- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: spanish.rules.xvid.2010.eng.v2.nfo spanish.rules.xvid.2010.eng.v2

ª                                                                             ª
ª                 XViD Rules SPANISH SCENE (ENGLISH VERSION)                  ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª                          +---[ RELEASE RULES ]---+                          ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  Length of Video:                                                           ª
ª   - PAL (25 fps)                                                            ª
ª   - The length of a Release has to be of at least 50 minutes in order to    ª
ª     use the full capacity of the recording media.                           ª
ª     If the above is met the release has to be of at least 690mb and         ª
ª     no more than 702Mb (sizes between 353 and 680 will not be allowed).     ª
ª     and 1380mb and 1404mb (sizes between 703 and 1379 will not be allowed)  ª
ª     if the length excedes 100 minutes except Screeners where the size will  ª
ª      not be a Nuke reason.                                                  ª
ª   - TV-Show Rules will be discussed in a later stage                        ª
ª   - Movies larger than 700mb (EG. 1400mb) must not be divided in different  ª
ª     parts                                                                   ª
ª                                                                             ª >>
ª                                                                              ª
ª  AUDIO:                                                                     ª
ª   - MUST BE MP3 (vbr 128-192) or AC3 (AC3 transcoded is not allowed).       ª
ª   - MUST BE STEREO for Stereo sources and MONO for MONO sources             ª
ª   - MUST BE VBR! NO CBR MP3!                                                ª
ª   - The MP3 tracks must come in the original frecuency found on the DVD.    ª
ª     i.e. 48khz for 48khz and  44.1khz for 44.1khz.                          ª
ª   - MP3 files must be normalized.                                           ª
ª   - ABR is considered a VBR technique.                                      ª
ª   - AC3 MUST BE used both correctly and wisely, the ripper will decide      ª
ª     when to use it. Including AC3 or not will not be a NUKE reason          ª
ª   - MONO AC3 WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. If that is the case it should be          ª
ª     reencoded to be MP3 Mono.                                               ª
ª   - Multiple Language RLS ARE NOT Allowed! (Use INTERNAL!)                  ª
ª   - 1 cd ac3 unless the pixel frame is met.                                 ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  VIDEO:                                                                     ª
ª   - WaterMarks will not be allowed!                                         ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  Framerate:                                                                 ª
ª   - Must be as close as possible to the original rls                        ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  Codec:                                                                     ª
ª   - MUST BE XViD (DIVX will be BANNED)                                      ª
ª   - 2 passes must be used for encoding.                                     ª
ª   - NO DUPES BASED ON CODEC, USE INTERNAL!                                  ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  Resolution and Aspect Ratio:                                               ª
ª   - Width: 512 - 672 pixels for WS Movies (Letterbox is considered WS)      ª
ª            512 - 576 pixels for FS Movies (only 4:3).                       ª
ª   - Height and Width: Must be mutiples of 16.                               ª
ª   - Cropping must be as good as possible, movies with excesive crop         ª
ª     can get nuked as they dont meet the above stated.                       ª
ª     Some movies present a variable AR, in this case the crop will be done   ª
ª     over the image that has the largest ammount of pixels.                  ª
ª   - The Rls must be within a 2.5% difference from the original AR.          ª
ª     Calculating AR % error: (Release AR - Original AR)/Original AR x 100    ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  Subs:                                                                      ª
ª  -  OPTIONAL- ONLY if the above is met, unless they are forced subs which   ª
ª     will have to be included for parts with script, when speaking or signs  ª
ª     are shown in a different language.                                      ª
ª   - VOBSUB is the prefferred format as it doesnt use OCR.                   ª
ª     Otherwise any format supported by VOBSUB is also allowed (SRT)          ª
ª   - The subtitles MUST come with the video track and must not be burned     ª
ª     burned with the image. (You have to be able to show them or not),       ª
ª     this can be a NUKING reason.                                            ª
ª   - The subtitles not burned in the image must come compressed in rar formatª
ª     to the highest level of compression and will come in a folder labeled   ª
ª     'Subs'. THEY MUST NOT COME COMPRESSED WITH THE MOVIE.                   ª
ª   - If a group decides to start a show with subs and another group takes    ª
ª     over the show it will be resumed with subs. It will not be a NUKE reasonª
ª     if the group decides not release them unless they are forced.           ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  Packaging:                                                                 ª
