- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: sebutones-00-psoriasis_reissue-dsp.nfo sebutones-00-psoriasis_reissue-dsp

               D i g i t a l     S o u n d     P r o p h e t s

²¼$$$$¼$$$$$$$$SSSs,._         _.,sS½²"~ "²¼Ss,._ ~²¼$$$$¼$$$$$$$$$SSSs,._
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$          `²½$Ss,.                                        .,sS$½²'         :
$:         ·                                                    ·           $
$:        ::  While other groups fight each other to see who can release   :$
$½        :|  the latest one hit wonder first Digital Sound Prophets stays ¼$
$$¼.      |S  dedicated to releasing only the DOPEST music around. While  :$$
$$$¼½s.,s$$S  the rippers from other groups run to sam goodies top      _.S$$
²¼$$$$$$$S$$  billboards artist displays DSP's rippers are hard at ___sSSS$$$
 `²$$S$$$÷²'  work digging through crates and finding the diamonds       `²$$
    `"²"'     which lay underground.                                       `$
  _.,s%²` DSP Release Information ...                                       ·
`%s,          Artist : Sebutones
               Title : Psoriasis Reissue
   ~s,._  ----  - -  -- -   - -      ---- - - ------- ------   -----------
       ;  Ripper     : _flow_
     .'   Label      : independent
          Source     : Compact Disc
          Rls Date   : 01/00/1999
          Rip Date   : 04/03/2000
          Total Time : 0hr 35min
          Total Size : 49MB
          Bitrate    : 192 kb/s HQ True Stereo
          ----  - -  -- -   - -      ---- - - ------- ------   -----------

  _.,s%²` Track Information ...
   ~s,._ -----  - -  -- -   - -      ---- - - ------- ------   -----------

        01  9:02  Psoriasis Reissue (Track1)
        02  8:31  Psoriasis Reissue (Track2)
        03  1:12  Psoriasis Reissue (Track3)
        04  9:44  Psoriasis Reissue (Track4)
        05  7:11  Psoriasis Reissue (Track5)

                                                               .s%Ss. _..s$²'
                                                               $²' `²"s

  _.,s%²` Album Notes ...
>$½²`     -----  - -  -- -   - -      ---- - - ------- ------   -----------
          I don't know much about the Sebutones, but I've gotta say
          their shit is pretty sick.  Dope beats, intelligent lyrics,
          etc. etc.  Peep it out for yourself.  The CD I ripped this
          from didn't come with a track listing, so we all have to
          suffer... Enjoy.

       ;  -----  - -  -- -   - -      ---- - - ------- ------   -----------

  _.,s%²  If you have questions about any particular artists feel
>$½²`     free to stop by #dsp on EFnet and chill with us. Be on
>$½²`     the lookout for exclusive tracks from the artists of
   ~s,._  #dsp we have many musicians in the group and we will be
       ;  releasing there tracks from time to time.

  _.,s%²` Props goes out to all groups releasin' dope music
>$½²`     to the masses. Special thanks also goes out to CiA
`%s,      for all their art work.
       ;  DSP is always lookin for rippers who can dig deep in
       ;  the crates and find anything that has been slept on.
          Our mission is to bring you dope tracks from people
          you never heard of or that are hard to find so please             ·
          let us know if there is anything you'd like see ripped!           :
                                      Peace,                                S
                                        The DSP Team, 1999                  S
    Greets...                                                    ·          $
         verse     - Helping us out when we need.                :         :$
         |b_side|  - Personal freind to #dsp.                    |:        :$
         datacrime - Maker of Cd-Tag.                            S:        ½$
                                                                 $|      .¼$$
 End of Info -- Outline/pic by Burning Chrome <CIA4Life>         $$S$$$$$$$¼²

