- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-sebutones-50_50_where_it_counts_cd_rip_-1998-cms.nfo 00-sebutones-50_50_where_it_counts_cd_rip_-1998-cms

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                      Sebutones  - 50 50 Where it Counts(CD Rip)

   ┌────────────────────── -=[-sEe_eMm_eSs__2_0_0_1-]=- ────────────────────────┐
   │                                                                            │
   | ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ |
   : │     ─ ── ───────────┐                          ┌───────────── ── ─     │ :
   . │                 ─ ── ────── INFoRMATiON ─────-─ ── ─                   │ .
   . │                                                                        │ .
     │                                                                        │
     │     RiPPER.: Triple H               DATE RiPPED..: 05-01-2001          │
     │     LAbEL..: Independent            DATE RELEaSEd: 00-00-0000          │
     │     ENCOdER: LAME                   RELEaSE SiZE.: 90,2 MB             │
     │     BiTrAtE: 192 kbps               TRACkS.......: 22                  │
     │     MOdE...: Joint-Stereo           SoURCe.......: CDDA                │
     │                                                                        │
     │                                                                        │
     │                                                                        │
     │     ─ ── ───────────┐                          ┌───────────── ── ─     │
     │                 ─ ── ────── RELeASE NoTES ───── ── ─                   │
     │                                                                        │
     │                                                                        │
     │       i really love canadian ish...especially these two                │
     │       cats...buck 65 and sixtoo..otherwise known together as the       │
     │       sebutones....this album is considered to be a classic by         │
     │       many.. if you enjoy anticon-esque type rap then you will         │
     │       most likely like this sure to check out six's        │
     │       and buck's sites..                              │
     │                                    │
     │                                                                        │
     │                                                                        │
     ├─────────────────────┘                          └───────────────────────┤
     │     ─ ── ───────────┐                          ┌───────────── ── ─     │
     │                 ─ ── ────--─ TRaCK LiST ──--─── ── ─                   │
     │        ____ __________________________________________ _______         │
     │       │    │                                          │       │        │
     │       │ #  │ Track Name                               │ Time  │        │
     │       ├────┼───────────-──────────────────────────────┼───────┤        │
     │       │ 01 │ Intro                                    │ 01:00 │        │
     │       │ 02 │ We Three Kings                           │ 03:54 │        │
     │       │ 03 │ Trust No One                             │ 05:14 │        │
     │       │ 04 │ Interlude                                │ 00:27 │        │
     │       │ 05 │ The Masked Man                           │ 03:07 │        │
     │       │ 06 │ 05 Professionals                         │ 05:17 │        │
     │       │ 07 │ Dead Men Don't Walk                      │ 04:02 │        │
     │       │ 08 │ Newport                                  │ 04:04 │        │
     │       │ 09 │ Apocalypse Party                         │ 03:00 │        │
     │       │ 10 │ 01-29-2020                               │ 03:24 │        │
     │       │ 11 │ Intelligent Freaks                       │ 01:13 │        │
     │       │ 12 │ Dazed & Confused                         │ 03:27 │        │
     │       │ 13 │ Whiteys on the Moon                      │ 01:08 │        │
     │       │ 14 │ Go Back                                  │ 04:15 │        │
     │       │ 15 │ Nibiru                                   │ 03:07 │        │
     │       │ 16 │ Ballistics Testing                       │ 00:43 │        │
     │       │ 17 │ Outlawed Truths                          │ 04:29 │        │
     │       │ 18 │ Tranquilized Tones                       │ 03:01 │        │
     │       │ 19 │ Viral Pneumonia                          │ 02:52 │        │
     │       │ 20 │ Simba Ain't Shit                         │ 01:19 │        │
     │       │ 21 │ Chalk                                    │ 03:15 │        │
     │       │ 22 │ Punk Song                                │ 03:13 │        │
     │       │    ├──────────────────────────────────────────┼───────┤        │
     │       │    │                                    Total │ 65:31 │        │
     │─────── ──── ──────── ────────────────────────── ────── ─────── ────────┤
     ├─────────────────────┘ ─ ── ─ SHoUToUTS ─ ─── ─ └───────────────────────┤
     │                                                                        │
     │                                                                        │
     │       sleep is the cousin of death....                                 │
     │       and i'm the cousin of my aunt's daughter...                      │
     │                                                                        │
     │                                                                        │
     │     ─ ── ───────────┐                          ┌───────────── ── ─     │
     │                 ─ ── ─────── WaNNA HeLP? ────── ── ─                   │
     │    CMS is always looking for new members. T1+ siteops with at least    │
     │    50Gb space, rippers who can get new/rare underground stuff, *nix    │
     │    admins who can provide legitimate shells, haQerz that can change    │
     │    members grades in college and anyone who has skills which may be    │
     │    useful are welcome to...                                            │
     │    Join #CMS on EFnet and ask an operator for assistance.              │
     │                                                                        │
     ├─────────────────────┘                          └───────────────────────┤
     │                                                                        │
     │             Welcome the members of mwL ("music we like")               │
     │             to the CMS crew. Watch out for DOPE rips from              │
     │          eyes_, Triple_H, rhymo, MiNd, LV, Dark, and Duck_Down.        │
     │                                                                        │
     │     ─ ── ───────────┐                          ┌───────────── ── ─     │
     │             DSP                                      FTD               │
     │             mwL ─ ── ────-─ GRouP GrEEtS ─-──── ── ─ hbZ               │
     │            oMAR                                      EGO               │
     ├─────────────────────┘                          └───────────────────────┤
   . │                                                                        │ .
   . │    ─ ── ──────── ──────── ── ─     │ .
   : │                                                                        │ :
   | └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ |
   │                                                                            │
   └─ -=["STILL releasin' dope shit like fat mexican smugglers in custody!"]=- ─┘

