- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-pan_sonic-gravitoni-_blast_first_petite_-web-2010.nfo 00-pan_sonic-gravitoni-_blast_first_petite_-web-2010

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                     /_____/ ╗ Help STOP THE ABUSE! ½  |
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  __\//\_ _ ___ ____ __.-------------------------------.__ ____ ___ _ _/\\/__
._) \/  ((_))_((___//__| BOSS MP3 IS PROUD TO PRESENT: |__\\___))_((_))  \/ (_.
| \_  /\/              + ----------------------------- +              \/\  _/ |
|  X_/                                                                   \_X  |
|   |  Artist   : Pan Sonic                                               |   |
|   |  Album    : Gravitoni                                               |   |
|   |  Label    : Blast First Petite                  Source : WEB MP3    |   |
|   |  Cat. No. : PTYT045                             Size   : 120.40 MB  |   |
|   |  Genre    : Electronic                          StrDate: 2010-00-00 |   |
|   |  Quality  : 320kbps/44.1khz/Joint Stereo        RipDate: 2010-06-02 |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   ª            ª   |
:   )\                                                                   /(   :
╖_ /  \/\ _ ___ ____ ___ ___.----------------------.__ ___ ____ ___ _ /\/  \ _╖
(_))    ((_))_((___//__//___| RELEASE INFORMATION: |__\\__\\___))_((_))    ((_)
.  \  /\/                   + -------------------- +                  \/\  /  .
:   )/                                                                   \(   :
ª   »                                                                     »   ª
|   |  Calling time on one of the most important electronic acts in       |   |
|   |  existence, Pan Sonic bow out with their immense final album,       |   |
|   |  'Gravitoni'. It's a typical feat of overwhelming sonic             |   |
|   |  physicality from a duo who've owned the rights to the 'Power       |   |
|   |  Electronics' tag ever since 1994 and the release of the            |   |
|   |  'Panasonic EP'. Working together, Ilpo VΣisΣnen and Mika Vainio    |   |
|   |  opened the blackest vortex to a world of unadulterated             |   |
|   |  electronics wrested from homemade and circuit bent hardware,       |   |
|   |  creating an uncompromising vision of techno concrete that built    |   |
|   |  monolithic structures in the shadow of their predecessors          |   |
|   |  Einstⁿrzende Neubauten, Throbbing Gristle and Pierre Henry.        |   |
|   |  'Gravitoni' feels like they've abandoned all hope, taunting an     |   |
|   |  oncoming apocalypse with two fingers clutching an exposed 1/2"     |   |
|   |  jack lead and a granite glazed look that tundra wolves wouldn't    |   |
|   |  f*ck with. Whereas previous album 'Katodivaihe' offered some       |   |
|   |  respite with Hildur Gudnadottir's arcing bows, here it's just two  |   |
|   |  Finnish blokes with an arsenal of brutal beats and lucid tones.    |   |
|   |  From the outset of 'Voltos Bolt' introductions are dispensed with  |   |
|   |  in order to get down to business, a landslide of skull crushing    |   |
|   |  bass hits and molten silicon slurry to encase your cochlea. Next   |   |
|   |  'Wanyugo' perhaps suggests they've spent time in Northern          |   |
|   |  England, picking up the lingo and developing a bellicose attitude  |   |
|   |  to match, swaggering with the darkest synthlines around and        |   |
|   |  bristling with kinetic potential. Meanwhile, a false start in      |   |
|   |  'Corona' trips into a murderous noise and 200bpm gabber assault    |   |
|   |  executed with such intent that you could even imagine them having  |   |
|   |  a wry smirk to each other in the studio. With 'Radio               |   |
|   |  Qurghonteppa' fear not, your speakers aren't about to cave in,     |   |
|   |  they've simply managed to create a bass frequency that makes it    |   |
|   |  sound like your cabs are coming apart from the cone. That's all.   |   |
|   |  In 'Trepanation' they bust out the rusty iron and set about doing  |   |
|   |  a Varg Vikernes on your life, sucking up elemental black metal     |   |
|   |  power and stripping away all the camp sh*t, leaving a bloodied     |   |
|   |  pile of still fizzing Euronymous at their feet, scalp (skull tip   |   |
|   |  attached) in hand, still not smiling. The final section of the     |   |
|   |  album presents three sublime visions of tonal darkness, from the   |   |
|   |  pitch black electro-acoustic spaces of 'VΣinΣm÷inen Dreams' to     |   |
|   |  the deliberate passage of 'Hades' where we mix our myths and Thor  |   |
|   |  drops Atomic subbass bombs outside the gates while a choir of      |   |
|   |  droning Gregorian sirens lure us inside. Then, we're treated to    |   |
|   |  an extreme panning recital on 'Twinaskew' before finally being     |   |
