- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: Nuovo_documento_di_testo.txt Nuovo_documento_di_testo.txt

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           $$$                    #CRO - Efnet                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$  RELEASED:    27/04/10   (x)ANS (x)ASC (x)VGA     $$$
           $$$  PACKAGER:         zip   (x)MP3        ( )CODE    $$$
           $$$                          (x)XM         ( )OTHER   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$    ,
         . $$$                                                  _$$$,sd$
         . $$$                                 ^║║╦╦SSSSSSSS$$$$$$$SSó║^
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   ,   ,╦║^$$$║^^                                                $$$ .
      ,╦║^ $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     HELL YEAH GUYS,                               $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     it's CRO again.                               $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     A big "thank you" to all sceners out          $$$
           $$$     there for still cherishing our work after     $$$
           $$$     all these years.                              $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     It is good to see that some traditions        $$$
           $$$     and elements like nfo's and chiptunes         $$$
           $$$     survived in the scene until today.            $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     In our opinion these traditions are one       $$$
           $$$     important part of the foundation for the      $$$
           $$$     scene spirit.                                 $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     We hope that this spirit, even though         $$$
           $$$     web 2.0 and 3.0 have taken over, can and      $$$
           $$$     will live on in the coming years              $$$
           $$$     - together with us, CRO!                      $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     Enjoy the stuff!                              $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$    ,
         . $$$                                                  _$$$,sd$
         . $$$                                 ^║║╦╦SSSSSSSS$$$$$$$$Só║^
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         $ $$$ y                      __,,,,════sss%%%S║║║║^^^^  $$$
        ││ $$$ $  $│ │    │││  │   i$$$$$:    yyyyyyyy yy m-     $$$ │  ~
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   ,   ,╦║^$$$║^^                                                $$$ .
      ,╦║^ $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     Thank you olli for coming back to us after    $$$
           $$$     this long time. It's so good to hear that     $$$
           $$$     your heart still beats for CRO.               $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     Welcome michu and Zarg0n as new musicians!    $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$    ,
           $$$                                                  _$$$,sd$
           $$$                                 ^║║╦╦SSSSSSSS$$$$$$$SSó║^
           $$$    [ c h e m i c a l ]  __,,,,════sss%%%S║║║║^^^^ $$$║^
        $7│││││││$                    __,,,,════sss%%%S║║║║^^^^  │7Mmmmmmmy
        $ j$$$$i 7││││ ││   │         m yyyyyyyyy  yyyyy$$$$$$$$$yyyyyyy $'
    │ │││ l$$$$:  y$$$$$$$$$$$$$yy         :$$$$$i l$$$$$  $$$l :$$$$$$:
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         "│$yyy══ss%%S$$$$$$SSSSSSSSsss,,__║^^ [ m e m b e r s ] $$$
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      ,╦║^ $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$            amgits. aylien. cpn. cubon.            $$$
           $$$          dusodril. fumk.  isha. kr8vity.          $$$
           $$$            michu. mrpz. ogge. scorpi.             $$$
           $$$        spinsane. targon. thedarkness. xero.       $$$
           $$$              zargon. zemra. zorro.                $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                  _$$$,sd$
