- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-va-chronicredeye_music_presents-ruffneck_intellect_volume_one-2010-eac-rep.nfo 00-va-chronicredeye_music_presents-ruffneck_intellect_volume_one-2010-eac-rep

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  Reprasent The Original Ganja Smokin Herbman Hustlin Sensimilla Smugglin
        Raw Born Roughneck Weh Strike Match Pon Him Beard Fi Light Him Spliff

    .                  P R O U D L Y   P R E S E N T S                     .
    :                                                                      :
 +-─┘                                                                      └─-+
 | ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░           VA - Ruffneck Intellect Volume One           ░ ░▒▓█▓▒░ |
 │ .                                                                        .|│
 : :                                                                        : :
 └─│───┐- -──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────- -┌───│─┘
 ┌─┘   |                                                                |  └─┐
 │:    :                                                                :   :│
 │|                                                                         |│
 ││    SOURCE : CDDA                            LABEL : Killa Tunes         ││
 ││   ENCODER : Exact Audio Copy (Secure Mode)  GENRE : Hip-Hop             ││
 ││     CODEC : Lame 3.97                        TYPE : Album               ││
 ││   PROFiLE : -V2 --vbr-new                    SiZE : 74,7 MB             ││
 ││   QUALiTY : VBR / 44.1kHz / Joint-Stereo   TRACKS : 21                  ││
 ││    RiPPED : 03.05.2010                                                  ││
 ││                                                                         ││
 │:     :                                                             :     :│
 └──┐   |                                                             |   ┌──┘
 ┌──│───┘- -───────────────────────────────────────────────────────- -└───│──┐
    :                                                                     :
 +-─┘                                                                     └─-+
 | ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░                   T R A C K L i S T                   ░ ░▒▓█▓▒░ |
 : :                                                                       : :
 └─│───┐- -──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────- -┌──│─┘
 ┌─┘   |                                                                |  └─┐
 │:    :                                                                :   :│
 │|                                                                         |│
 ││ 01   Conman - Intro                                             00:29   ││
 ││ 02   Dezert Eez - The Hammer                                    04:28   ││
 ││ 03   Deadly Hunta, Reds, DPF & Lyrical T - Stand Up             04:43   ││
 ││ 04   Hell Razah, Timbo King, Reds, Franko Fraize & Lyrical T -  05:10   ││
 ││      Make It Happen                                                     ││
 ││ 05   DJ I.C Feat. Lyrical T & Franko Fraize - Blood Of The      04:46   ││
 ││      Earth                                                              ││
 ││ 06   Mood - Drugs, War & Crime                                  04:12   ││
 ││ 07   Soldjasoulz (DPF & Reds) - All I Ever Wanted               03:05   ││
 ││ 08   Conman - Streets Unsafe                                    02:55   ││
 ││ 09   Late - Villain Man                                         02:02   ││
 ││ 10   Rook Da Rukus - Illuminatirulmy                            03:56   ││
 ││ 11   Yaeo - Dog Or Snake                                        03:30   ││
 ││ 12   Mancini & The Creepers - Big Bad World                     03:28   ││
 ││ 13   Chrome - Music To Shop To                                  04:06   ││
 ││ 14   Reds - Cold World Bars                                     01:25   ││
 ││ 15   DPF - Rumours Remix                                        02:50   ││
 ││ 16   Topcat - Request The Style Dubplate                        02:06   ││
 ││ 17   Deadly Hunta - Yes I Will Dubplate                         03:24   ││
 ││ 18   Soldjasoulz (DPF & Reds) - The Burial                      02:56   ││
 ││ 19   Dillijence Feat. Reds - for Ya Domepiece                   03:40   ││
 ││ 20   Yaeo, Conman, Streetz, Reds & Manny Moscow - Rudeboy Remix 04:19   ││
 ││ 21   Rant - Klub Banger                                         01:52   ││
 ││                                                                ───────  ││
 ││                                                                 69:22   ││
 │|                                                                         |│
 │:     :                                                             :     :│
 └──┐   |                                                             |   ┌──┘
 ┌──│───┘- -──────────────────────────────────────────────────────── -└───│──┐
    :                                                                     :
 +-─┘                                                                     └─-+
 | ░▒▓█▓▒░ ░               R E L E A S E   N O T E S               ░ ░▒▓█▓▒░ |
 : :                                                                       : :
 └─│──┐- -───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────- -┌──│─┘
 ┌─┘  |                                                                 |  └─┐
 │:   :                                                                 :   :│
 │|                                                                         |│
 ││      Chronic Redeye first made an impact with their 2006 debut          ││
 ││      album The All Or Nothing Days. In October 2008 they unleashed      ││
 ││      their brilliant follow-up Knowledge Is King which featured         ││
 ││      the likes of American underground stars Main Flow and Bronze       ││
 ││      Nazareth as well as UK talents such as Manage, Conman, Franko      ││
 ││      Fraize, Lyrical T and Chrome.                                      ││
 ││                                                                         ││
 ││      Now the Chronic Redeye Music familia are entering 2010 with a      ││
 ││      mixed CD that is set to drag listeners into a realm where no       ││
 ││      amount of ice or big rims can save the weak from getting           ││
 ││      crushed under the weight of some real skills. The criteria         ││
 ││      for the Ruffneck Intellect mix series is simple - it's got to      ││
 ││      bump hard for the sound systems and it's got to have depth         ││
 ││      and lyrical content that goes beyond the standard ignorance        ││
 ││      that gets peddled by many major labels today. This is real         ││
 ││      music, this is Hip-Hop and this is something fresh!                ││
 ││                                                                         ││
 ││      For the first entry into this series everyone involved has         ││
 ││      gone in hard! Covering the spectrum from big glossy                ││
 ││      productions to smoked out basement freestyles, the CD is set       ││
 ││      off by Wu Tang affiliates Dezert Eez with an exclusive banger      ││
 ││      that has to be heard to be believed. The energy levels are         ││
 ││      continued throughout the CD, with many notable surprises such      ││
 ││      as the banging collaboration between Wu Killa Bee's Hell           ││
 ││      Razah and Timbo King and the Chronic Redeye family of Reds,        ││
 ││      Franko Fraize and Lyrical T. More exclusives keep coming,          ││
 ││      including the a killer track from Wolftown's LATE as well as       ││
 ││      the head nodder Dog or Snake by controversial Mohawk Gang          ││
 ││      artist Yaeo who also appears on the massive remix of the           ││
 ││      Chronic Redeye track Rudeboy alongside Midlands rapper             ││
 ││      Conman, Streetz from Bristol and Wolftown Recordings latest        ││
 ││      signing Manny Moscow from London.                                  ││
 │|                                                                         |│
 └──┐  |                                                               |  ┌──┘
 ┌──│──┘- -─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────- -└──│──┐
    :                RELEASE NOT iNTENDED FOR THE PUBLiC                  :
    .                SUPPORT THE ARTiSTS - BUY THE MUSiC!                 .

