- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: jaydee.nfo jaydee

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                      ▀▀▀▀ █ ░▒▓████ ▄▀      ▀▀▀         ▀▀▀        ▀▀▀
                           ▀▄▄▄▄ ██ ▄▀
                               ▀▄ ▀ █             J a Y d E e ' 9 7
                                 ▀▀▀              proudly presents

 │                                                                            │
 │                            Carmageddon (c) SCI                             │
 │                                                                            │
 │   cracked by:                       │      release date: June 01, 1997     │
 │  supplied by: Patrik                │  operating system: DOS               │
 │    ripped by: jAYDEE                │         game type: Racing            │
 │  packaged By: jAYDEE                │       game rating: [********--]      │
 │     requires: Pentium, 8 MB, 200 MB free space                             │
 │                                                                            │
 │  Well, here it is, the long awaited title from SCI - Carmageddon.          │
 │  Take car and kill so many people as possible, very funny. Enjoy!          │
 │                                                                            │
 │  Somebody put out beta weeks ago /not their fault/, but we bring you       │
 │  the final - straight from the cd. No cd-check found, we only stripped     │
 │  the videos from exe....                                                   │
 │                                                                            │
 │  Ripped: of course audio tracks and videos /100mb/ - we left only one in.  │
 │  Let us know if you wanna w95 add-on, we can release it later.             │
 │                                                                            │
 │  Un-rar to any directory /rar x carmagd.001 c:\carmagd/, run setup.exe     │
 │  to setup soundcard and then carmagdn.exe to play - it's very easy.        │
 │                                                                            │
 │                                                   jAYDEE /jd[97]/          │
 │                                                                            │
 │                                                                            │
 │  Personal greetz: ivan, Patrik, Killer2, GOnDaR, Aznoh, Jamili, ak-su,     │
 │                   Graeshoul, NetKing, Togh, ico, Zeus, Snoop, Beowulf.     │
 │                                                                            │
 │  Group greetz: Paradigm, Class, Razor, Hybrid, Atomic, Velocity,           │
 │                Celebre, Relativity, DOD, RCN, TRG, TFT.                    │
 │                                                                            │
 │                                                                            │
 │                             JaYdEe'97 membership:                          │
 │                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                        │
 │                                                                            │
 │                  Aznoh . GOnDaR . ivan . jAYDEE . MAXIsoft                 │
 │                      Neptun . Patrik . Sensei . zikaa                      │
 │                                                                            │
 │                                                                            │
 │                             JaYdEe '97 i-net sitez:                        │
 │                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                      │
 │ ....... [ftp] .... ak-su ....... World HQ            │
 │    ....... [ftp] .... Neptun ...... Europe HQ           │
 │ ........[ftp] .... Sensei ...... Czech HQ            │
 │                                                                            │
 │ ....... [ftp] .... Aznoh  ...... Member site         │
 │ ....... [ftp] .... jAYDEE ...... Member site         │
 │                                                                            │
 │                                                                            │
 │                               How to contact us?                           │
 │                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                         │
 │                    e-mail:                           │
 │                       IRC:  #FTL /effnet/                                  │
 │                on the web:  │
 │                     │
 │                                                                            │
 │           logo&nfo layout:  jAYDEE & GOnDaR /05-97/                        │

This NFO File was rendered by

   Üßßß Ü ßÜ ÜßßßÜ                             ÜßßßÜ
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     ßÜÜÜÜÜ ßÛ  ÛÜÜÜÜ ß±²  ßÛ   ßß±²ÛÛ  ÜÜÜ ßÛÛ  ßÛ  ÜÜ ßÛÛß ÜÛÜÜÜ ßÛÛß Üß
           ßÜÜÜß     Û  ß Û °±²ÛÛܲÛÛ Üß   ßÜ ß ÛÜÜÜß  ßÜ ß Û     ßÜ ß Û
                      ßßßß Û °±²ÛÛÛÛ Üß      ßßß         ßßß        ßßß
                           ßÜÜÜÜ ÛÛ Üß
                               ßÜ ß Û             J a Y d E e ' 9 7
                                 ßßß              proudly presents

 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                            Carmageddon (c) SCI                             ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³   cracked by:                       ³      release date: June 01, 1997     ³
 ³  supplied by: Patrik                ³  operating system: DOS               ³
 ³    ripped by: jAYDEE                ³         game type: Racing            ³
 ³  packaged By: jAYDEE                ³       game rating: [********--]      ³
 ³     requires: Pentium, 8 MB, 200 MB free space                             ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³  Well, here it is, the long awaited title from SCI - Carmageddon.          ³
 ³  Take car and kill so many people as possible, very funny. Enjoy!          ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³  Somebody put out beta weeks ago /not their fault/, but we bring you       ³
 ³  the final - straight from the cd. No cd-check found, we only stripped     ³
 ³  the videos from exe....                                                   ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³  Ripped: of course audio tracks and videos /100mb/ - we left only one in.  ³
 ³  Let us know if you wanna w95 add-on, we can release it later.             ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³  Un-rar to any directory /rar x carmagd.001 c:\carmagd/, run setup.exe     ³
 ³  to setup soundcard and then carmagdn.exe to play - it's very easy.        ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                   jAYDEE /jd[97]/          ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³  Personal greetz: ivan, Patrik, Killer2, GOnDaR, Aznoh, Jamili, ak-su,     ³
 ³                   Graeshoul, NetKing, Togh, ico, Zeus, Snoop, Beowulf.     ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³  Group greetz: Paradigm, Class, Razor, Hybrid, Atomic, Velocity,           ³
 ³                Celebre, Relativity, DOD, RCN, TRG, TFT.                    ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                             JaYdEe'97 membership:                          ³
 ³                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                        ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                  Aznoh . GOnDaR . ivan . jAYDEE . MAXIsoft                 ³
 ³                      Neptun . Patrik . Sensei . zikaa                      ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                             JaYdEe '97 i-net sitez:                        ³
 ³                           ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                      ³
 ³ ....... [ftp] .... ak-su ....... World HQ            ³
 ³    ....... [ftp] .... Neptun ...... Europe HQ           ³
 ³ ........[ftp] .... Sensei ...... Czech HQ            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³ ....... [ftp] .... Aznoh  ...... Member site         ³
 ³ ....... [ftp] .... jAYDEE ...... Member site         ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³                               How to contact us?                           ³
 ³                             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                         ³
 ³                    e-mail:                           ³
 ³                       IRC:  #FTL /effnet/                                  ³
 ³                on the web:  ³
 ³                     ³
 ³                                                                            ³
 ³           logo&nfo layout:  jAYDEE & GOnDaR /05-97/                        ³

This NFO File was rendered by

