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STUDIOS Cars #4, $2.99 Disneys Hero Squad Ultraheroes #4, $2.99 Incorruptible #5 (per IDW), $3.99 Incredibles #8, $2.99 Wizards Of Mickey #4, $2.99 BROADSWORD COMICS Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #61, $19.99 COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1193, AR DARK HORSE Conan The Cimmerian #20 (Kozaki Part 2 of 3), $2.99 Star Wars Legacy #47 (The Fate Of Dac), $2.99 Terminator 2029 #2 (of 3), $3.50 Usagi Yojimbo #128 (Tera Tera Bozu part 1 of 1), $3.50 DC COMICS Action Comics #889, $3.99 Authority The Lost Year #8 (of 12), $2.99 Batman The Brave And The Bold #16, $2.50 Detective Comics #864, $3.99 Garrison #1 (of 6), $2.99 Gotham City Sirens #11, $2.99 Green Lantern Corps #47 (Brightest Day Tie-In), $3.99 Jack Of Fables #45, $2.99 Justice League The Rise Of Arsenal #2 (of 4), $3.99 Justice Society Of America #38, $2.99 Madame Xanadu #22, $2.99 Northlanders #27, $2.99 Outsiders #29, $2.99 Scalped #37, $2.99 Super Friends #26, $2.50 Superman #699, $2.99 Superman Last Stand Of New Krypton #3 (of 3), $3.99 Teen Titans #82, $3.99 Unknown Soldier #19, $2.99 Victorian Undead #6 (of 6), $2.99 Web #8, $3.99 Wildcats #22, $2.99 Wonder Woman #43, $2.99 DEVILS DUE PUBLISHING Hack Slash #32, $3.50 DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Green Hornet #3, $3.99 FEMME FATALES COMICS Unknowns #2, $3.99 IDW PUBLISHING Angel #32 (Angel:Aftermath), $3.99 Army Of Two #4, $3.99 A-Team War Stories Murdock #1, $3.99 G.I. Joe Cobra II #4 (Antonio Fuso Regular Cover), $3.99 Jennifer Love Hewitts Music Box #5, $3.99 Last Unicorn #1 (of 6), $3.99 Locke & Key Crown Of Shadows #5, $3.99 Song Of Saya #3, $3.99 Star Trek The Official Movie Adaptation #3 (of 6), $3.99 Tank Girl The Royal Escape #2 (of 4), $3.99 Transformers #6 (Ongoing)(Cover A Don Figueroa), $3.99 IMAGE COMICS Darkness #84, $2.99 Golly #5, $3.50 Great Unknown #3 (of 5)(resolicited), $3.50 Image Firsts Invincible #1, $1.00 Image Firsts Proof #1, $1.00 Invincible #71, $2.99 Shuddertown #2, $3.50 Walking Dead #71, $2.99 MARVEL COMICS Amazing Spider-Man #629, $2.99 Avengers Day Postcards, AR Captain America #605, $3.99 Civil War #1 (Marvels Greatest Comics), $1.00 Deadpool #22, $2.99 Fall Of The Hulks Red Hulk #4 (of 4), $3.99 Fantastic Four #578, $2.99 Husk #1, $5.99 Invincible Iron Man #25, $3.99 Invincible Iron Man #25, AR Iron Man 2 Public Identity #1 (of 3), $3.99 Marvel Previews #81 (For Products On-Sale July 2010), AR Marvel Zombies 5 #2 (of 5), $3.99 Mighty Avengers #36 (Siege Tie-In), $2.99 New Avengers #64, $3.99 Peter Parker #2 (of 5), $2.99 Punisher #16, $2.99 Secret Warriors #15, $2.99 Siege Secret Warriors #1, $2.99 Spider-Man #1 (Marvel Adventures), $3.99 Thor #609 (Siege Tie-In), $2.99 Thunderbolts #143 (Siege Tie-In), $2.99 Ultimate Comics Avengers 2 #1, $3.99 Wolverine Origins #47, $2.99 World War Hulks Hulked-Out Heroes #2, $3.99 X-Force #26 (X-Men Second Coming Tie-In), $2.99 X-Men Forever #22, $3.99 ONI PRESS Stumptown #3, $3.99 Wasteland #28, $3.50 RADICAL PUBLISHING Aladdin Legacy Of The Lost #3 (of 3), $4.99 Last Days Of American Crime #2 (of 3), $4.99 WIZARD ENTERTAINMENT Wizard Magazine #225, $5.99 ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Neverland #2 (of 6), $2.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #5 (Sleeping Beauty Special Edition), $1.00 Waking #3 (of 4), $3.99 This NFO File was rendered by
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