|   |  delivered at the death disco with the most astonishing moment on   |   |
|   |  the album - 'Pan Finale', stretching a classic 1980 Cure tape      |   |
|   |  loop to Zombiefied Paisley-concrete drum patterns and shuddering   |   |
|   |  in the presence of an almighty buzzsawn synewave. Thankfully,      |   |
|   |  we're quite certain we'll hear new material from both instigators  |   |
|   |  in the future, but from now on we're just gonna have to dig out    |   |
|   |  all our old Pan Sonic records and have a crywank with the X-Bass   |   |
|   |  boost function turned on till kingdom come. Amazing music.         |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  Tracklisting:                                                      |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  01. Voltos Bolt                                             3:41   |   |
|   |  02. Wanyugo                                                 3:40   |   |
|   |  03. Fermi                                                   5:32   |   |
|   |  04. Corona                                                  4:34   |   |
|   |  05. Radio Qurghonteppa                                      4:22   |   |
|   |  06. Trepanointi/Trepanation                                 5:21   |   |
|   |  07. Vainamoisen uni/Vainamoinen Dreams                      7:10   |   |
|   |  08. Suuntaa-Antava/Indicational                             2:49   |   |
|   |  09. Hades                                                   5:39   |   |
|   |  10. Kaksoisvinokas/Twinaskew                                3:16   |   |
|   |  11. Pan finale                                              6:15   |   |
|   |                                              -----                  |   |
|   |                                              52:19                  |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
ª   _                                                   Total: 00:52:19   _   ª
:   )\                                                                   /(   :
╖_ /  \/\ _ ___ ____ ___ ____.--------------------.___ ___ ____ ___ _ /\/  \ _╖
(_))    ((_))_((___//__//____| GROUP INFORMATION: |___\\__\\___))_((_))    ((_)
.  \  /\/                    + ------------------ +                   \/\  /  .
:   )/                                                                   \(   :
ª   »                                                                     »   ª
|   ª  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens  ª   |
|   ª  can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."  ª   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |                     LAST UPDATED ON 2010/05/26                      |   |
|  X»\                                                                   /»X  |
|_/»  \/\ _ ___ ____ ___ _____.------------------.____ ___ ____ ___ _ /\/  »\_|
╖ )_/\  ((_))_((___//__//_____| NFO DONE BY cRu! |____\\__\\___))_((_))  /\_( ╖
    /\\/»                     + ---------------- +                    »\/

This NFO File was rendered by

                         _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____
                       ._\   ((_))   //_\\   ((_))   /_.
                       | _\                         /_ |
                      ______                           |
                     /_____/ » Help STOP THE ABUSE! «  |
                   /  ___/__ __/\ ______ __/\ ______ __/\ ______
                  /   \_    \_   \\_    \_   \\_    \_   \\_    \_
                 /     /     /    ¯/   __/    ¯/_____/    ¯/_____/
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                       .      cRu\  /        \  /      . \  /
                       |          \/          \/       |  \/
    __                 |                               |                 __
  __\//\_ _ ___ ____ __.-------------------------------.__ ____ ___ _ _/\\/__
._) \/  ((_))_((___//__| BOSS MP3 IS PROUD TO PRESENT: |__\\___))_((_))  \/ (_.
| \_  /\/              + ----------------------------- +              \/\  _/ |
|  X_/                                                                   \_X  |
|   |  Artist   : Pan Sonic                                               |   |
|   |  Album    : Gravitoni                                               |   |
|   |  Label    : Blast First Petite                  Source : WEB MP3    |   |
|   |  Cat. No. : PTYT045                             Size   : 120.40 MB  |   |
|   |  Genre    : Electronic                          StrDate: 2010-00-00 |   |
|   |  Quality  : 320kbps/44.1khz/Joint Stereo        RipDate: 2010-06-02 |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   ¦            ¦   |
:   )\                                                                   /(   :
·_ /  \/\ _ ___ ____ ___ ___.----------------------.__ ___ ____ ___ _ /\/  \ _·
(_))    ((_))_((___//__//___| RELEASE INFORMATION: |__\\__\\___))_((_))    ((_)
.  \  /\/                   + -------------------- +                  \/\  /  .
