- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: 00-va-ten-_dbm010_-web-2010-dh.nfo 00-va-ten-_dbm010_-web-2010-dh

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      .                                                                  .
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      .  .    _ ___._______________________________________.___ _   .  . :
 ____ :_. \       _|_                                     _|_      /   !_: ____
 :::: :#!. .       |/.__  ___  ___  ___    __  _____   ___\|      .   .|#: ::::
 :::: :#|:    _ __.//_\ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \  _\ \/ _ \ \_/ _ \\.__ _     :|#: ::::
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 :::: :#|: :     . x\___/___/\___/____/  \___/___/__/\___//x .      : :|#: ::::
 :::: :#|: ::.                                                    .:: :|#: ::::
 :::: :..:. ...  *  1 o  y e a r s   o f   d e e p  l o v e  *   ... .:..: ::::
 . .... . ............................................................ ...... .
   : __                                                                  __ :
   :  # |                                                              |  # .
        |   Artist > VA                                                |  # .
      # |    Title > Ten                                               | #
      : |     Type > Compilation                                       | :
      . |     Year > 2010                                              | .
        |    Genre > House (Deep House)                                |
        |                                                              |
        |    Label > Rip N Burn Germany                                |
        |    Catnr > DBM010                                            |
        |      Url >                      |
        |                                                              |
        |____.        ____        ____         ___   ___          .___.|
        |::::|   .   .\_  \_ _(/__\ _ \__(/_ __\  \_/  /___ _     |::::|
        |::::|    \ _| /   //   /   /  /   //  /   /   _/  \\     |::::|
        |::::| rip\\\__\____\___\  ___/____\___\___\  /____/.info |::::|
        |::::|- --- -----------/__/--------- ---_/   /------ -----|::::|
        |::::|                                 \\___/             |::::|
        |::::|     rlsdate > 22.09.2010                           |::::|
        |::::|     encoder > Lame 3.97                            |::::|
        |::::|     quality > VBRkbps / 44.1 kHz / Joint Stereo    |::::|
        |::::|      source > WEB                                  |::::|
        |::::|                                                    |::::|
        |::::|      length > 79:29 min                            |::::|
        |::::|      tracks > 10                                   |::::|
        |::::|        size > 103.97mb                             |::::|
        |::::|                                                    |::::|
        |::::|                                                    |::::|
        |::::|   >>                     10                   <<   |::::|
        |::::|                                                    |::::|
        |::::|    We'd like to thank everyone who contributed     |::::|
        |::::|       throughout these years. You guys rock!       |::::|
        |::::|   Without you, this wouldn't have been possible.   |::::|
        |::::|                                                    |::::|
        |::::|  products/ten/1577802-02/                          |::::|
        |::::|                                                    |::::|
        |::::|  With a label like this and a title like that how  |::::|
        |::::|  could we resist?                                  |::::|
        |::::|                                                    |::::|
        |::::|  enjoy!                                            |::::|
        |::::|                              ____.             .   |::::|
        |::::|_  ______ ____   _____  ___   \_  |____ .  ____/ . _|::::|
        |:::::///     /_\_  \_/    /_/  /.___/  /  _// ./   /__ \\:::::|
        |::::/./    _/.  /   /  _   /   \|   \_ \  \___|__     \ _\::::!
       .!:::///____/ /___\____\_\___\\________/_|\___    /  ___/// \:::|.
       .!::/- -- ------------------------- - -------/______/- ------\::|.
       .|:///                                                      \\\:!!
     . .!.                                                            .:.
