- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 2010_SCRIPTS.nfo 2010_SCRIPTS

ª                      OFFiCiAL.NULLED.SCRiPT.RULES.2010-DRAFT2                                       ª
ª                                                                                                     ª
ª     Requirements: Notepad with terminal font or any other ascii viewer.                             ª
ª Date: 04.05.2010 - 20:00 GMT+1                                                                      ª
ª    To all 0Day groups that are interested: This ruleset is only a draft
ª     if someone wants to fix something, or add a rule then you can
ª     reach us under our email adress (on the bottom of this NFO)
ª    If no one reacts to this Ruleset until 10.05.2010 (DD.MM.YYYY) we will pre it 1:1 as final.
ª    PS: Help at translating in other languages (ES/FR i.e.) is always wanted.
ª    0: General Rules
ª    1: Packaging / NFO
ª     1.1: Examples
ª     1.2: NFO
ª    2: Naming
ª     2.1: Themes/Addons
ª     2.2: Updates
ª    3: NULLiNG Rules
ª     3.1: KEYGEN Rules
ª    Prolog:
ª   Since the last PHP Nulling group faded away long time ago there were no rules for PHP scripts...
ª   So we decided to write new ones so that we, and other groups, can start releasing scripts
ª   with a basic ruleset that provides help at cracking and releasing.
ª   In general the actual 0Day Rules apply for all not discussed themes.
ª     0. General Rules
ª         -NULLED dupes KEYGEN -NOT- (and vice versa), both has good sides.
ª           because of this there are 2 releases per script allowed (excluding PROPER/REPACK etc.)
ª         -BETA/ALPHAs need no INTERNAL tagging
ª         -CRACK.ONLY / KEYGEN.ONLY / KEYFiLEMAKER.ONLY is only allowed if the software
ª           (i.e. as Full, Unlockable Demo version)
ª           is downloadable for free and without registration at the manufacturers website
ª           Usualy it is better to include the files for Archive reasons, and because it does not
ª           dupe NULLED anyway.
ª         -On-the-Fly Patches are allowed if the script needs a system variable (ID i.e.)
ª           to work, but Pre-Patched (to all IDs for example) is preffered over that.
ª           This has to be tagged in the following format:
ª     1. Packaging
ª         -Standard 0Day Packing, Filenames max. 8.3 Characters (Name.typ - 12345678.123)
ª          Releases are needed to be RARed - Compression is allowed but not mandatory.
ª          Each ZIP should be 5000000 Bytes (5Mb).
ª          Therefore the size per RAR is around the same.
ª          Bigger filesizes are allowed, look at actual 0Day Rules.
ª       1.1: Example
ª             12 Files - 26Mb
ª             -5x 5Mb RAR + 1x 1Mb RAR -> grprls.rXX
ª             (The RARs can also be only named <grpname>.rXX)
ª             --Each RAR in a ZIP
ª             --5x 5Mb ZIP + 1x 1Mb ZIP ->
ª             (The actual naming is the groups decision (a|b or 001|002, 01|02, 1|2) )
ª             Each ZIP needs to include:
ª              xxxx.rXX - file_id.diz - <group>.nfo
ª             Wrong naming of RARs/ZIPs is no Nuke reason, unless some other reason applys to:
ª              (dupe.filenames, special.chars u.a.)
ª        1.2: NFO
ª              The NFO needs to contain:
ª              -Release Date
ª              -Size (or Diskcount)
ª              -Developer Website
ª              -Version
ª              -Short description (Copy & paste)
ª              -Languages (if MULTi)
ª              -Short usage description
ª              In the NFO wanted is:
ª              -Price (Currency does not matter - Copy from website)
ª     2: Naming
ª         Naming under following scheme:
ª          <> = needed | [] = additional
ª         Language tag is only needed on non-english only Releases.
ª         For the rare case that only 2 languages are available
ª         it has to be tagged BiLiNGUAL.
ª       <Name>.[Edition].v<ersion>.[Language|MULTi|BiLiNGUAL].
ª       ..