ª   - All RLS must be in AVI, not in BIN/CUE.                                 ª
ª   - Password protected rls will be nuked                                    ª
ª   - They have to be splitted in  RAR and broken into 15/20MB files.         ª
ª   - Compression on the RLS will not be tolerated                            ª
ª   - Recovery and MD5 are recommended.                                       ª
ª   - MUST come with a SFV.                                                   ª
ª   - MUST COME WITH AN NFO.                                                  ª
ª   - NFO MUST HAVE:                                                          ª
ª       GRP NAME(optional)                                                    ª
ª       Title                                                                 ª
ª       RLS DATE(optional)                                                    ª
ª       Video Size                                                            ª
ª       Framesize/Aspect Ratio                                                ª
ª       Audio bitrate                                                         ª
ª       Video bitrate                                                         ª
ª       Lenght                                                                ª
ª       IMDB/Amazon/web sites with information of the rls                     ª
ª       Amount of RARS (i.e. 50x20MB)                                         ª
ª       Summary (optional)                                                    ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  Credits:                                                                   ª
ª   - Credits can be encoded in a diferent bitrate only if the lenght         ª
ª     excedes the ammount of CDS to use. For example 103 mintes with source   ª
ª     pal at 25 FPS.                                                          ª
ª   - Movies with scenes inside the credits cannot be downcoded               ª
ª   - Credits MUST BE INCLUDED! (except screeners)                            ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  Samples:                                                                   ª
ª   - REQUIRED!                                                               ª
ª   - 1 whole minute included in a different folder labeled 'Sample'          ª
ª     This File CANNOT be from the Beggining of the rls.                      ª
ª   - MUST BE Cut from the video and not reencoded                            ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  Propers:                                                                   ª
ª   - Propers will only be allowed if there is a technical failure during     ª
ª     coding (i.e. Bad IVTC, Interlacing, bad number of CDs, Bad Cropping...) ª
ª   - Propers based on a ripper decission will not be allowed                 ª
ª     (i.e. No. of CDs, AC3 or MP3, etc).                                     ª
ª   - Desync only allowed if the desync is +-500ms for a period of at least   ª
ª     20 seconds.                                                             ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  WS vs. FS:                                                                 ª
ª   - MOVIES FS AFTER WS ARE NOT ALLOWED                                      ª
ª   - Letterboxed DVDs are not considered FS even if the source is FS!        ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  Especial Editions:                                                         ª
ª   - Allowed: SE, DC, EXTENDED, UNCUT, REMASTERED, UNRATED,                  ª
ª   - Special Editions that do not add anything to the original rls is dupe   ª
ª   - Remastered movies are only allowed if the original rls was B&W          ª
ª   - Remastered audio is dupe if its the only reason for the new RLS         ª
ª   - Homemade Rips are not allowed (Use INTERNAL!).                          ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  Naming conventions:                                                        ª
ª   - All rls must include the year of production unless on TV when they will ª
ª     be required if its a remake.                                            ª
ª   - The ripping method is not required in the tag, video/audio Codecs...    ª
ª     Read NFO PART!                                                          ª
ª   - Allowed Tags are: PROPER, REPACK,SUBBED, DC,SE, UNCUT, EXTENDED,        ª
ª      REMASTERED.                                                            ª
ª   - Special Tags will be added between the year and the language.           ª
|   - Internal rls will have the tag "INT" after the grps name eg: grp_INT    ª
ª   - Characters accpted for directories are: (no space or semicolon allowed) ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª       ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ                                            ª
ª       abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz                                            ª
ª       0123456789 .-_                                                        ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª   - Rar RLS will be tagged in lowercase and will follow this format:        ª
ª     a= grp name                                                             ª
ª     b= rls name (max 20 chars)                                              ª
ª     eg: a-b.rar                                                             ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª   Examples:                                                                 ª
