- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-rob_drabkin-rob_drabkin-2005-debt.nfo 00-rob_drabkin-rob_drabkin-2005-debt

                ◄██░                                   ◄██░
                ◄███░                    ◄██░███████   ◄██░ ◄███░▓
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   ▀   ▀█  ░░ ░   ░░◄▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▓►▀░░░   ░ ░░  █
        █  ░▀ ▀▄ ░█◄▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▓►▀██░  ▀ ▀░  █
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        ░       ▀░▓█████▀▀░▀  ▄███▄▀▀██▒██▀▀▄███▄▄   ▀▀█████▓░▀       ░
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                   ░   ▀     ▄░▀██▄   ▐░▌   ▄██▀░▄     ░   ░
        ▄        ▄ ▓         ░███▓░▄  ▐█▌  ▄░▓███░     ░   ▓▄▄        ▄
        ░       ▄░▓█████▀▀    ▄███▀░▄▄█▓█▄▄░▀███▄▀  ░▀▀█████▓░▄       ░
        ▄     ▄▄░██████████     ▄▓███░▒▓▒░███▓▄    ░██████████░▄      ▀
        ░  ▄  ░░▓██▓░░░▓████░░▀██▀▄▄▀██▒██▀▄▄▀██▀░░████▓░░░▓██▓░   ▄  ░
        ▓  ░  ▀▀░██░▀▀░░▓███▓██▓░     █▒█  ▀  ░▓██▓███▓░░  ░██░▀   ░  ▓
        █  ░▄ ▄ ▀░██▀▀▀░▓███░██░▀     ▐░▌ ▄▓▄ ▀░██░███▓░ ▀▀██░▀▄▄ ▄░  █
        █  ░░ ░  ▀░░░▀▀▓███░▀ ▄█▓▀    ▐░▌    ▀▓█▄ ▀░███▓▀▀░░░▀  ░ ░░  █    ▀
     ▄  █▀▀███████╔════════════════════█═══════════════════╗████████▀▀█░  ▄▓▄
   ▄▄░▀████████▄▄▄║D e B T  i s  S l a V 3 r Y  S T u P i D║░▄▄▄████████▀░ ▀
   ░▓█████▓░░░ ░  ╚═══════╗                         ╔══════╝▀ ░ ░░░▓█████▓░
   ░▓████▓░░▀▀ ▀          ║DuBi0uSlY EnDoWs YoU WiTh║         ▀ ▀▀░░▓████▓░
  ░ ▀▓████║           Rob_Drabkin-Rob_Drabkin-EP-2005-DeBT         ║████▓▀ ░
  ▀  ░████╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝████░  ▀
     ▀░████    ▄                                              ▄  ░▓████░▀
    ▄ ░░▓████▀▀░                                              ░▀▀████▓░░ ▄   ▄
  ▄▄▀▀███████████▀▀▀                                      ▀▀████████████▀▀   ░
 ▄░▓███████▄▄▄░   ARTiST.... Rob Drabkin                        ░▄▄▄███████▓░▀
 ░▓█████▄░░ ▄ ▀   TiTLE..... Rob Drabkin                               █████▓░
 ▀░████▓░░▀ ░  ▀  LABEL..... Self Released                     ▀  ░ ▀░░▓████░▀
  ░▓███▓▓░  ▀ ▄▓▄ GENRE..... Indie                            ▄▓▄ ▀  ░▓▓███▓░
  ▀▀░███▓░▄▄░     RiP.DATE.. 2010-06-28                           ░▄▄░▓███░▀▀
    ▀ ▄███▀░░     STOREDATE. 2005-00-00                           ░░▀███▄ ▀
       ░░▄▄██▀▀▀  SOURCE.... EP                                ▀▀▀██▄▄░░
       ░░▄▄██▀▀▀  QUALiTY... 180 kbps / 4410kHz / Joint Stereo ▀▀▀██▄▄░░
    ▄ ▄███▀░░     TRACKS.... 8   /  36:12   MiN                   ░░▀███▄ ▄
  ▄▄░███▓░▄ ░     SIZE...... 49.63  MB                            ░ ▄░▓███░▄▄
  ░▓███▓▓░  ▄ ▄▓▄ RIPPER.... EAC Secure with LAME 3.97        ▄▓▄ ▄  ░▓▓███▓░
 ▄░████▓░░▄ ░  ▀  URL.......  ▀  ░ ░░▓████░▄
 ░▓█████▄░░   ▄                                                 ▄   ░░▄█████▓░
 ▄░▓███████▄▄▄░                                                 ░▄▄▄███████▓░▀
 ░▀▀ ▀▀████████████▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄▀▀▄████████████▀▀▀▀
 ▀   ▄ ░░▓█▀       ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀    ▀▀████▓░░ ▄
      ▄░███ NR. TRACKNAME                                  TiME     ████░▄
   ▄  ░████                                                          ████░  ▄
   ░ ▄▓████ 1   Sweet Things                                4:49     ████▓▄ ░
   ░ ▄▓████ 2   Rise At Sea                                 5:01     ████▓▄ ░
   ░ ▄▓████ 3   Off To You                                  5:33     ████▓▄ ░
   ░ ▄▓████ 4   She Comes And Goes                          4:33     ████▓▄ ░
   ░ ▄▓████ 5   The Way You Look Tonight                    2:33     ████▓▄ ░
   ░ ▄▓████ 6   Girl From Country Floors                    4:04     ████▓▄ ░
   ░ ▄▓████ 7   Little Steps                                4:32     ████▓▄ ░
   ░ ▄▓████ 8   Honey Dipped Ice Cream                      5:07     ████▓▄ ░
   ░ ▄▓████ ---------------------------------------------------------████▓▄ ░
   ▀▄░████▓                                                          ████░▄▀
    ░▓████▓▄                                   TOTAL TiME: 36:12 MiN  ████▓░
    ░▓███████▄                                 TOTAL SIZE: 49.63  MB▄█████▓░
    ▀░▀████████▄                                                  ▄█████▀░▀▀
  ▄▓▄▀ ░█▀▀█████████████▄▄ ▄    ▄             ▄    ▄ ▄▄█████████████▀▀█  ▀
   ▀   ▀█  ░░▀░  ▄░░░▀▀▓███░▄ ▄█▓▀           ▀▓█▄ ▄░███▓▀▀░░░   ░ ░░  █
        █  ░▀ ▀▄▄░██▀▀▄░▓███░██░▀             ▀░██░███▓░▄▀▀██░  ▀ ▀░  █
        ▓  ░   ▄░██░▄▄░░▓███▓██▓░      ▄      ░▓██▓███▓░░▄▄░██░    ░  ▓
        ░  ▀   ░▓██▓░░░▓████░░▀██▄▄▄▄▄█▓█▄▄▄▄▄██▀░░████▓░░░▓██▓░░  ▀  ░
        ▀      ▀░██████████░▀▀  ▄▓███░▒▓▒░███▓▄  ▀▀ ██████████░▀▀     ▀
        ░       ▀░▓█████▀▀░▀  ▄███▀░▀██▒██▀░▀███▄    ▀▀█████▓░        ░
        ▀        ▀▀▓   ░  ▀  ░███▓░▀  █▒█  ▀░▓███░         ▓▀▀        ▀
                   ░   ░     ▀░▀██▀   █░█   ▀██▀░▀     ▄   ░
                   ░   ▀      ░▀██▄   ▐░▌   ▄██▀░▄     ░   ░
        ▄        ▄▄▓      ▄  ░███▓░▄  ▐█▌  ▄░▓███░  ▄  ░   ▓▄▄        ▄
