- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-gang_starr-code_of_the_streets-cds-_1994_-logos.nfo 00-gang_starr-code_of_the_streets-cds-_1994_-logos

        █▀▀▀▀▀█     █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█ r
        █ █▀  █     █ █▀        █ █▀        █ █▀        █ █▀        █ t
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│▀▀▀▀▀▀▀░     ░▀▀▀▀▀░     ░     ░     █     ░     ░     ░▀▀▀▀▀█     ░▀▀▀▀▀▀▀│
│       █     ▀▀▀▀▀▀█           █           █           █     █     █ 2     │
│       █           █           █           █           █           █ k     │
│       █▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█       │
│                                                                           │
│                    SAPiENTiAM AUTEM NON ViNCiT MALiTiA                    │
│                                                                           │
│                      x──---·· ·   Presents   · ··--─-x                     │
├███▓█▓▓▓░ ░             Gang Starr-Code Of The Streets              ░░ ░  █┤
│                                                                           │
│ ■ album........: Code Of The Streets        ■ rip date.....: 07/10/2001   │
│ ■ artist.......: Gang Starr                 ■ streetdate...: 00/00/1994   │
│ ■ record label.: Chrysalis                  ■ album year...: 1994         │
│ ■ genre........: Rap                        ■ tracks ......: 04           │
│ ■ ripper.......: siddharta                  ■ size ........: 19,4 MB      │
│ ■ supplier.....: siddharta                  ■ bitrate .....: 192  Kbps HQ │
│                                                                           │
├███▓█▓▓▓░ ░                    Release Notes                        ░░ ░  █┤
│                                                                           │
│    Guru & DJ Premier at their best                                        │
│                                                                           │
│    enjoy =)                                                               │
│                                                                           │
│                                                                           │
│                  .: :.                      │
│                                                                           │
├███▓█▓▓▓░ ░                     Track List                          ░░ ░  █┤
│                                                                           │
│    01.Code Of The Streets (Radio)                               [03:30]   │
│    02.Code Of The Streets (Album)                               [03:30]   │
│    03.Code Of The Streets (Instr.)                              [03:32]   │
│    04.Speak Ya Clout (Album)                                    [03:35]   │
│                                                                 -------   │
│                                                                  14:07 min│
│                                                                   19,4 MB │
│                                                                           │
├███▓█▓▓▓░ ░                  Group Information                      ░░ ░  █┤
│                                                                           │
│ Yeah, We are LOGOS MP3, we are here to show the music of the whole world. │
│ Music from every country is accepted here. We release the music that we   │
│ like to hear (each ripper chooses what he likes). We are not here for     │
│ COMMERCIAL REASONS and so we don't allow anyone to sell our rips.         │
│ We think the music is important in itself!                                │
│                                                                           │
│ Apply? If you think you can help us with anything... msg us.              │
│ Rippers and suppliers allways are welcome.                                │
│ We don't need additional couriers at the moment.                          │
│                                                                                  │
│   We always used the Fhg.Radium.MP3.codec.v1.263 or LAME Encoder v3.8x    │
│                                                                                  │
├███▓█▓▓▓░ ░                      Sites                              ░░ ░  █┤
│  NAME              SPEED            POSiTiON                   SiZE       │
│  ----              -----            --------                   ----       │
│  Cxxx              10mbits           EURO HQ                   60GB       │
│  Txx                ADSL         SOUTH AMERICA HQ              32GB       │
│  Bxxx              10mbits            USRHQ                   100GB       │
│  Txx               15mbits            USHQ                    120GB       │
│  Mxx               34mbits           TRiAL HQ                  80GB       │
│  Bxxxxxxx           5mbits       CANADA VCD/DC/MP3 HQ         195GB       │
│  Sxx               10mbits            EURHQ                    80GB       │
│  Cx               100mbits            HUHQ                    135GB       │
├███▓█▓▓▓░ ░                      Greets                             ░░ ░  █┤
│                                                                           │
│  Groups: CSWCN ∙ 801 ∙ ELF ∙ 1REAL ∙ Wicked Alliance ∙ KSi ∙ MiRAGE       │
