- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: dragon.ball.z.fusion.reborn.1995.720p.bluray.x264-aero.nfo dragon.ball.z.fusion.reborn.1995.720p.bluray.x264-aero

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       ####                          ####      AERO, we bring it, you watch it!

Release Name.......: Dragon.Ball.Z.Fusion.Reborn.1995.720p.BluRay.x264-AERO

Release Type/Source: BluRay/NTSC

Video Resolution...: 1920x1080 -> 1280x720

Video Bitrate......: 4893 Kbps

Video Framerate....: 23.976 FPS

Video Display A/R..: 16/9

Audio Track 1......: English 640Kbit AC3 5.1Ch

Audio Track 2......: Japanese 640Kbit AC3 Mono

Duration...........: 50mn 42s

Size...............: 2238MiB

Looking for........: Euro/Asia 100mbit/gbit sites, coders, US/UK cappers, rippers (looking forward to >>
your emails

This NFO File was rendered by

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#+:  ,@@@@@@'                      :@@@@@@#.

       ####                          ####      AERO, we bring it, you watch it!

Release Name.......: Dragon.Ball.Z.Fusion.Reborn.1995.720p.BluRay.x264-AERO

Release Type/Source: BluRay/NTSC

Video Resolution...: 1920x1080 -> 1280x720

Video Bitrate......: 4893 Kbps

Video Framerate....: 23.976 FPS

Video Display A/R..: 16/9

Audio Track 1......: English 640Kbit AC3 5.1Ch

Audio Track 2......: Japanese 640Kbit AC3 Mono

Duration...........: 50mn 42s

Size...............: 2238MiB

Looking for........: Euro/Asia 100mbit/gbit sites, coders, US/UK cappers, rippers (looking forward to >>
your emails

This NFO File was rendered by