ª   XviD- Name.Movie.Year.SPANiSH.DVDRiP.XViD-Group                           ª
ª   SCR-  Name.Movie.Year.SPANiSH.DVDSCR.XViD-Group                           ª
ª         Name.Movie.Year.SPANiSH.R5.XViD-Group                               ª
ª         Name.Movie.Year.SPANiSH.SCR.XViD-Group                              ª
ª         Name.Movie.Year.SPANiSH.TS.XViD-Group                               ª
ª   TV /SERIE -                                                               ª
ª         Name.Show.SXXEXX.SPANiSH.DVDRiP.XViD-Group                          ª
ª         Name.Show.SXXEXX.SPANiSH.DSR.XViD-Group                             ª
ª         Name.Show.SXXEXX.SPANiSH.HDTV.XViD-Group                            ª
ª   XXX-  Name.Movie.Year.SPANiSH.XXX.DVDRiP.XviD-Group                       ª
ª DOCUS-  Name.Movie.Year.SPANiSH.DOC.DVDRiP.XviD-Group                       ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  TV Show Notes:                                                             ª
ª   - All Episodes must follow these rules                                    ª
ª   - All TV Releases must be within 2MB of the default size                  ª
ª   - Size based on time:                                                     ª
ª       *  Video with MP3:                                                    ª
ª         - 18:00-23:59  175MB                                                ª
ª         - 24:00-34:59  233MB                                                ª
ª         - 35:00-52:59  350MB                                                ª
ª         - 53:00-59:59  440MB                                                ª
ª         - 60:00-64:59  525MB                                                ª
ª         - 65:00-95:00  700MB                                                ª
ª  *NOTE:  60:00-64:59  525 or 700MB Decission based on rippers choice        ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª       *  Videos IN AC3 5.1:                                                 ª
ª       *  350 MB - 20 a 35 mins.                                             ª
ª       *  525 MB - 40 a 60 mins.                                             ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª   - A TV show can be adjusted to meet a set number of DVDs (4200mb)         ª
ª     only when its within the maximum and minimum requirements               ª
ª   - The Rls cannot have a size lower than 7MB/min on average with MP3 Audio ª
ª   - The group that rls the premiere of the season can keep the whole season ª
ª     if and only if the episodes are rlsd within a week of the original      ª
ª     broadcast. If this is not met, another group can release that episode   ª
ª     and take ownership of the rest of the season. If a rls is propered the  ª
ª     grp releasing the proper takes ownership of the rest of the season.     ª
ª   - When a TV show changes group it will follow the same ripping standards  ª
ª     of the first episode rlsd of that season, like subbed, res, audio...    ª
ª   - This will only apply to DVDrip rls. If a group starts releasing a TV    ª
ª     show in dvdrip it has 48 hours to finish the release. After that other  ª
ª     groups can take over the rest of the season.                            ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª                        +---[ Notes To The Rules ]----+                      ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  Notes about the Source:                                                    ª
ª   - DVD source must come from the RETAIL DVD.                               ª
ª   - Ripping from DVD-Rs downsampled are forbiden                            ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  Internals:                                                                 ª
ª   - All internals must follow the rules stated above.                       ª
ª   - NOTE: INTERNAL dirfix is not allowed to avoid a nuke.                   ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  Notes about the rip:                                                       ª
ª   - Maximum VIDEO bitrates are already taken care of based on the lenght    ª
ª   - Quant. Matrix must always be H.263/MPEG due to the lack of HW that      ª
ª     supports these Custom Matrixes.                                         ª
ª   - Quarterpel/GMC Forbiden due to the lack of HW that supports it          ª
ª   - The use of ITU-R is forbidden because it gives an AR error of 2% when   ª
ª     compared with the AR from the original DVD                              ª
ª   - Multilanguage Rls are only allowed in Internal RSL                      ª
ª     Multiple languages must be added to the AVI with a graphedit filter for ª
ª     each audio track.                                                       ª
ª   - NO intros, no previously, no sxxe00...                                  ª
ª   - Bits/(Pixel*frame) for xvid rls will never be below 0.180. if its the   ª
ª     case we will lower the resolution to increase the pixel frame.          ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª      Notes to the DVDR Rules                                                ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª  MOVIES : ONLY IN SPANISH                                                   ª
ª  TV: Spanish and English ripper decission                                   ª
ª                                                                             ª
ª      Note to the 720p and 1080p rules
ª  They will follow the INTL. Scene rules. Only releases ripped by the goups.
