- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: dvt.nfo dvt

          ___________.._______.____.________)__(_            .___________.
     .____\____     /__\     / \  /_\        __./,z```$$z.____\____     /__.
      \       /       /     /       /      //_/.$$$    :$$\       /       /
    __/     _/      _/    _/      _/      /|   |$$$       /     _/      _/.
.:\ \_)_____________\ ____________\______/ |__//```````$$$_____________(_/ /:.
    -+---------------------------------DVTiSo- .       $$$--------------+-
     | TEAM DVT presents:                        ` .  ,$$$              |
     :                                              `┘$$$$              :
     . Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition v10.2.4    d$$              .
       Company ..: Symantec
       Url ......:

      +- Release Information -+

        Key Features

            * Advanced, enterprise-wide virus protection and monitoring
              from a single management console.
            * Integrated Web-based graphical reporting.
            * Support for Symantec AntiVirus Client on Microsoft Windows
              Vista and Windows Server 2008.

        Key Benefits

            * Effective protection from spyware and adware.
            * Symantec tamper protection guards against unauthorized
              antivirus access and attacks, protecting users from viruses
              that attempt to disable security measures.
            * Backed by Symantec Security Response, the worldÆs leading
              Internet security research and support organization.

        Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition has been discontinued, this is
        the last release you'll get, stay tuned for future Endpoint Releases

      +- Install Notes -+

      1. Unpack & Burn/Mount
      2. Install
      +- Group Notes -+                                                  :
    .                                                                    |
    :  You got something to offer like                                   |
    |                                                                    |
    |            * supplies (either ISO or DDL)                          |
    |            * cracking skills                                       |
    |            * pizza                                                 |
    |:                                                                   |
    |. and want to join the only scene family in existance?             :|
    |  Then just ask around on IRC (maybe even your girl-               .|
    |. friend may know one of our council members, be it                 |
    |: the one or the other way...) and lets see if you                  |
    |. fit into one of our open positions!                               |
    |.             .______________.                                      \\
    |_______________\\  .2010.  //______________________.   .tEAM.DVT.    \\

This NFO File was rendered by

          ___________.._______.____.________)__(_            .___________.
     .____\____     /__\     / \  /_\        __./,z```$$z.____\____     /__.
      \       /       /     /       /      //_/.$$$    :$$\       /       /
    __/     _/      _/    _/      _/      /|   |$$$       /     _/      _/.
.:\ \_)_____________\ ____________\______/ |__//```````$$$_____________(_/ /:.
    -+---------------------------------DVTiSo- .       $$$--------------+-
     | TEAM DVT presents:                        ` .  ,$$$              |
     :                                              `Ù$$$$              :
     . Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition v10.2.4    d$$              .
       Company ..: Symantec
       Url ......:

      +- Release Information -+

        Key Features

            * Advanced, enterprise-wide virus protection and monitoring
              from a single management console.
            * Integrated Web-based graphical reporting.
            * Support for Symantec AntiVirus Client on Microsoft Windows
              Vista and Windows Server 2008.

        Key Benefits

            * Effective protection from spyware and adware.
            * Symantec tamper protection guards against unauthorized
              antivirus access and attacks, protecting users from viruses
              that attempt to disable security measures.
            * Backed by Symantec Security Response, the world’s leading
              Internet security research and support organization.

        Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition has been discontinued, this is
        the last release you'll get, stay tuned for future Endpoint Releases

      +- Install Notes -+

      1. Unpack & Burn/Mount
      2. Install
      +- Group Notes -+                                                  :
    .                                                                    |
    :  You got something to offer like                                   |
    |                                                                    |
    |            * supplies (either ISO or DDL)                          |
    |            * cracking skills                                       |
    |            * pizza                                                 |
    |:                                                                   |
    |. and want to join the only scene family in existance?             :|
    |  Then just ask around on IRC (maybe even your girl-               .|
    |. friend may know one of our council members, be it                 |
    |: the one or the other way...) and lets see if you                  |
    |. fit into one of our open positions!                               |
    |.             .______________.                                      \\
    |_______________\\  .2010.  //______________________.   .tEAM.DVT.    \\

This NFO File was rendered by

