- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-mark_e--works_2005-2009_vol_2-cd-2010-jazzman.nfo 00-mark_e--works_2005-2009_vol_2-cd-2010-jazzman

             _ ___________________         __________________ _
               ...................         ..................
    .  ___                       : jAZzMan :
....     / ::::::::::::::::::::: :         : ::::::::::::::: ____    ..........
:  __\__/_  _____    ____       ____    ____   _______   ____\   \_____       .
.  \     /__\_   \___\   \   ___\   \  /    \__\      \ /   _    /     \___ t^
! _/   _/  _     /     __/__/     __/__\   _    \      /    /   /    _     \_ :
|\\___/    /   _/_____/      ____/     /___/     \_    \\_______\ ___/      //.
'-----\________\- ----\______)---\______\--\______/      \ __ __ _ _ \______\ '
           . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\______\\_\\. .
           | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |
          _ _____________________________________________________ _
        \ \.)                                                   (./ /
           |                                                     |
           |  artist.....: Mark E                                |
           |  vibe/s.....: Works 2005-2009 Vol 2                 |
           |                                                     |
           |  year.......: 2010                                  |
           |  archiveisms: Merc                                  |
           |               MERC004                               |
           |  source.....: CDDA                                  |
           |                                                     |
           |  moodswing..: Disco                                 |
           |                                                     |
           |  releasesize:  88,5 MB                              |
           |  tracks.....: 07                                    |
           |  length.....: 67:15 min                             |
           |                                                     |
           |  encoder....: Lame 3.97 (-V2 --Vbr-New)             |
           |  quality....: avg. 182kbps                          |
           |                                                     | .
         . |  scenealized: 08.28.2010                            | .
           |                                                     |
       ..: |_____________________________________________________| :..
              ____  ____       _____   . / ____      ____  _____
     ..... ...\   \/   / _____/    /__(_/_/    \____/   /_/    /..  .....
       ..:...//   /    //    /      /    /   _     \_    /  /   |:..:..
           :  \____\_________\_____/____/____/      /____\ _____|:
           ._____________________________  _ \______\ ___________.
           |                                                     |
           |  The second installment in the limited UNMIXED CD   |
           |  run of edits and tracks by Mark E, produced        |
           |  between 2005-2009. Vol. 2 brings together the      |
           |  remaining Mark E edits of the last five years      |
           |  plus tracks which remained personal DJ weapons     |
           |  until now. With his epic teased-out beatdown       |
           |  version of Womack & Womack's "Baby I'm Scared Of   |
           |  You" ("Scared" on Jiscomusic - featured here)      |
           |  Mark Evetts changed the direction of underground   |
           |  disco-house music for the next five years.         |
           |  Everyone and their dog has since hopped on the     |
           |  slo-mo bandwagon, but Mark's productions still     |
           |  rise above the rest, as this collection shows.     |
           |  The trademark stretched grooves have never been    |
           |  more obvious than here, teasing and elongating     |
           |  old and new soul music into epic 10 minute         |
           |  soundscapes. Sublime emotion combined with a       |
           |  slo-mo house aesthetic is the order of the day as  |
           |  Mark E winds up and draws a line under the last    |
           |  five years of sterling work.                       |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
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           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
        .  |  Psst, more info at               |  .
           |_____________________________________________________|  :
        :                  ____                                     .
       .:..._______ .....     /    _____   ____ .......... _____....:.
        ::::\     /.______\__/_____\_   )_/   / __________/    /:::::
        ::. _\    \|   /      \     /_    \   //    /    |\    \_::::
        : _\\__________\ ____//      /  __/_________\___________//_::
    .-----/|--------------- -/_________/  --  - -----------------|\-----.
    |                                                                   |
    | 01     Often Think To Myself                                08:23 |
    | 02     One Way Your Way                                     08:27 |
    | 03     For Love                                             08:35 |
    | 04     Happenin                                             10:40 |
    | 05     Darker                                               08:18 |
    | 06     Formed                                               12:12 |
    | 07     Scared                                               10:40 |
    |                                                                   |
    '---- -.                                                     .- ----'
           |                                                     |
      _ ___| __:                                             :__ |___ _
      \\  \|:::|                                             |:::|/  //
         \ |:::|                                             |:::| /
          .|:::|                                             |:::|.
           |:::| "After silence, that which comes nearest to |:::|
           |:::|                                             |:::|
           |:::|  expressing the inexpressible,is music."    |:::|
           |:::|                                             |:::|
           |:::| -- Aldous Huxley                            |:::|
           |:::|                                             |:::|
           |:::|                                             |:::|
           |:::|                                             |:::|
           |::::                                             |:::|
           |::::.                                            |:::|
           |:::::.                              ╕a******.    |:::|
           !:::::::..                          ╪         ╪ _mw**w,.
           .::::::::::::......              ___`#       .╞*"»     ░.
           .:::::::::::::::::::::::.....╕pñ"»»»"░#╡   _/░         _╪ .
           .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::╪~        ╪╪╪╪╪__╡µ╡╡µµ╪▒░   :
                                        ¼╪╪a___agµ╪╪╪╪╪          »¼*.
                                            µ░     ░╤m,__ t^   _J'
                                             ¼╪w________# ¼"░░░""»