ª  Movies encoded by the group must not use English Video sources or audio
ª  comming from the spanish rls of the DVD.
ª  Audio must always be  DTS or AC3 and always choosing the better option
ª  For TV-720p English Video Sources are allowed
ª        Extra Info:
ª        This rules are released in english for the first time because we are
ª        tired of the crap rls from the p2p that make our good releases become
ª        dupe. These rules are a translation with small modifications of the
      set of rules we have been using actively in the spanish scene since the
      3rd of March 2008. We hope that the dupenets take a closer look to the
      p2p spanish rsl from groups like SpainScene,TED,T.E.D,Paradiso,Franco...
      from now own. FUCK p2p.
ª                This rules are signed by:
ª   PROXY - FCC - XPERT - Blaze - kRc - Eithel - EnDoR - sPHD - pmh           ª

This NFO File was rendered by

¦                                                                             ¦
¦                 XViD Rules SPANISH SCENE (ENGLISH VERSION)                  ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦                          +---[ RELEASE RULES ]---+                          ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  Length of Video:                                                           ¦
¦   - PAL (25 fps)                                                            ¦
¦   - The length of a Release has to be of at least 50 minutes in order to    ¦
¦     use the full capacity of the recording media.                           ¦
¦     If the above is met the release has to be of at least 690mb and         ¦
¦     no more than 702Mb (sizes between 353 and 680 will not be allowed).     ¦
¦     and 1380mb and 1404mb (sizes between 703 and 1379 will not be allowed)  ¦
¦     if the length excedes 100 minutes except Screeners where the size will  ¦
¦      not be a Nuke reason.                                                  ¦
¦   - TV-Show Rules will be discussed in a later stage                        ¦
¦   - Movies larger than 700mb (EG. 1400mb) must not be divided in different  ¦
¦     parts                                                                   ¦
¦                                                                             ¦ >>
¦                                                                              ¦
¦  AUDIO:                                                                     ¦
¦   - MUST BE MP3 (vbr 128-192) or AC3 (AC3 transcoded is not allowed).       ¦
¦   - MUST BE STEREO for Stereo sources and MONO for MONO sources             ¦
¦   - MUST BE VBR! NO CBR MP3!                                                ¦
¦   - The MP3 tracks must come in the original frecuency found on the DVD.    ¦
¦     i.e. 48khz for 48khz and  44.1khz for 44.1khz.                          ¦
¦   - MP3 files must be normalized.                                           ¦
¦   - ABR is considered a VBR technique.                                      ¦
¦   - AC3 MUST BE used both correctly and wisely, the ripper will decide      ¦
¦     when to use it. Including AC3 or not will not be a NUKE reason          ¦
¦   - MONO AC3 WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. If that is the case it should be          ¦
¦     reencoded to be MP3 Mono.                                               ¦
¦   - Multiple Language RLS ARE NOT Allowed! (Use INTERNAL!)                  ¦
¦   - 1 cd ac3 unless the pixel frame is met.                                 ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  VIDEO:                                                                     ¦
¦   - WaterMarks will not be allowed!                                         ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  Framerate:                                                                 ¦
¦   - Must be as close as possible to the original rls                        ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  Codec:                                                                     ¦
¦   - MUST BE XViD (DIVX will be BANNED)                                      ¦
¦   - 2 passes must be used for encoding.                                     ¦
¦   - NO DUPES BASED ON CODEC, USE INTERNAL!                                  ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  Resolution and Aspect Ratio:                                               ¦
¦   - Width: 512 - 672 pixels for WS Movies (Letterbox is considered WS)      ¦
¦            512 - 576 pixels for FS Movies (only 4:3).                       ¦
¦   - Height and Width: Must be mutiples of 16.                               ¦