This NFO File was rendered by

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 Û±±ÛÛ                   ÛÛÛÛÛ                             ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ
                        Û°°ÛÛÛÛ                           Û°°ÛÛÛ±±ÛÛ

  Reprasent The Original Ganja Smokin Herbman Hustlin Sensimilla Smugglin
        Raw Born Roughneck Weh Strike Match Pon Him Beard Fi Light Him Spliff

    .                  P R O U D L Y   P R E S E N T S                     .
    :                                                                      :
 +-ÄÙ                                                                      ÀÄ-+
 | °±²Û²±° °           VA - Ruffneck Intellect Volume One           ° °±²Û²±° |
 ³ .                                                                        .|³
 : :                                                                        : :
 ÚÄÙ   |                                                                |  ÀÄ¿
 ³:    :                                                                :   :³
 ³|                                                                         |³
 ³³    SOURCE : CDDA                            LABEL : Killa Tunes         ³³
 ³³   ENCODER : Exact Audio Copy (Secure Mode)  GENRE : Hip-Hop             ³³
 ³³     CODEC : Lame 3.97                        TYPE : Album               ³³
 ³³   PROFiLE : -V2 --vbr-new                    SiZE : 74,7 MB             ³³
 ³³   QUALiTY : VBR / 44.1kHz / Joint-Stereo   TRACKS : 21                  ³³
 ³³    RiPPED : 03.05.2010                                                  ³³
 ³³                                                                         ³³
 ³:     :                                                             :     :³
 ÀÄÄ¿   |                                                             |   ÚÄÄÙ
    :                                                                     :
 +-ÄÙ                                                                     ÀÄ-+
 | °±²Û²±° °                   T R A C K L i S T                   ° °±²Û²±° |
 : :                                                                       : :
 ÚÄÙ   |                                                                |  ÀÄ¿
 ³:    :                                                                :   :³
 ³|                                                                         |³
 ³³ 01   Conman - Intro                                             00:29   ³³
 ³³ 02   Dezert Eez - The Hammer                                    04:28   ³³
 ³³ 03   Deadly Hunta, Reds, DPF & Lyrical T - Stand Up             04:43   ³³
 ³³ 04   Hell Razah, Timbo King, Reds, Franko Fraize & Lyrical T -  05:10   ³³
 ³³      Make It Happen                                                     ³³
 ³³ 05   DJ I.C Feat. Lyrical T & Franko Fraize - Blood Of The      04:46   ³³
 ³³      Earth                                                              ³³
 ³³ 06   Mood - Drugs, War & Crime                                  04:12   ³³
 ³³ 07   Soldjasoulz (DPF & Reds) - All I Ever Wanted               03:05   ³³
 ³³ 08   Conman - Streets Unsafe                                    02:55   ³³
 ³³ 09   Late - Villain Man                                         02:02   ³³
 ³³ 10   Rook Da Rukus - Illuminatirulmy                            03:56   ³³
 ³³ 11   Yaeo - Dog Or Snake                                        03:30   ³³
 ³³ 12   Mancini & The Creepers - Big Bad World                     03:28   ³³
 ³³ 13   Chrome - Music To Shop To                                  04:06   ³³
 ³³ 14   Reds - Cold World Bars                                     01:25   ³³
 ³³ 15   DPF - Rumours Remix                                        02:50   ³³
 ³³ 16   Topcat - Request The Style Dubplate                        02:06   ³³
 ³³ 17   Deadly Hunta - Yes I Will Dubplate                         03:24   ³³
 ³³ 18   Soldjasoulz (DPF & Reds) - The Burial                      02:56   ³³
 ³³ 19   Dillijence Feat. Reds - for Ya Domepiece                   03:40   ³³
