- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: hybrid.nfo hybrid


      d.                              d.                                 .d
    .d$$   `s.                      .d$$                                 $$d.
.,s$$$$$    `$b                 .,s$$$$$     MgR!            .s          $$$$b.
`"²$$$$$     Y$b    d           `"²$$$$$                 .,s$$$          $$$$P'
 ,` `Y$$     l$$b  d'     `s.       `Y$$                 `"²$P`          $$Y`
.     Y$    .d$$$ .P       `$b        Y$       s²`'s.    ,$.   $         $Y
 s    l$ .s²`$$$$ lb        Y$b  ²``² l$ ,.       l$`s.,s$$$b  $      ., $l
  ` ' d$    ,$$$P `Y.     .sl$$b      d$  `'²s.   d$'` `'²S$P d$  .s²'`  $d
    ,d$$   ,$$$$l  `². ,s²` d$$$.   ,d$$      `b d$$        ,d$$ d`      $$d,
.,s$$$$$ .d$$$$$'           $$$$b d$$$$$       $ $$$    .,s$$$$$ $       $$$$b.
`"²$$$$$ `"²$$P'           d$$$$P `S$$$$      ,P $$$    `"²$$$$$ `Y.     $$$$P'
    `Y$$     Y            d$$$$$'   `Y$$    .sP' Y$$        `Y$$  `Ys.   $$Y`
      $'               .s$$$$$$`      $' .s$$P'   $'          $'   `Y$$s.'$
                      `"²$$$$P'         `"²$$'                      `$$²"`
                          `$'               `                        `