¦   - Cropping must be as good as possible, movies with excesive crop         ¦
¦     can get nuked as they dont meet the above stated.                       ¦
¦     Some movies present a variable AR, in this case the crop will be done   ¦
¦     over the image that has the largest ammount of pixels.                  ¦
¦   - The Rls must be within a 2.5% difference from the original AR.          ¦
¦     Calculating AR % error: (Release AR - Original AR)/Original AR x 100    ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  Subs:                                                                      ¦
¦  -  OPTIONAL- ONLY if the above is met, unless they are forced subs which   ¦
¦     will have to be included for parts with script, when speaking or signs  ¦
¦     are shown in a different language.                                      ¦
¦   - VOBSUB is the prefferred format as it doesnt use OCR.                   ¦
¦     Otherwise any format supported by VOBSUB is also allowed (SRT)          ¦
¦   - The subtitles MUST come with the video track and must not be burned     ¦
¦     burned with the image. (You have to be able to show them or not),       ¦
¦     this can be a NUKING reason.                                            ¦
¦   - The subtitles not burned in the image must come compressed in rar format¦
¦     to the highest level of compression and will come in a folder labeled   ¦
¦     'Subs'. THEY MUST NOT COME COMPRESSED WITH THE MOVIE.                   ¦
¦   - If a group decides to start a show with subs and another group takes    ¦
¦     over the show it will be resumed with subs. It will not be a NUKE reason¦
¦     if the group decides not release them unless they are forced.           ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  Packaging:                                                                 ¦
¦   - All RLS must be in AVI, not in BIN/CUE.                                 ¦
¦   - Password protected rls will be nuked                                    ¦
¦   - They have to be splitted in  RAR and broken into 15/20MB files.         ¦
¦   - Compression on the RLS will not be tolerated                            ¦
¦   - Recovery and MD5 are recommended.                                       ¦
¦   - MUST come with a SFV.                                                   ¦
¦   - MUST COME WITH AN NFO.                                                  ¦
¦   - NFO MUST HAVE:                                                          ¦
¦       GRP NAME(optional)                                                    ¦
¦       Title                                                                 ¦
¦       RLS DATE(optional)                                                    ¦
¦       Video Size                                                            ¦
¦       Framesize/Aspect Ratio                                                ¦
¦       Audio bitrate                                                         ¦
¦       Video bitrate                                                         ¦
¦       Lenght                                                                ¦
¦       IMDB/Amazon/web sites with information of the rls                     ¦
¦       Amount of RARS (i.e. 50x20MB)                                         ¦
¦       Summary (optional)                                                    ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  Credits:                                                                   ¦
¦   - Credits can be encoded in a diferent bitrate only if the lenght         ¦
¦     excedes the ammount of CDS to use. For example 103 mintes with source   ¦
¦     pal at 25 FPS.                                                          ¦
¦   - Movies with scenes inside the credits cannot be downcoded               ¦
¦   - Credits MUST BE INCLUDED! (except screeners)                            ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  Samples:                                                                   ¦
¦   - REQUIRED!                                                               ¦
¦   - 1 whole minute included in a different folder labeled 'Sample'          ¦
¦     This File CANNOT be from the Beggining of the rls.                      ¦
¦   - MUST BE Cut from the video and not reencoded                            ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  Propers:                                                                   ¦
¦   - Propers will only be allowed if there is a technical failure during     ¦
¦     coding (i.e. Bad IVTC, Interlacing, bad number of CDs, Bad Cropping...) ¦
