- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: pd-uct.nfo pd-uct

     UUUUUUUU     UUUUUUUU          tttt                    CCCCCCCCCCCCC
     U::::::U     U::::::U       ttt:::t                 CCC::::::::::::C
     U::::::U     U::::::U       t:::::t               CC:::::::::::::::C
     UU:::::U     U:::::UU       t:::::t              C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C
      U:::::U     U:::::Ut  tttttt:::::ttttttt       C:::::C       CCCCCC
      U:::::D     D:::::Ut  :::::::::::::::::t      C:::::C
      U:::::D     D:::::Ut  :::::::::::::::::t      C:::::C
      U:::::D     D:::::Ut  ttttt:::::::tttttt      C:::::C
      U:::::D     D:::::U        t:::::t            C:::::C
      U:::::D     D:::::U        t:::::t            C:::::C
      U:::::D     D:::::U        t:::::t            C:::::C
      U::::::U   U::::::U        t:::::t    tttttt   C:::::C       CCCCCC
      U:::::::UUU:::::::U        t::::::tttt:::::t    C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C
       UU:::::::::::::UU         tt::::::::::::::t     CC:::::::::::::::C
         UU:::::::::UU             tt:::::::::::tt       CCC::::::::::::C
           UUUUUUUUU                 ttttttttttt            CCCCCCCCCCCCC

       Title ....: Predators.2010.CUSTOM.PT.SUBS.NTSC.DVDR-UtC

                            ** RELEASE iNFO **

       Release Date : 09/10/2010
       Source ......: Predators.2010.NTSC.DVDR-FEATURE
       RunTime .....: 107 min
       Subtitles ...: Portuguese-PT (Thanks to Powerplay & n0Te)
       Audio .......: EN 5.1 + EN Director's Comments 2.0
       Video .......: Untouched
       Ripped ......: Unnecessary Subtitles

       Notes .......: N/A

                             ** MOVIE iNFO **

       IMDb ..:
       Genre .: Action | Adventure |  Sci-Fi | Thriller
       Rating : 6.7/10

       Plot ..: Chosen for their ability to kill without conscience, a group
                of killers, some trained and some who are not, must endeavour
                the alien race of predators that have set out to target them
                as prey...

                               ** WANTED  **

                          Unreleased DVD Suppliers

                Experienced Translators for Portuguese Subtitles

                         100 mbit+ Secure Affil Site

                               ** GREETS  **


This NFO File was rendered by

     UUUUUUUU     UUUUUUUU          tttt                    CCCCCCCCCCCCC
     U::::::U     U::::::U       ttt:::t                 CCC::::::::::::C
     U::::::U     U::::::U       t:::::t               CC:::::::::::::::C
     UU:::::U     U:::::UU       t:::::t              C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C
      U:::::U     U:::::Ut  tttttt:::::ttttttt       C:::::C       CCCCCC
      U:::::D     D:::::Ut  :::::::::::::::::t      C:::::C
      U:::::D     D:::::Ut  :::::::::::::::::t      C:::::C
      U:::::D     D:::::Ut  ttttt:::::::tttttt      C:::::C
      U:::::D     D:::::U        t:::::t            C:::::C
      U:::::D     D:::::U        t:::::t            C:::::C
      U:::::D     D:::::U        t:::::t            C:::::C
      U::::::U   U::::::U        t:::::t    tttttt   C:::::C       CCCCCC
      U:::::::UUU:::::::U        t::::::tttt:::::t    C:::::CCCCCCCC::::C
       UU:::::::::::::UU         tt::::::::::::::t     CC:::::::::::::::C
         UU:::::::::UU             tt:::::::::::tt       CCC::::::::::::C
           UUUUUUUUU                 ttttttttttt            CCCCCCCCCCCCC

       Title ....: Predators.2010.CUSTOM.PT.SUBS.NTSC.DVDR-UtC

                            ** RELEASE iNFO **

       Release Date : 09/10/2010
       Source ......: Predators.2010.NTSC.DVDR-FEATURE
       RunTime .....: 107 min
       Subtitles ...: Portuguese-PT (Thanks to Powerplay & n0Te)
       Audio .......: EN 5.1 + EN Director's Comments 2.0
       Video .......: Untouched
       Ripped ......: Unnecessary Subtitles

       Notes .......: N/A

                             ** MOVIE iNFO **

       IMDb ..:
       Genre .: Action | Adventure |  Sci-Fi | Thriller
       Rating : 6.7/10

       Plot ..: Chosen for their ability to kill without conscience, a group
                of killers, some trained and some who are not, must endeavour
                the alien race of predators that have set out to target them
                as prey...

                               ** WANTED  **

                          Unreleased DVD Suppliers

                Experienced Translators for Portuguese Subtitles

                         100 mbit+ Secure Affil Site

                               ** GREETS  **


This NFO File was rendered by

