- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: dumptruck-MK_2_.nfo dumptruck-MK_2_

     ___          ___          ___                                 ___          ___          ___          ___
    /  /\        /  /\        /  /\         ___       ___         /  /\        /  /\        /  /\ >>
/  /\
   /  /::\      /  /:/       /  /::|       /  /\     /__/\       /  /::\      /  /:/       /  /::\ >>
/  /:/
  /  /:/\:\    /  /:/       /  /:|:|      /  /::\    \  \:\     /  /:/\:\    /  /:/       /  /:/\:\    /  /:/
 /  /:/  \:\  /  /:/       /  /:/|:|__   /  /:/\:\    \__\:\   /  /::\ \:\  /  /:/       /  /:/  \:\ >>
/  /::\____
/__/:/ \__\:|/__/:/     /\/__/:/_|::::\ /  /::\ \:\   /  /::\ /__/:/\:\_\:\/__/:/     /\/__/:/ \ >>
\  \:\ /  /:/\  \:\    /:/\__\/  /~~/://__/:/\:\_\:\ /  /:/\:\\__\/~|::\/:/\  \:\    /:/\  \:\ >>
 \  \:\  /:/  \  \:\  /:/       /  /:/ \__\/  \:\/://  /:/__\/   |  |:|::/  \  \:\  /:/  \  \:\ >>
|  |:|
  \  \:\/:/    \  \:\/:/       /  /:/       \  \:://__/:/        |  |:|\/    \  \:\/:/    \  \:\ >>
|  |:|
   \__\::/      \  \::/       /__/:/         \__\/ \__\/         |__|:|~      \  \::/      \  \:\ >>
       ~~        \__\/        \__\/                               \__\|        \__\/        \__\/ >>

              Release:            Madagascar.Kartz.PROPER.RF.XBOX360-dumpTruck
              Group:              dumpTruck
              Game Title:         Madagascar Kartz
              # Files:            74x100mb
              ESRB Rating:        Everyone
              Region:             Region Free
              Release Date:       11/06/2009
              Source:             Retail Disc
              Stealth Patched:    Yes
              FW Required:        1.51 or newer (4th Wave)
              Notes:              XBOX360 release nuked for invalid rar size, so we decided to proper >>
this rls for those whom archive!
                                  Game is SSv2 (Something the scene should DEMAND if we want TRUE 1:1 >>
rips), Pre-stealthed..
                                  Simply burn n play.

\\//\\//\\//\\//  _ |_  _ \ \/ /_  _  _  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
//\\//\\//\\//\\ (_||_)(_|/ /\ \_||_ | | //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//

Checking for updates to abgx360.dat...
     Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving

O:\Madagascar.Kartz.PROPER.RF.XBOX360-dumpTruck\dumpTruck-MK.dvd is valid

Checking Game
     ISO: "O:\Madagascar.Kartz.PROPER.RF.XBOX360-dumpTruck\dumpTruck-MK.iso"
     Size: 7838695424 bytes (SplitVid 3rd or 4th wave)
     Files in ISO: 96, Folders in ISO: 11
     Total bytes used: 2674616934 (36.65%)
Game appears to have random padding

