some time. (%dx%d)\nIf you reduce the canvas size, >> it may take less time.\nContinue? changingnow = Changing Now changingprogress = Canvas size %dx%d, total %d frames. savingnow = Saving Now. outofdisplaytimerange = Frame display time should be between %d and %d savesuccess = Saved\nFile size: %s htmlcreationfail = Fail to create a preview HTML file. gifcreationfail = Fail to create a preview GIF file. displaytime = Display Time displaytimecomment = Displayed Time, '1', is equal to 1/100 sec.\n'100' is equal to 1 sec. changetimeselected = Change only display time of the selected frame changetimeall = Change display times of all frames title = Print tooltip = Print photos setup = Print Setup portraitprint = Portrait Shot Print thumbnailprint = Thumbnail Print printer = Printer paper = Paper printingarea = Printable photosize = Photo Size rpp = Rows per a page cpp = Columns per a page ppp = %d photos per a page interval = Intervals titleon = Filename Height titleoff = Off drawborder = Draw a photo border autorotate = Rotate a photo automatically printrange = Print Range printallpages = Print all pages printcurrentpage = Print the current page setprintrange = Set Print Range copies = Copies wrongpagenumber = Wrong Page Number wrongcopynumber = Wrong Copy Number accessfail = Fail to access your printer title = Paper Print tooltip = Print lined paper, graph paper, music paper, calandars title = Set the photo size outofrange = Photo size should be between %d and %d (mm) [howmanycopiesdlg] title = The number of copies comment = How many copies, do you want to add? outofrange = You can add between %d and %d title = Splitter tooltip = Divide a photo into multiple parts load = Open split = Split colrowmode = Col,Row widthheightmode = Width,Height cellsize = Cell Size colrow = Cols x Rows destinationoutput = Create your output folder under the original photo destinationfolder = Save your split photos in the designated folder title = Screen Capture tooltip = Capture your screenshot and save it fullscreencapture = Capture Full Screen windowcapture = Capture Window rectcapture = Capture Region repeatlastcapture = Repeat last capture process = Capture Screen Process clipboard = Copy to clipboard edit = Open at the tab of Editor rect = Coordinate size = Size sound = Sound clipboardcomplete = Copy the captured screen to clipboard. title = Color Picker tooltip = Screen for color tone copytooltip = Copy RGB value to clipboard.\nYou can also copy the color value by clicking the zoomed screen. copytooltip2 = Copy RGB value to clipboard. comment = If you drag your fountainpen filler, you can zoom in. If you click the zoomed screen, you can >> pick the color currentcolor = Current Color pickedcolor = Picked Color History sound = Sound [rename] title = Rename tooltip = Batch Rename comment = You can drag and drop your photo into index window. converttooltip = Change the file name. rollback = Rollback rollbacktooltip = Restore the converted file. naming = File Naming todaydate = Today's Date filedate = File Date photographydate = Photo Date startingnumber = Starting Number separator = Separator space = Space example = Ex) %s will change to %s original = Original newname = New Name digits = %d Digit(s) alreadyexist = The file name, %s, already exists.\nPlease use a new file name. completed = Completed failed = Failed to change %d files in list. rollbackcompleted = Restore converted files. rollbackfailed = Fail to restore %d files among %d query = Do you want to change the name? queryrollback = Do you want to restore the converted file? invalid = You can not use %s as a file name naming_name = Original File Name naming_namenumber = Original File Name-Number naming_namedate = Original File Name-Date naming_namedatetime = Original File Name-Date-Time naming_number = Number naming_numbername = Number-Original File Name naming_numberdate = Number-Date naming_numberdatetime = Number-Date-Time