│                                                                           │
│  People: Cyber_Dog ∙ Mits ∙ Legolas ∙ Nises ∙ Mullein ∙ Nirpo ∙ Bejon     │
│          Rocksolid ∙ Dleoger ∙ Smaze ∙ Aydog ∙ Blakbeard ∙ Ambooleg ∙ KaO │
│                                                                           │
│   And everyone we forgot, if you think your name should be here msg us.   │
│                                                                           │
│   THE MUSiCiANS DESERVE OUR RESPECT AND SUPPORT                           │
│   iF YOU LiKE THiS ALBUM, BUY iT, WE DiD! iF NOT, DELETE iT iN 24hs.      │
│                                                                           │
├███▓█▓▓▓░ ░                   Xing VBR FAQ                          ░░ ░  █┤
│ Here goes a VBR FAQ by 801:                                               │
│                                                                           │
│C            The official 801 codec is Xing 2.1 as used in Audio Catalyst C│
│S             2.1. Riaa rules, unfortunately not yet updated, still       S│
│W             mention the Xing codec as not acceptable, referring to the  W│
│C             version 1.0 which was indeed poor. We believe that 2.1      C│
│N             produces the best results possible, because?                N│
│|             1. The Xing codec offers the same bandwidth as all          |│
│8             HQ fraunhofer codecs, i.e. 20 KHz                           8│
│0             2. VBR HQ adapts the bitrate from 96 to 320 kpbs, according 0│
│1             to the program encoded. This results in better quality      1│
│|             and smaller files as compared with even 192 kbps            |│
│C             constant bitrate files.                                     C│
│S             3. VBR files help reduce traffic and storage needs without  S│
│W             compromising the quality of the music. A test using         W│
│C             white noise wav showed that xing HQ VBR produces 6%         C│
│N             smaller file than Radium 192.                               N│
│                                                                           │
├███▓█▓▓▓░ ░                     Contact                             ░░ ░  █┤
│ WEB   : coming soon                                                       │
│ iRC   : #LOGOS EFNET                                                      │
│ E-MAIL: (request PGP key and send yours)          │
│███▓█▓▓▓░ ░ nFo.layout & header: [rts]                   LOGOS 2000 ░░ ░  █│
└███▓█▓▓▓░ ░             Last update by r*t*s: 02-26-2001            ░░ ░  █┘

This NFO File was rendered by

        ÛßßßßßÛ     ÛßßßßßßßßßßßÛßßßßßßßßßßßÛßßßßßßßßßßßÛßßßßßßßßßßßÛ r
        Û Ûß  Û     Û Ûß        Û Ûß        Û Ûß        Û Ûß        Û t
        Û ²   Û     Û ²   Û     Û ²   ÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ ²   Û     Û ²   Û     Û s
 ÜÜÜÜÜÜܲ ±   ²ÜÜÜÜܲ ±   ²     ² ±   Û     ² ±   ²     ² ±   ßßßßßß²ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ
ÚÛÛÛ²Û²²± °   ±°°±±°± °   ±     ± °   ÛÛßßßß± °   ±     ± °         ±°° °  Û¿
³ßßßßßßß°     °ßßßßß°     °     °     Û     °     °     °ßßßßßÛ     °ßßßßßßß³
³       Û     ßßßßßßÛ           Û           Û           Û     Û     Û 2     ³
³       Û           Û           Û           Û           Û           Û k     ³
³                                                                           ³
³                    SAPiENTiAM AUTEM NON ViNCiT MALiTiA                    ³
³                                                                           ³
³                      xÄÄ---úú ú   Presents   ú úú--Ä-x                     ³
ÃÛÛÛ²Û²²²° °             Gang Starr-Code Of The Streets              °° °  Û´
³                                                                           ³
³ þ album........: Code Of The Streets        þ rip date.....: 07/10/2001   ³
³ þ artist.......: Gang Starr                 þ streetdate...: 00/00/1994   ³
³ þ record label.: Chrysalis                  þ album year...: 1994         ³
³ þ genre........: Rap                        þ tracks ......: 04           ³
³ þ ripper.......: siddharta                  þ size ........: 19,4 MB      ³
³ þ supplier.....: siddharta                  þ bitrate .....: 192  Kbps HQ ³
³                                                                           ³
ÃÛÛÛ²Û²²²° °                    Release Notes                        °° °  Û´
³                                                                           ³
³    Guru & DJ Premier at their best                                        ³
³                                                                           ³
³    enjoy =)                                                               ³
³                                                                           ³
³                                                                           ³
³                  .: :.                      ³
³                                                                           ³
ÃÛÛÛ²Û²²²° °                     Track List                          °° °  Û´
³                                                                           ³
³    01.Code Of The Streets (Radio)                               [03:30]   ³
³    02.Code Of The Streets (Album)                               [03:30]   ³