     :#::  01. Deep Blast - Bring The Funk (Aki Bergen       7:12      :#:
     :#::      Remix)                                                  :#:
     :#::  02. Deep Blast & Michael Nowak - Disdance         9:17      :#:
     :#::  03. Deep Blast - IT                               8:30      :#:
     :#::  04. Deep Blast - C.Sky                            7:45      :#:
     :#::  05. Deep Blast - Smooth Intention                 7:17      :#:
     :#::  06. Deep Blast - Surreal World                    7:54      :#:
     :#::  07. Deep Blast - Unwritten Story                  7:35      :#:
     :#::  08. Deep Blast - What Do You Expect (Stan Kolev   7:39      :#:
     :#::      Remix)                                                  :#:
     :#::  09. MetanoiaX - Restricted Area (Deep Blast       8:47      :#:
     :#::      Remix)                                                  :#:
     :#::  10. The Tricky Dude & Deep Blast - Beatstreet     7:33      :#:
     :#::      2000                                                    :#:
     :#::                                                              :#:
     :#:::                                                             :#:
     :#:::.                                                            :#:
     :#::::.                                                           :#:
     :#::::::..                       remember to support the artists  :#:
     :#:::::::::::......                                               :#:
     :#:::::::::::::::::::::::::                                       :#:
     :#:::::::::::::::::::::::::  the deep house crew brings you once  :#:
     :#:::::::::::::::::::::::::  again  a  high  quality  release of  :#:
     :#:::::::::::::::::::::::::  electronic    music ..   music with  :#:
     :#:::::::::::::::::::::::::  emotion  that   deserves  promotion  :#:
     :#:::::::::::::::::::::::::                                       :#:
     :#:::::::::::::::::::::::::  [ deep house ]    2 0 0 0 - 2 0 1 0  :#:
     :#''''''''''''''''''.:..                                           #:
     : if you are  down ╖ ╖::::.    .              '::::.     .....     #:
     : with deep  house     ::::    ..                ::::.  :::::::╖   x.
     . music, then drop     ::::  .:::::.  .           ':::╖:::╖╖:::::╖ ..
     :    a line to         ::::  :::::::::.   ..:╖     :::::::: . ::::
     :       ::::  :::: ╖:::::╖:::╖      ╖::::::: : ::::  .
     :.................. .  ::::  ::::   ╖:::::::       :::::::: ':::'
     ................... .  ::::  ::::.   ╖╖::::       .:::::::::....╖  .
     :   shoutouts to the   ::::.  ::::.   :::::      ╕::::'╖:::::::: ..:::
     : groups that LOVE the  ::::.:.::::  ╖:::::.    .::::'  ╖:::::.    ::::
     :. music they promote    :::::' ::::.::::::::..::╖::     ╖::::::..:::::
     :::.................. .. .':'    `::::::'╖:::::::'        ╖:::::::::::╖
                                               - --t^/dS!.1o-- - ╖:::::::╖

This NFO File was rendered by

                   X               ²Û                      .
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              _ ___|:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|___ _
      .                                                                  .
      .            D    E    E    P    H    O    U    S    E             .
      .  .    _ ___._______________________________________.___ _   .  . :
 ____ :_. \       _|_                                     _|_      /   !_: ____
 :::: :#!. .       |/.__  ___  ___  ___    __  _____   ___\|      .   .|#: ::::
 :::: :#|:    _ __.//_\ \/ _ \/ _ \/ _ \  _\ \/ _ \ \_/ _ \\.__ _     :|#: ::::
 :::: :#|:    // //./  _/ // / // / // / /  _/ // /  / // /.\\ \\     :|#: ::::
 :::: :#|: :     . x\___/___/\___/____/  \___/___/__/\___//x .      : :|#: ::::
 :::: :#|: ::.                                                    .:: :|#: ::::
 :::: :..:. ...  *  1 o  y e a r s   o f   d e e p  l o v e  *   ... .:..: ::::
 . .... . ............................................................ ...... .
   : __                                                                  __ :
   :  # |                                                              |  # .
        |   Artist > VA                                                |  # .
      # |    Title > Ten                                               | #
      : |     Type > Compilation                                       | :
      . |     Year > 2010                                              | .
