- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: ind-mult.nfo ind-mult

     __ _____ __/\________            .|.            ________/\__ _____ __
       \\____\\      ___  \__:_________|_________:__/  ___      //____//
        _ |_   \_____\       : _ __    |    __ _ :       /_____/   _| _
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  ____________\ \_.       |   _|'\__ _/ \_ __/'|_   |       ._/ /____________
  \      ____  \          |    |               |    |          /  ____      /
   \ \.      \      _     |   _|__ ___/\  __ _ |____/\    _      /      ./ /
    \_\\\___\____ _(   _(__)__.'       \\ \__.___    \\    )_ ____/___///_/
    / //'             '       |_    /    \__|    /     \              '\\ \
   / /'  ____/ /      |_ __ _ '/ ___\       \_______.__/       \        '\ \
  /___________/    .      |  \/|     \___  ____/    |      .    \___________\
             /    /_______|    |______   ______|    |_______\    \       __
     _/\_ . /__________/  |    |      \ /      |    |  \__________\ . _//.
     >,"< |__  .      /   :    |____/\   /\____|    :   \        /\_|
          | / __)    /__/ .    '      \ /      '    . \__\      / \\|
    _._ __|_  __/\__   /_______     ._/ \_.     _______\   ____/   \\____
    \  \\_'   \ Oo / ._      \______/  !  \______/      _. \          ~ /
          |   /_  _\   ' .__ _____   i n d   _____ __. '    \  /\  /\  /
 _ ___    '     \/          \\__  \\__   __//  __//         /  \/  \/  \
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\__ _\  ._      ._   \\_______                       /\      _ \    /
  .\_\ _| \_ _|__ ' .       ._ \____________  ______/  \  _//.  \ ,/
__ \__  |_.   |_/  (__   _/\_ '  independent         ___\____    \/
  \ _.'_| ____|________  >,"<  proudly presents  .____  /____\__\_.'
 \___/ _|/    '____\\   \________  ___ _____/   \______ _____/
.___  _)
|   \_.       Marvel Ultimate Alliance (c) Activision
|_    |
|   ._!_________________________________                      ______   __/\__
|     . ~ rom information         .____\\____  /\________ __//_    . _ \ oO /
|     :_____________________________________/ /_______  /     .___/    /_  _\
|     |                                               \/                 \/
|     | country.......: EUR                 language(s)....: Multi2
|     | release date..: 13.01.2007          store date.....: Who Cares?
|     | system........: Game Boy Advance    filename.......: ind-mult
|_    | size..........: 064 MBit            supplier.......: omgkid
|   ._!_________________________________                      ______   __/\__
|     . ~ release notes           .____\\____  /\________ __//_    . _ \ oO /
|     :_____________________________________/ /_______  /     .___/    /_  _\
|     |                                               \/                 \/
|     | Rising Sux forgot the EUR version, and we are here to complete the job.
|     |
|_    | no-intro 2oo7 - "we argue on iRC!"
|   ._!_________________________________                      ______   __/\__
|     . ~ greets                  .____\\____  /\________ __//_    . _ \ oO /
|     :_____________________________________/ /_______  /     .___/    /_  _\
|     |                                               \/                 \/
|     | dedicated to the no-intro datters, the irc and forum staff and to all
|     | of our heroes, the suppliers and redumpers. Greets to Eternity, FCT,
|     | Oldskool, and all our friends.
|     |
|     | a bottle of pop to our friends in: TrashMan, WRG, SiR VG and Caravan!
|     |               /\                /\        _____________          .
|     |      ________/  \______________/  \_____ [:::::::::::: '__  _____|__
|     |  ____\              /\    ______        \  ____..........:]      | /
|     | /      __         _/__\   `     \        \ \_..   ________ _ _ __|_
|     |/      /  `       /              /        /.                   \\_'
|     /      /         _/             _/        /__\  [:::::::::::::::]  |
|     \     /__        \                       / _   ___ _ _________ ___('
!     !\      /_____    \    _________________/         _  [::::]   |    |
:     : \    /    \______\    /________/     .__ _____   \____ _ ' _|__  '
:     :  \  /             \  /    est. 2oo3     \\__  \\__     _. __' /  _/\_
.     .   \/               \/                      \ _____/   '          >,"<

.     .