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        il $$$$i $   ,,    m yyyyyyyyy                    j$$$$i $$$
        $ j$$$$: $  $$$$        :$$$$$i    ,y$$$$li i:    l$$$$: ││$
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         "│$yy,══ss%%S$$$$$$SSSSSSSSsss,,__║^^^^ [ w o r d s ]   $$$│
       ,└sS$$óóó║║║^^^$$$$$SSSSSSSsss,,_^^^^║*                   $$$
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   ,   ,╦║^$$$║^^                                                $$$
      ,╦║^ $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$  o we have open positions for:                    $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$    x hirez and ascii artists, preferred with      $$$
           $$$      previous scene and team experience.          $$$
           $$$    x trackers and musicians with longer previous  $$$
           $$$      experience.                                  $$$
           $$$    x code ninjas, experienced and runtime         $$$
           $$$      optimised.                                   $$$
           $$$    x female sexslaves. young, clean and firm.     $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$        In this cold scene-world of today          $$$
           $$$        fluffy, warm greetings fly out to          $$$
           $$$        all our friends around the world!          $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     CRO also greets the following individuals     $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$    neoman, radiators, zw3rg, j_d, l0cal, m0lo     $$$
           $$$    stalker, mckinley, dualtrax, cdmasta, bruce    $$$
           $$$    euro, mx, shane54, idiana, crome, trash        $$$
           $$$    lecter, deathrow, chrizz, slap, prozac, puss   $$$
           $$$    srew, trivial, zaner, frzn, chief, chot, red   $$$
           $$$    esher, nitrus, moonlord, eleric, orbiter       $$$
           $$$    lad, cw, linos, cona, speeddevil, r0ss         $$$
           $$$    zinger, seffren, zalza, edzes, seablue, xzip   $$$
           $$$    malmed, thec, maktone, jaevlaboeg              $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$              !ascii by basic & olli!              $$$
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     '  '                                                             '  `

This NFO File was rendered by

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          "$$$                $$$"
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                    #CRO - Efnet                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$  RELEASED:    27/04/10   (x)ANS (x)ASC (x)VGA     $$$
           $$$  PACKAGER:         zip   (x)MP3        ( )CODE    $$$
           $$$                          (x)XM         ( )OTHER   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$    ,
         . $$$                                                  _$$$,sd$
         . $$$                                 ^ººËËSSSSSSSS$$$$$$$SS¢º^
         ³ $$$    [ r e l e a s e ]    __,,,,ÍÍÍÍsss%%%Sºººº^^^^ $$$º^
         $ $$$ y                      __,,,,ÍÍÍÍsss%%%Sºººº^^^^  $$$
        ³³ $$$ $  $³ ³    ³³³  ³  i$$$$i               ³³³$y     ³³³³³ ³
      y$7³³³³³³$__$ y$$$$$$$$$$$$yy $$$:  y$$$$$$$$$$$$$yy ³ ,y$$$li i: :
    $³³ yy$$$$ ³³³³ ³³³³     :$$$$l:$$$$$:$$$$$     :$$$$i y$$$       yyy m-
    $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$      l$$$$:$$$$   ³7$$$l   _$$7³"  """³³?$$$$ :$
    $ymy i$$S$i  :$$$$l:i   :$$$$li$$$l   y,_"³$$7³"      :$$$$l :$$$l $
       $ :$$$$l  l$$$$:i$   l$$$$:$$$$i   $$$$y $__,,+$$$+,l$$$$, $$$$,"7$
    ~³³³" l$$$$  $$$$l $$$777³³³' ""³³77$$$7³³" ³³$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b $
 : :i il$$$$$$$b          ,,,,ÍÍÍÍsss%%%Sºººº^^^^                yyyyyyyy$
       *y* yyy,ÍÍss%%S$$$$$$SSSSSSSSsss,,__º^^^  [ n 0 t e s ]   $$$ yyy
       ,ÀsS$$¢¢¢ººº^^^$$$$$SSSSSSSsss,,_^^^^º*                   $$$ $
    , º^^,s$S$ºº^^^^^                                            $$$ n
   ,   ,˺^$$$º^^                                                $$$ .
