- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-snoop_doggy_dogg-doggystyle__w_bonus_track_-1993-apc.nfo 00-snoop_doggy_dogg-doggystyle__w_bonus_track_-1993-apc
.yS$$²"" .yπS$ ²"$░$$n ▲ $$$$$ ""²$$$Sy. $$$$$ $$$$$ ▲ .·Ω$. $$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ .$Ω·. °-──────────────┐ $$$$$ $$$$$$.yπS$$ $$$$$n$$$$$ ""²²² ┌───────!Omn──--° │ $$$$$$$ ,$$$$$$$$$$$² "$$$$$$$$ │ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$│ $$$$$²" $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ │$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$"""""""""' $$$$$ "²$$$$$$$$$$$ ,$$$$$$$$ `""""""""$$$$$$ $$$°.Θ$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$Θ.°$$$ `$$ $$$$$²" $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ ²""""'$$$$$ ,RRRR "²$$$$$ $$' `$ ²$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$² $' '. §$$$ $$$$$ ²°"""'$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$§ .` ,Ω$' ⁿ$$ $$$$$ `°°ⁿ" $$$$$ ,.$$$$$ $$ⁿ `$Ω, $$. `$ """°² `°°°" """""ⁿ $' .$$ $$$, · ─ Apocalypse Production Crew ─ · ,$$$ $$$$. ╔═════─────────────────────────────────────────────────═════╗ .$$$$ $$$$$Φ ║ ║ Φ$$$$$ $$$$$Φ ║ Artist......: ║ Φ$$$$$ $$$$$$ ║ Album Title.: [Doggystyle (W/ Bonus Track) ] ║ $$$$$$ $$$▓$░ ║ Record Label: [DEATH ROW/INTERSCOPE ] ║ ░$▓$$$ $$$▓$░ ║ Ripper......: [TEAM aPC ] ║ ░$▓$$$ $$$▒$░ ║ $$$▒$░ ║ $$$▒$░ ║ $$$▒$░ ║ $$$▒$░ ╠═════─────────────────────────────────────────────────═════╣ ░$▒$$$ $$$▓$░ ║ Rip Date..: [ 04/21/2001 ] Tracks: [ 19 ] ║ ░$▓$$$ $$$▒$░ ║ Rel Date..: [ 11/23/1993 ] Time..: [ 00h 54m 47s ] ║ ░$▒$$$ $$$▓$░ ║ Music Type: [ Rap ] Size..: [ 75MB ] ║ ░$▓$$$ $$$▒$░ ║ K/bits....: [ 192k ] Source: [ Compact Disc ] ║ ░$▒$$$ $$$▒$░ ║ Encoder...: [ LAME ENC 3.88MMX ] ║ ░$▒$$$ $$$▒$░ ║ Mode......: [ Full Stereo HQ Mode ] ║ ░$▒$$$ °$$╔═══╩═════════╦───────────────────────────────────────╦═════════╩═══╗$$° `$║ ╚════════════-·Album Notes·─════════════╝ ║$' "│ │" : THIS RIP INCLUDES THE BONUS TRACK #18 "GZ UP, HOES DOWN" : : THIS IS A 19 TRACK VERSION OTHERS ARE 18 TRACKS : : LOOK OUT FOR A NEW REMASTERED VERSION ON May 22, 2001 : . . . . ,$ │ │ $, $∩ ║ ║ ∩$ "$$n╚═══╦══- -══╦═────────────────────────────────────────═╦══- -══╦═══╝a$$" `$$$$$$│ ╚═════════════·Track Listings·═════════════╝ │$$$$$$' "²$$$│ │$$$²" ;$│ │$; ,$ⁿ│ │ⁿ$, `·.│ │.·' │ 01. BATHTUB 1:51 │ │ 02. G FUNK INTRO 2:24 │ │ 03. GIN AND JUICE (vocals Dat Nigga Daz) 3:31 │ │ 04. W BALLS (ft The queen of Funk and Ricky 0:36 │ │ Harris) │ │ 05. THA SHIZNIT 4:03 │ │ 06. INTERLUDE (DOMINO) 0:37 │ │ 07. LODI DODI (vocals Nancy Fletcher) 4:24 │ │ 08. MURDER WAS THE CASE 3:37 │ │ (DeathAfterVisualizingEternity) (ft Da Nigga Daz) │ │ 09. SERIAL KILLA (ft D.O.C., RBX and Tha dogg 3:36 │ │ Pound) │ │ 10. WHO AM I (WHATS MY NAME)? 4:06 │ │ 11. FOR ALL MY NIGGAZ AND BITCHES (Tha Dogg 4:42 │ │ Pound ft The Lady of Rage) │ │ 12. AINT NO FUN (If The Homies Cant Have None) 4:05 │ │ (ft Tha Dogg Pound, Warren G and Kurupt) │ │ 13. INTERLUDE (CHRONIC BREAK) 0:35 │ │ 14. DOGGY DOGG WORLD (ft Tha Dogg Pound and The 5:05 │ │ Dramatics) │ │ 15. INTERLUDE (My Name Is Snoop) 0:44 │ │ 16. GZ AND HUSTLAS (vocals Nancy Fletcher) 3:51 │ │ 17. PUMP PUMP (ft Lil Malik, aka Lil Hershey 0:56 │ │ Loc) │ │ 18. GZ UP, HOES DOWN (vocals Hug) (Bonus Track) 2:21 │ │ 19. THA NEXT EPISODE (ft Dr. Dre) 3:43 │ ║ ║ ·. ║ ║ .· $ ║ ║ $ .$▼ ║ ║ ▼$. ,$$o ║ ║ o$$. ⁿ$$$$0n.