- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-heavy_d___the_boyz-blue_funk-_retail_-1992-cmp.nfo 00-heavy_d___the_boyz-blue_funk-_retail_-1992-cmp

       CCC::::::::::::C M:::::::M             M:::::::M P::::::::::::::::P
     CC:::::::::::::::C M::::::::M           M::::::::M P::::::PPPPPP:::::P
    C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C M:::::::::M         M:::::::::M PP:::::P     P:::::P
   C:::::C       CCCCCC M::::::::::M       M::::::::::M   P::::P     P:::::P
  C:::::C               M:::::::::::M     M:::::::::::M   P::::P     P:::::P
  C:::::C               M:::::::M::::M   M::::M:::::::M   P::::PPPPPP:::::P
  C:::::C               M::::::M M::::M M::::M M::::::M   P:::::::::::::PP
  C:::::C               M::::::M  M::::M::::M  M::::::M   P::::PPPPPPPPP
  C:::::C               M::::::M   M:::::::M   M::::::M   P::::P
  C:::::C               M::::::M    M:::::M    M::::::M   P::::P
   C:::::C       CCCCCC M::::::M     MMMMM     M::::::M   P::::P
    C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C M::::::M               M::::::M PP::::::PP
     CC:::::::::::::::C M::::::M               M::::::M P::::::::P
       CCC::::::::::::C M::::::M               M::::::M P::::::::P

                          =[Clazzik Mp3 Produkshunz]=

                         Heavy D & The Boyz "Blue Funk"

┌─│─│─∙                                                               ·─│─│─┐
│ │ |                                                                     | │
│ │ :  RELEASE DATE... [Jan-07-1992]   ENCODER..... Lame 3.90.3           : │
│ │    RIP DATE.......   QUALITY..... --alt-preset standard   │
│ │ '  LABEL.......... MCA             SIZE........ 70.66 MB              ' │
│ │ :  GENRE.......... Hip-Hop         TRACKS...... 13                    : │
│ │ |                                                                     | │
└─│─│─·                                                               ·─│─│─┘

    ┌──────────────────────────[ TRACK-LISTING ]──────────────────────────┐
┌─│─│─∙ ∙                                                           ∙ ∙─│─│─┐
│ │ |                                                                     | │
│ │ |    1.]Truthful                                         [4:42]       | │
│ │ |    2.]Who's The Man?                                   [4:06]       | │
│ │ :    3.]Talk Is Cheap                                    [4:05]       : │
│ │ :    4.]Girl                                             [4:59]       : │
│ │      5.]It's A New Day                                   [5:23]         │
│ │ '    6.]Who's In The House                               [4:09]       ' │
│ │      7.]Love Sexy                                        [4:29]         │
│ │      8.]Slow Down                                        [4:14]         │
│ │      9.]Silky                                            [3:41]         │
│ │     10.]Here Comes The Heavster                          [4:53]         │
│ │     11.]Blue Funk                                        [4:35]         │
│ │     12.]Yes Y'All                                        [4:01]         │
│ │ '   13.]A Buncha Niggas                                  [5:07]       ' │
│ │ :                                                                     : │
│ │ :                                                                     : │
│ │ |                                                                     | │
│ │ |                                                                     | │
│ │ |                                  Total Playing Time: 0:58:24        | │
└─│─│─∙ ∙                                                           ∙ ∙─│─│─┘

    ┌──────────────────────────[ RELEASE-NOTES ]──────────────────────────┐
┌─│─│─∙ ∙                                                             ∙ ∙─│─│
│ │ |                                                                     | │
│ │ |    Another Quality Produkshun!                                      | │
│ │ :                                                                     : │
│ │ :    Blue Funk wasn't as successful as the prior album, but it still  : │
│ │      managed to reach gold status.  Still a worthy album to listen      │
│ │ '    to.  Enjoy!                                                      ' │
│ │ :                                                                     : │
│ │ :                                                                     : │
│ │ |                                                                     | │
│ │ |                                                                     | │
└─│─│─∙ ∙                                                             ∙ ∙─│─│

                                 [Our Mission]
      We strive to bring you some of the finest ol skool albums in the best
  possible quality whether it be 70's, 80's, or 90's music.  Along with every
release we will try to provide scans to ensure you that you're getting genuine
  material every single time.  We don't fake releases to get our numbers up
    nor do we reencode material we find no matter how rare it may be.  We
       will always stand by the moral of quality over quantity becuase
               quality is always number one in our book.

                               * Special Thanx *
     A huge thanx goes out to all of the people who have supported us and
appreciated the shit we have dropped since day one even tho we're not a big name
   group.  We'll keep on going no matter what because after all, we're just
             doing this for the love of music and nothing more.