ª       -GRP
ª   Examples (fictional):
ª   Vbulletin.v5.1.NULLED.PHP-GRP = Vbulletin 5.1 English, Nulled
ª   Vbulletin.v5.1.KEYGEN.ONLY.PHP-GRP = Vbulletin 5.1 English, Keygen Only
ª   Vbulletin.v5.1b3.NULLED.BETA.iNTERNAL.PHP-GRP = Vbulletin 5.1 Beta, English, iNTERNAL, Nulled
ª   Vbulletin.PRO.v5.1.NULLED.PHP-GRP = Vbulletin 5.1, Pro Edition, English, Nulled
ª   Vbulletin.v5.1.MULTi.incl.KEYGEN.PHP-GRP = Vbulletin 5.1, Multilanguage (Notes in NFO!), Keygen
ª   Gallerypro.v2.1.GERMAN.NULLED.ASP-GRP = Gallerypro 2.1, German, Nulled, ASP
ª   If the script is sold with no protections at all (no Callbacks or similar)
ª   then instead of NULLED/KEYGEN there shall be no tag used:
ª    Somesoftware.v1.5.PHP-GRP
ª   In this case even only decoding of protected files (Ioncube for example)
ª   is counted as NULLED.
ª   (Better for dupe searches and historical background)
ª   Releases with Key in NFO and nulled backend (no Callbacks/Security Checks)
ª   should be labeled as .NULLED.
ª            2.1: Themes/Addons
ª                  Themes/Addons for Wordpress/Joomla/Vbulletin etc.
ª                 <Name>.<version>.for.<for>.<version>.[Language|MULTi].
ª                 <NULLED|incl.KEYGEN>..
ª                 .-GRP
ª                 Examples (fictional):
ª                 Dark.Theme.v3.for.vBulletin.5.X.GERMAN.NULLED.PHP-GRP
ª                 = Dark Theme Version 3, for Vbulletin Version 5.X, German, Nulled
ª                 Sidebar.Rotation.2.for.Wordpress.2.1.incl.KEYGEN.PHP-GRP
ª                 = Sidebar rotation 2 Addon for Wordpress 2.1, with Keygen
ª            2.2.: Updates
ª                   Updates are allowed 4 weeks after the last Pre
ª                   (same MU rules as in 0Day Rules)
ª       3: NULLiNG Rules
ª           -All Callbacks need to be removed or patched
             (i.e. Serial Check over Developer Server)
ª           -No Group Watermarks (also not in script comments).
ª           -If files of the release are encoded all files need to be decoded.
ª             (i.e. Ioncube, Sourceguardian, eval() etc.)
ª            3.1: KEYGEN Rules
ª                  -Keygens need to be in the same format as the Release
ª                    (Release is PHP - Keygen needs to be in PHP too)
ª                  -The Language of the keygen needs to be selectable on MULTi (i.e. DE,EN,PL)
ª                    or the keygen needs to be completely in english.
ª                    At specific releases (i.e. GERMAN) the keygen can be english or
ª                    in the language of the release (in this case German)
ª                  -Group comments in Keygen Sourcecodes are allowed if the group
ª                    wants to explain the code, but this is in not mandatory.
ª                  -Encoded Keygen code is allowed, as long is it does not use an external
ª                   loader (Example: Ioncube is forbidden, eval() is allowed)
ª                  -ASCii Art / Pictures are allowed but should be used thrifty.
ª                  -Pictures in keygens shall not affect the code
ª                    (i.e. Picture missing = Keygen not loading = Nuke/Proper reason)
ª                  -Pictures need to be included and can not be mapped from websites
ª                    (Security risk)
ª    NUKEs are possible for:
ª    -bad.pack (i.e. RARs instead of ZIP) - stolen.from.[web|p2p|etc] - missing.files
ª    -bad.crack (= bad nulled) - keygen.not.working
ª    -Common Sense Nukes (dupe.filename, mislabeled.<|>, etc.)
ª    -This is NOT a complete list.
ª   PROPER/DiRFiX/REPACK follows the normal scene rules.