      ,˺^ $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     HELL YEAH GUYS,                               $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     it's CRO again.                               $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     A big "thank you" to all sceners out          $$$
           $$$     there for still cherishing our work after     $$$
           $$$     all these years.                              $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     It is good to see that some traditions        $$$
           $$$     and elements like nfo's and chiptunes         $$$
           $$$     survived in the scene until today.            $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     In our opinion these traditions are one       $$$
           $$$     important part of the foundation for the      $$$
           $$$     scene spirit.                                 $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     We hope that this spirit, even though         $$$
           $$$     web 2.0 and 3.0 have taken over, can and      $$$
           $$$     will live on in the coming years              $$$
           $$$     - together with us, CRO!                      $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     Enjoy the stuff!                              $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$    ,
         . $$$                                                  _$$$,sd$
         . $$$                                 ^ººËËSSSSSSSS$$$$$$$$S¢º^
         ³ $$$    [ c h e m i c a l ]  __,,,,ÍÍÍÍsss%%%Sºººº^^^^ $$$º^
         $ $$$ y                      __,,,,ÍÍÍÍsss%%%Sºººº^^^^  $$$
        ³³ $$$ $  $³ ³    ³³³  ³   i$$$$$:    yyyyyyyy yy m-     $$$ ³  ~
      y$7³³³³³³$__$ y$$$$$$$$$$$$yy $$$$i    :$$$$$i      ,y$$$$li i: :
    $³³ yy$$$$ ³³³³ ³³$$     :$$$$i $$$$:     i$$$$$:   y$$$$       yyy m-
    $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$    _$$7³" j$$$i  y,  :$$$$$i   """"³³?$$$$ :$
    $ymy i$$S$i  :$$$$l:i$7³"    :$$$$$:  $$$i i$$$$$:          $$$l $
       $ :$$$$l  l$$$$:i$_   $$$bil$$$i   $$$$ :$$$$$i +,l$$$$, i$$$,"7$
    ~³³³" l$$$$  $$$$l $$$777³³³³  "³³77$$$7³7$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$b $
 : :i il$$$$$$$b          ,,,,ÍÍÍÍsss%%%Sºººº^^^^             m myyyyyy$
       *y* yyy,ÍÍss%%S$$$$$$SSSSSSSSsss,,__º^^^   [ n e w s ]    $$$ yyy
       ,ÀsS$$¢¢¢ººº^^^$$$$$SSSSSSSsss,,_^^^^º*                   $$$ $
    , º^^,s$S$ºº^^^^^                                            $$$ n
   ,   ,˺^$$$º^^                                                $$$ .
      ,˺^ $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     Thank you olli for coming back to us after    $$$
           $$$     this long time. It's so good to hear that     $$$
           $$$     your heart still beats for CRO.               $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     Welcome michu and Zarg0n as new musicians!    $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$    ,
           $$$                                                  _$$$,sd$
           $$$                                 ^ººËËSSSSSSSS$$$$$$$SS¢º^
           $$$    [ c h e m i c a l ]  __,,,,ÍÍÍÍsss%%%Sºººº^^^^ $$$º^
        $7³³³³³³³$                    __,,,,ÍÍÍÍsss%%%Sºººº^^^^  ³7Mmmmmmmy
        $ j$$$$i 7³³³³ ³³   ³         m yyyyyyyyy  yyyyy$$$$$$$$$yyyyyyy $'
    ³ ³³³ l$$$$:  y$$$$$$$$$$$$$yy         :$$$$$i l$$$$$  $$$l :$$$$$$:
   : :il$$$$$$$$$:$$$$$     :$$$$i l$$$$$$$$i$$$$$::$$$$$: i$$  i$$$$$l
    m yy j$$$$$   ³7$$$l   _$$7³" j$$$i     :$$$$$i $$$$$i     :$$$$$$:
       $ l$$$$l   y,_"³$$7³"     ³7$$$:      i$$$$$:i$$$$$:    i$$$$$i
       i $$$$$i   $$$$y $_    $$$ly $i       :$$$$$$y$$$$$i   :$$$$$l:
        j$$$$$:   i$$$$:$$$777³³³"" ³³³³³³³³³³$$$$$$³$$$$$$   l$$$$$$$li:
         ""³³77$$$$7³³" __,,,,ÍÍÍÍsss%%%Sºººº^^^^               myyyyyy m
