- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-va-far_out_futebol_brasil-_far_out_recordings_-web-2010.nfo 00-va-far_out_futebol_brasil-_far_out_recordings_-web-2010

                         _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____
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                     /_____/ ╗ Help STOP THE ABUSE! ½  |
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    __                 |                               |                 __
  __\//\_ _ ___ ____ __.-------------------------------.__ ____ ___ _ _/\\/__
._) \/  ((_))_((___//__| BOSS MP3 IS PROUD TO PRESENT: |__\\___))_((_))  \/ (_.
| \_  /\/              + ----------------------------- +              \/\  _/ |
|  X_/                                                                   \_X  |
|   |  Artist   : VA                                                      |   |
|   |  Album    : Far Out Futebol Brasil                                  |   |
|   |  Label    : Far Out Recordings                 Source : WEB MP3     |   |
|   |  Cat. No. : FARODIGI40                         Size   : 175.45 MB   |   |
|   ª  Genre    : Latin                              StrDate: 2010-00-00  ª   |
ª   _  Quality  : 320kbps/44.1khz/Joint Stereo       RipDate: 2010-06-14  _   ª
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   ª  http://bleep. >>
om/index.php?page=release_details&releaseid=25083    ª   |
:   )\ >>
/(   :
╖_ /  \/\ _ ___ ____ ___ ___.----------------------.__ ___ ____ ___ _ /\/  \ _╖
(_)) >>
((_))_((___//__//___| RELEASE INFORMATION: |__\\__\\___))_((_))    ((_)
.  \  /\/                   + >>
-------------------- +                  \/\  /  .
:   )/ >>
\(   :
ª   »                                                                     »   ª
|   |  World Cup 2010 is almost here and Far Out Recordings continue      |   |
|   |  their love affair with Football releasing the digital exclusive    |   |
|   |  Futebol Brasil compilation to celebrate the world?s biggest        |   |
|   |  sporting event. Compiling songs from Far Out?s extensive football  |   |
|   |  and football inspired albums this is an explosive and joyous ode   |   |
|   |  to the beautiful game.                                             |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  Futebol Brasil evokes the passion and madness that any football    |   |
|   |  fan has for the game with classic Brazilian football songs         |   |
|   |  including the theme tune for the Brazilian equivalent of ?Match    |   |
|   |  of the Day? ? ?Na Cadencia do Samba?.                              |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  Combining the most slamming tracks from three previous Grupo       |   |
|   |  Batuque CDs ?Samba De Futebol?, ?Rhythmix Reluque? and ?Ole Ola?   |   |
|   |  alongside quirky and infectious music from the Original            |   |
|   |  Soundtrack to the biopic of maverick Brazilian football genius     |   |
|   |  Garrincha, Brazilian music legends Azymuth and Arthur Verocai,     |   |
|   |  and Rio?s original nu bossa star Sabrina Malheiros to create a     |   |
|   |  record of non-stop football fun.                                   |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  ?Futebol Brasil? will satisfy fans of football and Brazilian,      |   |
|   |  World music who will be looking for that authentic soundtrack to   |   |
|   |  this summer's World Cup. The celebratory vibe is full-on           |   |
|   |  batucadas, funky swinging sambas, traditional football songs plus  |   |
|   |  slamming electronic remixes from Spiritual South, Fauna Flash,     |   |
|   |  Zero dB, Domu, and Spiritual South which all capture the spirit    |   |
|   |  of Brazilian football.                                             |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  To complete the experience and capture the excitement of the       |   |
|   |  stadium, live recordings from inside Rio De Janerio?s Maracana     |   |
|   |  Stadium and Sao Paulo?s Morumbi stadium are included, mixed in     |   |
|   |  with snatches of classic radio commentary.                         |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  Whichever team you support this album is the only soundtrack you   |   |
