- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: UgLyBiTs.Dance.Maj.2010.Vol.1.UgLyDancer-UgLyBiTs.nfo UgLyBiTs.Dance.Maj.2010.Vol.1.UgLyDancer-UgLyBiTs

U                                                                                                        U
g                                                                                                        g
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B                        ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘☻≤◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘▄≈∩▀◘▄ ∙▀◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘▄      ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘∙ε ··        B
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B                                        ∩▀◘◘◘◘◘◘◘⌐⌐⌐⌐◘⌠ƒÑ⌐◘¥┐∙≈◘◘▀                                      B
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T                                             ∩▀☻◘◘¥¥½½½τΦ╔◘☺ε⌐√                                         T
s                                                ∩▀÷⌐▄▄▄◘▄¥◘¥·                                           s
•                                                    ε⌠◘◘◘◘▀ε                                            •
D                                                      ▀◘◘◘∟                                             D
a                                                       ▀☻◘◘≈                                            a
n                                                        ∩◘◘◘▄                                           n
c                                                                                                        c
e                                                                                                        e
U                                                                                                        U
g                                            UgLyDancer Presents:                                        g
L                                                                                                        L
y                                       UgLyBiTs Dance Maj 2010 Vol. 1                                   y
B                                                                                                        B
i                                                                                                        i
T                  Artist...............: Various Artists                                                T
s                  Album................: UgLyBiTs Dance Maj 2010 Vol. 1                                 s
•                  Genre................: UgLyBiTs Dance                                                 •
D                  Source...............: CD                                                             D
a                  Year.................: 2010                                                           a
n                  Rips.................: Best Sources Aviable At The Time (NO COMMENTS ABOUT QUALITY)   n
c                  Codec................: Xing                                                           c
e                  Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III                                               e
•                  Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps)                                •
U                  Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz                                        U
g                  Tags.................: ID3 v1.1, ID3 v2.3                                             g
L                                                                                                        L
y                  Ripped by............: UgLyDancer on 04-05-2010                                       y
B                  Posted by............: UgLyDancer on 04-05-2010                                       B
i                                                                                                        i
T                  Included.............: NFO M3U                                                        T
s                  Covers...............: Front Back                                                     s
•                                                                                                        •
D                                                                                                        D
a    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    a
n                                          Tracklisting                                                  n
c    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    c
e                                                                                                        e
•                                                                                                        •
U                                                                                                        U
g                                                                                                        g
L                                                                                                        L
y                                                                                                        y
B                                                                                                        B
i    CD 1:                                                                                               i
T                                                                                                        T
s    01. Rune RK ft. Karen & Jooks - Har Det Hele (Morten Breum Remix) (00:05:12)                        s
•                                                                                                        •
D    02. J.O. & Klaus Christensen - Regardless (Morten Breum Remix) (00:06:20)                           D
a                                                                                                        a
n    03. Rachel - I Nat (Aba & Simonsen Remix) (00:05:35)                                                n
c                                                                                                        c
e    04. Recca - You Make Me Wanna (Extended Mix) (00:03:45)                                             e
•                                                                                                        •
U    05. Faithless - Not Going Home (Eric Prydz Remix) (00:08:55)                                        U
g                                                                                                        g
L    06. Luke Payton - Get Busy (Bernasconi & Farenthide Club Remix) (00:06:58)                          L
y                                                                                                        y
B    07. Annie Lennox - Sing (Moto Blanco Club Remix) (00:08:35)                                         B
i                                                                                                        i
T    08. Elin Lanto - Tickles (Almighty Hands In The Air Mix) (00:05:47)                                 T
s                                                                                                        s
•    09. Alexander Brown & Morten Hampenberg feat. Yepha - Skub Til Taget (Aba & Simonsen Epic Remix)    •
D        (00:06:03)                                                                                      D
a                                                                                                        a
n    10. FHM - All Night (Angelo Romano Remix) (00:06:35)                                                n
c                                                                                                        c
e    11. Aba & Simonsen - El Gato Negro (Dub Mix) (00:05:31)                                             e
•                                                                                                        •
U                                                                                                        U
g                                                                                                        g
L                                                                                                        L
y                                                                                                        y
B                                                                                                        B
i    Playing Time.........: 01:09:14                                                                     i
T    Total Size...........: 159,26 MB                                                                    T
s                                                                                                        s
•                                                                                                        •
D                                                                                                        D