 ³³ 20   Yaeo, Conman, Streetz, Reds & Manny Moscow - Rudeboy Remix 04:19   ³³
 ³³ 21   Rant - Klub Banger                                         01:52   ³³
 ³³                                                                ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ  ³³
 ³³                                                                 69:22   ³³
 ³|                                                                         |³
 ³:     :                                                             :     :³
 ÀÄÄ¿   |                                                             |   ÚÄÄÙ
    :                                                                     :
 +-ÄÙ                                                                     ÀÄ-+
 | °±²Û²±° °               R E L E A S E   N O T E S               ° °±²Û²±° |
 : :                                                                       : :
 ÚÄÙ  |                                                                 |  ÀÄ¿
 ³:   :                                                                 :   :³
 ³|                                                                         |³
 ³³      Chronic Redeye first made an impact with their 2006 debut          ³³
 ³³      album The All Or Nothing Days. In October 2008 they unleashed      ³³
 ³³      their brilliant follow-up Knowledge Is King which featured         ³³
 ³³      the likes of American underground stars Main Flow and Bronze       ³³
 ³³      Nazareth as well as UK talents such as Manage, Conman, Franko      ³³
 ³³      Fraize, Lyrical T and Chrome.                                      ³³
 ³³                                                                         ³³
 ³³      Now the Chronic Redeye Music familia are entering 2010 with a      ³³
 ³³      mixed CD that is set to drag listeners into a realm where no       ³³
 ³³      amount of ice or big rims can save the weak from getting           ³³
 ³³      crushed under the weight of some real skills. The criteria         ³³
 ³³      for the Ruffneck Intellect mix series is simple - it's got to      ³³
 ³³      bump hard for the sound systems and it's got to have depth         ³³
 ³³      and lyrical content that goes beyond the standard ignorance        ³³
 ³³      that gets peddled by many major labels today. This is real         ³³
 ³³      music, this is Hip-Hop and this is something fresh!                ³³
 ³³                                                                         ³³
 ³³      For the first entry into this series everyone involved has         ³³
 ³³      gone in hard! Covering the spectrum from big glossy                ³³
 ³³      productions to smoked out basement freestyles, the CD is set       ³³
 ³³      off by Wu Tang affiliates Dezert Eez with an exclusive banger      ³³
 ³³      that has to be heard to be believed. The energy levels are         ³³
 ³³      continued throughout the CD, with many notable surprises such      ³³
 ³³      as the banging collaboration between Wu Killa Bee's Hell           ³³
 ³³      Razah and Timbo King and the Chronic Redeye family of Reds,        ³³
 ³³      Franko Fraize and Lyrical T. More exclusives keep coming,          ³³
 ³³      including the a killer track from Wolftown's LATE as well as       ³³
 ³³      the head nodder Dog or Snake by controversial Mohawk Gang          ³³
 ³³      artist Yaeo who also appears on the massive remix of the           ³³
 ³³      Chronic Redeye track Rudeboy alongside Midlands rapper             ³³
 ³³      Conman, Streetz from Bristol and Wolftown Recordings latest        ³³
 ³³      signing Manny Moscow from London.                                  ³³
 ³|                                                                         |³
 ÀÄÄ¿  |                                                               |  ÚÄÄÙ
    :                RELEASE NOT iNTENDED FOR THE PUBLiC                  :
    .                SUPPORT THE ARTiSTS - BUY THE MUSiC!                 .

This NFO File was rendered by