|   |  need for this summer?s World Cup in South Africa!                  |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  Tracklisting:                                                      |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  01. Grupo Batuque - Umbabaraumba                            5:05   |   |
|   |  02. Sabrina Malheiros - Connexao                            5:42   |   |
|   |  03. Grupo Batuque - Brasileiros e Ingleses                  6:23   |   |
|   |  04. Grupo Batuque - Na Cadencia Do Samba                    2:57   |   |
|   |  05. Azymuth - Roda Piao (Spiritual South remix)             6:06   |   |
|   |  06. Grupo Batuque - Ole Ola (Fauna Flash Remix)             6:45   |   |
|   |  07. Grupo Batuque - E Ruim (ZeroDb Remix)                   8:06   |   |
|   |  08. Grupo Batuque - Do Anything (Jaime Anderson Remix)      6:56   |   |
|   |  09. Leo Gandelman - Abertura                                3:17   |   |
|   |  10. Grupo Batuque - Na Batida do Agogo                      8:24   |   |
|   |  11. Azymuth - Carambola                                     7:20   |   |
|   |  12. Grupo Batuque - Torcida do Flamengo                     3:55   |   |
|   |  13. Arthur Verocai - Tudo de Bom (Tudo De Domu Remix)       3:08   |   |
|   |  14. Leo Gandelman - Dops                                    1:59   |   |
|   |                                              -----                  |   |
|   |                                              76:03                  |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
ª   _                                                   Total: 01:16:03   _   ª
:   )\                                                                   /(   :
╖_ /  \/\ _ ___ ____ ___ ____.--------------------.___ ___ ____ ___ _ /\/  \ _╖
(_))    ((_))_((___//__//____| GROUP INFORMATION: |___\\__\\___))_((_))    ((_)
.  \  /\/                    + ------------------ +                   \/\  /  .
:   )/                                                                   \(   :
ª   »                                                                     »   ª
|   ª  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens  ª   |
|   ª  can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."  ª   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |                     LAST UPDATED ON 2005/06/01                      |   |
|  X»\                                                                   /»X  |
|_/»  \/\ _ ___ ____ ___ _____.------------------.____ ___ ____ ___ _ /\/  »\_|
╖ )_/\  ((_))_((___//__//_____| NFO DONE BY cRu! |____\\__\\___))_((_))  /\_( ╖
    /\\/»                     + ---------------- +                    »\/

This NFO File was rendered by

                         _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____
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                       | _\                         /_ |
                      ______                           |
                     /_____/ » Help STOP THE ABUSE! «  |
                   /  ___/__ __/\ ______ __/\ ______ __/\ ______
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                       .      cRu\  /        \  /      . \  /
                       |          \/          \/       |  \/
    __                 |                               |                 __
  __\//\_ _ ___ ____ __.-------------------------------.__ ____ ___ _ _/\\/__
._) \/  ((_))_((___//__| BOSS MP3 IS PROUD TO PRESENT: |__\\___))_((_))  \/ (_.
| \_  /\/              + ----------------------------- +              \/\  _/ |
|  X_/                                                                   \_X  |
|   |  Artist   : VA                                                      |   |
|   |  Album    : Far Out Futebol Brasil                                  |   |
|   |  Label    : Far Out Recordings                 Source : WEB MP3     |   |
|   |  Cat. No. : FARODIGI40                         Size   : 175.45 MB   |   |
|   ¦  Genre    : Latin                              StrDate: 2010-00-00  ¦   |
¦   _  Quality  : 320kbps/44.1khz/Joint Stereo       RipDate: 2010-06-14  _   ¦
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   ¦  http://bleep. >>
om/index.php?page=release_details&releaseid=25083    ¦   |
:   )\ >>
/(   :
·_ /  \/\ _ ___ ____ ___ ___.----------------------.__ ___ ____ ___ _ /\/  \ _·
(_)) >>
((_))_((___//__//___| RELEASE INFORMATION: |__\\__\\___))_((_))    ((_)
.  \  /\/                   + >>
-------------------- +                  \/\  /  .