a                                                                                                        a
n    CD 2:                                                                                               n
c                                                                                                        c
e    01. Abe & Ven - Sunny Sky (Club Edit) (00:04:52)                                                    e
•                                                                                                        •
U    02. Mario Lopez - Sadness (DB Pure Remix) (00:06:21)                                                U
g                                                                                                        g
L    03. Robyn - Dancing On My Own (Chew Fu Extended Mix) (00:04:59)                                     L
y                                                                                                        y
B    04. The Game ft. Justin Timberlake - Ain't No Doubt About It (00:04:11)                             B
i                                                                                                        i
T    05. Alexis Jordan - Happiness (Jump Smokers Remix) (00:04:14)                                       T
s                                                                                                        s
•    06. Musti - The Sh!t (00:03:16)                                                                     •
D                                                                                                        D
a    07. Steve Aoki feat. [[[Zuper Blahq]]] - I'm In The House (Fatman Scoop & Disco Fries Remix)        a
n        (00:04:07)                                                                                      n
c                                                                                                        c
e    08. Wynter Gordon - Dirty Talk (Laidback Luke Mix) (00:06:33)                                       e
•                                                                                                        •
U    09. Dj Hangel Feat. Marcel - Dolce Joe (Freshfly Remix) (00:06:18)                                  U
g                                                                                                        g
L    10. Kimberley Locke - Strobelight (Tony Moran & Warren Rigg Radio Edit) (00:04:02)                  L
y                                                                                                        y
B    11. Ola - Unstoppable (Benji Of Sweden Dub Mix) (00:06:09)                                          B
i                                                                                                        i
T    12. Juan Diaz & Tanya Dream - The Funk! (Tiko's Groove Dub) (00:06:15)                              T
s                                                                                                        s
•    13. Recca - You Make Me Wanna (The Mobb Remix) (00:05:55)                                           •
D                                                                                                        D
a    14. Estelle - Freak (Riva Starr Extended Vocal Mix) (00:06:19)                                      a
n                                                                                                        n
c                                                                                                        c
e                                                                                                        e
•                                                                                                        •
U                                                                                                        U
g                                                                                                        g
L    Playing Time.........: 01:13:30                                                                     L
y    Total Size...........: 168,52 MB                                                                    y
B                                                                                                        B
i                                                                                                        i
T                                                                                                        T
s                                                                                                        s
•                        COMMENTS ABOUT QUALITY WILL BE DELETED AND USER WILL GET A WARN!                •
D                                                                                                        D
a                            GET YOUR MUSIC SOMEWHERE ELSE IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED!                     a
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y                                                Given To:                                               y
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T                                                                                                        T
s                                                   By:                                                  s
•                                                                                                        •
D                                                UgLyDancer                                              D
a                                                                                                        a
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c                      COMMENTS ABOUT QUALITY WILL BE DELETED AND USER WILL GET A WARN!                  c
e                                                                                                        e

This NFO File was rendered by

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U                                                                                                        U
g                                            UgLyDancer Presents:                                        g
L                                                                                                        L
y                                       UgLyBiTs Dance Maj 2010 Vol. 1                                   y
B                                                                                                        B
i                                                                                                        i
T                  Artist...............: Various Artists                                                T
s                  Album................: UgLyBiTs Dance Maj 2010 Vol. 1                                 s
                  Genre................: UgLyBiTs Dance                                                 
D                  Source...............: CD                                                             D
a                  Year.................: 2010                                                           a
n                  Rips.................: Best Sources Aviable At The Time (NO COMMENTS ABOUT QUALITY)   n
c                  Codec................: Xing                                                           c
e                  Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III                                               e
                  Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps)                                
U                  Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz                                        U
g                  Tags.................: ID3 v1.1, ID3 v2.3                                             g
L                                                                                                        L
y                  Ripped by............: UgLyDancer on 04-05-2010                                       y
B                  Posted by............: UgLyDancer on 04-05-2010                                       B
i                                                                                                        i
T                  Included.............: NFO M3U                                                        T
s                  Covers...............: Front Back                                                     s
D                                                                                                        D
a    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    a
n                                          Tracklisting                                                  n
c    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    c
e                                                                                                        e
U                                                                                                        U
