- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-va--the_holy_grail_of_italo__mst012_-2009-dl.nfo 00-va--the_holy_grail_of_italo__mst012_-2009-dl

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                    : '::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::' |            .
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       \______/   /______/         \    \\ \__/    ___/   /   /_____/
             \____\       Disc0LjUS \______/ \____/  \_______/
                    |                                     |
                    | * purchased > process3d > enc0ded   |
                    |              released               |

      >               VA - The Holy Grail Of Italo (MST012)              <
           |                                                        |
           |                                                      + |
           | [#] _________ ______ _ _ ______|MEDIUM.NFORMATION|.  . |
           |                                                        |
           | [>] source....... CDDA    > Album               . ...: |
           | [>] effect....... Disco                             :: |
           | [>] style........ ITALO!!!                          .: |
           |                                                     :: |
           | [>] label........ Moustache Records                 :: |
           | [>] MST 012                            : |
           | [>] year......... 2009                               . |
           | [+] Dec.00.2009                          |
           | [+] Jun.19.2010                          |
           |                                                        |
           | [#] _ _ _ _______ ____________________|TIME&SPACE|.    |
           |                                                        |
           | [>] drug.plateu.. 79:52 min                            |
           | [>] drug.solution 116,9 mb per ml                      |
           | [>] bulk.size.... 01 injections                        |
           |                                                        |
           |                                                        |
           | [#] ___________________ __ ____ _|QUALITY.CONTROL|.    |
           |                                                        |
           | [╗] encoder...... LAME 3.97 V2 --Vbr-New -V 2*         |
           | [╗] quality...... VBR/44,1kHz/Joint-Stereo  or         |
           |                                                        |
           |     * Internals@320Kbit CBR, WEB@Shop Dependent        |
           |__._                                              _ _|__|
           |::|                                                  |::|
           | _____              _ _______     + REVIEW/INFOS +   |::|
           |_\_   \_____     __///__    / __ ____             ______| __
          _/  /   /    / ____\_    /   /_(_//   / ___ ______ /     _//_/
        __\   \   \__  //     /   /   /    /    //   /_    //     /:|
        \_\\___\   \_\________\______/____/\__________/   /\ _   /::|
           |::|:\_____\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/_____/_// /:::|
           |::|                                                  |::|
           |::|                                                  |::|
           |::| 29 absolute italo killargs selected with love    |::|
           |::| from possibly the largest italo collection in    |::|
           |::| the world. comes with very nice inlay with info  |::|
           |::| about the original releases.                     |::|
           |::|                                                  |::|
           |::| limited to 150 copies.                           |::|
           |::|                                                  |::|
           |::| once again                                       |::|
           |::| OBEY                                             |::|
           |::|                                                  |. |
           | .|                                                  |::|
           |::|                                                  | .|
           |. |.                                                 |::|
           |  | \  > mo'nfo      |::|
     ______|_____\__                                             |::|
    (  (.-----. __  )___í__ _                       _ __:________.::|
     \\\\\____í((_)/    |                               !        |::|
      \__\________/     |  TURN ON, TUNE IN, DROP OUT   |        |::|
       `' `|::: `'      |                               |        |::|
           _ _í_________|_ _                         _ _|________:_ _
              !                                                  |
              | 01   The Holy Grail Of Italo Made By      79:52  |
              |      Dalum & Gassmann                            |

              |                                                  |
              | ...                                              |
              | ::                #> pssst.                      |
              | ::                                             . |
              | ::      * for your consideration only *        . |
              | :     ! not for p2p or public broadcast !     .: |
              |      > find the original - save the world <   :: |
              |                                           . .::: |
              |_____________________________________ _ ______ ___|
              |            ___     _____      _______ /     /____:__
              | Disc0LjUS_/   \___/    / _____\_    //     / \    _/
              :   NEWS   \   _    \    //      /   /\ _   / __\   \
              :_____ ___ /___/     \__________/_____/_// /   //  . \
              |              \______/              /____//_______:_/
              |                                                  |
              |                                                  |
              |  dedicated adult electronic musicastronauts and  |
              |    ops of stable deathstar sized archives are    |
              |           welcome to get in touch <3             |
              |                                                  |

              |                                               _. |
              :                    X '  ___                    | .
              . .._____   x  ,  ,  . . / _/______                !
            . ░o (_____)   ___x_______/_/       / ______ .    ____
              : ╖   _______\                _  /_/_____// __ / x /.o  .
              :  ___\___ \  \  _          _// / /__  /  _////__ //  ╖
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              :              \__\   __    /_/   \/_________/o _  o
              :                  \__\_\__/   _o/_          _://_ :
              :                                                  :
              :                                                  :
              : love to those who treats us with  mind expansion :
              :                                                  :
              :                                                  :
              :  last update 2010.05.03 [%]  space is the place  :
              :                    [⌐Mt&t^]

                              ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU!