:   )/                                                                   \(   :
¦   ¯                                                                     ¯   ¦
|   |  Calling time on one of the most important electronic acts in       |   |
|   |  existence, Pan Sonic bow out with their immense final album,       |   |
|   |  'Gravitoni'. It's a typical feat of overwhelming sonic             |   |
|   |  physicality from a duo who've owned the rights to the 'Power       |   |
|   |  Electronics' tag ever since 1994 and the release of the            |   |
|   |  'Panasonic EP'. Working together, Ilpo Väisänen and Mika Vainio    |   |
|   |  opened the blackest vortex to a world of unadulterated             |   |
|   |  electronics wrested from homemade and circuit bent hardware,       |   |
|   |  creating an uncompromising vision of techno concrete that built    |   |
|   |  monolithic structures in the shadow of their predecessors          |   |
|   |  Einstürzende Neubauten, Throbbing Gristle and Pierre Henry.        |   |
|   |  'Gravitoni' feels like they've abandoned all hope, taunting an     |   |
|   |  oncoming apocalypse with two fingers clutching an exposed 1/2"     |   |
|   |  jack lead and a granite glazed look that tundra wolves wouldn't    |   |
|   |  f*ck with. Whereas previous album 'Katodivaihe' offered some       |   |
|   |  respite with Hildur Gudnadottir's arcing bows, here it's just two  |   |
|   |  Finnish blokes with an arsenal of brutal beats and lucid tones.    |   |
|   |  From the outset of 'Voltos Bolt' introductions are dispensed with  |   |
|   |  in order to get down to business, a landslide of skull crushing    |   |
|   |  bass hits and molten silicon slurry to encase your cochlea. Next   |   |
|   |  'Wanyugo' perhaps suggests they've spent time in Northern          |   |
|   |  England, picking up the lingo and developing a bellicose attitude  |   |
|   |  to match, swaggering with the darkest synthlines around and        |   |
|   |  bristling with kinetic potential. Meanwhile, a false start in      |   |
|   |  'Corona' trips into a murderous noise and 200bpm gabber assault    |   |
|   |  executed with such intent that you could even imagine them having  |   |
|   |  a wry smirk to each other in the studio. With 'Radio               |   |
|   |  Qurghonteppa' fear not, your speakers aren't about to cave in,     |   |
|   |  they've simply managed to create a bass frequency that makes it    |   |
|   |  sound like your cabs are coming apart from the cone. That's all.   |   |
|   |  In 'Trepanation' they bust out the rusty iron and set about doing  |   |
|   |  a Varg Vikernes on your life, sucking up elemental black metal     |   |
|   |  power and stripping away all the camp sh*t, leaving a bloodied     |   |
|   |  pile of still fizzing Euronymous at their feet, scalp (skull tip   |   |
|   |  attached) in hand, still not smiling. The final section of the     |   |
|   |  album presents three sublime visions of tonal darkness, from the   |   |
|   |  pitch black electro-acoustic spaces of 'Väinämöinen Dreams' to     |   |
|   |  the deliberate passage of 'Hades' where we mix our myths and Thor  |   |
|   |  drops Atomic subbass bombs outside the gates while a choir of      |   |
|   |  droning Gregorian sirens lure us inside. Then, we're treated to    |   |
|   |  an extreme panning recital on 'Twinaskew' before finally being     |   |
|   |  delivered at the death disco with the most astonishing moment on   |   |
|   |  the album - 'Pan Finale', stretching a classic 1980 Cure tape      |   |
|   |  loop to Zombiefied Paisley-concrete drum patterns and shuddering   |   |
|   |  in the presence of an almighty buzzsawn synewave. Thankfully,      |   |
|   |  we're quite certain we'll hear new material from both instigators  |   |
|   |  in the future, but from now on we're just gonna have to dig out    |   |
|   |  all our old Pan Sonic records and have a crywank with the X-Bass   |   |
|   |  boost function turned on till kingdom come. Amazing music.         |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  Tracklisting:                                                      |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  01. Voltos Bolt                                             3:41   |   |
|   |  02. Wanyugo                                                 3:40   |   |
|   |  03. Fermi                                                   5:32   |   |
|   |  04. Corona                                                  4:34   |   |
|   |  05. Radio Qurghonteppa                                      4:22   |   |
|   |  06. Trepanointi/Trepanation                                 5:21   |   |
|   |  07. Vainamoisen uni/Vainamoinen Dreams                      7:10   |   |
|   |  08. Suuntaa-Antava/Indicational                             2:49   |   |
|   |  09. Hades                                                   5:39   |   |
|   |  10. Kaksoisvinokas/Twinaskew                                3:16   |   |
|   |  11. Pan finale                                              6:15   |   |
|   |                                              -----                  |   |
|   |                                              52:19                  |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
¦   _                                                   Total: 00:52:19   _   ¦
:   )\                                                                   /(   :
·_ /  \/\ _ ___ ____ ___ ____.--------------------.___ ___ ____ ___ _ /\/  \ _·
(_))    ((_))_((___//__//____| GROUP INFORMATION: |___\\__\\___))_((_))    ((_)
.  \  /\/                    + ------------------ +                   \/\  /  .
:   )/                                                                   \(   :
¦   ¯                                                                     ¯   ¦
|   ¦  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens  ¦   |
|   ¦  can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."  ¦   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |                     LAST UPDATED ON 2010/05/26                      |   |
|  X¯\                                                                   /¯X  |
|_/¯  \/\ _ ___ ____ ___ _____.------------------.____ ___ ____ ___ _ /\/  ¯\_|
· )_/\  ((_))_((___//__//_____| NFO DONE BY cRu! |____\\__\\___))_((_))  /\_( ·
    /\\/¯                     + ---------------- +                    ¯\/

This NFO File was rendered by

