- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-b.g.-true_story-1999-apc.nfo 00-b.g.-true_story-1999-apc

                   .yS$$²""                     .yπS$ ²"$░$$n
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  `$$ $$$$$²"      $$$$$     $$$$$$$$$$$  ²""""'$$$$$   ,RRRR     "²$$$$$ $$'
   `$ ²$$$$        $$$$$     $$$$$$$$$$$        $$$$$   $$$$$       $$$$² $'
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  $$.    `$        """°²                        `°°°" """""ⁿ        $'    .$$
  $$$,    ·               ─ Apocalypse Production Crew ─            ·    ,$$$
  $$$$.  ╔═════─────────────────────────────────────────────────═════╗  .$$$$
  $$$$$Φ ║                                                             ║ Φ$$$$$
  $$$$$Φ ║ Artist......:  ║ Φ$$$$$
  $$$$$$ ║ Album Title.:  ║ $$$$$$
  $$$▓$░ ║ Record Label:  ║ ░$▓$$$
  $$$▓$░ ║ Ripper......:  ║ ░$▓$$$
  $$$▒$░ ║                                                           ║ Φ$$$$$
  $$$▒$░ ║                                                             ║ Φ$$$$$
  $$$▒$░ ╠═════─────────────────────────────────────────────────═════╣ ░$▒$$$
  $$$▓$░ ║ Rip Date..: [ 07/25/2001]       Tracks: [      8     ]    ║ ░$▓$$$
  $$$▒$░ ║ Rel Date..: [ 6/29/1999 ]       Time..: [00h 34m 04s ]    ║ ░$▒$$$
  $$$▓$░ ║ Music Type: [    Rap    ]       Size..: [     46MB   ]    ║ ░$▓$$$
  $$$▒$░ ║ K/bits....: [    192k   ]       Source: [Compact Disc]    ║ ░$▒$$$
  $$$▒$░ ║ Encoder...: [    LAME   ]                                 ║ ░$▒$$$
  $$$▒$░ ║ Mode......: [Full Stereo]                                 ║ ░$▒$$$
   `$║             ╚════════════-·Album Notes·─════════════╝             ║$'
    "│                                                                   │"
     : For Internal Distribution Only                                    :
     :                                                                   :
     : b.g. album int for my niggaz                                      :
   . .                                                                   . .
 ,$  │                                                                   │  $,
 $∩  ║                                                                   ║  ∩$
 "$$n╚═══╦══- -══╦═────────────────────────────────────────═╦══-  -══╦═══╝a$$"
  `$$$$$$│       ╚═════════════·Track Listings·═════════════╝        │$$$$$$'
    "²$$$│                                                           │$$$²"
       ;$│                                                           │$;
      ,$ⁿ│                                                           │ⁿ$,
      `·.│                                                           │.·'
         │ 01 True Story                                     3:34    │
         │ 02 Get On My Feet                                 3:54    │
         │ 03 Start N Tha Game Ft. (Ms. Tee)                 3:45    │
         │ 04 From Tha 13th To Tha 17th                      4:49    │
         │ 05 Hood Took Me Under                             4:20    │
         │ 06 Down for My Stacks Ft. (E Vicious & Mr. Ivan)  5:05    │
         │ 07 Thrill B'G                                     4:00    │
         │ 08 Fuck Big Boy Ft. (UNLV & Tec-9)                4:37    │
   ·.    ║                                                           ║    .·
    $    ║                                                           ║    $
   .$▼    ║                                                           ║    ▼$.
 ,$$o    ║                                                           ║    o$$.
 ⁿ$$$$0n.╠════────── ─╦════════════════════════════════╦─ ───────════╣.m0$$$$ⁿ
  `$$$$$$║            ╚══════════-·APC NFO·-═══════════╝             ║$$$$$$'
  ╔═-""-═╝                                                           ╚═-""-═╗
  ║°$                                                                     $°║
  │ $                                                                     $ │
d$│·'                     Apocalypse Production Crew                      `·│$b
$ │           Creepin up on ya like a sniper ,  aPC has once again          │ $
` │$Φ         shocked  you  with hot new  releases  ranging in all        Φ$│ '
  │°$)        different types of genres. Daily we commit ourselves       ($°│
  │$$         to providing you with the highest  quality  releases        $$│
  │$'         using the best encoding and  ripper methods known to        `$│
 Ω│           the scene.  Our  greetings  go out to  everyone that          │Ω
$'│           supports and has  supported  aPC since day one. Your         │`$
$,│           the reason that aPC is quickly  becomming one of top         │.$
`$│           mp3 groups.  Thank you for  choosing  the Apocalypse         │$'
  ²           Production Crew.                                              ²
  │                                    -aPC                                 │
  │                                                                         │
  ├        ─·                                                     ·─        ├
  │         Think that you got skills that could contribute to aPC?         │
  │               Join #aPC on EfNet ( and               │
  │                       talk to a Channel Operator.                       │
  │                                                                         │
  │                We currently have these positions open:                  │
  │                                                                         │
  │             ─--Hardware Suppliers--┌--Pre-Release Rippers--─            │
  │             |                      |                       |            │
  │             ─---Tuesday Rippers----┌------APC Siteops------─            │
  │             |                      |                       |            │
  │             ─---Site Affiliates----┌----Shell Suppliers----─            │
  │                                                                         │
 .╚══════╗                                                           ╔══════╝.
 Ω$$$$$$$╠ ─═════════┘════════════════════════════════════└════════─ ╣$$$$$$$Ω
 $$$$$$$$║                          ·Greets·                         ║$$$$$$$$
$$$$$$$$ⁿ║ -─────────────────────────────────────────────────────--  ║ⁿ$$$$$$$$
`$$$$$$² ║              - RNS - - REV - - PMS - - EGO -              ║ ²$$$$$$'
  ⁿ$$$$$,║     ┌                                               ┌     ║,$$$$$ⁿ
   p$$Σ"      │ASCII Art by ____      ─      Updated By Team Quality    "Σ$$p
   `°ⁿ·.                                     2/05/01                   .·ⁿ°'