╠════────── ─╦════════════════════════════════╦─ ───────════╣.m0$$$$ⁿ `$$$$$$║ ╚══════════-·APC NFO·-═══════════╝ ║$$$$$$' ╔═-""-═╝ ╚═-""-═╗ ║°$ $°║ │ $ $ │ d$│·' Apocalypse Production Crew `·│$b $ │ Creepin up on ya like a sniper , aPC has once again │ $ ` │$Φ shocked you with hot new releases ranging in all Φ$│ ' │°$) different types of genres. Daily we commit ourselves ($°│ │$$ to providing you with the highest quality releases $$│ │$' using the best encoding and ripper methods known to `$│ Ω│ the scene. Our greetings go out to everyone that │Ω $'│ supports and has supported aPC since day one. Your │`$ $,│ the reason that aPC is quickly becomming one of top │.$ `$│ mp3 groups. Thank you for choosing the Apocalypse │$' ² Production Crew. ² │ -aPC │ │ │ ├ ─· ·─ ├ │ Think that you got skills that could contribute to aPC? │ │ Join #aPC on EfNet ( and │ │ talk to a Channel Operator. │ │ │ │ We currently have these positions open: │ │ │ │ ─--Hardware Suppliers--┌--Pre-Release Rippers--─ │ │ | | | │ │ ─---Tuesday Rippers----┌------APC Siteops------─ │ │ | | | │ │ ─---Site Affiliates----┌----Shell Suppliers----─ │ │ │ .╚══════╗ ╔══════╝. Ω$$$$$$$╠ ─═════════┘════════════════════════════════════└════════─ ╣$$$$$$$Ω $$$$$$$$║ ·Greets· ║$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ⁿ║ -─────────────────────────────────────────────────────-- ║ⁿ$$$$$$$$ `$$$$$$² ║ - RNS - - REV - - PMS - - EGO - ║ ²$$$$$$' ⁿ$$$$$,║ ┌ ┌ ║,$$$$$ⁿ `!$$$$╚───═╦│────═══════════════════════════════════════────│╦═───╦$$$$!' p$$Σ" │ASCII Art by ____ ─ Updated By Team Quality "Σ$$p `°ⁿ·. 2/05/01 .·ⁿ°' This NFO File was rendered by
.yS$$ý"" .yãS$ ý"$°$$n $$$$$ ""ý$$$Sy. $$$$$ $$$$$ .úê$. $$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ .$êú. ø-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ $$$$$ $$$$$$.yãS$$ $$$$$n$$$$$ ""ýýý ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ!OmnÄÄ--ø ³ $$$$$$$ ,$$$$$$$$$$$ý "$$$$$$$$ ³ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$³ $$$$$ý" $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ ³$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$"""""""""' $$$$$ "ý$$$$$$$$$$$ ,$$$$$$$$ `""""""""$$$$$$ $$$ø.é$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$é.ø$$$ `$$ $$$$$ý" $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ ý""""'$$$$$ ,RRRR "ý$$$$$ $$' `$ ý$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$ý $' '. $$$ $$$$$ ýø"""'$$$$$ $$$$$ $$$$$ $$$ .` ,ê$' ü$$ $$$$$ `øøü" $$$$$ ,.$$$$$ $$ü `$ê, $$. `$ """øý `øøø" """""ü $' .$$ $$$, ú Ä Apocalypse Production Crew Ä ú ,$$$ $$$$. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÍÍÍÍÍ» .$$$$ $$$$$è º º è$$$$$ $$$$$è º Artist......: º è$$$$$ $$$$$$ º Album Title.: [Doggystyle (W/ Bonus Track) ] º $$$$$$ $$$²$° º Record Label: [DEATH ROW/INTERSCOPE ] º °$²$$$ $$$²$° º Ripper......: [TEAM aPC ] º °$²$$$ $$$±$° º $$$±$° º $$$±$° º $$$±$° º $$$±$° ÌÍÍÍÍÍÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÍÍÍÍ͹ °$±$$$ $$$²$° º Rip Date..: [ 04/21/2001 ] Tracks: [ 19 ] º °$²$$$ $$$±$° º Rel Date..: [ 11/23/1993 ] Time..: [ 00h 54m 47s ] º °$±$$$ $$$²$° º Music Type: [ Rap ] Size..: [ 75MB ] º °$²$$$ $$$±$° º K/bits....: [ 192k ] Source: [ Compact Disc ] º °$±$$$ $$$±$° º Encoder...: [ LAME ENC 3.88MMX ] º °$±$$$ $$$±$° º Mode......: [ Full Stereo HQ Mode ] º °$±$$$ ø$$ÉÍÍÍÊÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÊÍÍÍ»$$ø `$º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ-úAlbum NotesúÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ º$' "³ ³" : THIS RIP INCLUDES THE BONUS TRACK #18 "GZ UP, HOES DOWN" : : THIS IS A 19 TRACK VERSION OTHERS ARE 18 TRACKS : : LOOK OUT FOR A NEW REMASTERED VERSION ON May 22, 2001 : . . . . ,$ ³ ³ $, $ï º º ï$ "$$nÈÍÍÍËÍÍ- -ÍÍËÍÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÍËÍÍ- -ÍÍËÍÍͼa$$" `$$$$$$³ ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍúTrack ListingsúÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ ³$$$$$$' "ý$$$³ ³$$$ý" ;$³ ³$; ,$ü³ ³ü$, `ú.