- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: rs-007j.nfo rs-007j

                                                   _ __ /
         ________ ___     _          ________________ o
        |       /___)__ __\_:____   |        /      //
     __/   /   /.     /    \|___)__/    /   /   /   /
     (/____\____|__ __\     \     /____/__._\____  /__
 </- ---------------(/______/_____\-------|______ /_\)--- -\>
                                 ____\_.____ ___ /_______
      :_ ____________________ _  /    \|   //   //      //
     -+\                       __\     \   /   /    /   /_  .Mo!/aL.
      |   Rising Sun Presents  (/______/_______\ __/____\)
      |  - ----------------- -          _ __ /______________________ _:
      |   007: Everything or Nothing        /                        /+-
  _ __|_    (C) Electronic Arts Japan      /                         _|__ _
      +/_ ______________________________ _ ________________________ _\+-
      :                                  /                            :
             :_ __________________________________________________________ _:
     ____   -+\                                                            /+-
   __(__/_   |    Country .....: Japan             Language ..: Japanese    |
   \     /_______ Release Date : 20/05/2004        Store Date : 11/02/2004  |
   /_____\   .  / System ......: Gameboy Advance   Filename ..: |
      /    / : /. Size ........: 64 MBit           supplier ..: Saltimbanqui|
   __/____/.____|                                                          _|_
  \\      _|  _ _________________________________________________________ _\+-
   \     _/____                                                _________
   /_____|    /                                               |        /
      \     //                                   _           /    /   /.___
   :_ /______\ ________________________________/\\ ________ /____/_____|  /
  -+\                                            \/         _____\      //
   |   Release Notes ...                                    \_   /_____:_\
   |  - --------------- -                                    |     /___|
   |   Well.. well! It's been a year.. indeed!               |_____\  _|___
   |   exactly 365 days have passed since the first rising sun  \    _/   /
   |   release to the scene...  quite a lot has changed.        /______:__\
   |                                                             /    \|
   |   old haters are still there..                             _\     \
   |   new friends were made (shouts to our french and japanese /______/
   |   connection!), the group grew into something i would have        |
   |   never expected... what started as the kicking trio is now       |
   |   international organized piracy.                                 |
   |                                                                   |
   |   first of all let me say sorry this crappy kusoge is the only    |
   |   thing i could come up with for the 1st anniversary. (not like   |
   |   the crc whiners etc deserve any better..)                       |
   |                                                                   |
   |   oddly the japanese version is the only version which is 64mbit  |
   |   instead of 128mbit like the usa and european versions!          |
   |                                                                   |
   |   lets continue with a quote from the fake gameboys charts #666   |
   |   may issue (or as we call it the j**&l***** charts!)             |
   |                                                                   |
   |   ~ Waldorf:  This new group is sure off to a fast start...       |
   |   ~ Statler:  Good, maybe it'll end quicker!                      |
   |                                                                   |
   |   Well, i guess not. I know you hate it, we love it.              |
   |                                                                   |
   |   Our almost daily game releasing made it up to 162 valid game    |
   |   releases in one year. a lot of trainers and some fuck ups.      |
   |   Theoretical math crap: 0.44 games a day / 3.22 games a week.    |
   |                                                                   |
   |   quality and quantity is the way to go. feel the OS spirit.      |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |   Some personal shouts and stuff:                                 |
   |                                                                   |
   |   my shouts go to the 2 other original members which made this    |
   |   all possible.. chii, andrew, hadooken.. the kicking trio!       |
   |                                                                   |
   |   props to the ones who always helped us out and the ones who     |
   |   joined shortly after the start.. best regards to saltimbanqui   |
   |   who made the whole japanese connection possible and supplied    |
   |   alot of the early rs titles. gracias amigo!                     |
   |                                                                   |
   |   chii for sure was one of the best european suppliers and andrew |
   |   is forsure the best gba cracker/coder currently. greetings to   |
   |   our other european suppliers aswell. you are the best.          |
   |   greetings also to freekstyle and chii again for making all the  |
   |   great trainers.. (if there was a bug some time ago expect it to |
   |   be propered in "ages")                                          |
   |                                                                   |
   |   not to forget team rs usa/cdn who helped out with american gba  |
   |   titles. thanks for your support!                                |
   |                                                                   |
   |   its a shame that in these times mentioning nicknames in nfos is |
   |   not such a good idea.. but best regards to all the ones who     |
   |   always helped out with stuff in the background. you better know |
   |   who you are!                                                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |   greetings also to shibuya bomb squad and the ones involved in   |