                               Proudly Presents

║                                                                             ║
║                    Diablo (c) Blizzard Entertainment                        ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Cracked by │ Cyber                  │   Release date │ Jan. 13th, 1997     ║
║ Stripped by │ Cyber                  │     Protection │ Numerous CD-checks, ║
║ Supplied by │ MindBender             │                │ MPQ-encryption      ║
║ Packaged by │ Cyber & HOSON          │      Game type │ Arcade / RPG        ║
║ Playtesting │ Cyber & HOSON          │           Size │ 50 x 2.88           ║
║  Min. Req's │ Pentium 60+, 8MB RAM (16MB for network play), Windows 95 with ║
║             │ DirectX 2.0+ installed.                                       ║
║                                                                             ║
║   RELEASE INFO:                                                             ║
║  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                            ║
║  First of all, this release is intended for the vast amount of gameplayers  ║
║  out there and our own FTP sites. We don't recommend you to get this game   ║
║  through a modem connection, but we know there are hundreds of people out   ║
║  there with fast internet access who will download this game without hesi-  ║
║  tating. We are aware of the fact that we are way over our heads putting    ║
║  this release out, but then again, as previously stated, it's not intended  ║
║  for the "inner" core of the elite "scene", but rather for the folks out    ║
║  there who will enjoy playing this game. Quality software deserves to be    ║
║  distributed, thus making the world a happier place to live in! :)          ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Diablo is modeled to be a role-playing game, focusing heavily on adventure ║
║  and real-time action. The atmosphere is reminiscent of the Dungeons and    ║
║  Dragons RPG, providing a large dose of dungeon-romping spiced up with      ║
║  magic, traps, and, of course, plenty of monsters. Intricate NPC (Non-      ║
║  Player Character) interaction is also present, along with complete multi-  ║
║  player support should the action elements ever become tiresome. Overall,   ║
║  Diablo is designed to breathe life into the faltering computer RPG market  ║
║  as a fresh and innovative game.                                            ║
║                                                                             ║
║  The graphics and animation are stunning, providing a sense of realism      ║
║  never found before in an RPG. The programming is top-notch, it's even      ║
║  quite smooth on a 486DX2-80, considering it uses DirectX.                  ║
║                                                                             ║
║  We have tested the game with both modem and connection, just    ║
║  to ensure 100% functionality.                                              ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Special thanks to DEAD IMAGE and LE VEY for helpin out with the original   ║
║  so that we had the chance to play-test before release.                     ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Also many thanks to OKKU@CHALMERS for programming the Hybrid Win 95 "intro"║
║  (which uses DirectX BTW!!)                                                 ║
║                                                                             ║
║   STRIPPING AND CRACKING INFO:                                              ║
║  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                             ║
║  From the journals of Cyber,                                                ║
║                                                                             ║
║  DIABLO - A TALE OF BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS                                  ║
║  (Cyber's cracking notes)                                                   ║
║                                                                             ║
║  The first thing I had to do was to remove the CD-check, a simple 5 min job ║
║  (although I admit I was a bit puzzled at first - this is my first win95    ║
║  crack)                                                                     ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Then began the work of ripping out data, and this was the tricky part.     ║
║  What I had to work with in the beginning was a 506-meg data file which was ║
║  not in any format I had ever seen before, but due to the fact that all     ║
║  Windows DLLs must export the names of their functions, I was soon able to  ║
║  locate the open- and readroutines. After a whole lot of fiddling I had     ║
║  figured out the file format, and the decryptionroutines used. Yes, almost  ║
║  all data was encrypted, but not all of it was compressed. The WAVs were    ║
║  just scrambled so that they couldn't be compressed with ARJ etc. I         ║
║  decrypted all WAVs using my homemade MPQ-manipulator. It made little sense ║
║  to decrypt the compressed files, since that probably wouldn't have made the║
║  data file any smaller anyway. As I'm sure you all understand, something had║
║  to go from the data file. The first files I removed were the animations    ║
║  (intro, Blizzard's logo, ending, etc) but believe me - I've seen them all  ║
║  and you're not missing much. Next came the WAVs I thought one could do     ║
║  without. These unfortunately include the very mood-enhancing background    ║
║  tunes. It's a shame they had to be removed, but hey - they were 12 megs    ║
║  each, and there were quite a few of them. Next I removed all speech (it    ║
║  showed up as text) and the characters' comments. The file was still        ║
║  around 150 megs. I began to realize that this game would never fit onto    ║
║  50 disks, it even seemed unlikely that it would take under 65. Even when   ║
║  all possible sorts of data was removed (no sound at all, no loading-       ║
║  pictures, no background gfx, etc) it still took about 75 disks. So why     ║
║  didn't I remove all those files and make a sound add-on? Well, there are   ║
║  two major reasons:                                                         ║
║                                                                             ║
║  1) The data file doesn't store the names of its files, it just stores a    ║
║  table of values who are the results of a hashing algorithm applied to the  ║
║  filenames. Because of this you can't explicitly say what a file is called, ║
║  even if you know where it begins and ends. You can draw some conclusions   ║
║  from the file flags (encrypted and/or packed), but the only real source of ║