This NFO File was rendered by

                   .yS$$ý""                     .yãS$ ý"$°$$n
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                 ³ $$$$$$$  ,$$$$$$$$$$$ý   "$$$$$$$$         ³
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  `$$ $$$$$ý"      $$$$$     $$$$$$$$$$$  ý""""'$$$$$   ,RRRR     "ý$$$$$ $$'
   `$ ý$$$$        $$$$$     $$$$$$$$$$$        $$$$$   $$$$$       $$$$ý $'
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  $$.    `$        """øý                        `øøø" """""ü        $'    .$$
  $$$,    ú               Ä Apocalypse Production Crew Ä            ú    ,$$$
  $$$$$è º                                                             º è$$$$$
  $$$$$è º Artist......:  º è$$$$$
  $$$$$$ º Album Title.:  º $$$$$$
  $$$²$° º Record Label:  º °$²$$$
  $$$²$° º Ripper......:  º °$²$$$
  $$$±$° º                                                           º è$$$$$
  $$$±$° º                                                             º è$$$$$
  $$$²$° º Rip Date..: [ 07/25/2001]       Tracks: [      8     ]    º °$²$$$
  $$$±$° º Rel Date..: [ 6/29/1999 ]       Time..: [00h 34m 04s ]    º °$±$$$
  $$$²$° º Music Type: [    Rap    ]       Size..: [     46MB   ]    º °$²$$$
  $$$±$° º K/bits....: [    192k   ]       Source: [Compact Disc]    º °$±$$$
  $$$±$° º Encoder...: [    LAME   ]                                 º °$±$$$
  $$$±$° º Mode......: [Full Stereo]                                 º °$±$$$
   `$º             ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ-úAlbum NotesúÄÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ             º$'
    "³                                                                   ³"
     : For Internal Distribution Only                                    :
     :                                                                   :
     : b.g. album int for my niggaz                                      :
   . .                                                                   . .
 ,$  ³                                                                   ³  $,
 $ï  º                                                                   º  ï$
  `$$$$$$³       ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍúTrack ListingsúÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ        ³$$$$$$'
    "ý$$$³                                                           ³$$$ý"
       ;$³                                                           ³$;
      ,$ü³                                                           ³ü$,
      `ú.³                                                           ³.ú'
         ³ 01 True Story                                     3:34    ³
         ³ 02 Get On My Feet                                 3:54    ³
         ³ 03 Start N Tha Game Ft. (Ms. Tee)                 3:45    ³
         ³ 04 From Tha 13th To Tha 17th                      4:49    ³
         ³ 05 Hood Took Me Under                             4:20    ³
         ³ 06 Down for My Stacks Ft. (E Vicious & Mr. Ivan)  5:05    ³
         ³ 07 Thrill B'G                                     4:00    ³
         ³ 08 Fuck Big Boy Ft. (UNLV & Tec-9)                4:37    ³
   ú.    º                                                           º    .ú
    $    º                                                           º    $
   .$    º                                                           º    $.
 ,$$o    º                                                           º    o$$.
  `$$$$$$º            ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ-úAPC NFOú-ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ             º$$$$$$'
  ÉÍ-""-ͼ                                                           ÈÍ-""-Í»
  ºø$                                                                     $øº
  ³ $                                                                     $ ³
d$³ú'                     Apocalypse Production Crew                      `ú³$b
$ ³           Creepin up on ya like a sniper ,  aPC has once again          ³ $
` ³$è         shocked  you  with hot new  releases  ranging in all        è$³ '
  ³ø$)        different types of genres. Daily we commit ourselves       ($ø³
  ³$$         to providing you with the highest  quality  releases        $$³
  ³$'         using the best encoding and  ripper methods known to        `$³
 ê³           the scene.  Our  greetings  go out to  everyone that          ³ê
$'³           supports and has  supported  aPC since day one. Your         ³`$
$,³           the reason that aPC is quickly  becomming one of top         ³.$
`$³           mp3 groups.  Thank you for  choosing  the Apocalypse         ³$'
  ý           Production Crew.                                              ý
  ³                                    -aPC                                 ³
  ³                                                                         ³
  Ã        Äú                                                     úÄ        Ã
  ³         Think that you got skills that could contribute to aPC?         ³
  ³               Join #aPC on EfNet ( and               ³
  ³                       talk to a Channel Operator.                       ³
  ³                                                                         ³
  ³                We currently have these positions open:                  ³
  ³                                                                         ³
  ³             Ä--Hardware Suppliers--Ú--Pre-Release Rippers--Ä            ³
  ³             |                      |                       |            ³
  ³             Ä---Tuesday Rippers----Ú------APC Siteops------Ä            ³
  ³             |                      |                       |            ³
  ³             Ä---Site Affiliates----Ú----Shell Suppliers----Ä            ³
  ³                                                                         ³
 .ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍ»                                                           ÉÍÍÍÍÍͼ.
 $$$$$$$$º                          úGreetsú                         º$$$$$$$$
`$$$$$$ý º              - RNS - - REV - - PMS - - EGO -              º ý$$$$$$'
  ü$$$$$,º     Ú                                               Ú     º,$$$$$ü
   p$$ä"      ³ASCII Art by ____      Ä      Updated By Team Quality    "ä$$p
   `øüú.                                     2/05/01                   .úüø'

This NFO File was rendered by