   |   this project.                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |   greetings to eurasia and their members, thanks for all the fine |
   |   early japanese releases and friendship.                         |
   |                                                                   |
   |   best wishes to all the guys in mode7.. you will be missed!      |
   |                                                                   |
   |   hello to all the supporters of the japanese main console scene. |
   |                                                                   |
   |   nasbend to pat.. almost 5 years! get back online quick asshole. |
   |                                                                   |
   |   since gba is ending sooner or later i hope to have you all on   |
   |   board one last time on the ds/gba2 and/or psp before we all     |
   |   retire and drink sake 24/7.                                     |
   |                                                                   |
   |   since a 1st birthday nfo should not include too much dissing i  |
   |   wont have a hatelist here.. basicly i hate everyone not on the  |
   |   list above anyway.                                              |
   |                                                                   |
   |   i started this with a quote, so here is one to close it!        |
   |                                                                   |
   |   "..bag 'a money much longer than yours and a team much stronger |
   |    than yours, violate me, this'll be your day, we don't play.."  |
   |                                                                   |
   |   thats it from me... shibuya bomb squad to the grave!            |
   |                                                                   |
   |   unforgettable itsumademo..     - Hadooken! feat. Optimus Prime  |
   |                                                                   |
  _|_                                          _ /                    _|__ _
  -+/_ ________________________________________//_____________________\+-
   :    _______    __________                 //                       :
        /     /___\\        /___ ___________ /______________________:
       /  /  /     \   /   /   /    /      //                      /+-
      .\__  /  /   /.______\  /|   /   /   /    Group News ...      |
   :__|_____\  \____| ---/_________\   ___/------------------- -/>  |
  -+\     /____|                 /_____|                            |
   |                                                                |
   |                                                                |
   |  English ...                                                   |
   | - --------- -                                                  |
   |                                                                |
   |  If you have free time during weekdays, and live near a        |
   |  gameshop such as eb, saturn, mediamarkt, babbages, gamestop   |
   |  or similar, we need you!                                      |
   |  If you work at a videogame magazine/distributor/etc and got   |
   |  access to (pre-)retail gba, ps2, xbox or gamecube games.      |
   |                                                                |
   |  If you live in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shanghai, Thailand or       |
   |  similar asian locations and either got access to new pirate   |
   |  carts (d-version) or live near a videogame retail shop, apply |
   |  aswell!                                                       |
   |                                                                |
   |  There currently are no open position for sites, dont bother.  |
   |                                                                |
   |  Mails in english and/or japanese are ok.                      |
   |                                                                |
   |  Get in touch with us:                   |
   |                                                                |
   |                                                                |
   |  Nihongo ...                                                   |
   | - --------- -                                                  |
   |                                                                |
   |  game ga hayaku te ni irerareru tokoro ni sunde iru nara       |
   |  (akihabara nado), mataha game shop mitai na mise de hataraite |
   |  iru nara, renraku shite kudasai.                              |
   |                                                                |
   |  release ha futuu ni "mumei" ni shimasu kara, anata ha namae   |
   |  ga misetai baai deha nakattara zettai ni misemasen.           |
   |                                                                |
   |  release shitai mi-release no soft wo te ni ireru baai mo      |
   |  renraku shite kudasai.                                        |
   |                                                                |
   |  zenbu no system no soft ni kyoumi ga arimasu (gba, ps2, xbox, |
   |  gamecube). eigo demo nihongo demo mail de yoroshiku onegai    |
   |  shimasu.                                                      |
   |                                                                |
   |  Get in touch with us:                   |
   |                                                                |
   |                                                               _|_
_ _|_                              _ ______________________________\+-
  -+/_ ___________________________ //                               : _ /
   :                              \/                                  //
                                ________     ______                   o
      :_ _____________________  /      //___\\    _|_______  _|_____ /
     -+\                     / /   /   /     \   _/ \     _|_\_    //__\_._
      |   We send greetings   .\___   /  /   /.______\   _/   |    /    \|
      |  to all the guys who -|_______\  \____|------/________|____\     \-- -
      |  supported us since         /____|                      _ /______/
      |  the start, and to our                                  /     .
