- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-black_rob-whoa_hector_morales_remix_vinyl_single_-200-ksi.nfo 00-black_rob-whoa_hector_morales_remix_vinyl_single_-200-ksi

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---------[   K  L  U  d  G  E . S  O  U  N  d   ]---------------------

  album         - Whoa Hector Morales Remix(Vinyl Single)
  artist        - Black Rob
  label         -
  genre         - Rap
  retail        - 04/03/2000
  rip           - 04/03/2000
  ripper        - KSI Team Vinyl
  quality       -   0k HQ True Stereo


    01  3:19  whoa hector morales remix(dirty)
    02  3:05  whoa hector morales remix(clean)
    03  3:25  whoa hector morales remix(instrumental)
    04  2:18  whoa hector morales remix(acappella)

       12:07  total playing time  -  total size  16MB


       r e l e a s e   n o t e s

  heres a remix of the whoa. this is a white label so the
  quallity isnt the illest. enjoy
                                           -Another FiRM

       k l u d g e . s o u n d   n o t e s

  KLUdGE is a mature group that came  together from  the best and
  oldest roots  of the mpeg layer  scene.  Since the time of cda,
  much has evolved and changed into what mpeg3 is known as today.
  KSi is  this new  group that  only rips the  best out there and
  only what we feel needs to be ripped. KSi continues to grow and
  strives to find the best music for the people. We thank all the
  supporters  and groups  that have  helped us  get where  we are
  today.  We welcome all our new  members that have joined withen
  the last few months and make KSi what it is.

  Join us today on EFnet in #KSi


This NFO File was rendered by

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---------[   K  L  U  d  G  E . S  O  U  N  d   ]---------------------

  album         - Whoa Hector Morales Remix(Vinyl Single)
  artist        - Black Rob
  label         -
  genre         - Rap
  retail        - 04/03/2000
  rip           - 04/03/2000
  ripper        - KSI Team Vinyl
  quality       -   0k HQ True Stereo


    01  3:19  whoa hector morales remix(dirty)
    02  3:05  whoa hector morales remix(clean)
    03  3:25  whoa hector morales remix(instrumental)
    04  2:18  whoa hector morales remix(acappella)

       12:07  total playing time  -  total size  16MB


       r e l e a s e   n o t e s

  heres a remix of the whoa. this is a white label so the
  quallity isnt the illest. enjoy
                                           -Another FiRM

       k l u d g e . s o u n d   n o t e s

  KLUdGE is a mature group that came  together from  the best and
  oldest roots  of the mpeg layer  scene.  Since the time of cda,
  much has evolved and changed into what mpeg3 is known as today.
  KSi is  this new  group that  only rips the  best out there and
  only what we feel needs to be ripped. KSi continues to grow and
  strives to find the best music for the people. We thank all the
  supporters  and groups  that have  helped us  get where  we are
  today.  We welcome all our new  members that have joined withen
  the last few months and make KSi what it is.

  Join us today on EFnet in #KSi


This NFO File was rendered by