                     NFO Generated With Morgoth's Mp3Releaser

This NFO File was rendered by

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         ;'ù     d$S     [Å].CoNStipAtEd.MoNkEy.SmEgmA.[Å]     S$b
                 `S                                             S'
                  '                                             `

                      Sebutones  - 50 50 Where it Counts(CD Rip)

   ³                                                                            ³
   : ³     Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                          ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä     ³ :
   . ³                 Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ INFoRMATiON ÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä ÄÄ Ä                   ³ .
   . ³                                                                        ³ .
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³     RiPPER.: Triple H               DATE RiPPED..: 05-01-2001          ³
     ³     LAbEL..: Independent            DATE RELEaSEd: 00-00-0000          ³
     ³     ENCOdER: LAME                   RELEaSE SiZE.: 90,2 MB             ³
     ³     BiTrAtE: 192 kbps               TRACkS.......: 22                  ³
     ³     MOdE...: Joint-Stereo           SoURCe.......: CDDA                ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³     Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                          ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä     ³
     ³                 Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ RELeASE NoTES ÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä                   ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³       i really love canadian ish...especially these two                ³
     ³       cats...buck 65 and sixtoo..otherwise known together as the       ³
     ³       sebutones....this album is considered to be a classic by         ³
     ³       many.. if you enjoy anticon-esque type rap then you will         ³
     ³       most likely like this sure to check out six's        ³
     ³       and buck's sites..                              ³
     ³                                    ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³     Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                          ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä     ³
     ³                 Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄ--Ä TRaCK LiST ÄÄ--ÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä                   ³
     ³        ____ __________________________________________ _______         ³
     ³       ³    ³                                          ³       ³        ³
     ³       ³ #  ³ Track Name                               ³ Time  ³        ³
     ³       ³ 01 ³ Intro                                    ³ 01:00 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 02 ³ We Three Kings                           ³ 03:54 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 03 ³ Trust No One                             ³ 05:14 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 04 ³ Interlude                                ³ 00:27 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 05 ³ The Masked Man                           ³ 03:07 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 06 ³ 05 Professionals                         ³ 05:17 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 07 ³ Dead Men Don't Walk                      ³ 04:02 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 08 ³ Newport                                  ³ 04:04 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 09 ³ Apocalypse Party                         ³ 03:00 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 10 ³ 01-29-2020                               ³ 03:24 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 11 ³ Intelligent Freaks                       ³ 01:13 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 12 ³ Dazed & Confused                         ³ 03:27 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 13 ³ Whiteys on the Moon                      ³ 01:08 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 14 ³ Go Back                                  ³ 04:15 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 15 ³ Nibiru                                   ³ 03:07 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 16 ³ Ballistics Testing                       ³ 00:43 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 17 ³ Outlawed Truths                          ³ 04:29 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 18 ³ Tranquilized Tones                       ³ 03:01 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 19 ³ Viral Pneumonia                          ³ 02:52 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 20 ³ Simba Ain't Shit                         ³ 01:19 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 21 ³ Chalk                                    ³ 03:15 ³        ³
     ³       ³ 22 ³ Punk Song                                ³ 03:13 ³        ³
     ³       ³    ³                                    Total ³ 65:31 ³        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³       sleep is the cousin of death....                                 ³
     ³       and i'm the cousin of my aunt's daughter...                      ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³     Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                          ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä     ³
     ³                 Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ WaNNA HeLP? ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä                   ³
     ³    CMS is always looking for new members. T1+ siteops with at least    ³
     ³    50Gb space, rippers who can get new/rare underground stuff, *nix    ³
     ³    admins who can provide legitimate shells, haQerz that can change    ³
     ³    members grades in college and anyone who has skills which may be    ³
     ³    useful are welcome to...                                            ³
     ³    Join #CMS on EFnet and ask an operator for assistance.              ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³             Welcome the members of mwL ("music we like")               ³
     ³             to the CMS crew. Watch out for DOPE rips from              ³
     ³          eyes_, Triple_H, rhymo, MiNd, LV, Dark, and Duck_Down.        ³
     ³                                                                        ³
     ³     Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿                          ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä     ³
     ³             DSP                                      FTD               ³
     ³             mwL Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄ-Ä GRouP GrEEtS Ä-ÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä hbZ               ³
     ³            oMAR                                      EGO               ³
   . ³                                                                        ³ .
   . ³    Ä ÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄ Ä     ³ .
   : ³                                                                        ³ :
   ³                                                                            ³
   ÀÄ -=["STILL releasin' dope shit like fat mexican smugglers in custody!"]=- ÄÙ

                     NFO Generated With Morgoth's Mp3Releaser

This NFO File was rendered by