        |    Genre > House (Deep House)                                |
        |                                                              |
        |    Label > Rip N Burn Germany                                |
        |    Catnr > DBM010                                            |
        |      Url >                      |
        |                                                              |
        |____.        ____        ____         ___   ___          .___.|
        |::::|   .   .\_  \_ _(/__\ _ \__(/_ __\  \_/  /___ _     |::::|
        |::::|    \ _| /   //   /   /  /   //  /   /   _/  \\     |::::|
        |::::| rip\\\__\____\___\  ___/____\___\___\  /____/.info |::::|
        |::::|- --- -----------/__/--------- ---_/   /------ -----|::::|
        |::::|                                 \\___/             |::::|
        |::::|     rlsdate > 22.09.2010                           |::::|
        |::::|     encoder > Lame 3.97                            |::::|
        |::::|     quality > VBRkbps / 44.1 kHz / Joint Stereo    |::::|
        |::::|      source > WEB                                  |::::|
        |::::|                                                    |::::|
        |::::|      length > 79:29 min                            |::::|
        |::::|      tracks > 10                                   |::::|
        |::::|        size > 103.97mb                             |::::|
        |::::|                                                    |::::|
        |::::|                                                    |::::|
        |::::|   >>                     10                   <<   |::::|
        |::::|                                                    |::::|
        |::::|    We'd like to thank everyone who contributed     |::::|
        |::::|       throughout these years. You guys rock!       |::::|
        |::::|   Without you, this wouldn't have been possible.   |::::|
        |::::|                                                    |::::|
        |::::|  products/ten/1577802-02/                          |::::|
        |::::|                                                    |::::|
        |::::|  With a label like this and a title like that how  |::::|
        |::::|  could we resist?                                  |::::|
        |::::|                                                    |::::|
        |::::|  enjoy!                                            |::::|
        |::::|                              ____.             .   |::::|
        |::::|_  ______ ____   _____  ___   \_  |____ .  ____/ . _|::::|
        |:::::///     /_\_  \_/    /_/  /.___/  /  _// ./   /__ \\:::::|
        |::::/./    _/.  /   /  _   /   \|   \_ \  \___|__     \ _\::::!
       .!:::///____/ /___\____\_\___\\________/_|\___    /  ___/// \:::|.
       .!::/- -- ------------------------- - -------/______/- ------\::|.
       .|:///                                                      \\\:!!
     . .!.                                                            .:.
     :#::  01. Deep Blast - Bring The Funk (Aki Bergen       7:12      :#:
     :#::      Remix)                                                  :#:
     :#::  02. Deep Blast & Michael Nowak - Disdance         9:17      :#:
     :#::  03. Deep Blast - IT                               8:30      :#:
     :#::  04. Deep Blast - C.Sky                            7:45      :#:
     :#::  05. Deep Blast - Smooth Intention                 7:17      :#:
     :#::  06. Deep Blast - Surreal World                    7:54      :#:
     :#::  07. Deep Blast - Unwritten Story                  7:35      :#:
     :#::  08. Deep Blast - What Do You Expect (Stan Kolev   7:39      :#:
     :#::      Remix)                                                  :#:
     :#::  09. MetanoiaX - Restricted Area (Deep Blast       8:47      :#:
     :#::      Remix)                                                  :#:
     :#::  10. The Tricky Dude & Deep Blast - Beatstreet     7:33      :#:
     :#::      2000                                                    :#:
     :#::                                                              :#:
     :#:::                                                             :#:
     :#:::.                                                            :#:
     :#::::.                                                           :#:
     :#::::::..                       remember to support the artists  :#:
     :#:::::::::::......                                               :#:
     :#:::::::::::::::::::::::::                                       :#:
     :#:::::::::::::::::::::::::  the deep house crew brings you once  :#:
     :#:::::::::::::::::::::::::  again  a  high  quality  release of  :#:
     :#:::::::::::::::::::::::::  electronic    music ..   music with  :#:
     :#:::::::::::::::::::::::::  emotion  that   deserves  promotion  :#:
     :#:::::::::::::::::::::::::                                       :#:
     :#:::::::::::::::::::::::::  [ deep house ]    2 0 0 0 - 2 0 1 0  :#:
     :#''''''''''''''''''.:..                                           #:
     : if you are  down · ·::::.    .              '::::.     .....     #:
     : with deep  house     ::::    ..                ::::.  :::::::·   x.
     . music, then drop     ::::  .:::::.  .           ':::·:::··:::::· ..
     :    a line to         ::::  :::::::::.   ..:·     :::::::: . ::::
     :       ::::  :::: ·:::::·:::·      ·::::::: : ::::  .
     :.................. .  ::::  ::::   ·:::::::       :::::::: ':::'
     ................... .  ::::  ::::.   ··::::       .:::::::::....·  .
     :   shoutouts to the   ::::.  ::::.   :::::      ¸::::'·:::::::: ..:::
     : groups that LOVE the  ::::.:.::::  ·:::::.    .::::'  ·:::::.    ::::
     :. music they promote    :::::' ::::.::::::::..::·::     ·::::::..:::::
     :::.................. .. .':'    `::::::'·:::::::'        ·:::::::::::·
                                               - --t^/dS!.1o-- - ·:::::::·

This NFO File was rendered by