ª                                   SiGNED:                                                           ª
ª                               YET TO BE SIGNED                                                      ª
ª                 CONTACT:

This NFO File was rendered by

¦                      OFFiCiAL.NULLED.SCRiPT.RULES.2010-DRAFT2                                       ¦
¦                                                                                                     ¦
¦     Requirements: Notepad with terminal font or any other ascii viewer.                             ¦
¦ Date: 04.05.2010 - 20:00 GMT+1                                                                      ¦
¦    To all 0Day groups that are interested: This ruleset is only a draft
¦     if someone wants to fix something, or add a rule then you can
¦     reach us under our email adress (on the bottom of this NFO)
¦    If no one reacts to this Ruleset until 10.05.2010 (DD.MM.YYYY) we will pre it 1:1 as final.
¦    PS: Help at translating in other languages (ES/FR i.e.) is always wanted.
¦    0: General Rules
¦    1: Packaging / NFO
¦     1.1: Examples
¦     1.2: NFO
¦    2: Naming
¦     2.1: Themes/Addons
¦     2.2: Updates
¦    3: NULLiNG Rules
¦     3.1: KEYGEN Rules
¦    Prolog:
¦   Since the last PHP Nulling group faded away long time ago there were no rules for PHP scripts...
¦   So we decided to write new ones so that we, and other groups, can start releasing scripts
¦   with a basic ruleset that provides help at cracking and releasing.
¦   In general the actual 0Day Rules apply for all not discussed themes.
¦     0. General Rules
¦         -NULLED dupes KEYGEN -NOT- (and vice versa), both has good sides.
¦           because of this there are 2 releases per script allowed (excluding PROPER/REPACK etc.)
¦         -BETA/ALPHAs need no INTERNAL tagging
¦         -CRACK.ONLY / KEYGEN.ONLY / KEYFiLEMAKER.ONLY is only allowed if the software
¦           (i.e. as Full, Unlockable Demo version)
¦           is downloadable for free and without registration at the manufacturers website
¦           Usualy it is better to include the files for Archive reasons, and because it does not
¦           dupe NULLED anyway.
¦         -On-the-Fly Patches are allowed if the script needs a system variable (ID i.e.)
¦           to work, but Pre-Patched (to all IDs for example) is preffered over that.
¦           This has to be tagged in the following format:
¦     1. Packaging
¦         -Standard 0Day Packing, Filenames max. 8.3 Characters (Name.typ - 12345678.123)
¦          Releases are needed to be RARed - Compression is allowed but not mandatory.
¦          Each ZIP should be 5000000 Bytes (5Mb).
¦          Therefore the size per RAR is around the same.
¦          Bigger filesizes are allowed, look at actual 0Day Rules.
¦       1.1: Example
¦             12 Files - 26Mb
¦             -5x 5Mb RAR + 1x 1Mb RAR -> grprls.rXX
¦             (The RARs can also be only named <grpname>.rXX)
¦             --Each RAR in a ZIP
¦             --5x 5Mb ZIP + 1x 1Mb ZIP ->
¦             (The actual naming is the groups decision (a|b or 001|002, 01|02, 1|2) )
¦             Each ZIP needs to include:
¦              xxxx.rXX - file_id.diz - <group>.nfo
¦             Wrong naming of RARs/ZIPs is no Nuke reason, unless some other reason applys to:
¦              (dupe.filenames, special.chars u.a.)
¦        1.2: NFO
¦              The NFO needs to contain:
¦              -Release Date
¦              -Size (or Diskcount)
¦              -Developer Website
¦              -Version
¦              -Short description (Copy & paste)
¦              -Languages (if MULTi)
¦              -Short usage description
¦              In the NFO wanted is:
¦              -Price (Currency does not matter - Copy from website)
¦     2: Naming
¦         Naming under following scheme:
¦          <> = needed | [] = additional
¦         Language tag is only needed on non-english only Releases.
¦         For the rare case that only 2 languages are available
¦         it has to be tagged BiLiNGUAL.
¦       <Name>.[Edition].v<ersion>.[Language|MULTi|BiLiNGUAL].
¦       ..
