- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-mc_eiht-section_8-1999-rmg.nfo 00-mc_eiht-section_8-1999-rmg

                                 ____                ┌....   ____       `┐
             ╒─     ____         $$$$.┌yyy┐. .┌yyy┐. ;$$$$$$$$$$$        │
        ─────┤ l    $$$$.┌yyy┐.  $$$$┘``'$$$$P┘^└$$$;.$$$$`  $$$$        └┬─────
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        ─────┤      $$$$    $$$$ $$$$    $$$$    $$$$ $$$$   $$$$;        ├─────
             └┐     $$$$    ~~~~ $$$$   ;$$$$    $$$$ $⌐"^```$$$$l       ┌┘
          ┌─┬─┤     $$$$         $⌐"^`  l$$$$    $$$$    cd! $$$$$       ├─┬─┐
          │▒│ │     $⌐"^`               ~~~~~    $$$$        $$$$$       │ │▒│
          │▒│ ╘═─                                $$$$   <<<$$$$$P`      ┌┘ │▒│
          │▒│                                    ~~~~    $$$$$       ·-─┘  │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
          │▒│                        Presents . . .                        │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
          │▒│                                                      ....... │▒│
          │▒│ .                                                          . │▒│
          │▒│ . artist  :: MC Eiht                                       . │▒│
          │▒│ . title   :: Section 8                                     . │▒│
          │▒│ . ripped  :: 03/30/2002                                    . │▒│
          │▒│ . retail  :: 06/08/1999                                    . │▒│
          │▒│ . type    :: Full Album                                    . │▒│
          │▒│ . label   :: EMD/Priority                                  . │▒│
          │▒│ . encoder :: Audioactive                                   . │▒│
          │▒│ . ripper  :: Alias                                         . │▒│
          │▒│ . size    :: 81MB                                          . │▒│
          │▒│ .......                                                      │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
                                 ░░░░░▒▓█ RMG █▓▒░░░░░
          │▒│                                              track.listing ┌┘│▒│
          │▒│                                                         ·-─┘ │▒│
          │▒│ [title]                                               [time] │▒│
          │▒│ 01 Section 8 (Intro)                                    0:53 │▒│
          │▒│ 02 Living 'N' Tha Streetz                               4:44 │▒│
          │▒│ 03 My Life                                              4:54 │▒│
          │▒│ 04 Murder At Night                                      4:23 │▒│
          │▒│ 05 Caution                                              4:42 │▒│
          │▒│ 06 The Getaway (Skit)                                   0:26 │▒│
          │▒│ 07 Automatic                                            4:15 │▒│
          │▒│ 08 Strawberriez-N-Cream                                 5:19 │▒│
          │▒│ 09 Flatline                                             4:33 │▒│
          │▒│ 10 Dayz Of 89'                                          4:48 │▒│
          │▒│ 11 The Hood Still Got Me Under                          4:41 │▒│
          │▒│ 12 Me & My Bitch                                        4:20 │▒│
          │▒│ 13 III Tha Hood Way                                     4:27 │▒│
          │▒│ 14 Thicker Than Water                                   4:22 │▒│
          │▒│ 15 Tha Nail Shop (Luther's Outro)                       2:43 │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
          │▒│                                          Total:  00h 59m 30s │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
                                 ░░░░░▒▓█ RMG █▓▒░░░░░
          │▒│                                              release.notes ┌┘│▒│
          │▒│                                                         ·-─┘ │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
          │▒│ Another HOT Release from RMG!                                │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
                                 ░░░░░▒▓█ RMG █▓▒░░░░░
          │▒│                                          ┌┘│▒│
          │▒│                                                         ·-─┘ │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
          │▒│  At RMG, we serve the REAL music fan and this group was put  │▒│
          │▒│  together to help people looking for older rips that are no  │▒│
          │▒│  longer found on people's computers.  RMG's purpose is just  │▒│
          │▒│  to bring the best music available, upon request.            │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
                                 ░░░░░▒▓█ RMG █▓▒░░░░░
          │▒│                                               rmg.releases ┌┘│▒│
          │▒│                                                         ·-─┘ │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
          │▒│            Get our releases at: #rmg and #0daymp3            │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
                                 ░░░░░▒▓█ RMG █▓▒░░░░░
          │▒│                                       ┌┘│▒│
          │▒│                                                         ·-─┘ │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
          │▒│  -  At our new site you can find the │▒│
          │▒│ name and date of EVERY RMG rip ever dating back to the first │▒│
          │▒│ rip on May 2nd, 2001.  You can apply to become a new member, │▒│
          │▒│ you can contact us, as well as look at a list of all RMG ops │▒│
          │▒│ and members.  Contact Tahmurdah if you have any questions or │▒│
          │▒│ suggestions on the site.  The releases are updated daily.    │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
                                 ░░░░░▒▓█ RMG █▓▒░░░░░
          │▒│                                              rmg.shoutouts ┌┘│▒│
          │▒│                                                         ·-─┘ │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
          │▒│            Shoutouts to 0daymp3, eDmp3, 0mni, OMR            │▒│
          │▒│                                                              │▒│
                   │                  Version  3.0                  │
                   │   NFO Last Updated : 02/17/2002 by Tahmurdah   │
                   │               Layout by CrookedI               │