║  information is what the fileopen routine is called with. This meant that   ║
║  throwing away what appeared to be unused file entries seemed like a        ║
║  dangerous action - you never know, maybe those files are used later in the ║
║  game. The filenames could be composed in the exe, or encrypted, or hidden, ║
║  or whatever. I only removed files when I was sure of their contents and    ║
║  purpose. If Blizzard put in dummy files who are never actually used, they  ║
║  sure fooled me.                                                            ║
║                                                                             ║
║  2) Since the game would never make the 50 disk limit, it made no sense to  ║
║  butcher it when you could release a fully enjoyable <100 disk version. I   ║
║  still removed all sorts of speech, though (100 disks was sort of a 'magic' ║
║  limit). The sounds the monsters make were thus taken out (e.g. The Butcher ║
║  on level 2 said 'more meat for my axe' or something like that), but the    ║
║  other effects were left in the game.                                       ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Then we tried to play the game over the Internet. But we failed! The game  ║
║  just came up with some BS about being unable to register the current       ║
║  version. Hmmm... After a few scratches in the back of my head and some     ║
║  practical experiments I came to the conclusion that something somewhere    ║
║  checked if the EXE and the DLLs were altered. I did what I could to locate ║
║  it but the boys at Blizzard had been veeery sneaky indeed: the check       ║
║  routines were in a DLL which was hidden in an encrypted file which was     ║
║  hidden somewhere in another file. Very stealthy! I managed to relocate     ║
║  these routines and alter them, but the guys who came up with this          ║
║  protection deserve a pat on the back. My hat's off to you, guys!           ║
║                                                                             ║
║  So this is it. A game to big to be spread, but fully enjoyable and         ║
║  playable. Enjoy!                                                           ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Your friend,                                                               ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Cyber/HYBRID                                                               ║
║                                                                             ║
║   INSTALLATION GUIDE:                                                       ║
║  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                      ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Unzip the files and run INSTALL.EXE. Then just type 'DIABLO'.              ║
║  We apologize for the use of a DOS installer, but our Windows version       ║
║  isn't ready yet.                                                           ║
║  NOTE that you NEED DirectX 2+ installed on your system and that product    ║
║  isn't supplied with this game (not on the rip, anyway).                    ║
║                                                                             ║
║   HYBRID NEWS & EVENTS:                                                     ║
║  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                    ║
║                                                                             ║
║  WITHDRAWAL                                                                 ║
║                                                                             ║
║  Animal, Dogfriend and Drake has left Hybrid, and are now proud members of  ║
║  Class. We wish them good luck!                                             ║
║                                                                             ║
║   GREETINGS:                                                                ║
║  ~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                               ║
║  Razor 1911, Prestige, Class, and Reflux.                                   ║
║                                                                             ║
║  MindBender, Dead Image, Replicator, Manhunter, Mad Turnip, Shadow Master,  ║
║  Angel Face, Animal, Dogfriend, Zimpzon, Phandral, TWK/ATX, Steel Pulse,    ║
║  Rygar, Le Vey, Netra and everyone at Blizzard!                             ║
║                                                                             ║
║                                                                             ║
║                           Official Hybrid Membership                        ║
║                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                       ║
║                                     HOSON                                   ║
║                                                                             ║
║     Agony, Angel Face, Cyber, Eci, Golomufu, Grifter, Hot Tuna, Id Mud,     ║
║         Jammer, Le Vey, MindBender, Mad Turnip, Mr.Terry, Netra,            ║
║                  Phoenix, Replicator, Teacher, and Violator.                ║
║                                                                             ║
║                                                                             ║
║                          The Official Hybrid couriers                       ║
║                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                      ║
║                             Netcoordinator: AGONY                           ║
║                                                                             ║
║                         Fronthead, Hurricane, and Nine.                     ║
║                                                                             ║
║                                                                             ║
║        Axxxxxx Lxxxxx...............[ftp]......................WHQ          ║
║        Sxxxxxx Dxxx.................[ftp]......................EHQ          ║
║        Avatar.......................[ftp]......................HQ           ║
║        Red Dwarf-X..................[ftp]......................HQ           ║
║                                                                             ║
║                                                                             ║
║                           How to get in touch with us:                      ║
║                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     ║
║                                                                             ║
║                              http//                         ║
║                                                                             ║
                               Today's wise quote:

