- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: Dantes.Inferno.GERMAN.EUR.JB.PS3-SPLiT.nfo Dantes.Inferno.GERMAN.EUR.JB.PS3-SPLiT

   |   ___|        |_) |      _ \                           |          |
   |  \___ \  __ \  | | __|   |   |  __| _ \  __|  _ \ __ \  __|  __|  |
   |        | |   | | | |     ___/  |    __/\__ \  __/ |   | |  \__ \  |
   |  _____/  .__/ _|_|\__|  _|    _|  \___|____/\___|_|  _|\__|____/  |
   |         _|                                                        |
    \                                                                  |
     \              Dantes.Inferno.GERMAN.EUR.JB.PS3-SPLiT               |
      \                                                               /
       \          -Languages: GER ...                                /
        \          -Date: 07.10.2008                                 /
         \        -Origin: EUR                                     /
          \       -Publisher: EA/VISCERAL GAMES                   /

       __              / Files: xx x 400MB
 __   (__`\           / Platform: PS3
(__`\   \\`\         / Source:BluRay
 `\\`\   \\ \       / Genre:Action Adventure
   `\\`\  \\ \     / Link:
     `\\`\*\\ \*
       \_ **\_ |**        Previous Releases wasnt German...So have fun with this Release!
       (___)(___)**        BHTPS3 is english only ...0713!
        (-)  (-)`\**               Ours is german ...0714!   ...check the bles codes...
         |~   ~ , \**
         |      |  \**
         |     /\ ~ \**         __..---'''''-.._.._
         |     | \ ~ `\**  _.--'                _  `.
         /     |  \ ~  `**'         ~~~~        \`\  \
        /      |   \                             | `\ \
       /_...___|    \      ~~~~~~             \/ |   `\\
      /        `.    |                ~~~~    /\/      xx
     |          |    |                         /      xxxx
     |          |    |                        /       xxxx
     | () ()    |     \                   _.-'         xx
     `.|       .'      `._. |______..| |-'|
       |----- '           | | | |    | || |
       |                  | | | |    | || |
       S                  | | | |    | || |
       P                  | | | |    | || |
       L            _____ | | | |____| || |
       I           /     `` |-`/     ` |` |
       T           \________\__\_______\__\

   ________                      __  .__
 /  _____/______   ____   _____/  |_|__| ____    ____  ______    ____   ____
/   \  __\_  __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \   __\  |/    \  / ___\/  ___/   / ___\ /  _ \
\    \_\  \  | \/\  ___/\  ___/|  | |  |   |  \/ /_/  >___ \   / /_/  >  <_> )
 \______  /__|    \___  >\___  >__| |__|___|  /\___  /____  >  \___  / \____/
        \/            \/     \/             \//_____/     \/  /_____/
               __      __
  ____  __ ___/  |_  _/  |_  ____
 /  _ \|  |  \   __\ \   __\/  _ \   O
(  <_> )  |  /|  |    |  | (  <_> )                 STRiKE SPARE WiiZARD
 \____/|____/ |__|    |__|  \____/   O

 -Everyone who loves donkeys!
 -Our parents, thanks for having sex so we can make this happen!

We are looking for:

 " the sense of life "

This NFO File was rendered by

   |   ___|        |_) |      _ \                           |          |
   |  \___ \  __ \  | | __|   |   |  __| _ \  __|  _ \ __ \  __|  __|  |
   |        | |   | | | |     ___/  |    __/\__ \  __/ |   | |  \__ \  |
   |  _____/  .__/ _|_|\__|  _|    _|  \___|____/\___|_|  _|\__|____/  |
   |         _|                                                        |
    \                                                                  |
     \              Dantes.Inferno.GERMAN.EUR.JB.PS3-SPLiT               |
      \                                                               /
       \          -Languages: GER ...                                /
        \          -Date: 07.10.2008                                 /
         \        -Origin: EUR                                     /
          \       -Publisher: EA/VISCERAL GAMES                   /

       __              / Files: xx x 400MB
 __   (__`\           / Platform: PS3
(__`\   \\`\         / Source:BluRay
 `\\`\   \\ \       / Genre:Action Adventure
   `\\`\  \\ \     / Link:
     `\\`\*\\ \*
       \_ **\_ |**        Previous Releases wasnt German...So have fun with this Release!
       (___)(___)**        BHTPS3 is english only ...0713!
        (-)  (-)`\**               Ours is german ...0714!   ...check the bles codes...
         |~   ~ , \**
         |      |  \**
         |     /\ ~ \**         __..---'''''-.._.._
         |     | \ ~ `\**  _.--'                _  `.
         /     |  \ ~  `**'         ~~~~        \`\  \
        /      |   \                             | `\ \
       /_...___|    \      ~~~~~~             \/ |   `\\
      /        `.    |                ~~~~    /\/      xx
     |          |    |                         /      xxxx
     |          |    |                        /       xxxx
     | () ()    |     \                   _.-'         xx
     `.|       .'      `._. |______..| |-'|
       |----- '           | | | |    | || |
       |                  | | | |    | || |
       S                  | | | |    | || |
       P                  | | | |    | || |
       L            _____ | | | |____| || |
       I           /     `` |-`/     ` |` |
       T           \________\__\_______\__\

   ________                      __  .__
 /  _____/______   ____   _____/  |_|__| ____    ____  ______    ____   ____
/   \  __\_  __ \_/ __ \_/ __ \   __\  |/    \  / ___\/  ___/   / ___\ /  _ \
\    \_\  \  | \/\  ___/\  ___/|  | |  |   |  \/ /_/  >___ \   / /_/  >  <_> )
 \______  /__|    \___  >\___  >__| |__|___|  /\___  /____  >  \___  / \____/
        \/            \/     \/             \//_____/     \/  /_____/
               __      __
  ____  __ ___/  |_  _/  |_  ____
 /  _ \|  |  \   __\ \   __\/  _ \   O
(  <_> )  |  /|  |    |  | (  <_> )                 STRiKE SPARE WiiZARD
 \____/|____/ |__|    |__|  \____/   O

 -Everyone who loves donkeys!
 -Our parents, thanks for having sex so we can make this happen!

We are looking for:

 " the sense of life "

This NFO File was rendered by