This NFO File was rendered by

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             À¿     $$$$    ~~~~ $$$$   ;$$$$    $$$$ $©"^```$$$$l       ÚÙ
          ÚÄÂÄ´     $$$$         $©"^`  l$$$$    $$$$    cd! $$$$$       ÃÄÂÄ¿
          ³±³ ³     $©"^`               ~~~~~    $$$$        $$$$$       ³ ³±³
          ³±³ ÔÍÄ                                $$$$   <<<$$$$$P`      ÚÙ ³±³
          ³±³                                    ~~~~    $$$$$       ú-ÄÙ  ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
          ³±³                        Presents . . .                        ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
          ³±³                                                      ....... ³±³
          ³±³ .                                                          . ³±³
          ³±³ . artist  :: MC Eiht                                       . ³±³
          ³±³ . title   :: Section 8                                     . ³±³
          ³±³ . ripped  :: 03/30/2002                                    . ³±³
          ³±³ . retail  :: 06/08/1999                                    . ³±³
          ³±³ . type    :: Full Album                                    . ³±³
          ³±³ . label   :: EMD/Priority                                  . ³±³
          ³±³ . encoder :: Audioactive                                   . ³±³
          ³±³ . ripper  :: Alias                                         . ³±³
          ³±³ . size    :: 81MB                                          . ³±³
          ³±³ .......                                                      ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
                                 °°°°°±²Û RMG Û²±°°°°°
          ³±³                                              track.listing ÚÙ³±³
          ³±³                                                         ú-ÄÙ ³±³
          ³±³ [title]                                               [time] ³±³
          ³±³ 01 Section 8 (Intro)                                    0:53 ³±³
          ³±³ 02 Living 'N' Tha Streetz                               4:44 ³±³
          ³±³ 03 My Life                                              4:54 ³±³
          ³±³ 04 Murder At Night                                      4:23 ³±³
          ³±³ 05 Caution                                              4:42 ³±³
          ³±³ 06 The Getaway (Skit)                                   0:26 ³±³
          ³±³ 07 Automatic                                            4:15 ³±³
          ³±³ 08 Strawberriez-N-Cream                                 5:19 ³±³
          ³±³ 09 Flatline                                             4:33 ³±³
          ³±³ 10 Dayz Of 89'                                          4:48 ³±³
          ³±³ 11 The Hood Still Got Me Under                          4:41 ³±³
          ³±³ 12 Me & My Bitch                                        4:20 ³±³
          ³±³ 13 III Tha Hood Way                                     4:27 ³±³
          ³±³ 14 Thicker Than Water                                   4:22 ³±³
          ³±³ 15 Tha Nail Shop (Luther's Outro)                       2:43 ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
          ³±³                                          Total:  00h 59m 30s ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
                                 °°°°°±²Û RMG Û²±°°°°°
          ³±³                                              release.notes ÚÙ³±³
          ³±³                                                         ú-ÄÙ ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
          ³±³ Another HOT Release from RMG!                                ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
                                 °°°°°±²Û RMG Û²±°°°°°
          ³±³                                          ÚÙ³±³
          ³±³                                                         ú-ÄÙ ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
          ³±³  At RMG, we serve the REAL music fan and this group was put  ³±³
          ³±³  together to help people looking for older rips that are no  ³±³
          ³±³  longer found on people's computers.  RMG's purpose is just  ³±³
          ³±³  to bring the best music available, upon request.            ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
                                 °°°°°±²Û RMG Û²±°°°°°
          ³±³                                               rmg.releases ÚÙ³±³
          ³±³                                                         ú-ÄÙ ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
          ³±³            Get our releases at: #rmg and #0daymp3            ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
                                 °°°°°±²Û RMG Û²±°°°°°
          ³±³                                       ÚÙ³±³
          ³±³                                                         ú-ÄÙ ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
          ³±³  -  At our new site you can find the ³±³
          ³±³ name and date of EVERY RMG rip ever dating back to the first ³±³
          ³±³ rip on May 2nd, 2001.  You can apply to become a new member, ³±³
          ³±³ you can contact us, as well as look at a list of all RMG ops ³±³
          ³±³ and members.  Contact Tahmurdah if you have any questions or ³±³
          ³±³ suggestions on the site.  The releases are updated daily.    ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
                                 °°°°°±²Û RMG Û²±°°°°°
          ³±³                                              rmg.shoutouts ÚÙ³±³
          ³±³                                                         ú-ÄÙ ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
          ³±³            Shoutouts to 0daymp3, eDmp3, 0mni, OMR            ³±³
          ³±³                                                              ³±³
                   ³                  Version  3.0                  ³
                   ³   NFO Last Updated : 02/17/2002 by Tahmurdah   ³
                   ³               Layout by CrookedI               ³

This NFO File was rendered by