                               "WE are THE BEST."

This NFO File was rendered by


      d.                              d.                                 .d
    .d$$   `s.                      .d$$                                 $$d.
.,s$$$$$    `$b                 .,s$$$$$     MgR!            .s          $$$$b.
`"ý$$$$$     Y$b    d           `"ý$$$$$                 .,s$$$          $$$$P'
 ,` `Y$$     l$$b  d'     `s.       `Y$$                 `"ý$P`          $$Y`
.     Y$    .d$$$ .P       `$b        Y$       sý`'s.    ,$.   $         $Y
 s    l$ .sý`$$$$ lb        Y$b  ý``ý l$ ,.       l$`s.,s$$$b  $      ., $l
  ` ' d$    ,$$$P `Y.     .sl$$b      d$  `'ýs.   d$'` `'ýS$P d$  .sý'`  $d
    ,d$$   ,$$$$l  `ý. ,sý` d$$$.   ,d$$      `b d$$        ,d$$ d`      $$d,
.,s$$$$$ .d$$$$$'           $$$$b d$$$$$       $ $$$    .,s$$$$$ $       $$$$b.
`"ý$$$$$ `"ý$$P'           d$$$$P `S$$$$      ,P $$$    `"ý$$$$$ `Y.     $$$$P'
    `Y$$     Y            d$$$$$'   `Y$$    .sP' Y$$        `Y$$  `Ys.   $$Y`
      $'               .s$$$$$$`      $' .s$$P'   $'          $'   `Y$$s.'$
                      `"ý$$$$P'         `"ý$$'                      `$$ý"`
                          `$'               `                        `