³    03.Code Of The Streets (Instr.)                              [03:32]   ³
³    04.Speak Ya Clout (Album)                                    [03:35]   ³
³                                                                 -------   ³
³                                                                  14:07 min³
³                                                                   19,4 MB ³
³                                                                           ³
ÃÛÛÛ²Û²²²° °                  Group Information                      °° °  Û´
³                                                                           ³
³ Yeah, We are LOGOS MP3, we are here to show the music of the whole world. ³
³ Music from every country is accepted here. We release the music that we   ³
³ like to hear (each ripper chooses what he likes). We are not here for     ³
³ COMMERCIAL REASONS and so we don't allow anyone to sell our rips.         ³
³ We think the music is important in itself!                                ³
³                                                                           ³
³ Apply? If you think you can help us with anything... msg us.              ³
³ Rippers and suppliers allways are welcome.                                ³
³ We don't need additional couriers at the moment.                          ³
³                                                                                  ³
³   We always used the Fhg.Radium.MP3.codec.v1.263 or LAME Encoder v3.8x    ³
³                                                                                  ³
ÃÛÛÛ²Û²²²° °                      Sites                              °° °  Û´
³  NAME              SPEED            POSiTiON                   SiZE       ³
³  ----              -----            --------                   ----       ³
³  Cxxx              10mbits           EURO HQ                   60GB       ³
³  Txx                ADSL         SOUTH AMERICA HQ              32GB       ³
³  Bxxx              10mbits            USRHQ                   100GB       ³
³  Txx               15mbits            USHQ                    120GB       ³
³  Mxx               34mbits           TRiAL HQ                  80GB       ³
³  Bxxxxxxx           5mbits       CANADA VCD/DC/MP3 HQ         195GB       ³
³  Sxx               10mbits            EURHQ                    80GB       ³
³  Cx               100mbits            HUHQ                    135GB       ³
ÃÛÛÛ²Û²²²° °                      Greets                             °° °  Û´
³                                                                           ³
³  Groups: CSWCN ù 801 ù ELF ù 1REAL ù Wicked Alliance ù KSi ù MiRAGE       ³
³                                                                           ³
³  People: Cyber_Dog ù Mits ù Legolas ù Nises ù Mullein ù Nirpo ù Bejon     ³
³          Rocksolid ù Dleoger ù Smaze ù Aydog ù Blakbeard ù Ambooleg ù KaO ³
³                                                                           ³
³   And everyone we forgot, if you think your name should be here msg us.   ³
³                                                                           ³
³   THE MUSiCiANS DESERVE OUR RESPECT AND SUPPORT                           ³
³   iF YOU LiKE THiS ALBUM, BUY iT, WE DiD! iF NOT, DELETE iT iN 24hs.      ³
³                                                                           ³
ÃÛÛÛ²Û²²²° °                   Xing VBR FAQ                          °° °  Û´
³ Here goes a VBR FAQ by 801:                                               ³
³                                                                           ³
³C            The official 801 codec is Xing 2.1 as used in Audio Catalyst C³
³S             2.1. Riaa rules, unfortunately not yet updated, still       S³
³W             mention the Xing codec as not acceptable, referring to the  W³
³C             version 1.0 which was indeed poor. We believe that 2.1      C³
³N             produces the best results possible, because?                N³
³|             1. The Xing codec offers the same bandwidth as all          |³
³8             HQ fraunhofer codecs, i.e. 20 KHz                           8³
³0             2. VBR HQ adapts the bitrate from 96 to 320 kpbs, according 0³
³1             to the program encoded. This results in better quality      1³
³|             and smaller files as compared with even 192 kbps            |³
³C             constant bitrate files.                                     C³
³S             3. VBR files help reduce traffic and storage needs without  S³
³W             compromising the quality of the music. A test using         W³
³C             white noise wav showed that xing HQ VBR produces 6%         C³
³N             smaller file than Radium 192.                               N³
³                                                                           ³
ÃÛÛÛ²Û²²²° °                     Contact                             °° °  Û´
³ WEB   : coming soon                                                       ³
³ iRC   : #LOGOS EFNET                                                      ³
³ E-MAIL: (request PGP key and send yours)          ³
³ÛÛÛ²Û²²²° ° nFo.layout & header: [rts]                   LOGOS 2000 °° °  Û³
ÀÛÛÛ²Û²²²° °             Last update by r*t*s: 02-26-2001            °° °  ÛÙ

This NFO File was rendered by