         "³$yyyÍÍss%%S$$$$$$SSSSSSSSsss,,__º^^ [ m e m b e r s ] $$$
       ,ÀsS$$¢¢¢ººº^^^$$$$$SSSSSSSsss,,_^^^^º*                   $$$
    , º^^,s$S$ºº^^^^^                                            $$$
   ,   ,˺^$$$º^^                                                $$$
      ,˺^ $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$            amgits. aylien. cpn. cubon.            $$$
           $$$          dusodril. fumk.  isha. kr8vity.          $$$
           $$$            michu. mrpz. ogge. scorpi.             $$$
           $$$        spinsane. targon. thedarkness. xero.       $$$
           $$$              zargon. zemra. zorro.                $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                  _$$$,sd$
           $$$                                 ^ººËËSSSSSSSS$$$$$$$SS¢º^
           $$$                         __,,,,ÍÍÍÍsss%%%Sºººº^^^^ $$$º^
         $³³³³³³³$ [ l a s t ]        __,,,,ÍÍÍÍsss%%%Sºººº^^^^  $$$
        il $$$$i $   ,,    m yyyyyyyyy                    j$$$$i $$$
        $ j$$$$: $  $$$$        :$$$$$i    ,y$$$$li i:    l$$$$: ³³$
          $$$$$  $   "" y$$$$$$$$i$$$$$: y$$$$         l$$$$$$$$$: $
         j$$$$$  ³³³7y j$$$i     :$$$$$i """"³³?$$$$y    j$$$$$   ³$y
         $$$$$l   $y,_ 7$$$:      i$$$$$:        $$$$$   l$$$$l   y,_ ³
      y j$$$$$i   l$$$$y $i       :$$$$$$,l$$$$, i$$$$$  $$$$$i   $$$$y
     :$ $$$$$$:   i$$$$$ ³³³³³³³³³³$$$$$$7³$$$$$$$$$$$$$j$$$$$:   i$$$$
      ³y _"³³77$$$$$7³³"__,,,,ÍÍÍÍsss%%%Sºººº^^^^        ""³³³³³³³³³³³"
         "³$yy,ÍÍss%%S$$$$$$SSSSSSSSsss,,__º^^^^ [ w o r d s ]   $$$³
       ,ÀsS$$¢¢¢ººº^^^$$$$$SSSSSSSsss,,_^^^^º*                   $$$
    , º^^,s$S$ºº^^^^^                                            $$$
   ,   ,˺^$$$º^^                                                $$$
      ,˺^ $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$  o we have open positions for:                    $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$    x hirez and ascii artists, preferred with      $$$
           $$$      previous scene and team experience.          $$$
           $$$    x trackers and musicians with longer previous  $$$
           $$$      experience.                                  $$$
           $$$    x code ninjas, experienced and runtime         $$$
           $$$      optimised.                                   $$$
           $$$    x female sexslaves. young, clean and firm.     $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$        In this cold scene-world of today          $$$
           $$$        fluffy, warm greetings fly out to          $$$
           $$$        all our friends around the world!          $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$     CRO also greets the following individuals     $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$    neoman, radiators, zw3rg, j_d, l0cal, m0lo     $$$
           $$$    stalker, mckinley, dualtrax, cdmasta, bruce    $$$
           $$$    euro, mx, shane54, idiana, crome, trash        $$$
           $$$    lecter, deathrow, chrizz, slap, prozac, puss   $$$
           $$$    srew, trivial, zaner, frzn, chief, chot, red   $$$
           $$$    esher, nitrus, moonlord, eleric, orbiter       $$$
           $$$    lad, cw, linos, cona, speeddevil, r0ss         $$$
           $$$    zinger, seffren, zalza, edzes, seablue, xzip   $$$
           $$$    malmed, thec, maktone, jaevlaboeg              $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$                                                   $$$
           $$$              !ascii by basic & olli!              $$$
    _,,ÍssSSSSSSssssÀÀÀ,_    ^^ºº,           ,ºº^^    _,ÀÀÀssssSSSSSSssÍ,,_
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     ,º $'                  '                     '                  '$ º,
     '  '                                                             '  `

This NFO File was rendered by