naming_datename = Date-Original File Name naming_datenumber = Date-Number naming_datetimename = Date-Time-Original File Name naming_datetimenumber = Date-Time-Number naming_datetime = Date-Time [rawconverter] title = Raw Converter tooltip = Convert RAW to JPG comment = Convert RAW to JPG taken by a DSLR camera options = Conversion Options halfsize = Half Size (Faster) autowb = Auto White Balance camerawb = Camera White Balance, if possible. stop = Stop converttooltip = Convert Raw to JPG previewtooltip = Show your selected RAW file in preview window. previewsavetooltip = Save the preview photo. previewedittooltip = Edit the preview photo. previewcopytooltip = Copy the preview photo to clipboard. queryconvert = Convert RAW to JPG? result = Converted %d photos among %d [facesearch] title = Face Search tooltip = Find similar faces on the internet howto = Upload your photo and click the "Face Search" button. failtofind = Fail to find the face search engine. failtoconnect = Fail to connect with the face search engine noface = Face is not found in the selected photo.\nTry again with another photo. [onlineprint] title = Online Development tooltip = Develop photos from the online studio title = PhotoBookmark tooltip = Photography Web Links [homepage] title = HomePage [help] title = Help tooltip = Help\nOpen the help page cartoon = Cartoon face = Face makeup = Makeup heart = Heart office = Office pencil = Pencil realpicture = Real Picture stamp = Stamp effect = Effect sign = Sign number = Number illust = Illust logo = Logo christmas = Christmas etc = More [options] title = Options tooltip = Options\nSet up options viewerdblclick = Double-click your thumbnail for the full screen view multiresize = Enable multilayer resize windowsfileopen = Use basic window for photo adding window thumbnailcache = Enable cache database for thumbnail images (Performance enhancement) circularmenu = Use circular menu backup = Backup the original photo at 'Originals' folder before overwriting [folder] new = New Folder delete = Delete favorites = Folder Favorites favoritestooltip = Folder Favorites\nAdd to favorites, then you can easily access to your favorite folder addtofavorites = Add your folder to Favorites managefavorites = Folder Favorites Manager... addsuccess = Added to Favorites alreadyadded = Already added to Favorites notexist = Selected folder does not exist.\nDo you want to delete it from favorites? queryclear = Do you want to delete all folders at the list? shortcut = Shortcut to delete = Delete deletetooltip = Delete your photo(Del)\nSend deleted photos to the recycle bin. [wallpaper] title = Wallpaper paperfull = Paper Full center = Center tile = Tile stretch = Stretch query = Do you want to save it as a wall paper? title = Slide Show menuzoomoriginal = Original Size menurestore = Restore menupause = Pause menurestart = Restart menuduration = Display Time (%dsec) menusec = %dsec menunoeffect = No Effect menuoverlap = Overlap menuoverlapslow = Overlap (Slow) menubgmopen = BGM Open menubgmplay = BGM Play menubgmpause = BGM Pause menubgmstop = BGM Stop menubgmautoplay = BGM AutoPlay menucolor = Set the Background Color menutitle = Show the photo's name menuexif = Show the photo's exif [fullscreen] title = Full Screen [fill] stretch = Stretch paperfull = Paper Full imagefull = Image Full imagefullfine = Image Full (No Enlargement) 72dpi = 72 DPI 96dpi = 96 DPI 120dpi = 120 DPI 300dpi = 300 DPI [zoom] zoomin = Zoom In zoomout = Zoom Out preview = Preview Zoom originaltooltip = Zoom 1:1(Ctrl-Alt-0) windowfittooltip = Window Fit(Ctrl-0)\nThe photo fits within Window zoomintooltip = Zoom In(Ctrl +) zoomouttooltip = Zoom Out(Ctrl -) [rotate] title = Rotate right = Rotate CW left = Rotate CCW leveloff = Level Off fail = Fail to rotate your photo righttooltip = Rotate 90 CW lefttooltip = Rotate 90 CCW mirrortooltip = Mirror fliptooltip = Flip degreetooltip = Rotate Arbitrary