      |  friends in the following groups ...                          |
      |                                                               |
      |       EURASIA - MODE7 - CEZAR - JCT - SHIBUYA BOMB SQUAD      |
      |                                                               |
  _ __|_                                                             _|_ _
     -+/_ _________________________________________________________ _\+-
      :                                                               :
                 Infofile Done By - Mogue/Arclite 2k4

This NFO File was rendered by

                                                   _ __ /
         ________ ___     _          ________________ o
        |       /___)__ __\_:____   |        /      //
     __/   /   /.     /    \|___)__/    /   /   /   /
     (/____\____|__ __\     \     /____/__._\____  /__
 </- ---------------(/______/_____\-------|______ /_\)--- -\>
                                 ____\_.____ ___ /_______
      :_ ____________________ _  /    \|   //   //      //
     -+\                       __\     \   /   /    /   /_  .Mo!/aL.
      |   Rising Sun Presents  (/______/_______\ __/____\)
      |  - ----------------- -          _ __ /______________________ _:
      |   007: Everything or Nothing        /                        /+-
  _ __|_    (C) Electronic Arts Japan      /                         _|__ _
      +/_ ______________________________ _ ________________________ _\+-
      :                                  /                            :
             :_ __________________________________________________________ _:
     ____   -+\                                                            /+-
   __(__/_   |    Country .....: Japan             Language ..: Japanese    |
   \     /_______ Release Date : 20/05/2004        Store Date : 11/02/2004  |
   /_____\   .  / System ......: Gameboy Advance   Filename ..: |
      /    / : /. Size ........: 64 MBit           supplier ..: Saltimbanqui|
   __/____/.____|                                                          _|_
  \\      _|  _ _________________________________________________________ _\+-
   \     _/____                                                _________
   /_____|    /                                               |        /
      \     //                                   _           /    /   /.___
   :_ /______\ ________________________________/\\ ________ /____/_____|  /
  -+\                                            \/         _____\      //
   |   Release Notes ...                                    \_   /_____:_\
   |  - --------------- -                                    |     /___|
   |   Well.. well! It's been a year.. indeed!               |_____\  _|___
   |   exactly 365 days have passed since the first rising sun  \    _/   /
   |   release to the scene...  quite a lot has changed.        /______:__\
   |                                                             /    \|
   |   old haters are still there..                             _\     \
   |   new friends were made (shouts to our french and japanese /______/
   |   connection!), the group grew into something i would have        |
   |   never expected... what started as the kicking trio is now       |
   |   international organized piracy.                                 |
   |                                                                   |
   |   first of all let me say sorry this crappy kusoge is the only    |
   |   thing i could come up with for the 1st anniversary. (not like   |
   |   the crc whiners etc deserve any better..)                       |
   |                                                                   |
   |   oddly the japanese version is the only version which is 64mbit  |
   |   instead of 128mbit like the usa and european versions!          |
   |                                                                   |
   |   lets continue with a quote from the fake gameboys charts #666   |
   |   may issue (or as we call it the j**&l***** charts!)             |
   |                                                                   |
   |   ~ Waldorf:  This new group is sure off to a fast start...       |
   |   ~ Statler:  Good, maybe it'll end quicker!                      |
   |                                                                   |
   |   Well, i guess not. I know you hate it, we love it.              |
   |                                                                   |
   |   Our almost daily game releasing made it up to 162 valid game    |
   |   releases in one year. a lot of trainers and some fuck ups.      |
   |   Theoretical math crap: 0.44 games a day / 3.22 games a week.    |
   |                                                                   |
   |   quality and quantity is the way to go. feel the OS spirit.      |
   |                                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |   Some personal shouts and stuff:                                 |
   |                                                                   |
   |   my shouts go to the 2 other original members which made this    |
   |   all possible.. chii, andrew, hadooken.. the kicking trio!       |
   |                                                                   |
   |   props to the ones who always helped us out and the ones who     |
   |   joined shortly after the start.. best regards to saltimbanqui   |
   |   who made the whole japanese connection possible and supplied    |
   |   alot of the early rs titles. gracias amigo!                     |
   |                                                                   |
   |   chii for sure was one of the best european suppliers and andrew |
   |   is forsure the best gba cracker/coder currently. greetings to   |
   |   our other european suppliers aswell. you are the best.          |
   |   greetings also to freekstyle and chii again for making all the  |
   |   great trainers.. (if there was a bug some time ago expect it to |
   |   be propered in "ages")                                          |
   |                                                                   |
   |   not to forget team rs usa/cdn who helped out with american gba  |
   |   titles. thanks for your support!                                |
   |                                                                   |
   |   its a shame that in these times mentioning nicknames in nfos is |
   |   not such a good idea.. but best regards to all the ones who     |
   |   always helped out with stuff in the background. you better know |
   |   who you are!                                                    |
   |                                                                   |
   |   greetings also to shibuya bomb squad and the ones involved in   |
   |   this project.                                                   |