This NFO File was rendered by

               D i g i t a l     S o u n d     P r o p h e t s

ý¬$$$$¬$$$$$$$$SSSs,._         _.,sS«ý"~ "ý¬Ss,._ ~ý¬$$$$¬$$$$$$$$$SSSs,._
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       `~"ý$     ¬S$$  `S¬$   $¬S"' $¬S'  $¬S' S¬$  $¬S'  $$S¬     $ý"~bc<cia>
           :     `S¬$   `¬:   :¬'   :¬'   :¬'  `¬:  :¬'   $¬S'     :
                  `¬: :  :     :     :     :    :    :  : :¬'
     --ö,._       :  .¬:    :      :    :    :         :¬. :       _.,ö--   ú
         `ýSSs.     .S¬$   .¬:    :¬.  :¬.  :¬.  .¬:   $¬S.    .sSSý'
S           `Ss.    ¬S$$ _.S¬$    $¬S_ $¬S_ $¬S_ S¬$,. $$S¬   .sS'          ú
S           .«SS    S$S$$s`ýS$$s,s$Ss's$Ss's$Ss' $S:,s$$S$S   SS«.          :
$        _.s$SS'    ú"ýS$$S;ö-- -   -           --ö;S$$Sý"'   `SS$s._       |
$          `ý«$Ss,.                                        .,sS$«ý'         :
$:         ú                                                    ú           $
$:        ::  While other groups fight each other to see who can release   :$
$«        :|  the latest one hit wonder first Digital Sound Prophets stays ¬$
$$¬.      |S  dedicated to releasing only the DOPEST music around. While  :$$
$$$¬«s.,s$$S  the rippers from other groups run to sam goodies top      _.S$$
ý¬$$$$$$$S$$  billboards artist displays DSP's rippers are hard at ___sSSS$$$
 `ý$$S$$$öý'  work digging through crates and finding the diamonds       `ý$$
    `"ý"'     which lay underground.                                       `$
  _.,s%ý` DSP Release Information ...                                       ú
`%s,          Artist : Sebutones
               Title : Psoriasis Reissue
   ~s,._  ----  - -  -- -   - -      ---- - - ------- ------   -----------
       ;  Ripper     : _flow_
     .'   Label      : independent
          Source     : Compact Disc
          Rls Date   : 01/00/1999
          Rip Date   : 04/03/2000
          Total Time : 0hr 35min
          Total Size : 49MB
          Bitrate    : 192 kb/s HQ True Stereo
          ----  - -  -- -   - -      ---- - - ------- ------   -----------

  _.,s%ý` Track Information ...
   ~s,._ -----  - -  -- -   - -      ---- - - ------- ------   -----------

        01  9:02  Psoriasis Reissue (Track1)
        02  8:31  Psoriasis Reissue (Track2)
        03  1:12  Psoriasis Reissue (Track3)
        04  9:44  Psoriasis Reissue (Track4)
        05  7:11  Psoriasis Reissue (Track5)

                                                               .s%Ss. _..s$ý'
                                                               $ý' `ý"s

  _.,s%ý` Album Notes ...
>$«ý`     -----  - -  -- -   - -      ---- - - ------- ------   -----------
          I don't know much about the Sebutones, but I've gotta say
          their shit is pretty sick.  Dope beats, intelligent lyrics,
          etc. etc.  Peep it out for yourself.  The CD I ripped this
          from didn't come with a track listing, so we all have to
          suffer... Enjoy.

       ;  -----  - -  -- -   - -      ---- - - ------- ------   -----------

  _.,s%ý  If you have questions about any particular artists feel
>$«ý`     free to stop by #dsp on EFnet and chill with us. Be on
>$«ý`     the lookout for exclusive tracks from the artists of
   ~s,._  #dsp we have many musicians in the group and we will be
       ;  releasing there tracks from time to time.

  _.,s%ý` Props goes out to all groups releasin' dope music
>$«ý`     to the masses. Special thanks also goes out to CiA
`%s,      for all their art work.
       ;  DSP is always lookin for rippers who can dig deep in
       ;  the crates and find anything that has been slept on.
          Our mission is to bring you dope tracks from people
          you never heard of or that are hard to find so please             ú
          let us know if there is anything you'd like see ripped!           :
                                      Peace,                                S
                                        The DSP Team, 1999                  S
    Greets...                                                    ú          $
         verse     - Helping us out when we need.                :         :$
         |b_side|  - Personal freind to #dsp.                    |:        :$
         datacrime - Maker of Cd-Tag.                            S:        «$
                                                                 $|      .¬$$
 End of Info -- Outline/pic by Burning Chrome <CIA4Life>         $$S$$$$$$$¬ý

This NFO File was rendered by