¦   - Propers based on a ripper decission will not be allowed                 ¦
¦     (i.e. No. of CDs, AC3 or MP3, etc).                                     ¦
¦   - Desync only allowed if the desync is +-500ms for a period of at least   ¦
¦     20 seconds.                                                             ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  WS vs. FS:                                                                 ¦
¦   - MOVIES FS AFTER WS ARE NOT ALLOWED                                      ¦
¦   - Letterboxed DVDs are not considered FS even if the source is FS!        ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  Especial Editions:                                                         ¦
¦   - Allowed: SE, DC, EXTENDED, UNCUT, REMASTERED, UNRATED,                  ¦
¦   - Special Editions that do not add anything to the original rls is dupe   ¦
¦   - Remastered movies are only allowed if the original rls was B&W          ¦
¦   - Remastered audio is dupe if its the only reason for the new RLS         ¦
¦   - Homemade Rips are not allowed (Use INTERNAL!).                          ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  Naming conventions:                                                        ¦
¦   - All rls must include the year of production unless on TV when they will ¦
¦     be required if its a remake.                                            ¦
¦   - The ripping method is not required in the tag, video/audio Codecs...    ¦
¦     Read NFO PART!                                                          ¦
¦   - Allowed Tags are: PROPER, REPACK,SUBBED, DC,SE, UNCUT, EXTENDED,        ¦
¦      REMASTERED.                                                            ¦
¦   - Special Tags will be added between the year and the language.           ¦
|   - Internal rls will have the tag "INT" after the grps name eg: grp_INT    ¦
¦   - Characters accpted for directories are: (no space or semicolon allowed) ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦       ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ                                            ¦
¦       abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz                                            ¦
¦       0123456789 .-_                                                        ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦   - Rar RLS will be tagged in lowercase and will follow this format:        ¦
¦     a= grp name                                                             ¦
¦     b= rls name (max 20 chars)                                              ¦
¦     eg: a-b.rar                                                             ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦   Examples:                                                                 ¦
¦   XviD- Name.Movie.Year.SPANiSH.DVDRiP.XViD-Group                           ¦
¦   SCR-  Name.Movie.Year.SPANiSH.DVDSCR.XViD-Group                           ¦
¦         Name.Movie.Year.SPANiSH.R5.XViD-Group                               ¦
¦         Name.Movie.Year.SPANiSH.SCR.XViD-Group                              ¦
¦         Name.Movie.Year.SPANiSH.TS.XViD-Group                               ¦
¦   TV /SERIE -                                                               ¦
¦         Name.Show.SXXEXX.SPANiSH.DVDRiP.XViD-Group                          ¦
¦         Name.Show.SXXEXX.SPANiSH.DSR.XViD-Group                             ¦
¦         Name.Show.SXXEXX.SPANiSH.HDTV.XViD-Group                            ¦
¦   XXX-  Name.Movie.Year.SPANiSH.XXX.DVDRiP.XviD-Group                       ¦
¦ DOCUS-  Name.Movie.Year.SPANiSH.DOC.DVDRiP.XviD-Group                       ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  TV Show Notes:                                                             ¦
¦   - All Episodes must follow these rules                                    ¦
¦   - All TV Releases must be within 2MB of the default size                  ¦
¦   - Size based on time:                                                     ¦
¦       *  Video with MP3:                                                    ¦
¦         - 18:00-23:59  175MB                                                ¦
¦         - 24:00-34:59  233MB                                                ¦
¦         - 35:00-52:59  350MB                                                ¦
¦         - 53:00-59:59  440MB                                                ¦
¦         - 60:00-64:59  525MB                                                ¦
¦         - 65:00-95:00  700MB                                                ¦