This NFO File was rendered by

     __ _____ __/\________            .|.            ________/\__ _____ __
       \\____\\      ___  \__:_________|_________:__/  ___      //____//
        _ |_   \_____\       : _ __    |    __ _ :       /_____/   _| _
  _____/ _| __________\  _ __.__   \  .!.  /   __.__ _  /__________ |_ \_____
 /    __. |.\  ____    \     .  \   \_\ /_/   /  .     /    ____  /.| .__    \
 '  ./ '___' \ \   \____\  _)   .\   __'__   /.   (_  /____/   / / '___' \.  '
  ____________\ \_.       |   _|'\__ _/ \_ __/'|_   |       ._/ /____________
  \      ____  \          |    |               |    |          /  ____      /
   \ \.      \      _     |   _|__ ___/\  __ _ |____/\    _      /      ./ /
    \_\\\___\____ _(   _(__)__.'       \\ \__.___    \\    )_ ____/___///_/
    / //'             '       |_    /    \__|    /     \              '\\ \
   / /'  ____/ /      |_ __ _ '/ ___\       \_______.__/       \        '\ \
  /___________/    .      |  \/|     \___  ____/    |      .    \___________\
             /    /_______|    |______   ______|    |_______\    \       __
     _/\_ . /__________/  |    |      \ /      |    |  \__________\ . _//.
     >,"< |__  .      /   :    |____/\   /\____|    :   \        /\_|
          | / __)    /__/ .    '      \ /      '    . \__\      / \\|
    _._ __|_  __/\__   /_______     ._/ \_.     _______\   ____/   \\____
    \  \\_'   \ Oo / ._      \______/  !  \______/      _. \          ~ /
          |   /_  _\   ' .__ _____   i n d   _____ __. '    \  /\  /\  /
 _ ___    '     \/          \\__  \\__   __//  __//         /  \/  \/  \
_\_ _ \______  __ ___          \ _____/ \_____ /           /___      ___\
\__ _\  ._      ._   \\_______                       /\      _ \    /
  .\_\ _| \_ _|__ ' .       ._ \____________  ______/  \  _//.  \ ,/
__ \__  |_.   |_/  (__   _/\_ '  independent         ___\____    \/
  \ _.'_| ____|________  >,"<  proudly presents  .____  /____\__\_.'
 \___/ _|/    '____\\   \________  ___ _____/   \______ _____/
.___  _)
|   \_.       Marvel Ultimate Alliance (c) Activision
|_    |
|   ._!_________________________________                      ______   __/\__
|     . ~ rom information         .____\\____  /\________ __//_    . _ \ oO /
|     :_____________________________________/ /_______  /     .___/    /_  _\
|     |                                               \/                 \/
|     | country.......: EUR                 language(s)....: Multi2
|     | release date..: 13.01.2007          store date.....: Who Cares?
|     | system........: Game Boy Advance    filename.......: ind-mult
|_    | size..........: 064 MBit            supplier.......: omgkid
|   ._!_________________________________                      ______   __/\__
|     . ~ release notes           .____\\____  /\________ __//_    . _ \ oO /
|     :_____________________________________/ /_______  /     .___/    /_  _\
|     |                                               \/                 \/
|     | Rising Sux forgot the EUR version, and we are here to complete the job.
|     |
|_    | no-intro 2oo7 - "we argue on iRC!"
|   ._!_________________________________                      ______   __/\__
|     . ~ greets                  .____\\____  /\________ __//_    . _ \ oO /
|     :_____________________________________/ /_______  /     .___/    /_  _\
|     |                                               \/                 \/
|     | dedicated to the no-intro datters, the irc and forum staff and to all
|     | of our heroes, the suppliers and redumpers. Greets to Eternity, FCT,
|     | Oldskool, and all our friends.
|     |
|     | a bottle of pop to our friends in: TrashMan, WRG, SiR VG and Caravan!
|     |               /\                /\        _____________          .
|     |      ________/  \______________/  \_____ [:::::::::::: '__  _____|__
|     |  ____\              /\    ______        \  ____..........:]      | /
|     | /      __         _/__\   `     \        \ \_..   ________ _ _ __|_
|     |/      /  `       /              /        /.                   \\_'
|     /      /         _/             _/        /__\  [:::::::::::::::]  |
|     \     /__        \                       / _   ___ _ _________ ___('
!     !\      /_____    \    _________________/         _  [::::]   |    |
:     : \    /    \______\    /________/     .__ _____   \____ _ ' _|__  '
:     :  \  /             \  /    est. 2oo3     \\__  \\__     _. __' /  _/\_
.     .   \/               \/                      \ _____/   '          >,"<

.     .

This NFO File was rendered by

