- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: perplex.nfo perplex
_______ \ \\ | \ \ | . \\ \ .. | : \ .. . .. | : | .. . : :: | : | :: : i ii | : | ii i -|----| ## | :: | ## |----|- |--| | | ## | :: | ## | | |--|-,y$ , - ---|-|--|--|----| ## | :::. | ## |----|--|--|$$$l- - jy __________ _______ _________ _______ ____ ________ 7$$, ,$$ //_______ \/ _____//____ _//____ \/ _/_/_ ___|_ º$$s$$7' - ---_\ ___/ _\ \\ _ ____/ _\ \ _\ \\-y$$$y,-- - \______\________ \\ \___\\____\\__________\\_______,$$' "7$ \_______\ . . __ ,$$i ol - ---|-|--|--|----i mm | ::: | ## |----|--|--|-$$$$- - |--| | | ## | :: | ## | | |--| -|----| 00 | :: | 00 |----|- oo | : | oo .. ____________ .. | : | .. ____________ .. .. __) //______| : |______\\ (__ .. .. \. ./ .. :: |: Perplex presents you: :| :: :: |: YET ANOTHER PREBOT v3 :| :: :: |: :| :: ...:: |: :| ::... :: ,-\\ coder ......: TEAM-PERPLEX //-, :: ..:: | \\- type .......: Binary -// | ::.. _____| |: system .....: LINUX/FREEBSD :| |_____ __) |: size/discs .: 01x5.00MB :| (__ \. |: date .......: 11/12/2006 :| ./ |: |: :| :| |: |/-----------------------------------------------\| :| |: :| |: --[ d e s c r i p t i o n ]-- :| |: :| |: w00t?! :| |: Yah I know, it took a whole lot longer than promised to get v3 :| |: out, sorry 'bout that. :| |: :| |: A lot has happened since then, but who am I to bore you with :| |: stuff you're not interesed in anyways? :| |: :| |: :| |: Changes: :| |: ~~~~~~~ :| |: Doesn't require an eggdrop/tcl wrapper anymore. Yep, :| |: s-t-a-n-d-a-l-o-n-e :| |: :| |: Bugfixes, enhancements, code cleanups, rewrites ... ah who :| |: cares, most of you have been waiting for this one I guess: :| |: :| |: Spreading support. :| |: :| |: :| |: The dir says Linux, but this release also includes FreeBSD :| |: binaries (x86) and Suse v10 binaries (x64). :| |: :| |: :| |: |\-----------------------------------------------/| :| /__ |: --[ i n s t a l l a t i o n ]-- :| __\ )____ |: :| ____( .... | // see README \\ | .... :: |_// \\_| :: ::... | | ...:: :: ,-\\ //-, :: ..:: | \\- -// | ::.. _____| |: :| |_____ __) |: :| (__ \. |: :| ./ |: |/-----------------------------------------------\| :| |: --[ a b o u t p p x ]-- :| |: :| |: since test (the elite scripting team, the one and only real :| |: scene related scripting group so far) faded away some years :| |: ago, the scene was in urgent need of a new group of hard- :| |: working and dedicated coders and scripters. again, most :| |: groups lack of some experienced and skilled individuals to :| |: fulfil their needs. that`s the hole perplex jumps in. :| |: we cover all kinds of scripting and coding imaginable. from :| |: asm coded executable packers and crypters to release database :| |: scripts for eggdrops. we also offer help on decent ftp sites :| |: to get them working correctly and running smooth. just drop :| |: us a message in our irc chan. :| |: :| |: NUKERS: LEECH SOME XXX AND WANK INSTEAD ! :| |: :| |: |\-----------------------------------------------/| :| /__ |: --[ n e w s ]-- :| __\ )____ |: :| ____( .... | // * expect more from us - soon ;) \\ | .... :: |_// \\_| :: ::... | | ...:: :: ,-\\ //-, :: ..:: | \\- -// | ::.. _____| |: :| |_____ __) |: :| (__ \. |: :| ./ |: |/-----------------------------------------------\| :| |: --[ a p p l i c a t i o n ]-- :| |: :| |: if you think you`ve got the balls for a group like this, don`t :| |: hesitate to contact us using the information listed below. :| |: remember, we only take skilled and loyal people. :| |: :| |: currently, weve got open positions for: :| |: :| |: - experienced and skilled coders and scripters. :| |: (c, asm, tcl, shell, perl, etc) :| |: - shell box suppliers (10mbit static and above, no bbb) :| |: :| |: :| |: |\-----------------------------------------------/| :| /__ |: --[ c o n t a c t i n f o ]-- :| __\ )____ |: :| ____( .... | // IRC : #ppx @ efnet \\ | .... :: |_// WWW : NONE \\_| :: ::... | E-MAIL : NONE | ...:: :: ,-\\ //-, :: ..:: | \\- WE WONT HAND OUT OUR RELEASES VIA EMAIL! -// | ::.. _____| |: ALSO, DON`T ASK FOR TRADING SCRIPTS! :| |_____ __) |: :| (__ \. |/-----------------------------------------------\| ./ |: --[ m e m b e r s ]-- :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: * no need to list * :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: |\-----------------------------------------------/| :| /__ |: --[ g r e e t i n g s ]-- :| __\ )____ |: :| ____( .... | // cRo - DRUM - BRD \\ | .... :: |_// \\_| :: ::... |: :| ...:: :: |: ALL OUR FRiENDS AND ESPECiALLY YOU! :| :: :: |: :| :: .. |___ ___ ___ ____ ___ _ ___ _ __ ___| .. //--- \\-' \\/_ \\-< \\-' \\_. \\/_ \\/ ---\\ ____ (c) perplex mmiii ____/\\ This NFO File was rendered by
_______ \ \\ | \ \ | . \\ \ .. | : \ .. . .. | : | .. . : :: | : | :: : i ii | : | ii i -|----| ## | :: | ## |----|- |--| | | ## | :: | ## | | |--|-,y$ , - ---|-|--|--|----| ## | :::. | ## |----|--|--|$$$l- - jy __________ _______ _________ _______ ____ ________ 7$$, ,$$ //_______ \/ _____//____ _//____ \/ _/_/_ ___|_ §$$s$$7' - ---_\ ___/ _\ \\ _ ____/ _\ \ _\ \\-y$$$y,-- - \______\________ \\ \___\\____\\__________\\_______,$$' "7$ \_______\ . . __ ,$$i ol - ---|-|--|--|----i mm | ::: | ## |----|--|--|-$$$$- - |--| | | ## | :: | ## | | |--| -|----| 00 | :: | 00 |----|- oo | : | oo .. ____________ .. | : | .. ____________ .. .. __) //______| : |______\\ (__ .. .. \. ./ .. :: |: Perplex presents you: :| :: :: |: YET ANOTHER PREBOT v3 :| :: :: |: :| :: ...:: |: :| ::... :: ,-\\ coder ......: TEAM-PERPLEX //-, :: ..:: | \\- type .......: Binary -// | ::.. _____| |: system .....: LINUX/FREEBSD :| |_____ __) |: size/discs .: 01x5.00MB :| (__ \. |: date .......: 11/12/2006 :| ./ |: |: :| :| |: |/-----------------------------------------------\| :| |: :| |: --[ d e s c r i p t i o n ]-- :| |: :| |: w00t?! :| |: Yah I know, it took a whole lot longer than promised to get v3 :| |: out, sorry 'bout that. :| |: :| |: A lot has happened since then, but who am I to bore you with :| |: stuff you're not interesed in anyways? :| |: :| |: :| |: Changes: :| |: ~~~~~~~ :| |: Doesn't require an eggdrop/tcl wrapper anymore. Yep, :| |: s-t-a-n-d-a-l-o-n-e :| |: :| |: Bugfixes, enhancements, code cleanups, rewrites ... ah who :| |: cares, most of you have been waiting for this one I guess: :| |: :| |: Spreading support. :| |: :| |: :| |: The dir says Linux, but this release also includes FreeBSD :| |: binaries (x86) and Suse v10 binaries (x64). :| |: :| |: :| |: |\-----------------------------------------------/| :| /__ |: --[ i n s t a l l a t i o n ]-- :| __\ )____ |: :| ____( .... | // see README \\ | .... :: |_// \\_| :: ::... | | ...:: :: ,-\\ //-, :: ..:: | \\- -// | ::.. _____| |: :| |_____ __) |: :| (__ \. |: :| ./ |: |/-----------------------------------------------\| :| |: --[ a b o u t p p x ]-- :| |: :| |: since test (the elite scripting team, the one and only real :| |: scene related scripting group so far) faded away some years :| |: ago, the scene was in urgent need of a new group of hard- :| |: working and dedicated coders and scripters. again, most :| |: groups lack of some experienced and skilled individuals to :| |: fulfil their needs. that`s the hole perplex jumps in. :| |: we cover all kinds of scripting and coding imaginable. from :| |: asm coded executable packers and crypters to release database :| |: scripts for eggdrops. we also offer help on decent ftp sites :| |: to get them working correctly and running smooth. just drop :| |: us a message in our irc chan. :| |: :| |: NUKERS: LEECH SOME XXX AND WANK INSTEAD ! :| |: :| |: |\-----------------------------------------------/| :| /__ |: --[ n e w s ]-- :| __\ )____ |: :| ____( .... | // * expect more from us - soon ;) \\ | .... :: |_// \\_| :: ::... | | ...:: :: ,-\\ //-, :: ..:: | \\- -// | ::.. _____| |: :| |_____ __) |: :| (__ \. |: :| ./ |: |/-----------------------------------------------\| :| |: --[ a p p l i c a t i o n ]-- :| |: :| |: if you think you`ve got the balls for a group like this, don`t :| |: hesitate to contact us using the information listed below. :| |: remember, we only take skilled and loyal people. :| |: :| |: currently, weve got open positions for: :| |: :| |: - experienced and skilled coders and scripters. :| |: (c, asm, tcl, shell, perl, etc) :| |: - shell box suppliers (10mbit static and above, no bbb) :| |: :| |: :| |: |\-----------------------------------------------/| :| /__ |: --[ c o n t a c t i n f o ]-- :| __\ )____ |: :| ____( .... | // IRC : #ppx @ efnet \\ | .... :: |_// WWW : NONE \\_| :: ::... | E-MAIL : NONE | ...:: :: ,-\\ //-, :: ..:: | \\- WE WONT HAND OUT OUR RELEASES VIA EMAIL! -// | ::.. _____| |: ALSO, DON`T ASK FOR TRADING SCRIPTS! :| |_____ __) |: :| (__ \. |/-----------------------------------------------\| ./ |: --[ m e m b e r s ]-- :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: * no need to list * :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: |\-----------------------------------------------/| :| /__ |: --[ g r e e t i n g s ]-- :| __\ )____ |: :| ____( .... | // cRo - DRUM - BRD \\ | .... :: |_// \\_| :: ::... |: :| ...:: :: |: ALL OUR FRiENDS AND ESPECiALLY YOU! :| :: :: |: :| :: .. |___ ___ ___ ____ ___ _ ___ _ __ ___| .. //--- \\-' \\/_ \\-< \\-' \\_. \\/_ \\/ ---\\ ____ (c) perplex mmiii ____/\\ This NFO File was rendered by