Degree previewrighttooltip = Rotate 90 CW at the preview window previewlefttooltip = Rotate 90 CCW at the preview window previewmirrortooltip = Mirror previewfliptooltip = Flip overflowmethod = Overflow Method bgcolor00 = Background Color (0,0) bgcolorblack = Background Color (Black) bgcolorwhite = Background Color (White) wrap = Wrap repeat = Repeat mirror = Mirror keeporiginalsize = Keep the original size [losslessrotate] right = Lossless-Rotate 90 CW left = Lossless-Rotate 90 CCW 180 = Lossless-Rotate 180 mirror = Lossless-Flip Vertical flip = Lossless-Flip Horizontally [filter] title = Filter assigntooltip = Assign the filter to all photos restore = Back to the original photo restoreinshort = Reset apply = Apply Filter low = Low mid = Middle midstar = Middle * middefault = Middle (Default) high = High lowgray = Low (Gray Tone) midgray = Middle (Gray Tone) highgray = High (Gray Tone) lowgrayinshort = Low (Gray) midgrayinshort = Middle (Gray) highgrayinshort = High (Gray) whitebalance = White Balance whitebalancecomment = It is to correct yellow or blue pictures that were taken indoor or in the >> dark.\nClick the mouse button over a white area to regain the original color.\nFind white dish or white >> cloth or white wallpaper and click it. colorbalance = Color Balance removecolorcast = Remove Color Cast removecolorcastcomment= Remove colorcast and adjust white balance.\nThe higher level is, the more >> colorcast will be removed. colorize = Colorize colorizecomment = Add color and saturation to the original photo.\nIf you lower saturation, it will be >> a black and white photo.\nThe higher the stronger. colorenhance = Color Enhance autolevel = Auto Level autocontrast = Auto Contrast brighten = Brighten darken = Darken deepen = Deepen grayscale = Grayscale sepia = Sepia negative = Reverse black and white negativeinshort = Negative gammacorrection = Gamma Correction gammacorrectioninshort = Gamma gammabright = Gamma Bright exposure = Exposure sharpen = Sharpen sharpencomment = Set the radius between 0.1 and 1.0\nand adjust the amount between 10% and 100% blur = Blur bright = Bright contrast = Contrast decolor = Decolor bloom = Bloom bloomregion = Set the area for bloom lce = Contrast Enhancement lceinshort = Contrast Enhance smartblur = Smart Blur(Clear Skin) noisereduction = Noise Reduction(Clear Skin) film = Film Effect filmcinema = Cinema filmcrossprocess = CrossProcess filmprovia = Provia filmvelvia = Velvia filmportra = Portra filmagfa = Agfa old = Antique Photo dilate = Dilate erode = Erode mosaic = Mosaic regionfilter = Region (Out of Focus) regionfilterreverse = Reverse the area lineargradient = Linear Gradient graduatedtint = Graduated Tint graduatedtintcomment = Make the upper side of your photo deeper. Good for a landscape photo with sky. graduatedtintfeather = Feather graduatedtintshade = Shade faketiltshift = Fake Tilt-Shift faketiltshiftcomment = Makes aerial photos of real scenes look like miniature models. lensflare = Lens Flare lensflareshape = New Shape lensflarenegative = Negative fadestyle = Fade Style contrastmasking = Backlight Correction contrastmaskinginshort = Backlight texture = Texture noise = Noise jitter = Jitter crystallize = Crystallize edge = Edge embossing = Embossing cellophane = Cellophane pictorialization = Pictorialization impressionistic = Impressionistic pastel = Pastel pen = Pen waterpainting = Water painting waterpaintingbrushsize = Brush Size oilpainting = Oil painting pencil = Pencil colorpencil = Colored Pencil watercolorpencil = Watercolor Pencil cartoon = Cartoon colorengraving = Color Engraving monochromeengraving = Monochrome Engraving distorts = Distorts glasstile = Glasstile doublefacedglasstile = Double-faced Glasstile verticalglasstile = Vertical Glasstile horizontalglasstile = Horizontal Glasstile window = Window illusion = Illusion fisheye = Fisheye fisheyelensvalue = Lens Value motionblur = Motionblur