        ░       ▄░▓█████▀▀░  ▀▄███▀░▄▄█▓█▄▄░▀███▄▀  ░▀▀█████▓░▄       ░
        ▀     ▄▄░██████████ ▄▄  ▄▓███░▒▓▒░███▓▄    ░██████████░▄      ▀
        ░  ▄  ░░▓██▓░░░▓████░░▀██▄▄▄▀██▒██▀▄▄▄██▀░░████▓░░░▓██▓░   ▄  ░
        ▓  ░  ▀▀░██░▀▀░░▓███▓██▓░     █▒█  ▀  ░▓██▓███▓░░▀▀░██░▀   ░  ▓
        █  ░▄ ▄ ▀░██▀▀▀░▓███░██░▀     ▐░▌ ▄▓▄ ▀░██░███▓░▀▀▀██░▀▄▄ ▄░  █
        █  ░░ ░  ▀░░░▀▀▓███░▀ ▄█▓▀    ▐░▌  ▀ ▀▓█▄ ▀░███▓▀▀░░░▀  ░ ░░  █▄   ▄
     ▄  █▀▀█████████████▄▄ ▀    ▀      ▀      ▀    ▀ ▄▄█████████████▀▀█░ ▄▄▓▄
   ░▓█████▓░╟─────────────────────────────────────◄RELEASE NOTES►╢░▓█████▓░
   ░▓████▓░░║                                                    ║░░▓████▓░
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ When folks talk about an artist growing, rarely    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ are they talking about a physical change. But for  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Rob Drabkin, it seems that the more his career     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ grows, the more his full-throttled afro reaches    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ to the ceiling, as if the stage lights he plays    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ under were actually grow lights, forcing his       ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ locks to stretch with each passing performance.    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Growing up in Denver, Drabkin was like any other   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ 11-year-old-boy just finding the awesomeness that  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ is music. His poison was Metallica, Guns ÆN        ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Roses, Nirvana and the other rock essentials of    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ that era that pump a kid up before a baseball      ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ game or make them want to learn to play that epic  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ instrument that makes it all possible: the         ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ guitar.                                            ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ DrabkinÆs case was the latter and it only          ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ intensified when his older sister received an      ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ acoustic guitar one year for Christmas. But to     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ his surprise and pleasure, he received an          ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ electric guitar, which in his mind was far         ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ superior in comparison. From then on he would      ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ meticulously practice, learning his favorite       ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ songs, mastering the chords and dissecting the     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ solos of the aforementioned musical greats.        ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ The relationship between boy and guitar blossomed  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ this way until a new realm of music and            ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ instrumentation was revealed to him in the         ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ beginning of high school. ôI had gone for a more   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ harder edge kind of thing and in my school you     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ had to take an art class, so I took band. And all  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ of a sudden my power chords werenÆt applying to    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ everything that we were doing, and it was a        ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ challenge. But the big thing was, that the solos   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ started to come my way and I was just learning     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ about improvisation and melodies, just finding a   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ huge love for jazz and improvisation, and that     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ kind of sparked it a lot,ö Drabkin said in a       ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ recent interview with The Marquee.                 ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ During the years in his schoolÆs jazz band,        ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Drabkin was taught the fundamentals by guitar      ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ virtuoso Ted Reece, who recognized DrabkinÆs       ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ musical promise and wanted to give him the         ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ necessary components to further develop his        ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ talents.                                           ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Immersed in the jazz and classical essentials of   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ guitar, these years expanded DrabkinÆs outlook on  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ the scope of music, showing him the art of         ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ improvisation that would influence his creative    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ style in the years to come.                        ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Although at Trinity University in Texas, Drabkin   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ would set aside his six-string for the books and   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ earn a degree in biochemistry/molecular biology    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ and Spanish, the music would never be that far     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ from his mind. Keeping his playing as only a       ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ hobby, Drabkin eventually realized that while      ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ science had a hold of his mind, music had a grip   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ on his soul. And so he began his metamorphosis     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ into creating music.                               ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ It was at the age of 22, with school completed,    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ that the need to evolve his craft was first        ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ realized. Adding singing to his repertoire was     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ the next step and Drabkin spent countless hours    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ honing his skills so that he could fully           ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ articulate the music that was inside. ôI never     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ sang before I was 22, and that was a hard thing    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ to overcome, to practice and try to learn how to   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ do it, you know. I kind of wanted to start         ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ getting my head into a more lead front             ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ instrument, and then when I really decided I       ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ wanted to start music, the kind of things I was    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ creating on guitar and the type of music that I    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ really resonated with the most needed me to sing.  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ So I just had to suck it up and that was really    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ the only way that I could grow as a musician,ö     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Drabkin said.                                      ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ But the hard work paid off as Drabkin cultivated   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ a singing voice that he can call his own: a        ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ soulful yet penetrating style and tone that        ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ compliments his intricate guitar picking almost    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ flawlessly and earned him the award for best       ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ singer/songwriter in Westword in 2009. In          ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ addition to getting that nod, Drabkin has also     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ progressed by playing opening slots for acts such  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ as Tim Reynolds and Davey Knowles and Back Door    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ Slam.                                              ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ And as his reputation has grown, so too has his    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ set and sound. While writing music for his first   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ full length album On These Heavy Feet, released    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ in 2008, Drabkin added a full band to flush out    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ his sound. While itÆs possible to catch him with   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ his full band, most times it is just Drabkin and   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ his guitar, playing his songs, while giving it     ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ the good flare of improvisation that he learned    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ from jazz to keep it fresh and new for the         ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ audience every time. ôItÆs a very                  ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ improvisational-based show, itÆs different every   ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║ time,ö he said. ôItÆs a fun show.ö                 ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ░ ▀▓████▀ ║                                                    ║▄░████▓▀ ░
  ▀  ░████▓▄║                                                    ║░▓████░  ▀
    ▄ ░░▓███╠════════════════════════════════════════════◄QUOTES►╢╣███▓░░ ▄   ▄
░▄▄ ▀▀██████║                                                    ║██████▀▀ ▄▄░
▀░▓███████▄▄║                                                    ║▄▄███████▓░▀
▀░▓███████▄▄║ "Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What  ║▄▄███████▓░▀
▀░▓███████▄▄║ is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is    ║▄▄███████▓░▀
▀░▓███████▄▄║ the matter with the rich is Uselessness. "         ║▄▄███████▓░▀
▀░▓███████▄▄║                                                    ║▄▄███████▓░▀
▀░▓███████▄▄║                            -George Bernard Shaw    ║▄▄███████▓░▀
░▓█████▄░░ ▄║                                                    ║▄ ░░▄█████▓░
▀░████▓░░▀ ░║                                                    ║░ ▀░░▓████░▀
 ░▓███▓▓░  ▄║                                                    ║▄  ░▓▓███▓░
 ▀▀░███▓░▄▄░║                                                    ║░▄▄░▓███░▀▀
   ▀ ▄███▀░░║                                                    ║░░▀███▄ ▀
░▄▄ ▀▀██████╟◄──────────────────────────────────────────────────►╢██████▀▀ ▄▄░
  ▄▄▀▀██████╟────────────────────────────────────────◄GROUP NEWS►╢██████▀▀ ▄▄░
 ▄░▓███████▄║          DeBT is in need of affils                 ║▄▄███████▓░▀
 ░▓█████▄░░ ║                                                    ║▄ ░░▄█████▓░
  ░████▓░░▀ ║        pre-release suppliers, bookware             ║░ ▀░░▓████░▀
  ░▓███▓▓░  ║                                                    ║▄  ░▓▓███▓░
  ▀▀░███▓░▄▄║      suppliers, iNT rippers, shell accounts,       ║░▄▄░▓███░▀▀
    ▀ ▄███▀░║                                                    ║░░▀███▄ ▀
       ░░▄▄█║        coders, crackers and anything else          ║██▄▄░░
   ▄▄░▀█████║                                                    ║██████▀░▄▀
   ░▓█████▓░║            that may be of use to us.               ║░▓█████▓░
   ░▓████▓░░║                                                    ║░░▓████▓░
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║                                                    ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ░ ▀▓████▀ ║                                                    ║▄░████▓▀ ░
  ▀  ░████▓▄║ DeBT is a new group that is dedicated to bringing  ║░▓████░  ▀
     ▀░████▓║                                                    ║▓████░▀
    ▄ ░░▓███║   you the best of the old, new and forgotten in a  ║███▓░░ ▄   ▄
  ▄▄▀▀██████║                                                    ║██████▀▀ ▄▄░
 ▄░▓███████▄║   variety of sections.  If you think you have      ║▄▄███████▓░▀
 ░▓█████▄░░ ║                                                    ║▄ ░░▄█████▓░
  ░████▓░░▀ ║     what it takes don't hesitate to contact us.    ║░ ▀░░▓████░▀
  ░▓███▓▓░  ║                                                    ║▄  ░▓▓███▓░
  ▀▀░███▓░▄▄║          Keep it scene. Keep it safe.              ║░▄▄░▓███░▀▀
    ▀ ▄███▀░║                                                    ║░░▀███▄ ▀
       ░░▄▄█║                                                    ║██▄▄░░
   ▄▄░▀█████║              C O N T A C T  D e B T                ║██████▀░▄▀
   ░▓█████▓░║            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            ║░▓█████▓░
   ░▓████▓░░║                                                    ║░░▓████▓░
  ▄▀░████▓░▀║             ║▀░▓████░▀▄
  ░ ▀▓████▀ ║                                                    ║▄░████▓▀ ░
  ▀  ░████▓▄║                                                    ║░▓████░  ▀
    ▄ ░░▓███╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝███▓░░ ▄   ▄
  ▄▄▀▀████████████▀▀▄▄                                  ▄▄▀▀████████████▀▀ ▄▄░
 ▄░▓███████▄▄███████▓░▄                                ▄░▓███████▄▄▄███████▓░▀
 ░▓█████▄░░  ░░▄█████▓░                                ░▓█████▄░░ ▄ ░░▄█████▓░
  ░████▓░░▀  ▀░░▓████░                                  ░████▓░░▀ ░ ▀░░▓████░▀
  ░▓███▓▓░    ░▓▓███▓░                                  ░▓███▓▓░  ▄  ░▓▓███▓░
  ▀▀░███▓░▄▄▄▄░▓███░▀▀                                  ▀▀░███▓░▄▄░▄▄░▓███░▀▀
    ▀ ▄███▀░░▀███▄ ▀                                      ▀ ▄███▀░░░▀███▄ ▀
       ░░▄▄██▄▄░░                                            ░░▄▄███▄▄░░