This NFO File was rendered by

             _ ___________________         __________________ _
               ...................         ..................
    .  ___                       : jAZzMan :
....     / ::::::::::::::::::::: :         : ::::::::::::::: ____    ..........
:  __\__/_  _____    ____       ____    ____   _______   ____\   \_____       .
.  \     /__\_   \___\   \   ___\   \  /    \__\      \ /   _    /     \___ t^
! _/   _/  _     /     __/__/     __/__\   _    \      /    /   /    _     \_ :
|\\___/    /   _/_____/      ____/     /___/     \_    \\_______\ ___/      //.
'-----\________\- ----\______)---\______\--\______/      \ __ __ _ _ \______\ '
           . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\______\\_\\. .
           | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |
          _ _____________________________________________________ _
        \ \.)                                                   (./ /
           |                                                     |
           |  artist.....: Mark E                                |
           |  vibe/s.....: Works 2005-2009 Vol 2                 |
           |                                                     |
           |  year.......: 2010                                  |
           |  archiveisms: Merc                                  |
           |               MERC004                               |
           |  source.....: CDDA                                  |
           |                                                     |
           |  moodswing..: Disco                                 |
           |                                                     |
           |  releasesize:  88,5 MB                              |
           |  tracks.....: 07                                    |
           |  length.....: 67:15 min                             |
           |                                                     |
           |  encoder....: Lame 3.97 (-V2 --Vbr-New)             |
           |  quality....: avg. 182kbps                          |
           |                                                     | .
         . |  scenealized: 08.28.2010                            | .
           |                                                     |
       ..: |_____________________________________________________| :..
              ____  ____       _____   . / ____      ____  _____
     ..... ...\   \/   / _____/    /__(_/_/    \____/   /_/    /..  .....
       ..:...//   /    //    /      /    /   _     \_    /  /   |:..:..
           :  \____\_________\_____/____/____/      /____\ _____|:
           ._____________________________  _ \______\ ___________.
           |                                                     |
           |  The second installment in the limited UNMIXED CD   |
           |  run of edits and tracks by Mark E, produced        |
           |  between 2005-2009. Vol. 2 brings together the      |
           |  remaining Mark E edits of the last five years      |
           |  plus tracks which remained personal DJ weapons     |
           |  until now. With his epic teased-out beatdown       |
           |  version of Womack & Womack's "Baby I'm Scared Of   |
           |  You" ("Scared" on Jiscomusic - featured here)      |
           |  Mark Evetts changed the direction of underground   |
           |  disco-house music for the next five years.         |
           |  Everyone and their dog has since hopped on the     |
           |  slo-mo bandwagon, but Mark's productions still     |
           |  rise above the rest, as this collection shows.     |
           |  The trademark stretched grooves have never been    |
           |  more obvious than here, teasing and elongating     |
           |  old and new soul music into epic 10 minute         |
           |  soundscapes. Sublime emotion combined with a       |
           |  slo-mo house aesthetic is the order of the day as  |
           |  Mark E winds up and draws a line under the last    |
           |  five years of sterling work.                       |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
           |                                                     |
        .  |  Psst, more info at               |  .
           |_____________________________________________________|  :
        :                  ____                                     .
       .:..._______ .....     /    _____   ____ .......... _____....:.
        ::::\     /.______\__/_____\_   )_/   / __________/    /:::::
        ::. _\    \|   /      \     /_    \   //    /    |\    \_::::
        : _\\__________\ ____//      /  __/_________\___________//_::
    .-----/|--------------- -/_________/  --  - -----------------|\-----.
    |                                                                   |
    | 01     Often Think To Myself                                08:23 |
    | 02     One Way Your Way                                     08:27 |
    | 03     For Love                                             08:35 |
    | 04     Happenin                                             10:40 |
    | 05     Darker                                               08:18 |
    | 06     Formed                                               12:12 |
    | 07     Scared                                               10:40 |
    |                                                                   |
    '---- -.                                                     .- ----'
           |                                                     |
      _ ___| __:                                             :__ |___ _
      \\  \|:::|                                             |:::|/  //
         \ |:::|                                             |:::| /
          .|:::|                                             |:::|.
           |:::| "After silence, that which comes nearest to |:::|
           |:::|                                             |:::|
           |:::|  expressing the inexpressible,is music."    |:::|
           |:::|                                             |:::|
           |:::| -- Aldous Huxley                            |:::|
           |:::|                                             |:::|
           |:::|                                             |:::|
           |:::|                                             |:::|
           |::::                                             |:::|
           |::::.                                            |:::|
           |:::::.                              ¸a******.    |:::|
           !:::::::..                          Ø         Ø _mw**w,.
           .::::::::::::......              ___`#       .Æ*"¯     °.
           .:::::::::::::::::::::::.....¸p¤"¯¯¯"°#µ   _/°         _Ø .
           .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Ø~        ØØØØØ__µæµµææر°   :
                                        ¬ØØa___agæØØØØØ          ¯¬*.
                                            æ°     °Ñm,__ t^   _J'
                                             ¬Øw________# ¬"°°°""¯

This NFO File was rendered by

