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STUDIOS Anchor #7, $3.99 Cold Space #1, $3.99 Die Hard Year One #8, $3.99 Farscape Scorpius #0, $3.99 Irredeemable Special #1, $3.99 Toy Story #3, $2.99 Uncle Scrooge #390, $2.99 COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1191, AR DAIKAIJU G Fan #91, $5.95 DARK HORSE B.P.R.D. King of Fear #4 (of 5), $2.99 Hellcyon #1 (of 4), $3.50 Star Wars Dark Times #16 (Blue Harvest Part 4 of 5), $2.99 DC COMICS Action Comics #888, $3.99 Adventure Comics #10, $3.99 Batgirl #9, $2.99 Batman #698, $2.99 Booster Gold #31, $2.99 Brightest Day #0, $3.99 Dantes Inferno #5 (of 6), $3.99 Daytripper #5 (of 10), $2.99 DMZ #52, $2.99 Doc Savage #1, $3.99 Ex Machina #1 (New Printing), $1.00 Fables #94, $2.99 Flash #1, $3.99 Free Realms #8 (of 12), $3.99 Gen 13 #35, $2.99 Green Arrow #32, $2.99 Human Target #3 (of 6), $2.99 Losers #1 (New Printing), $1.00 Magog #8, $2.99 Scooby Doo #155, $2.50 Secret Six #20, $2.99 Shield #8, $3.99 Unwritten #12, $2.99 DEVILS DUE PUBLISHING Hack Slash #31, $3.50 DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Army Of Darkness #27, $3.99 Buck Rogers #10, $3.50 Green Hornet Year One #2, $3.99 IDW PUBLISHING A-Team War Stories Face #1, $3.99 Angel Barbary Coast #1, $3.99 G.I. Joe Operation Hiss #3 (of 5), $3.99 Kill Shakespeare #1, $3.99 Pantheon #1 (of 5), $3.99 Pilgrim #1, $3.99 Star Trek Leonard McCoy Frontier Doctor #1, $3.99 Transformers Nefarious #2, $3.99 We Will Bury You #2 (of 4), $3.99 Weekly World News #4 (of 4), $3.99 Wire Hangers #1, $3.99 IMAGE COMICS Angelus #3 (of 6), $2.99 Chew #10, $2.99 Dead At 17 Witch Queen #2 (of 4), $2.99 Existence 3.0 #3 (of 4), $3.50 Fall Out Toy Works #4 (of 5), $3.99 Forgetless #4 (of 5), $3.50 God Complex #5, $2.99 Image Firsts Age Of Bronze #1, $1.00 Image Firsts Savage Dragon #1, $1.00 Light #1 (of 5), $2.99 Mice Templar Destiny #8, $2.99 Savage Dragon #159, $3.50 KRAUSE PUBLICATIONS Comics Buyers Guide #1666 (Jun 2010), $5.99 MARVEL COMICS Amazing Spider-Man Presents Jackpot #3 (of 3), $3.99 Black Widow #1, $3.99 Daredevil #506, $2.99 Deadpool Team-Up #894, $2.99 Enders Game The League War, $3.99 Hulk #1 (Marvels Greatest Comics), $1.00 Iron Man Legacy #1, $3.99 Iron Man Noir #1 (of 4), $3.99 Lockjaw & The Pet Avengers Unleashed #2 (Of 4), $2.99 New Mutants #12 (X-Men Second Coming Tie-In), $2.99 Powers #4, $3.95 PunisherMAX #6, $3.99 Savage Axe Of Ares #1 (Black & White), $3.99 Siege Captain America #1, $2.99 Siege Loki #1, $2.99 Siege Young Avengers #1, $2.99 Spider-Man Grim Hunt The Kraven Saga (Return Of The Hunter Saga), AR Spider-Man Origin Of Hunter #1, $3.99 Super Hero Squad #4, $2.99 Super Heroes #1, $3.99 Ultimate Comics Enemy #3 (of 4), $3.99 Web Of Spider-Man #7, $3.99 World War Hulks Hulked-Out Heroes #1, $3.99 X-Factor Forever #2, $3.99 X-Men Forever #21, $3.99 MOONSTONE Captain Action Special #1, $5.50 Domino Lady #5), $3.99 Phantom Captain Action #1 (of 2), $3.99 RED 5 COMICS Atomic Robo Revenge Of The Vampire Dimension #2 (of 4), $3.50 Drone #4 (of 4), $3.50 This NFO File was rendered by
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