Checking default.xex
     Original PE Filename:  MadKarts_Xbox360_Retail.exe
     Original PE Timestamp: 2009/09/18 02:14:39
     Game Name:             Madagascar Kartz
     Developer:             Sidhe
     Publisher:             Activision
     Genre:                 Racing
     No Avatar Awards
     Achievements:          50 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
     01. Finish Line Frenzy                         15 G  Checkpoint
         Finish any race in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place.
     02. Zany Zoo Champ                             25 G  Checkpoint
         Finish Zany Zoo Cup in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place.
     03. Wild and Wacky Champ                       25 G  Checkpoint
         Finish Wild and Wacky Cup in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place.
     04. Fabulous Freak Champ                       25 G  Completion
         Finish Fabulous Freak Cup in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place.
     05. Bump Free                                  10 G  Checkpoint
         Complete a lap without bumping into a wall.
     06. Triple Stunt                               10 G  Event
         Do a 3 stunt combo in any race.
     07. 5 Stunt Flyer                              20 G  Event
         Do a 5 stunt combo in any race.
     08. Alex License                               10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Alex.
     09. Marty License                              10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Marty.
     10. Melman License                             10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Melman.
     11. Gloria License                             10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Gloria.
     12. Penguins License                           10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with the Penguins.
     13. Chimps License                             10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with the Chimps.
     14. B.O.B. License                             10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with B.O.B.
     15. Shrek License                              10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Shrek.
     16. Julien License                             10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Julien.
     17. 50CC Master                                25 G  Checkpoint
         Come in first in all 50CC championships.
     18. 100CC Master                               50 G  Checkpoint
         Come in first in all 100CC championships.
     19. 150CC Master                               75 G  Checkpoint
         Come in first in all 150CC championships.
     20. 200CC Master                              100 G  Checkpoint
         Come in first in all 200CC championships.
     21. Just Plane Stunts                          20 G  Checkpoint
         Perform a 3 stunt combo on Plane Wreck.
     22. Forgot My Trunks                           15 G  Checkpoint
         Complete a race in Shark Beach without falling in the water.
     23. Foosa Flipout                              15 G  Checkpoint
         Perform a 2 back flip combo on Foosa Rocks.
     24. NYC Air Freight                             5 G  Checkpoint
         Grab an Item Crate from above the water in NYC Zoo.
     25. Danger Freighter                           15 G  Checkpoint
         Perform a 4 stunt combo on Freighter.
     26. Fire Proof                                 20 G  Checkpoint
         Complete a race on Volcano without falling in the lava.
     27. Log Dodge                                  15 G  Checkpoint
         Complete Shrek Swamp without getting hit by swinging logs.
     28. Ziggidy Zap                                15 G  Checkpoint
         Complete a race in Monsters vs. Aliens(TM) Mothership without getting
         zapped by the clones.
     29. Going on Safari                            10 G  Checkpoint
         Complete a race in Watering Hole crossing the Hippo pond and avoiding
         the Giraffes.
     30. Plane Wreck Gold Medalist                  15 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 50CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Plane Wreck.
     31. Foosa Rocks Gold Medalist                  15 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 50CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Foosa Rocks.
     32. NYC Zoo Gold Medalist                      15 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 100CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in NYC Zoo.
     33. Freighter Gold                             15 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 100CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Freighter.
     34. Shark Beach Gold Medalist                  20 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 150CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Shark Beach.
     35. Volcano Gold Medalist                      25 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 200CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Volcano.
     36. Mothership Gold Medalist                   20 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 150CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Monsters vs. Aliens(TM)
     37. Shrek Swamp Gold Medalist                  25 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 200CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Shrek Swamp.
     38. Watering Hole Gold Medalist                20 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 150CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Watering Hole.
     39. Checkpoint Beginner                        10 G  Checkpoint
         Collect 10 Hourglasses in one Single Player Checkpoint Race.
     40. Multiplayer Checkpoint Beginner            10 G  Checkpoint
         Collect 10 Hourglasses each in one Multiplayer Checkpoint Race.
     41. Checkpoint Driver                          25 G  Checkpoint
         Collect 25 Hourglasses in one Single Player Checkpoint Race.
     42. Multiplayer Checkpoint Driver              10 G  Checkpoint
         Collect 25 Hourglasses each in one Multiplayer Checkpoint Race.
     43. Checkpoint Master                          30 G  Checkpoint
         Collect 40 Hourglasses in one Single Player Checkpoint Race.
     44. Multiplayer Checkpoint Master              30 G  Checkpoint
         Collect 40 Hourglasses each in one Multiplayer Checkpoint Race.
     45. Move It! Move It! 50CC Hustler             10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a 50CC single player Move It! Move It! race.
     46. Move It! Move It! 100CC Rocker             15 G  Checkpoint
         Win a 100CC single player Move It! Move It! race.
     47. Move It! Move It! 150CC Stepper            20 G  Checkpoint
         Win a 150CC single player Move It! Move It! race.
     48. Move It! Move It! 200CC Jammer             25 G  Checkpoint
         Win a 200CC single player Move It! Move It! race.
     49. Mango Collector                            15 G  Leveling
         Collect 5,000 Mangos.
     50. More Fruit!                                30 G  Leveling
         Collect 10,000 Mangos.
     XEX CRC = 1F5BD8D7
     XEX Media ID: 8A88A06BCAD30C06E531E413-31E70497

Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
     Region Free!

Checking SS
     Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/21 00:00:00
     Timestamp of Mastering: 2009/09/25 00:24:57
     SS Version: 2 (trusted)
     SS CRC = 061C2F0D (RawSS = DD60E510)
     SS Media ID: 8A88A06BCAD30C06E531E413-31E70497 (matches game)
SS looks valid

Checking DMI
     Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/21 00:00:00 (matches SS)
     DMI CRC = 687FB6DF
     DMI Media ID: 8A88A06BCAD30C06E531E413-31E70497 (matches game)
DMI looks valid

Checking PFI
     PFI CRC = 05C6C409
PFI matches known data (4th wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 [Hitachi only],
v1.6 , v1.61 or later)

Video partition found
     Video CRC = 1914211B (V0 = 29D07E66, V1 = EAE76B94)
Video partition matches known data (4th wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 [Hitachi
only], v1.6 , v1.61 or later)

Stealth check passed!