³ ³.ú' ³ 01. BATHTUB 1:51 ³ ³ 02. G FUNK INTRO 2:24 ³ ³ 03. GIN AND JUICE (vocals Dat Nigga Daz) 3:31 ³ ³ 04. W BALLS (ft The queen of Funk and Ricky 0:36 ³ ³ Harris) ³ ³ 05. THA SHIZNIT 4:03 ³ ³ 06. INTERLUDE (DOMINO) 0:37 ³ ³ 07. LODI DODI (vocals Nancy Fletcher) 4:24 ³ ³ 08. MURDER WAS THE CASE 3:37 ³ ³ (DeathAfterVisualizingEternity) (ft Da Nigga Daz) ³ ³ 09. SERIAL KILLA (ft D.O.C., RBX and Tha dogg 3:36 ³ ³ Pound) ³ ³ 10. WHO AM I (WHATS MY NAME)? 4:06 ³ ³ 11. FOR ALL MY NIGGAZ AND BITCHES (Tha Dogg 4:42 ³ ³ Pound ft The Lady of Rage) ³ ³ 12. AINT NO FUN (If The Homies Cant Have None) 4:05 ³ ³ (ft Tha Dogg Pound, Warren G and Kurupt) ³ ³ 13. INTERLUDE (CHRONIC BREAK) 0:35 ³ ³ 14. DOGGY DOGG WORLD (ft Tha Dogg Pound and The 5:05 ³ ³ Dramatics) ³ ³ 15. INTERLUDE (My Name Is Snoop) 0:44 ³ ³ 16. GZ AND HUSTLAS (vocals Nancy Fletcher) 3:51 ³ ³ 17. PUMP PUMP (ft Lil Malik, aka Lil Hershey 0:56 ³ ³ Loc) ³ ³ 18. GZ UP, HOES DOWN (vocals Hug) (Bonus Track) 2:21 ³ ³ 19. THA NEXT EPISODE (ft Dr. Dre) 3:43 ³ º º ú. º º .ú $ º º $ .$ º º $. ,$$o º º o$$. ü$$$$0n.ÌÍÍÍÍÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄËÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍËÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÍÍÍ͹.m0$$$$ü `$$$$$$º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ-úAPC NFOú-ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ º$$$$$$' ÉÍ-""-ͼ ÈÍ-""-Í» ºø$ $øº ³ $ $ ³ d$³ú' Apocalypse Production Crew `ú³$b $ ³ Creepin up on ya like a sniper , aPC has once again ³ $ ` ³$è shocked you with hot new releases ranging in all è$³ ' ³ø$) different types of genres. Daily we commit ourselves ($ø³ ³$$ to providing you with the highest quality releases $$³ ³$' using the best encoding and ripper methods known to `$³ ê³ the scene. Our greetings go out to everyone that ³ê $'³ supports and has supported aPC since day one. Your ³`$ $,³ the reason that aPC is quickly becomming one of top ³.$ `$³ mp3 groups. Thank you for choosing the Apocalypse ³$' ý Production Crew. ý ³ -aPC ³ ³ ³ à Äú úÄ Ã ³ Think that you got skills that could contribute to aPC? ³ ³ Join #aPC on EfNet ( and ³ ³ talk to a Channel Operator. ³ ³ ³ ³ We currently have these positions open: ³ ³ ³ ³ Ä--Hardware Suppliers--Ú--Pre-Release Rippers--Ä ³ ³ | | | ³ ³ Ä---Tuesday Rippers----Ú------APC Siteops------Ä ³ ³ | | | ³ ³ Ä---Site Affiliates----Ú----Shell Suppliers----Ä ³ ³ ³ .ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ÉÍÍÍÍÍͼ. ê$$$$$$$Ì ÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÙÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÀÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄ ¹$$$$$$$ê $$$$$$$$º úGreetsú º$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$üº -ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-- ºü$$$$$$$$ `$$$$$$ý º - RNS - - REV - - PMS - - EGO - º ý$$$$$$' ü$$$$$,º Ú Ú º,$$$$$ü `!$$$$ÈÄÄÄÍ˳ÄÄÄÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÄÄÄijËÍÄÄÄË$$$$!' p$$ä" ³ASCII Art by ____ Ä Updated By Team Quality "ä$$p `øüú. 2/05/01 .úüø' This NFO File was rendered by