:   )/ >>
\(   :
¦   ¯                                                                     ¯   ¦
|   |  World Cup 2010 is almost here and Far Out Recordings continue      |   |
|   |  their love affair with Football releasing the digital exclusive    |   |
|   |  Futebol Brasil compilation to celebrate the world?s biggest        |   |
|   |  sporting event. Compiling songs from Far Out?s extensive football  |   |
|   |  and football inspired albums this is an explosive and joyous ode   |   |
|   |  to the beautiful game.                                             |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  Futebol Brasil evokes the passion and madness that any football    |   |
|   |  fan has for the game with classic Brazilian football songs         |   |
|   |  including the theme tune for the Brazilian equivalent of ?Match    |   |
|   |  of the Day? ? ?Na Cadencia do Samba?.                              |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  Combining the most slamming tracks from three previous Grupo       |   |
|   |  Batuque CDs ?Samba De Futebol?, ?Rhythmix Reluque? and ?Ole Ola?   |   |
|   |  alongside quirky and infectious music from the Original            |   |
|   |  Soundtrack to the biopic of maverick Brazilian football genius     |   |
|   |  Garrincha, Brazilian music legends Azymuth and Arthur Verocai,     |   |
|   |  and Rio?s original nu bossa star Sabrina Malheiros to create a     |   |
|   |  record of non-stop football fun.                                   |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  ?Futebol Brasil? will satisfy fans of football and Brazilian,      |   |
|   |  World music who will be looking for that authentic soundtrack to   |   |
|   |  this summer's World Cup. The celebratory vibe is full-on           |   |
|   |  batucadas, funky swinging sambas, traditional football songs plus  |   |
|   |  slamming electronic remixes from Spiritual South, Fauna Flash,     |   |
|   |  Zero dB, Domu, and Spiritual South which all capture the spirit    |   |
|   |  of Brazilian football.                                             |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  To complete the experience and capture the excitement of the       |   |
|   |  stadium, live recordings from inside Rio De Janerio?s Maracana     |   |
|   |  Stadium and Sao Paulo?s Morumbi stadium are included, mixed in     |   |
|   |  with snatches of classic radio commentary.                         |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  Whichever team you support this album is the only soundtrack you   |   |
|   |  need for this summer?s World Cup in South Africa!                  |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  Tracklisting:                                                      |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |  01. Grupo Batuque - Umbabaraumba                            5:05   |   |
|   |  02. Sabrina Malheiros - Connexao                            5:42   |   |
|   |  03. Grupo Batuque - Brasileiros e Ingleses                  6:23   |   |
|   |  04. Grupo Batuque - Na Cadencia Do Samba                    2:57   |   |
|   |  05. Azymuth - Roda Piao (Spiritual South remix)             6:06   |   |
|   |  06. Grupo Batuque - Ole Ola (Fauna Flash Remix)             6:45   |   |
|   |  07. Grupo Batuque - E Ruim (ZeroDb Remix)                   8:06   |   |
|   |  08. Grupo Batuque - Do Anything (Jaime Anderson Remix)      6:56   |   |
|   |  09. Leo Gandelman - Abertura                                3:17   |   |
|   |  10. Grupo Batuque - Na Batida do Agogo                      8:24   |   |
|   |  11. Azymuth - Carambola                                     7:20   |   |
|   |  12. Grupo Batuque - Torcida do Flamengo                     3:55   |   |
|   |  13. Arthur Verocai - Tudo de Bom (Tudo De Domu Remix)       3:08   |   |
|   |  14. Leo Gandelman - Dops                                    1:59   |   |
|   |                                              -----                  |   |
|   |                                              76:03                  |   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
¦   _                                                   Total: 01:16:03   _   ¦
:   )\                                                                   /(   :
·_ /  \/\ _ ___ ____ ___ ____.--------------------.___ ___ ____ ___ _ /\/  \ _·
(_))    ((_))_((___//__//____| GROUP INFORMATION: |___\\__\\___))_((_))    ((_)
.  \  /\/                    + ------------------ +                   \/\  /  .
:   )/                                                                   \(   :
¦   ¯                                                                     ¯   ¦
|   ¦  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens  ¦   |
|   ¦  can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."  ¦   |
|   |                                                                     |   |
|   |                     LAST UPDATED ON 2005/06/01                      |   |
|  X¯\                                                                   /¯X  |
|_/¯  \/\ _ ___ ____ ___ _____.------------------.____ ___ ____ ___ _ /\/  ¯\_|
· )_/\  ((_))_((___//__//_____| NFO DONE BY cRu! |____\\__\\___))_((_))  /\_( ·
    /\\/¯                     + ---------------- +                    ¯\/

This NFO File was rendered by