Starting Verification
     Looking for 061C2F0D1F5BD8D7.ini in the online verified database
     There is no verified rip of this Xex/SS combination in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination
Attempting to at least verify the game data
     Looking for Xex_1F5BD8D7.ini in the online verified database
     Server file Xex_1F5BD8D7.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving
     Looking for C0DF98CF1F5BD8D7.ini in the online verified database
     Server file C0DF98CF1F5BD8D7.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving

     Using C0DF98CF1F5BD8D7.ini (329 bytes)
     AnyDVD style corruption was not detected
     Game CRC = 884897F1 (matches)

Game data was verified but stealth wasn't

Set AutoFix Threshold to Level 3 if you want to try and find a verified SS and
Stealth files that match the Xex, and automatically patch them if found.

Comparing L1 Video on L0 to L1 Video on L1...
SplitVid is valid


-Release History-

1  :: Tales.of.Vesperia.USA.XBOX360.iNT-dumpTruck                           :: 04/08/2009
2  :: Wheelman.USA.XBOX360.iNT-dumpTruck                                    :: 04/12/2009
3  :: NBA.Live.08.NTSC.XBOX360.iNT-dumpTruck                                :: 04/15/2009
4  :: Disney.Sing.It.High.School.Musical.3.Senior.USA.XBOX360.iNT-dumpTruck :: 04/18/2009
5  :: Dynasty.Warriors.Gundam.2.NTSC.XBOX360-dumpTruck                      :: 04/25/2009
6  :: NCAA.March.Madness.08.NTSC.XBOX360.iNT-dumpTruck                      :: 09/21/2009
7  :: Madagascar.Kartz.PROPER.RF.XBOX360-dumpTruck                          :: 05/14/2010

This NFO File was rendered by

     ___          ___          ___                                 ___          ___          ___          ___
    /  /\        /  /\        /  /\         ___       ___         /  /\        /  /\        /  /\ >>
/  /\
   /  /::\      /  /:/       /  /::|       /  /\     /__/\       /  /::\      /  /:/       /  /::\ >>
/  /:/
  /  /:/\:\    /  /:/       /  /:|:|      /  /::\    \  \:\     /  /:/\:\    /  /:/       /  /:/\:\    /  /:/
 /  /:/  \:\  /  /:/       /  /:/|:|__   /  /:/\:\    \__\:\   /  /::\ \:\  /  /:/       /  /:/  \:\ >>
/  /::\____
/__/:/ \__\:|/__/:/     /\/__/:/_|::::\ /  /::\ \:\   /  /::\ /__/:/\:\_\:\/__/:/     /\/__/:/ \ >>
\  \:\ /  /:/\  \:\    /:/\__\/  /~~/://__/:/\:\_\:\ /  /:/\:\\__\/~|::\/:/\  \:\    /:/\  \:\ >>
 \  \:\  /:/  \  \:\  /:/       /  /:/ \__\/  \:\/://  /:/__\/   |  |:|::/  \  \:\  /:/  \  \:\ >>
|  |:|
  \  \:\/:/    \  \:\/:/       /  /:/       \  \:://__/:/        |  |:|\/    \  \:\/:/    \  \:\ >>
|  |:|
   \__\::/      \  \::/       /__/:/         \__\/ \__\/         |__|:|~      \  \::/      \  \:\ >>
       ~~        \__\/        \__\/                               \__\|        \__\/        \__\/ >>

              Release:            Madagascar.Kartz.PROPER.RF.XBOX360-dumpTruck
              Group:              dumpTruck
              Game Title:         Madagascar Kartz
              # Files:            74x100mb
              ESRB Rating:        Everyone
              Region:             Region Free
              Release Date:       11/06/2009
              Source:             Retail Disc
              Stealth Patched:    Yes
              FW Required:        1.51 or newer (4th Wave)
              Notes:              XBOX360 release nuked for invalid rar size, so we decided to proper >>
this rls for those whom archive!
                                  Game is SSv2 (Something the scene should DEMAND if we want TRUE 1:1 >>
rips), Pre-stealthed..
                                  Simply burn n play.