   |                                                                   |
   |   greetings to eurasia and their members, thanks for all the fine |
   |   early japanese releases and friendship.                         |
   |                                                                   |
   |   best wishes to all the guys in mode7.. you will be missed!      |
   |                                                                   |
   |   hello to all the supporters of the japanese main console scene. |
   |                                                                   |
   |   nasbend to pat.. almost 5 years! get back online quick asshole. |
   |                                                                   |
   |   since gba is ending sooner or later i hope to have you all on   |
   |   board one last time on the ds/gba2 and/or psp before we all     |
   |   retire and drink sake 24/7.                                     |
   |                                                                   |
   |   since a 1st birthday nfo should not include too much dissing i  |
   |   wont have a hatelist here.. basicly i hate everyone not on the  |
   |   list above anyway.                                              |
   |                                                                   |
   |   i started this with a quote, so here is one to close it!        |
   |                                                                   |
   |   "..bag 'a money much longer than yours and a team much stronger |
   |    than yours, violate me, this'll be your day, we don't play.."  |
   |                                                                   |
   |   thats it from me... shibuya bomb squad to the grave!            |
   |                                                                   |
   |   unforgettable itsumademo..     - Hadooken! feat. Optimus Prime  |
   |                                                                   |
  _|_                                          _ /                    _|__ _
  -+/_ ________________________________________//_____________________\+-
   :    _______    __________                 //                       :
        /     /___\\        /___ ___________ /______________________:
       /  /  /     \   /   /   /    /      //                      /+-
      .\__  /  /   /.______\  /|   /   /   /    Group News ...      |
   :__|_____\  \____| ---/_________\   ___/------------------- -/>  |
  -+\     /____|                 /_____|                            |
   |                                                                |
   |                                                                |
   |  English ...                                                   |
   | - --------- -                                                  |
   |                                                                |
   |  If you have free time during weekdays, and live near a        |
   |  gameshop such as eb, saturn, mediamarkt, babbages, gamestop   |
   |  or similar, we need you!                                      |
   |  If you work at a videogame magazine/distributor/etc and got   |
   |  access to (pre-)retail gba, ps2, xbox or gamecube games.      |
   |                                                                |
   |  If you live in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shanghai, Thailand or       |
   |  similar asian locations and either got access to new pirate   |
   |  carts (d-version) or live near a videogame retail shop, apply |
   |  aswell!                                                       |
   |                                                                |
   |  There currently are no open position for sites, dont bother.  |
   |                                                                |
   |  Mails in english and/or japanese are ok.                      |
   |                                                                |
   |  Get in touch with us:                   |
   |                                                                |
   |                                                                |
   |  Nihongo ...                                                   |
   | - --------- -                                                  |
   |                                                                |
   |  game ga hayaku te ni irerareru tokoro ni sunde iru nara       |
   |  (akihabara nado), mataha game shop mitai na mise de hataraite |
   |  iru nara, renraku shite kudasai.                              |
   |                                                                |
   |  release ha futuu ni "mumei" ni shimasu kara, anata ha namae   |
   |  ga misetai baai deha nakattara zettai ni misemasen.           |
   |                                                                |
   |  release shitai mi-release no soft wo te ni ireru baai mo      |
   |  renraku shite kudasai.                                        |
   |                                                                |
   |  zenbu no system no soft ni kyoumi ga arimasu (gba, ps2, xbox, |
   |  gamecube). eigo demo nihongo demo mail de yoroshiku onegai    |
   |  shimasu.                                                      |
   |                                                                |
   |  Get in touch with us:                   |
   |                                                                |
   |                                                               _|_
_ _|_                              _ ______________________________\+-
  -+/_ ___________________________ //                               : _ /
   :                              \/                                  //
                                ________     ______                   o
      :_ _____________________  /      //___\\    _|_______  _|_____ /
     -+\                     / /   /   /     \   _/ \     _|_\_    //__\_._
      |   We send greetings   .\___   /  /   /.______\   _/   |    /    \|
      |  to all the guys who -|_______\  \____|------/________|____\     \-- -
      |  supported us since         /____|                      _ /______/
      |  the start, and to our                                  /     .
      |  friends in the following groups ...                          |
      |                                                               |
      |       EURASIA - MODE7 - CEZAR - JCT - SHIBUYA BOMB SQUAD      |
      |                                                               |
  _ __|_                                                             _|_ _
     -+/_ _________________________________________________________ _\+-
      :                                                               :
                 Infofile Done By - Mogue/Arclite 2k4

This NFO File was rendered by