motionblurstep = Step zoomblur = Zoomblur radialblur = Radialblur wave = Wave wavelength = Wavelength waveamplitude = Amplitude swirl = Swirl box = Make a box boxrightside = The box that shows the right side boxleftside = The box that shows the left side reflection = Reflection perspective = Perspective newsprint = Newsprint sepiatooltip = Sepia\nCreate an "old-fashioned" effect by changing your photo to a reddish brown tone. grayscaletooltip = Grayscale\nGrayscale is to convert your images into black and white tones. >> Grayscaling eliminates hue. thresholdtooltip = B&W. Threshold\nChange a color photo to a black and white photo. negativetooltip = Invert. Negative\nReverse colors of all pixels. bloomtooltip = Bloom(Ctrl-G) autoleveltooltip = Auto Level\n Adjust hue automatically autocontrasttooltip = Auto Contrast\n Adjust contrast automatically brightpacktooltip = Adjust Brightness, Contrast, Hue, Saturation ... sharpentooltip = Sharpen\nMake the edges of objects crisper and less fuzzy. blurtooltip = Blur\nSoften your image, making it blurry and blunt. contrastmaskingtooltip = Backlight Correction\nMake dark parts bright. brightpack = Bright,Color applygraytone = Apply Gray Tone hue = Hue saturation = Saturation colorconversion = Color Conversion normalmode = Normal Mode brightmode = Bright Mode deepmode = Deep Mode lighter = Lighter stronger = Stronger stroke = Stroke threshold = Threshold previewnotreal = Preview image, usually filtered for quick display, may be different from the real image. title = Color apply = Apply Color black = Black white = White red = Red green = Green blue = Blue red2 = Red green2 = Green blue2 = Blue cyan2 = Cyan magenta2 = Magenta yellow2 = Yellow [curves] title = Curves rgb = Color Curves saturation = Saturation Curve luminance = Luminance Curve rgbinshort = Color saturationinshort = Saturation luminanceinshort = Luminance load = Load (Curve) save = Save (Curve) [resize] portrait = Adjust vertical photo's size original = Original Size adjustwidth = Adjust width adjustheight = Adjust height adjustlonger = Adjust the longer length adjustshorter = Adjust the shorter length reducewidth = Reduce width reduceheight = Reduce height reducelonger = Reduce the longer length reduceshorter = Reduce the shorter length stretch = Stretch crop = Crop nearestneighbor = Nearest Neighbor bilinear = Bilinear bicubic = Bicubic bicubicbest = Bicubic (Best) interpolation = Interpolation preserveaspectratio = Preserve aspect ratio excludingframe = Adjust your photo size excluding the frame. includingframe = Adjust your photo size including the frame. adjustautomatically = "%s" can be adjusted automatically based on "%s". outofwidthrange = Out of width range outofheightrange = Out of height range widthnotvalid = Inputted width is not valid morethan = It should be more than %d lessthan = It should be less than %d adjust = Adjust %s [file] name = Filename ext = Ext size = Size ctime = Created mtime = Modified atime = Accessed propreadfail = Fail to read the properties\nRefresh (F5) and check the file enter = Input Filename queryoverwrite = Same filename already exists. Do you want to overwrite? add = Add delete = Delete forward = Move Forward backward = Move Backward addtooltip = Add a photo(Insert) deletetooltip = Delete the selected photo at the list(Del) cleartooltip = Delete all photos at the list(Ctrl-Del) addphoto = Add a photo addclipboard = Add a photo from clipboard addblank = Add spaces insertphoto = Insert a photo in the current position insertclipboard = Insert a clipboard photo in the current position queryclear = Do you want to delete all photos at the list? multiselection = You can select multiple photos by holding down Ctrl or Shift and mouse clicking. [frame] title = Frame assign = Assign the frame favorites = Frame Favorites assigntooltip = Assign the frame to all photos favoritestooltip = Frame Favorites\nAssign the frame to all photos empty = No Frame addtofavorites = Add the frame to Favorites managefavorites = Manage the frame Favorites... addsuccess = Added to Favorites alreadyadded = Already added to Favorites notexist = Selected frame does not exist.