                                                            "We All We Got!"

This NFO File was rendered by

       CCC::::::::::::C M:::::::M             M:::::::M P::::::::::::::::P
     CC:::::::::::::::C M::::::::M           M::::::::M P::::::PPPPPP:::::P
    C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C M:::::::::M         M:::::::::M PP:::::P     P:::::P
   C:::::C       CCCCCC M::::::::::M       M::::::::::M   P::::P     P:::::P
  C:::::C               M:::::::::::M     M:::::::::::M   P::::P     P:::::P
  C:::::C               M:::::::M::::M   M::::M:::::::M   P::::PPPPPP:::::P
  C:::::C               M::::::M M::::M M::::M M::::::M   P:::::::::::::PP
  C:::::C               M::::::M  M::::M::::M  M::::::M   P::::PPPPPPPPP
  C:::::C               M::::::M   M:::::::M   M::::::M   P::::P
  C:::::C               M::::::M    M:::::M    M::::::M   P::::P
   C:::::C       CCCCCC M::::::M     MMMMM     M::::::M   P::::P
    C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C M::::::M               M::::::M PP::::::PP
     CC:::::::::::::::C M::::::M               M::::::M P::::::::P
       CCC::::::::::::C M::::::M               M::::::M P::::::::P

                          =[Clazzik Mp3 Produkshunz]=

                         Heavy D & The Boyz "Blue Funk"

ÚijijÄù                                                               úijijĿ
³ ³ |                                                                     | ³
³ ³ :  RELEASE DATE... [Jan-07-1992]   ENCODER..... Lame 3.90.3           : ³
³ ³    RIP DATE.......   QUALITY..... --alt-preset standard   ³
³ ³ '  LABEL.......... MCA             SIZE........ 70.66 MB              ' ³
³ ³ :  GENRE.......... Hip-Hop         TRACKS...... 13                    : ³
³ ³ |                                                                     | ³
ÀijijÄú                                                               úijijÄÙ

ÚijijÄù ù                                                           ù ùijijĿ
³ ³ |                                                                     | ³
³ ³ |    1.]Truthful                                         [4:42]       | ³
³ ³ |    2.]Who's The Man?                                   [4:06]       | ³
³ ³ :    3.]Talk Is Cheap                                    [4:05]       : ³
³ ³ :    4.]Girl                                             [4:59]       : ³
³ ³      5.]It's A New Day                                   [5:23]         ³
³ ³ '    6.]Who's In The House                               [4:09]       ' ³
³ ³      7.]Love Sexy                                        [4:29]         ³
³ ³      8.]Slow Down                                        [4:14]         ³
³ ³      9.]Silky                                            [3:41]         ³
³ ³     10.]Here Comes The Heavster                          [4:53]         ³
³ ³     11.]Blue Funk                                        [4:35]         ³
³ ³     12.]Yes Y'All                                        [4:01]         ³
³ ³ '   13.]A Buncha Niggas                                  [5:07]       ' ³
³ ³ :                                                                     : ³
³ ³ :                                                                     : ³
³ ³ |                                                                     | ³
³ ³ |                                                                     | ³
³ ³ |                                  Total Playing Time: 0:58:24        | ³
ÀijijÄù ù                                                           ù ùijijÄÙ

ÚijijÄù ù                                                             ù ùijij
³ ³ |                                                                     | ³
³ ³ |    Another Quality Produkshun!                                      | ³
³ ³ :                                                                     : ³
³ ³ :    Blue Funk wasn't as successful as the prior album, but it still  : ³
³ ³      managed to reach gold status.  Still a worthy album to listen      ³
³ ³ '    to.  Enjoy!                                                      ' ³
³ ³ :                                                                     : ³
³ ³ :                                                                     : ³
³ ³ |                                                                     | ³
³ ³ |                                                                     | ³
ÀijijÄù ù                                                             ù ùijij

                                 [Our Mission]
      We strive to bring you some of the finest ol skool albums in the best
  possible quality whether it be 70's, 80's, or 90's music.  Along with every
release we will try to provide scans to ensure you that you're getting genuine
  material every single time.  We don't fake releases to get our numbers up
    nor do we reencode material we find no matter how rare it may be.  We
       will always stand by the moral of quality over quantity becuase
               quality is always number one in our book.

                               * Special Thanx *
     A huge thanx goes out to all of the people who have supported us and
appreciated the shit we have dropped since day one even tho we're not a big name
   group.  We'll keep on going no matter what because after all, we're just
             doing this for the love of music and nothing more.


                                                            "We All We Got!"

This NFO File was rendered by