This NFO File was rendered by

                    .  .... .  x.. . . O . . ....... .. ..:.:.
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                    |:::          ¬\    ¶Ñ°  d        .:::|
                    |:::.          ¬*m*****.w#       .::::|
                    :':::.                         .::::::|
                    ! :::::..               ......::::::::|
                    : :::::::::::.....   :::::::::::::::::!
                    : '::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::' |            .
                ____!   ___   ____'::::::::::::::::' __   |        ___/
       ________/    / ./  /__/   /____'::'_____   __(_/__ |      ./  /__
     __\   _ . \___/|_|__    \   \    \__/    /___\_    /_|_ ____|__    \ __
     \//   //  /   /    / ___/________/ . \    /  _/   /   /_\_    / ___//_/
       \______/   /______/         \    \\ \__/    ___/   /   /_____/
             \____\       Disc0LjUS \______/ \____/  \_______/
                    |                                     |
                    | * purchased > process3d > enc0ded   |
                    |              released               |

      >               VA - The Holy Grail Of Italo (MST012)              <
           |                                                        |
           |                                                      + |
           | [#] _________ ______ _ _ ______|MEDIUM.NFORMATION|.  . |
           |                                                        |
           | [>] source....... CDDA    > Album               . ...: |
           | [>] effect....... Disco                             :: |
           | [>] style........ ITALO!!!                          .: |
           |                                                     :: |
           | [>] label........ Moustache Records                 :: |
           | [>] MST 012                            : |
           | [>] year......... 2009                               . |
           | [+] Dec.00.2009                          |
           | [+] Jun.19.2010                          |
           |                                                        |
           | [#] _ _ _ _______ ____________________|TIME&SPACE|.    |
           |                                                        |
           | [>] drug.plateu.. 79:52 min                            |
           | [>] drug.solution 116,9 mb per ml                      |
           | [>] bulk.size.... 01 injections                        |
           |                                                        |
           |                                                        |
           | [#] ___________________ __ ____ _|QUALITY.CONTROL|.    |
           |                                                        |
           | [»] encoder...... LAME 3.97 V2 --Vbr-New -V 2*         |
           | [»] quality...... VBR/44,1kHz/Joint-Stereo  or         |
           |                                                        |
           |     * Internals@320Kbit CBR, WEB@Shop Dependent        |
           |__._                                              _ _|__|
           |::|                                                  |::|
           | _____              _ _______     + REVIEW/INFOS +   |::|
           |_\_   \_____     __///__    / __ ____             ______| __
          _/  /   /    / ____\_    /   /_(_//   / ___ ______ /     _//_/
        __\   \   \__  //     /   /   /    /    //   /_    //     /:|
        \_\\___\   \_\________\______/____/\__________/   /\ _   /::|
           |::|:\_____\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/_____/_// /:::|
           |::|                                                  |::|
           |::|                                                  |::|
           |::| 29 absolute italo killargs selected with love    |::|
           |::| from possibly the largest italo collection in    |::|
           |::| the world. comes with very nice inlay with info  |::|
           |::| about the original releases.                     |::|
           |::|                                                  |::|
           |::| limited to 150 copies.                           |::|
           |::|                                                  |::|
           |::| once again                                       |::|
           |::| OBEY                                             |::|
           |::|                                                  |. |
           | .|                                                  |::|
           |::|                                                  | .|
           |. |.                                                 |::|
           |  | \  > mo'nfo      |::|
     ______|_____\__                                             |::|
    (  (.-----. __  )___¡__ _                       _ __:________.::|
     \\\\\____¡((_)/    |                               !        |::|
      \__\________/     |  TURN ON, TUNE IN, DROP OUT   |        |::|
       `' `|::: `'      |                               |        |::|
           _ _¡_________|_ _                         _ _|________:_ _
              !                                                  |
              | 01   The Holy Grail Of Italo Made By      79:52  |
              |      Dalum & Gassmann                            |

              |                                                  |
              | ...                                              |
              | ::                #> pssst.                      |
              | ::                                             . |
              | ::      * for your consideration only *        . |
              | :     ! not for p2p or public broadcast !     .: |
              |      > find the original - save the world <   :: |
              |                                           . .::: |
              |_____________________________________ _ ______ ___|
              |            ___     _____      _______ /     /____:__
              | Disc0LjUS_/   \___/    / _____\_    //     / \    _/
              :   NEWS   \   _    \    //      /   /\ _   / __\   \
              :_____ ___ /___/     \__________/_____/_// /   //  . \
              |              \______/              /____//_______:_/
              |                                                  |
              |                                                  |
              |  dedicated adult electronic musicastronauts and  |
              |    ops of stable deathstar sized archives are    |
              |           welcome to get in touch <3             |
              |                                                  |

              |                                               _. |
              :                    X '  ___                    | .
              . .._____   x  ,  ,  . . / _/______                !
            . °o (_____)   ___x_______/_/       / ______ .    ____
              : ·   _______\                _  /_/_____// __ / x /.o  .
              :  ___\___ \  \  _          _// / /__  /  _////__ //  ·
          _ __.__\ __ \ \_\  \ \\_       //  / /  / /_ ///    /______ _
          \\\_\ \ \\\\ \ \_\  \ \\\         / /  / ///   _   / /  /_///
              :\_\/\____\/__\  \           / /__/ /     //  /\/__/
              :              \__\   __    /_/   \/_________/o _  o
              :                  \__\_\__/   _o/_          _://_ :
              :                                                  :
              :                                                  :
              : love to those who treats us with  mind expansion :
              :                                                  :
              :                                                  :
              :  last update 2010.05.03 [%]  space is the place  :
              :                    [©Mt&t^]

                              ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU!

This NFO File was rendered by

