- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: nce-zmk5.nfo nce-zmk5

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     #00000000000000000000000000000000000000000' _M0000000000000^  p000000g
     #000000000000000000000000000000000000000F  p0000000000000M` ,000000000t
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      B000000f  00000000000000000000000F   p0000000000@^
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       400000f  00000000000000000000F   p00000000000`
        Q0000f  "00000000000000000@^  _00000000000F
         0000f                       p00000000000'
                                          DEMOLISHING THE SCENE SINCE 1991
      _________ ____   ____ _______     ___________ __________ __________
    _|         |    | |    |       \___|           |          |      ____|
   |     |     |    |_|    |     __    |     |     |    ______|     |___
   |:    |     |:          |:   |  |   |:    |     |:         |:      __|_
   |::.. |     |::.. |     |:.. |»»|   |::.. |     |::..      |::..       |
   '-----'-----'-----'-----'----'  '---'-----'-----'----------'-----------'
    -==-- --==- --==- --==- --=-    -=- -=-=- =---= -==---===- =--=-==---=

           | P | R | E | S | E | N | T | S |   | A |   | N | E | W |
                         | D | I | G | I | T | A | L |
             | D | E | M | O | N | S | T | R | A | T | I | O | N |
                           | C | A | L | L | E | D |
           | Z | C | A | R | E | P | L | E | X |   | M | K |   | 5 |

  - CREDITS ----------------------------------------------------------------
    | code  : pro
    | gfx   : cosmic
    | music : noisefever
    | ascii : raven & nightmare
  - ABOUT ------------------------------------------------------------------
    | new stuff from nuance, put together in march and the first release in
    | years that was not made live at the partyplace :) saufen!
    | used libs: fmod, unrarlib
  - REQUIRES ---------------------------------------------------------------
    | this demo works on all newer ATI and NVIDIA boards, though decent
    | video memory (at least 512mb) is required. we recommend fast dual core
    | or faster CPUs for that. works without problems on the old NVIDIA demo
    | box. yeah, baby yeah!
  - GREETS -----------------------------------------------------------------
    | abyss - alcatraz - andromeda - archee - atlantis - black maiden
    | black monks - brainstorm - bypass - cap tv - clrsrc - cocoon
    | conspiracy - crest - d0 - equinoxe - fairlight - fake - farbrausch
    | future crew - gods - haujobb - iris - jco - kefrens - kewlers - kolor
    | limp ninja - marshals - maxon - metalvotze - mercury - mfx - moppi
    | outracks - padua - paradise - plastic - pulse - razor 1911 - rebels
    | rgba - scarab - scoopex - smash designs - spaceballs - speckdrumm
    | sqny - squoquo - still - stravaganza - synesthetics - tbl - tggc
    | titan - traction - trsi - ukscene allstars - unik - vantage
    | breakpoint - buenzli - evoke - tum - x
  - CONTACT ---------------------------------------------------------------
    | we are looking for talented guys with skills in doing c64 gfx, then
    | send an e-mail to :
    | for other reason  :
    | you can visit us  :
  - ------------------------------------------------------------------------