¦       -GRP
¦   Examples (fictional):
¦   Vbulletin.v5.1.NULLED.PHP-GRP = Vbulletin 5.1 English, Nulled
¦   Vbulletin.v5.1.KEYGEN.ONLY.PHP-GRP = Vbulletin 5.1 English, Keygen Only
¦   Vbulletin.v5.1b3.NULLED.BETA.iNTERNAL.PHP-GRP = Vbulletin 5.1 Beta, English, iNTERNAL, Nulled
¦   Vbulletin.PRO.v5.1.NULLED.PHP-GRP = Vbulletin 5.1, Pro Edition, English, Nulled
¦   Vbulletin.v5.1.MULTi.incl.KEYGEN.PHP-GRP = Vbulletin 5.1, Multilanguage (Notes in NFO!), Keygen
¦   Gallerypro.v2.1.GERMAN.NULLED.ASP-GRP = Gallerypro 2.1, German, Nulled, ASP
¦   If the script is sold with no protections at all (no Callbacks or similar)
¦   then instead of NULLED/KEYGEN there shall be no tag used:
¦    Somesoftware.v1.5.PHP-GRP
¦   In this case even only decoding of protected files (Ioncube for example)
¦   is counted as NULLED.
¦   (Better for dupe searches and historical background)
¦   Releases with Key in NFO and nulled backend (no Callbacks/Security Checks)
¦   should be labeled as .NULLED.
¦            2.1: Themes/Addons
¦                  Themes/Addons for Wordpress/Joomla/Vbulletin etc.
¦                 <Name>.<version>.for.<for>.<version>.[Language|MULTi].
¦                 <NULLED|incl.KEYGEN>..
¦                 .-GRP
¦                 Examples (fictional):
¦                 Dark.Theme.v3.for.vBulletin.5.X.GERMAN.NULLED.PHP-GRP
¦                 = Dark Theme Version 3, for Vbulletin Version 5.X, German, Nulled
¦                 Sidebar.Rotation.2.for.Wordpress.2.1.incl.KEYGEN.PHP-GRP
¦                 = Sidebar rotation 2 Addon for Wordpress 2.1, with Keygen
¦            2.2.: Updates
¦                   Updates are allowed 4 weeks after the last Pre
¦                   (same MU rules as in 0Day Rules)
¦       3: NULLiNG Rules
¦           -All Callbacks need to be removed or patched
             (i.e. Serial Check over Developer Server)
¦           -No Group Watermarks (also not in script comments).
¦           -If files of the release are encoded all files need to be decoded.
¦             (i.e. Ioncube, Sourceguardian, eval() etc.)
¦            3.1: KEYGEN Rules
¦                  -Keygens need to be in the same format as the Release
¦                    (Release is PHP - Keygen needs to be in PHP too)
¦                  -The Language of the keygen needs to be selectable on MULTi (i.e. DE,EN,PL)
¦                    or the keygen needs to be completely in english.
¦                    At specific releases (i.e. GERMAN) the keygen can be english or
¦                    in the language of the release (in this case German)
¦                  -Group comments in Keygen Sourcecodes are allowed if the group
¦                    wants to explain the code, but this is in not mandatory.
¦                  -Encoded Keygen code is allowed, as long is it does not use an external
¦                   loader (Example: Ioncube is forbidden, eval() is allowed)
¦                  -ASCii Art / Pictures are allowed but should be used thrifty.
¦                  -Pictures in keygens shall not affect the code
¦                    (i.e. Picture missing = Keygen not loading = Nuke/Proper reason)
¦                  -Pictures need to be included and can not be mapped from websites
¦                    (Security risk)
¦    NUKEs are possible for:
¦    -bad.pack (i.e. RARs instead of ZIP) - stolen.from.[web|p2p|etc] - missing.files
¦    -bad.crack (= bad nulled) - keygen.not.working
¦    -Common Sense Nukes (dupe.filename, mislabeled.<|>, etc.)
¦    -This is NOT a complete list.
¦   PROPER/DiRFiX/REPACK follows the normal scene rules.
¦                                   SiGNED:                                                           ¦
¦                               YET TO BE SIGNED                                                      ¦
¦                 CONTACT:

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