¦  *NOTE:  60:00-64:59  525 or 700MB Decission based on rippers choice        ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦       *  Videos IN AC3 5.1:                                                 ¦
¦       *  350 MB - 20 a 35 mins.                                             ¦
¦       *  525 MB - 40 a 60 mins.                                             ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦   - A TV show can be adjusted to meet a set number of DVDs (4200mb)         ¦
¦     only when its within the maximum and minimum requirements               ¦
¦   - The Rls cannot have a size lower than 7MB/min on average with MP3 Audio ¦
¦   - The group that rls the premiere of the season can keep the whole season ¦
¦     if and only if the episodes are rlsd within a week of the original      ¦
¦     broadcast. If this is not met, another group can release that episode   ¦
¦     and take ownership of the rest of the season. If a rls is propered the  ¦
¦     grp releasing the proper takes ownership of the rest of the season.     ¦
¦   - When a TV show changes group it will follow the same ripping standards  ¦
¦     of the first episode rlsd of that season, like subbed, res, audio...    ¦
¦   - This will only apply to DVDrip rls. If a group starts releasing a TV    ¦
¦     show in dvdrip it has 48 hours to finish the release. After that other  ¦
¦     groups can take over the rest of the season.                            ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦                        +---[ Notes To The Rules ]----+                      ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  Notes about the Source:                                                    ¦
¦   - DVD source must come from the RETAIL DVD.                               ¦
¦   - Ripping from DVD-Rs downsampled are forbiden                            ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  Internals:                                                                 ¦
¦   - All internals must follow the rules stated above.                       ¦
¦   - NOTE: INTERNAL dirfix is not allowed to avoid a nuke.                   ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  Notes about the rip:                                                       ¦
¦   - Maximum VIDEO bitrates are already taken care of based on the lenght    ¦
¦   - Quant. Matrix must always be H.263/MPEG due to the lack of HW that      ¦
¦     supports these Custom Matrixes.                                         ¦
¦   - Quarterpel/GMC Forbiden due to the lack of HW that supports it          ¦
¦   - The use of ITU-R is forbidden because it gives an AR error of 2% when   ¦
¦     compared with the AR from the original DVD                              ¦
¦   - Multilanguage Rls are only allowed in Internal RSL                      ¦
¦     Multiple languages must be added to the AVI with a graphedit filter for ¦
¦     each audio track.                                                       ¦
¦   - NO intros, no previously, no sxxe00...                                  ¦
¦   - Bits/(Pixel*frame) for xvid rls will never be below 0.180. if its the   ¦
¦     case we will lower the resolution to increase the pixel frame.          ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦      Notes to the DVDR Rules                                                ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦  MOVIES : ONLY IN SPANISH                                                   ¦
¦  TV: Spanish and English ripper decission                                   ¦
¦                                                                             ¦
¦      Note to the 720p and 1080p rules
¦  They will follow the INTL. Scene rules. Only releases ripped by the goups.
¦  Movies encoded by the group must not use English Video sources or audio
¦  comming from the spanish rls of the DVD.
¦  Audio must always be  DTS or AC3 and always choosing the better option
¦  For TV-720p English Video Sources are allowed
¦        Extra Info:
¦        This rules are released in english for the first time because we are
¦        tired of the crap rls from the p2p that make our good releases become
¦        dupe. These rules are a translation with small modifications of the
      set of rules we have been using actively in the spanish scene since the
      3rd of March 2008. We hope that the dupenets take a closer look to the
      p2p spanish rsl from groups like SpainScene,TED,T.E.D,Paradiso,Franco...
      from now own. FUCK p2p.
¦                This rules are signed by:
¦   PROXY - FCC - XPERT - Blaze - kRc - Eithel - EnDoR - sPHD - pmh           ¦

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