This NFO File was rendered by

                                     p000000000000    ,g000&g
                                   _0000000000000F   p0000000&
        ,pNMM&p_                  g0000000000000@  _00000000001
       g00000000&               _N0000000000000M  p00000000000#
      #0000000000&             p0000000000000@^ _#000000000000f
     j000000000000f           g0000000000000M  p0000000000000F
     #000000000000&         j00000000000000^ _00000000000000~  p0000M,
     #000000000000&       _p0000000000000M  j0000000000000@^ ,00000000g
     #000000000000&      y00000000000000' _M0000000000000M  g0000000000r
     #000000000000&     g0000000000000F  p0000000000000@^ _000000000000f
     #0000000000008   _00000000000000'  00000000000000X  p0000000000000
     #000000000000&  p0000000000000F  p00000000000000^ _00000000000000'
     #000000000000&p00000000000000~ _#0000000000000M  p0000000000000#
     #000000000000000000000000000ggg00000000000000` _00000000000000~
     #000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F  p0000000000000@  _,gg,
     #00000000000000000000000000000000000000000' _M0000000000000^  p000000g
     #000000000000000000000000000000000000000F  p0000000000000M` ,000000000t
     #00000000000000000000000000000000000000&,_M0000000000000!  g00000000000
     #0000000000000000@MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM00000000000000000@  _0000000000000
     #00000000000000F                      M00000000000000~  p0000000000000f
     #0000000000000'  gM000000000000000Ng   000000000000#^ _00000000000000'
     #00000000000F   40000000000000000000r  00000000000F  p0000000000000F
     #000000000@`  p000000000000000000000f  0000000000' _#0000000000000'
     #00000000!  _g0000000000000000000000f  00000000M  p0000000000000@
     #0000000f  g000000000000000000000000f  0000000f _N0000000000000'
     #0000000f  0000000000000000000000000f  0000000&g0000000000000@
     #0000000f  0000000000000000000000000f  000000000000000000000^
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     #0000000f  0000000000000000000000000f  000000000000000000~
     #0000000f  0000000000000000000000000f  0000000000000000@^
     40000000f  0000000000000000000000000f  000000000000000M
     ]0000000f  0000000000000000000000000f  0000000000000@^
      0000000f  0000000000000000000000000   000000000000M
      B000000f  00000000000000000000000F   p0000000000@^
       000000f  0000000000000000000000'  ,#0000000000M
       400000f  00000000000000000000F   p00000000000`
        Q0000f  "00000000000000000@^  _00000000000F
         0000f                       p00000000000'
                                          DEMOLISHING THE SCENE SINCE 1991
      _________ ____   ____ _______     ___________ __________ __________
    _|         |    | |    |       \___|           |          |      ____|
   |     |     |    |_|    |     __    |     |     |    ______|     |___
   |:    |     |:          |:   |  |   |:    |     |:         |:      __|_
   |::.. |     |::.. |     |:.. |¯¯|   |::.. |     |::..      |::..       |
   '-----'-----'-----'-----'----'  '---'-----'-----'----------'-----------'
    -==-- --==- --==- --==- --=-    -=- -=-=- =---= -==---===- =--=-==---=

           | P | R | E | S | E | N | T | S |   | A |   | N | E | W |
                         | D | I | G | I | T | A | L |
             | D | E | M | O | N | S | T | R | A | T | I | O | N |
                           | C | A | L | L | E | D |
           | Z | C | A | R | E | P | L | E | X |   | M | K |   | 5 |

  - CREDITS ----------------------------------------------------------------
    | code  : pro
    | gfx   : cosmic
    | music : noisefever
    | ascii : raven & nightmare
  - ABOUT ------------------------------------------------------------------
    | new stuff from nuance, put together in march and the first release in
    | years that was not made live at the partyplace :) saufen!
    | used libs: fmod, unrarlib
  - REQUIRES ---------------------------------------------------------------
    | this demo works on all newer ATI and NVIDIA boards, though decent
    | video memory (at least 512mb) is required. we recommend fast dual core
    | or faster CPUs for that. works without problems on the old NVIDIA demo
    | box. yeah, baby yeah!
  - GREETS -----------------------------------------------------------------
    | abyss - alcatraz - andromeda - archee - atlantis - black maiden
    | black monks - brainstorm - bypass - cap tv - clrsrc - cocoon
    | conspiracy - crest - d0 - equinoxe - fairlight - fake - farbrausch
    | future crew - gods - haujobb - iris - jco - kefrens - kewlers - kolor
    | limp ninja - marshals - maxon - metalvotze - mercury - mfx - moppi
    | outracks - padua - paradise - plastic - pulse - razor 1911 - rebels
    | rgba - scarab - scoopex - smash designs - spaceballs - speckdrumm
    | sqny - squoquo - still - stravaganza - synesthetics - tbl - tggc
    | titan - traction - trsi - ukscene allstars - unik - vantage
    | breakpoint - buenzli - evoke - tum - x
  - CONTACT ---------------------------------------------------------------
    | we are looking for talented guys with skills in doing c64 gfx, then
    | send an e-mail to :
    | for other reason  :
    | you can visit us  :
  - ------------------------------------------------------------------------

This NFO File was rendered by