                               Proudly Presents

º                                                                             º
º                    Diablo (c) Blizzard Entertainment                        º
º                                                                             º
º  Cracked by ³ Cyber                  ³   Release date ³ Jan. 13th, 1997     º
º Stripped by ³ Cyber                  ³     Protection ³ Numerous CD-checks, º
º Supplied by ³ MindBender             ³                ³ MPQ-encryption      º
º Packaged by ³ Cyber & HOSON          ³      Game type ³ Arcade / RPG        º
º Playtesting ³ Cyber & HOSON          ³           Size ³ 50 x 2.88           º
º  Min. Req's ³ Pentium 60+, 8MB RAM (16MB for network play), Windows 95 with º
º             ³ DirectX 2.0+ installed.                                       º
º                                                                             º
º   RELEASE INFO:                                                             º
º  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                            º
º  First of all, this release is intended for the vast amount of gameplayers  º
º  out there and our own FTP sites. We don't recommend you to get this game   º
º  through a modem connection, but we know there are hundreds of people out   º
º  there with fast internet access who will download this game without hesi-  º
º  tating. We are aware of the fact that we are way over our heads putting    º
º  this release out, but then again, as previously stated, it's not intended  º
º  for the "inner" core of the elite "scene", but rather for the folks out    º
º  there who will enjoy playing this game. Quality software deserves to be    º
º  distributed, thus making the world a happier place to live in! :)          º
º                                                                             º
º  Diablo is modeled to be a role-playing game, focusing heavily on adventure º
º  and real-time action. The atmosphere is reminiscent of the Dungeons and    º
º  Dragons RPG, providing a large dose of dungeon-romping spiced up with      º
º  magic, traps, and, of course, plenty of monsters. Intricate NPC (Non-      º
º  Player Character) interaction is also present, along with complete multi-  º
º  player support should the action elements ever become tiresome. Overall,   º
º  Diablo is designed to breathe life into the faltering computer RPG market  º
º  as a fresh and innovative game.                                            º
º                                                                             º
º  The graphics and animation are stunning, providing a sense of realism      º
º  never found before in an RPG. The programming is top-notch, it's even      º
º  quite smooth on a 486DX2-80, considering it uses DirectX.                  º
º                                                                             º
º  We have tested the game with both modem and connection, just    º
º  to ensure 100% functionality.                                              º
º                                                                             º
º  Special thanks to DEAD IMAGE and LE VEY for helpin out with the original   º
º  so that we had the chance to play-test before release.                     º
º                                                                             º
º  Also many thanks to OKKU@CHALMERS for programming the Hybrid Win 95 "intro"º
º  (which uses DirectX BTW!!)                                                 º
º                                                                             º
º   STRIPPING AND CRACKING INFO:                                              º
º  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                             º
º  From the journals of Cyber,                                                º
º                                                                             º
º  DIABLO - A TALE OF BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS                                  º
º  (Cyber's cracking notes)                                                   º
º                                                                             º
º  The first thing I had to do was to remove the CD-check, a simple 5 min job º
º  (although I admit I was a bit puzzled at first - this is my first win95    º
º  crack)                                                                     º
º                                                                             º
º  Then began the work of ripping out data, and this was the tricky part.     º
º  What I had to work with in the beginning was a 506-meg data file which was º
º  not in any format I had ever seen before, but due to the fact that all     º
º  Windows DLLs must export the names of their functions, I was soon able to  º
º  locate the open- and readroutines. After a whole lot of fiddling I had     º
º  figured out the file format, and the decryptionroutines used. Yes, almost  º
º  all data was encrypted, but not all of it was compressed. The WAVs were    º
º  just scrambled so that they couldn't be compressed with ARJ etc. I         º
º  decrypted all WAVs using my homemade MPQ-manipulator. It made little sense º
º  to decrypt the compressed files, since that probably wouldn't have made theº
º  data file any smaller anyway. As I'm sure you all understand, something hadº
º  to go from the data file. The first files I removed were the animations    º
º  (intro, Blizzard's logo, ending, etc) but believe me - I've seen them all  º
º  and you're not missing much. Next came the WAVs I thought one could do     º
º  without. These unfortunately include the very mood-enhancing background    º
º  tunes. It's a shame they had to be removed, but hey - they were 12 megs    º
º  each, and there were quite a few of them. Next I removed all speech (it    º
º  showed up as text) and the characters' comments. The file was still        º
º  around 150 megs. I began to realize that this game would never fit onto    º
º  50 disks, it even seemed unlikely that it would take under 65. Even when   º
º  all possible sorts of data was removed (no sound at all, no loading-       º
º  pictures, no background gfx, etc) it still took about 75 disks. So why     º
º  didn't I remove all those files and make a sound add-on? Well, there are   º
º  two major reasons:                                                         º
º                                                                             º
º  1) The data file doesn't store the names of its files, it just stores a    º
º  table of values who are the results of a hashing algorithm applied to the  º
º  filenames. Because of this you can't explicitly say what a file is called, º
º  even if you know where it begins and ends. You can draw some conclusions   º
º  from the file flags (encrypted and/or packed), but the only real source of º
º  information is what the fileopen routine is called with. This meant that   º
º  throwing away what appeared to be unused file entries seemed like a        º
º  dangerous action - you never know, maybe those files are used later in the º
º  game. The filenames could be composed in the exe, or encrypted, or hidden, º
º  or whatever. I only removed files when I was sure of their contents and    º
º  purpose. If Blizzard put in dummy files who are never actually used, they  º
º  sure fooled me.                                                            º
º                                                                             º
º  2) Since the game would never make the 50 disk limit, it made no sense to  º
º  butcher it when you could release a fully enjoyable <100 disk version. I   º
º  still removed all sorts of speech, though (100 disks was sort of a 'magic' º
º  limit). The sounds the monsters make were thus taken out (e.g. The Butcher º
º  on level 2 said 'more meat for my axe' or something like that), but the    º
º  other effects were left in the game.                                       º
º                                                                             º
º  Then we tried to play the game over the Internet. But we failed! The game  º
º  just came up with some BS about being unable to register the current       º
º  version. Hmmm... After a few scratches in the back of my head and some     º
º  practical experiments I came to the conclusion that something somewhere    º
º  checked if the EXE and the DLLs were altered. I did what I could to locate º
º  it but the boys at Blizzard had been veeery sneaky indeed: the check       º
º  routines were in a DLL which was hidden in an encrypted file which was     º
º  hidden somewhere in another file. Very stealthy! I managed to relocate     º
º  these routines and alter them, but the guys who came up with this          º
º  protection deserve a pat on the back. My hat's off to you, guys!           º
º                                                                             º
º  So this is it. A game to big to be spread, but fully enjoyable and         º
º  playable. Enjoy!                                                           º
º                                                                             º
º  Your friend,                                                               º
º                                                                             º
º  Cyber/HYBRID                                                               º
º                                                                             º
º   INSTALLATION GUIDE:                                                       º
º  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                      º
º                                                                             º
º  Unzip the files and run INSTALL.EXE. Then just type 'DIABLO'.              º
º  We apologize for the use of a DOS installer, but our Windows version       º
º  isn't ready yet.                                                           º
º  NOTE that you NEED DirectX 2+ installed on your system and that product    º
º  isn't supplied with this game (not on the rip, anyway).                    º
º                                                                             º
º   HYBRID NEWS & EVENTS:                                                     º
º  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                    º
º                                                                             º
º  WITHDRAWAL                                                                 º
º                                                                             º
º  Animal, Dogfriend and Drake has left Hybrid, and are now proud members of  º
º  Class. We wish them good luck!                                             º
º                                                                             º
º   GREETINGS:                                                                º
º  ~~~~~~~~~~~~                                                               º
º  Razor 1911, Prestige, Class, and Reflux.                                   º
º                                                                             º
º  MindBender, Dead Image, Replicator, Manhunter, Mad Turnip, Shadow Master,  º
º  Angel Face, Animal, Dogfriend, Zimpzon, Phandral, TWK/ATX, Steel Pulse,    º
º  Rygar, Le Vey, Netra and everyone at Blizzard!                             º
º                                                                             º
º                                                                             º
º                           Official Hybrid Membership                        º
º                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                       º
º                                     HOSON                                   º
º                                                                             º
º     Agony, Angel Face, Cyber, Eci, Golomufu, Grifter, Hot Tuna, Id Mud,     º
º         Jammer, Le Vey, MindBender, Mad Turnip, Mr.Terry, Netra,            º
º                  Phoenix, Replicator, Teacher, and Violator.                º
º                                                                             º
º                                                                             º
º                          The Official Hybrid couriers                       º
º                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                      º
º                             Netcoordinator: AGONY                           º
º                                                                             º
º                         Fronthead, Hurricane, and Nine.                     º
º                                                                             º
º                                                                             º
º        Axxxxxx Lxxxxx...............[ftp]......................WHQ          º
º        Sxxxxxx Dxxx.................[ftp]......................EHQ          º
º        Avatar.......................[ftp]......................HQ           º
º        Red Dwarf-X..................[ftp]......................HQ           º
º                                                                             º
º                                                                             º
º                           How to get in touch with us:                      º
º                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     º
º                                                                             º
º                              http//                         º
º                                                                             º
                               Today's wise quote:

                               "WE are THE BEST."

This NFO File was rendered by