g                                                                                                        g
L                                                                                                        L
y                                                                                                        y
B                                                                                                        B
i    CD 1:                                                                                               i
T                                                                                                        T
s    01. Rune RK ft. Karen & Jooks - Har Det Hele (Morten Breum Remix) (00:05:12)                        s
D    02. J.O. & Klaus Christensen - Regardless (Morten Breum Remix) (00:06:20)                           D
a                                                                                                        a
n    03. Rachel - I Nat (Aba & Simonsen Remix) (00:05:35)                                                n
c                                                                                                        c
e    04. Recca - You Make Me Wanna (Extended Mix) (00:03:45)                                             e
U    05. Faithless - Not Going Home (Eric Prydz Remix) (00:08:55)                                        U
g                                                                                                        g
L    06. Luke Payton - Get Busy (Bernasconi & Farenthide Club Remix) (00:06:58)                          L
y                                                                                                        y
B    07. Annie Lennox - Sing (Moto Blanco Club Remix) (00:08:35)                                         B
i                                                                                                        i
T    08. Elin Lanto - Tickles (Almighty Hands In The Air Mix) (00:05:47)                                 T
s                                                                                                        s
    09. Alexander Brown & Morten Hampenberg feat. Yepha - Skub Til Taget (Aba & Simonsen Epic Remix)    
D        (00:06:03)                                                                                      D
a                                                                                                        a
n    10. FHM - All Night (Angelo Romano Remix) (00:06:35)                                                n
c                                                                                                        c
e    11. Aba & Simonsen - El Gato Negro (Dub Mix) (00:05:31)                                             e
U                                                                                                        U
g                                                                                                        g
L                                                                                                        L
y                                                                                                        y
B                                                                                                        B
i    Playing Time.........: 01:09:14                                                                     i
T    Total Size...........: 159,26 MB                                                                    T
s                                                                                                        s
D                                                                                                        D
a                                                                                                        a
n    CD 2:                                                                                               n
c                                                                                                        c
e    01. Abe & Ven - Sunny Sky (Club Edit) (00:04:52)                                                    e
U    02. Mario Lopez - Sadness (DB Pure Remix) (00:06:21)                                                U
g                                                                                                        g
L    03. Robyn - Dancing On My Own (Chew Fu Extended Mix) (00:04:59)                                     L
y                                                                                                        y
B    04. The Game ft. Justin Timberlake - Ain't No Doubt About It (00:04:11)                             B
i                                                                                                        i
T    05. Alexis Jordan - Happiness (Jump Smokers Remix) (00:04:14)                                       T
s                                                                                                        s
    06. Musti - The Sh!t (00:03:16)                                                                     
D                                                                                                        D
a    07. Steve Aoki feat. [[[Zuper Blahq]]] - I'm In The House (Fatman Scoop & Disco Fries Remix)        a
n        (00:04:07)                                                                                      n
c                                                                                                        c
e    08. Wynter Gordon - Dirty Talk (Laidback Luke Mix) (00:06:33)                                       e
U    09. Dj Hangel Feat. Marcel - Dolce Joe (Freshfly Remix) (00:06:18)                                  U
g                                                                                                        g
L    10. Kimberley Locke - Strobelight (Tony Moran & Warren Rigg Radio Edit) (00:04:02)                  L
y                                                                                                        y
B    11. Ola - Unstoppable (Benji Of Sweden Dub Mix) (00:06:09)                                          B
i                                                                                                        i
T    12. Juan Diaz & Tanya Dream - The Funk! (Tiko's Groove Dub) (00:06:15)                              T
s                                                                                                        s
    13. Recca - You Make Me Wanna (The Mobb Remix) (00:05:55)                                           
D                                                                                                        D
a    14. Estelle - Freak (Riva Starr Extended Vocal Mix) (00:06:19)                                      a
n                                                                                                        n
c                                                                                                        c
e                                                                                                        e
U                                                                                                        U
g                                                                                                        g
L    Playing Time.........: 01:13:30                                                                     L
y    Total Size...........: 168,52 MB                                                                    y
B                                                                                                        B
i                                                                                                        i
T                                                                                                        T
s                                                                                                        s
                        COMMENTS ABOUT QUALITY WILL BE DELETED AND USER WILL GET A WARN!                
D                                                                                                        D
a                            GET YOUR MUSIC SOMEWHERE ELSE IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED!                     a
n                                                                                                        n
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y                                                Given To:                                               y
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s                                                   By:                                                  s
D                                                UgLyDancer                                              D
a                                                                                                        a
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c                      COMMENTS ABOUT QUALITY WILL BE DELETED AND USER WILL GET A WARN!                  c
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