\\//\\//\\//\\//  _ |_  _ \ \/ /_  _  _  \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\
//\\//\\//\\//\\ (_||_)(_|/ /\ \_||_ | | //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//

Checking for updates to abgx360.dat...
     Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving

O:\Madagascar.Kartz.PROPER.RF.XBOX360-dumpTruck\dumpTruck-MK.dvd is valid

Checking Game
     ISO: "O:\Madagascar.Kartz.PROPER.RF.XBOX360-dumpTruck\dumpTruck-MK.iso"
     Size: 7838695424 bytes (SplitVid 3rd or 4th wave)
     Files in ISO: 96, Folders in ISO: 11
     Total bytes used: 2674616934 (36.65%)
Game appears to have random padding

Checking default.xex
     Original PE Filename:  MadKarts_Xbox360_Retail.exe
     Original PE Timestamp: 2009/09/18 02:14:39
     Game Name:             Madagascar Kartz
     Developer:             Sidhe
     Publisher:             Activision
     Genre:                 Racing
     No Avatar Awards
     Achievements:          50 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore
     01. Finish Line Frenzy                         15 G  Checkpoint
         Finish any race in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place.
     02. Zany Zoo Champ                             25 G  Checkpoint
         Finish Zany Zoo Cup in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place.
     03. Wild and Wacky Champ                       25 G  Checkpoint
         Finish Wild and Wacky Cup in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place.
     04. Fabulous Freak Champ                       25 G  Completion
         Finish Fabulous Freak Cup in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place.
     05. Bump Free                                  10 G  Checkpoint
         Complete a lap without bumping into a wall.
     06. Triple Stunt                               10 G  Event
         Do a 3 stunt combo in any race.
     07. 5 Stunt Flyer                              20 G  Event
         Do a 5 stunt combo in any race.
     08. Alex License                               10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Alex.
     09. Marty License                              10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Marty.
     10. Melman License                             10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Melman.
     11. Gloria License                             10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Gloria.
     12. Penguins License                           10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with the Penguins.
     13. Chimps License                             10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with the Chimps.
     14. B.O.B. License                             10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with B.O.B.
     15. Shrek License                              10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Shrek.
     16. Julien License                             10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a Quick race or a Championship race with Julien.
     17. 50CC Master                                25 G  Checkpoint
         Come in first in all 50CC championships.
     18. 100CC Master                               50 G  Checkpoint
         Come in first in all 100CC championships.
     19. 150CC Master                               75 G  Checkpoint
         Come in first in all 150CC championships.
     20. 200CC Master                              100 G  Checkpoint
         Come in first in all 200CC championships.
     21. Just Plane Stunts                          20 G  Checkpoint
         Perform a 3 stunt combo on Plane Wreck.
     22. Forgot My Trunks                           15 G  Checkpoint
         Complete a race in Shark Beach without falling in the water.
     23. Foosa Flipout                              15 G  Checkpoint
         Perform a 2 back flip combo on Foosa Rocks.
     24. NYC Air Freight                             5 G  Checkpoint
         Grab an Item Crate from above the water in NYC Zoo.
     25. Danger Freighter                           15 G  Checkpoint
         Perform a 4 stunt combo on Freighter.
     26. Fire Proof                                 20 G  Checkpoint
         Complete a race on Volcano without falling in the lava.
     27. Log Dodge                                  15 G  Checkpoint
         Complete Shrek Swamp without getting hit by swinging logs.
     28. Ziggidy Zap                                15 G  Checkpoint
         Complete a race in Monsters vs. Aliens(TM) Mothership without getting
         zapped by the clones.
     29. Going on Safari                            10 G  Checkpoint
         Complete a race in Watering Hole crossing the Hippo pond and avoiding
         the Giraffes.
     30. Plane Wreck Gold Medalist                  15 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 50CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Plane Wreck.
     31. Foosa Rocks Gold Medalist                  15 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 50CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Foosa Rocks.
     32. NYC Zoo Gold Medalist                      15 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 100CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in NYC Zoo.
     33. Freighter Gold                             15 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 100CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Freighter.
     34. Shark Beach Gold Medalist                  20 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 150CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Shark Beach.
     35. Volcano Gold Medalist                      25 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 200CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Volcano.
     36. Mothership Gold Medalist                   20 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 150CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Monsters vs. Aliens(TM)
     37. Shrek Swamp Gold Medalist                  25 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 200CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Shrek Swamp.
     38. Watering Hole Gold Medalist                20 G  Checkpoint
         Beat the 150CC Time Trial Gold Medal time in Watering Hole.
     39. Checkpoint Beginner                        10 G  Checkpoint
         Collect 10 Hourglasses in one Single Player Checkpoint Race.
     40. Multiplayer Checkpoint Beginner            10 G  Checkpoint
         Collect 10 Hourglasses each in one Multiplayer Checkpoint Race.
     41. Checkpoint Driver                          25 G  Checkpoint
         Collect 25 Hourglasses in one Single Player Checkpoint Race.
     42. Multiplayer Checkpoint Driver              10 G  Checkpoint
         Collect 25 Hourglasses each in one Multiplayer Checkpoint Race.
     43. Checkpoint Master                          30 G  Checkpoint
         Collect 40 Hourglasses in one Single Player Checkpoint Race.
     44. Multiplayer Checkpoint Master              30 G  Checkpoint
         Collect 40 Hourglasses each in one Multiplayer Checkpoint Race.
     45. Move It! Move It! 50CC Hustler             10 G  Checkpoint
         Win a 50CC single player Move It! Move It! race.
     46. Move It! Move It! 100CC Rocker             15 G  Checkpoint
         Win a 100CC single player Move It! Move It! race.
     47. Move It! Move It! 150CC Stepper            20 G  Checkpoint
         Win a 150CC single player Move It! Move It! race.
     48. Move It! Move It! 200CC Jammer             25 G  Checkpoint
         Win a 200CC single player Move It! Move It! race.
     49. Mango Collector                            15 G  Leveling
         Collect 5,000 Mangos.
     50. More Fruit!                                30 G  Leveling
         Collect 10,000 Mangos.
     XEX CRC = 1F5BD8D7
     XEX Media ID: 8A88A06BCAD30C06E531E413-31E70497

Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
     Region Free!

Checking SS
     Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/21 00:00:00
     Timestamp of Mastering: 2009/09/25 00:24:57
     SS Version: 2 (trusted)
     SS CRC = 061C2F0D (RawSS = DD60E510)
     SS Media ID: 8A88A06BCAD30C06E531E413-31E70497 (matches game)
SS looks valid

Checking DMI
     Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/21 00:00:00 (matches SS)
     DMI CRC = 687FB6DF
     DMI Media ID: 8A88A06BCAD30C06E531E413-31E70497 (matches game)
DMI looks valid

Checking PFI
     PFI CRC = 05C6C409
PFI matches known data (4th wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 [Hitachi only],
v1.6 , v1.61 or later)

Video partition found
     Video CRC = 1914211B (V0 = 29D07E66, V1 = EAE76B94)
Video partition matches known data (4th wave - requires iXtreme v1.51 [Hitachi
only], v1.6 , v1.61 or later)

Stealth check passed!

Starting Verification
     Looking for 061C2F0D1F5BD8D7.ini in the online verified database
     There is no verified rip of this Xex/SS combination in the online database
Failed to find a verified ini file for this Xex/SS combination
Attempting to at least verify the game data
     Looking for Xex_1F5BD8D7.ini in the online verified database
     Server file Xex_1F5BD8D7.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving
     Looking for C0DF98CF1F5BD8D7.ini in the online verified database
     Server file C0DF98CF1F5BD8D7.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving

     Using C0DF98CF1F5BD8D7.ini (329 bytes)
     AnyDVD style corruption was not detected
     Game CRC = 884897F1 (matches)

Game data was verified but stealth wasn't

Set AutoFix Threshold to Level 3 if you want to try and find a verified SS and
Stealth files that match the Xex, and automatically patch them if found.

Comparing L1 Video on L0 to L1 Video on L1...
SplitVid is valid


-Release History-

1  :: Tales.of.Vesperia.USA.XBOX360.iNT-dumpTruck                           :: 04/08/2009
2  :: Wheelman.USA.XBOX360.iNT-dumpTruck                                    :: 04/12/2009
3  :: NBA.Live.08.NTSC.XBOX360.iNT-dumpTruck                                :: 04/15/2009
4  :: Disney.Sing.It.High.School.Musical.3.Senior.USA.XBOX360.iNT-dumpTruck :: 04/18/2009
5  :: Dynasty.Warriors.Gundam.2.NTSC.XBOX360-dumpTruck                      :: 04/25/2009
6  :: NCAA.March.Madness.08.NTSC.XBOX360.iNT-dumpTruck                      :: 09/21/2009
7  :: Madagascar.Kartz.PROPER.RF.XBOX360-dumpTruck                          :: 05/14/2010

This NFO File was rendered by