\nDo you want to delete it from favorites? all = All Frames title = Align photo = Photo Align horizontal = Horizontal Align vertical = Vertical Align left = Left right = Right top = Top bottom = Bottom center = Center topleft = Top-Left topright = Top-Right bottomleft = Bottom-Left bottomright = Bottom-Right outofrange = If coordinates are out of range, \nPlease reset X and Y. [vignetting] title = Vignetting no = No Vignetting comment = You can select multiple vignettings\nIf you select 'white', then white vignetting will be applied >> instead of 'black'. [text] leftalign = Left Align centeralign = Center Align rightalign = Right Align bold = Bold italic = Italic underline = Underline vertical = Vertical antialiasing = Anti Aliasing outline = Outline outlineplustext = Outline+Text outlineonly = Outline outlineminustext = Outline-Text thickness = Thickness blur = Blur outofpointrange = The size of your font is out of range. notext = Input your text. color = Select balloon's color rotate0 = Original rotate1 = Mirror rotate2 = Mirror+Flip rotate3 = Flip rotate4 = CCW rotate5 = CCW+Flip rotate6 = CW rotate7 = CW+Flip [exifshortcut] photodate = Photo Taken Date phototime = Photo Taken Time photoyear = Photo Taken Date(Year) photomonth = Photo Taken Date(Month) photoday = Photo Taken Date(Day) shutterspeed = Shutter Speed fnumber = Aperture(F Number) ev = Exposure Bias(EV) focallength = Focal Length iso = ISO Value flash = Flash make = Camera Maker makeuppercase = Camera Maker(uppercase) makelowercase = Camera Maker(lowercase) model = Camera Model modeluppercase = Camera Model(uppercase) modellowercase = Camera Model(lowercase) filename = Filename filenameuppercase = Filename(uppercase) filenamelowercase = Filename(lowercase) [exif] tooltip = Exif Info\nShow photo's Exif info (Maker, Model, Flash etc) info = Exif Info delete = Delete Exif info querydelete = Do you want to delete Exif info? deletefail = Fail to delete EXIF info deletesuccess = Exif info deleted make = Maker model = Model datetime = Date software = Software artist = Artist copyright = Copyright editor = Editor resolution = Resolution orientation = Orientation flash = Flash focallength = Focal Length digitalzoom = Digital Zoom ccdwidth = CCD Width exposuretime = Exposure Time aperturefnumber = Aperture isoequiv = ISO equiv exposurebias = Exposure Bias whitebalance = WhiteBalance lightsource = Light Source meteringmode = Metering Mode exposure = Exposure exposuremode = Exposure Mode description = Description comment = Comments title = Associations comment = Check image format types for association [expandsize] title = Enlarge your photo comment = Do you want to save the photo including objects outside? expandcolor = Background color of the expanded area title = Send photos to phone tooltip = Send photos to your phone failtoconnect = Fail to connect with the server. [language] title = Language comment = Select your language langfile = Language File alert = If you want to change your language, you have to restart Photoscape.\nContinue? english = English korean = Korean chinese = Chinese (Simplified) traditional_chinese = Chinese (Traditional) german = German dutch = Dutch spanish = Spanish spanishmx = Spanish (Mexico,latin-america) french = French japanese = Japanese russian = Russian polish = Polish italian = Italian portugesebr = Portugese (Brazil) thai = Thai hungarian = Hungarian turkish = Turkish catalan = Catalan slovak = Slovak czech = Czech norwegian = Norwegian bulgarian = Bulgarian ukrainian = Ukrainian greek = Greek swedish = Swedish estonian = Estonian danish = Danish romanian = Romanian portugesept = Portugese (Portugal) hebrew = Hebrew This NFO File was rendered by