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 Ü°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜ°   ARTiST.... Rob Drabkin                        °ÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
 °²ÛÛÛÛÛÜ°° Ü ß   TiTLE..... Rob Drabkin                               ÛÛÛÛÛ²°
 ß°ÛÛÛÛ²°°ß °  ß  LABEL..... Self Released                     ß  ° ß°°²ÛÛÛÛ°ß
  °²ÛÛÛ²²°  ß Ü²Ü GENRE..... Indie                            Ü²Ü ß  °²²ÛÛÛ²°
  ßß°ÛÛÛ²°ÜÜ°     RiP.DATE.. 2010-06-28                           °ÜÜ°²ÛÛÛ°ßß
    ß ÜÛÛÛß°°     STOREDATE. 2005-00-00                           °°ßÛÛÛÜ ß
       °°ÜÜÛÛßßß  SOURCE.... EP                                ßßßÛÛÜÜ°°
       °°ÜÜÛÛßßß  QUALiTY... 180 kbps / 4410kHz / Joint Stereo ßßßÛÛÜÜ°°
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      Ü°ÛÛÛ NR. TRACKNAME                                  TiME     ÛÛÛÛ°Ü
   Ü  °ÛÛÛÛ                                                          ÛÛÛÛ°  Ü
   ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 1   Sweet Things                                4:49     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
   ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 2   Rise At Sea                                 5:01     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
   ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 3   Off To You                                  5:33     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
   ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 4   She Comes And Goes                          4:33     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
   ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 5   The Way You Look Tonight                    2:33     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
   ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 6   Girl From Country Floors                    4:04     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
   ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 7   Little Steps                                4:32     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
   ° ܲÛÛÛÛ 8   Honey Dipped Ice Cream                      5:07     ÛÛÛÛ²Ü °
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  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº When folks talk about an artist growing, rarely    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº are they talking about a physical change. But for  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Rob Drabkin, it seems that the more his career     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº grows, the more his full-throttled afro reaches    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº to the ceiling, as if the stage lights he plays    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº under were actually grow lights, forcing his       ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº locks to stretch with each passing performance.    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Growing up in Denver, Drabkin was like any other   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº 11-year-old-boy just finding the awesomeness that  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº is music. His poison was Metallica, Guns ’N        ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Roses, Nirvana and the other rock essentials of    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº that era that pump a kid up before a baseball      ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº game or make them want to learn to play that epic  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº instrument that makes it all possible: the         ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº guitar.                                            ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Drabkin’s case was the latter and it only          ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº intensified when his older sister received an      ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº acoustic guitar one year for Christmas. But to     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº his surprise and pleasure, he received an          ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº electric guitar, which in his mind was far         ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº superior in comparison. From then on he would      ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº meticulously practice, learning his favorite       ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº songs, mastering the chords and dissecting the     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº solos of the aforementioned musical greats.        ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº The relationship between boy and guitar blossomed  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº this way until a new realm of music and            ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº instrumentation was revealed to him in the         ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº beginning of high school. “I had gone for a more   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº harder edge kind of thing and in my school you     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº had to take an art class, so I took band. And all  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº of a sudden my power chords weren’t applying to    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº everything that we were doing, and it was a        ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº challenge. But the big thing was, that the solos   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº started to come my way and I was just learning     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº about improvisation and melodies, just finding a   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº huge love for jazz and improvisation, and that     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº kind of sparked it a lot,” Drabkin said in a       ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº recent interview with The Marquee.                 ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº During the years in his school’s jazz band,        ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Drabkin was taught the fundamentals by guitar      ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº virtuoso Ted Reece, who recognized Drabkin’s       ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº musical promise and wanted to give him the         ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº necessary components to further develop his        ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº talents.                                           ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Immersed in the jazz and classical essentials of   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº guitar, these years expanded Drabkin’s outlook on  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº the scope of music, showing him the art of         ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº improvisation that would influence his creative    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº style in the years to come.                        ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Although at Trinity University in Texas, Drabkin   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº would set aside his six-string for the books and   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº earn a degree in biochemistry/molecular biology    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº and Spanish, the music would never be that far     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº from his mind. Keeping his playing as only a       ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº hobby, Drabkin eventually realized that while      ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº science had a hold of his mind, music had a grip   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº on his soul. And so he began his metamorphosis     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº into creating music.                               ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº It was at the age of 22, with school completed,    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº that the need to evolve his craft was first        ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº realized. Adding singing to his repertoire was     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº the next step and Drabkin spent countless hours    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº honing his skills so that he could fully           ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº articulate the music that was inside. “I never     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº sang before I was 22, and that was a hard thing    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº to overcome, to practice and try to learn how to   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº do it, you know. I kind of wanted to start         ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº getting my head into a more lead front             ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº instrument, and then when I really decided I       ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº wanted to start music, the kind of things I was    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº creating on guitar and the type of music that I    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº really resonated with the most needed me to sing.  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº So I just had to suck it up and that was really    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº the only way that I could grow as a musician,”     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Drabkin said.                                      ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº But the hard work paid off as Drabkin cultivated   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº a singing voice that he can call his own: a        ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº soulful yet penetrating style and tone that        ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº compliments his intricate guitar picking almost    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº flawlessly and earned him the award for best       ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº singer/songwriter in Westword in 2009. In          ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº addition to getting that nod, Drabkin has also     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº progressed by playing opening slots for acts such  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº as Tim Reynolds and Davey Knowles and Back Door    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº Slam.                                              ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº And as his reputation has grown, so too has his    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº set and sound. While writing music for his first   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº full length album On These Heavy Feet, released    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº in 2008, Drabkin added a full band to flush out    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº his sound. While it’s possible to catch him with   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº his full band, most times it is just Drabkin and   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº his guitar, playing his songs, while giving it     ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº the good flare of improvisation that he learned    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº from jazz to keep it fresh and new for the         ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº audience every time. “It’s a very                  ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº improvisational-based show, it’s different every   ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº time,” he said. “It’s a fun show.”                 ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  ° ß²ÛÛÛÛß º                                                    ºÜ°ÛÛÛÛ²ß °
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ß°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜܺ "Do not waste your time on Social Questions. What  ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
ß°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜܺ is the matter with the poor is Poverty; what is    ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
ß°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜܺ the matter with the rich is Uselessness. "         ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
ß°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜܺ                                                    ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
ß°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÜܺ                            -George Bernard Shaw    ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
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 °²ÛÛÛÛÛÜ°° º                                                    ºÜ °°ÜÛÛÛÛÛ²°
  °ÛÛÛÛ²°°ß º        pre-release suppliers, bookware             º° ß°°²ÛÛÛÛ°ß
  °²ÛÛÛ²²°  º                                                    ºÜ  °²²ÛÛÛ²°
  ßß°ÛÛÛ²°Üܺ      suppliers, iNT rippers, shell accounts,       º°ÜÜ°²ÛÛÛ°ßß
    ß ÜÛÛÛß°º                                                    º°°ßÛÛÛÜ ß
       °°ÜÜÛº        coders, crackers and anything else          ºÛÛÜÜ°°
   ÜÜ°ßÛÛÛÛÛº                                                    ºÛÛÛÛÛÛß°Üß
   °²ÛÛÛÛÛ²°º            that may be of use to us.               º°²ÛÛÛÛÛ²°
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  Üß°ÛÛÛÛ²°ßº                                                    ºß°²ÛÛÛÛ°ßÜ
  ° ß²ÛÛÛÛß º                                                    ºÜ°ÛÛÛÛ²ß °
  ß  °ÛÛÛ۲ܺ DeBT is a new group that is dedicated to bringing  º°²ÛÛÛÛ°  ß
     ß°ÛÛÛÛ²º                                                    º²ÛÛÛÛ°ß
    Ü °°²ÛÛÛº   you the best of the old, new and forgotten in a  ºÛÛÛ²°° Ü   Ü
  ÜÜßßÛÛÛÛÛÛº                                                    ºÛÛÛÛÛÛßß ÜÜ°
 Ü°²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛܺ   variety of sections.  If you think you have      ºÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ²°ß
 °²ÛÛÛÛÛÜ°° º                                                    ºÜ °°ÜÛÛÛÛÛ²°
  °ÛÛÛÛ²°°ß º     what it takes don't hesitate to contact us.    º° ß°°²ÛÛÛÛ°ß
  °²ÛÛÛ²²°  º                                                    ºÜ  °²²ÛÛÛ²°
  ßß°ÛÛÛ²°Üܺ          Keep it scene. Keep it safe.              º°ÜÜ°²ÛÛÛ°ßß
    ß ÜÛÛÛß°º                                                    º°°ßÛÛÛÜ ß
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