- Your Ultimate NFO Upload Resource! Viewing NFO file: air.nfo air

                                         ▄▄   ▄▄▄ ▀▀
                                    ▄▄██▀ ▄▄█▀  ▄▄██████▄
                               ▄▄█▀███▀ ▄██▀ ▄██▀▀   ▀███
            ▄█▀            ▄▄█▀▀ ▄███ ▄███ ▄█████▄▄▄██▀▀      ▀█▄
            ▀██▄▄▄    ▄▄▄████▀▀▀████ ▄███ ▄███▀█▄▄▄▄       ▄▄▄██▀
             ▀███████████▀▀     ▀███ ▀███▄ ▀▀█▄ ▀▀▀████████████▀
     ▄▄███▄▄▄    ▀▀▀▀▀    ▄       ▀▀█▄▄ ▀▀▀▀     ▄    ▀▀▀▀▀▀    ▄▄▄███▄▄
    ▄███▀▀▀▀███▄▄▄  ▄▄▄██▀                        ▀██▄▄▄   ▄▄▄███▀▀▀▀███▄
    ███        ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀         PROUDLY PRESENTS       ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀        ███
     ██▄                                                             ▄██
       █▄             Tone2.Gladiator.VSTi.v2.2.READ.NFO            ▄█
        █                                                           █
        ▀█                                                         █▀
         █  SUPPLIER ..: TEAM AiR                                  █
         █  SIZE ......: 12 * 4,77MB                                           █
         █  DATE ......: 09/2009                                   █
         █                                                         █
         █  A revolution in synthesis!                             █
         █                                                         █
         █  The   award   winning    Gladiator   gives   you    a  █
         █  groundbreaking  approach  to  sound  generation.  Its  █
         █  exclusive  HCM  synthesis technique,  covers  new and  █
         █  unique aural territory, only possible with Gladiator.  █
         █  The innovative synthesis, design and unmatched  sound  █
         █  quality, make this  not only the  perfect instrument,  █
         █  but  also  the  best  virtual  synthesizer  and go-to  █
         █  instrument  for all  those looking  for the  ultimate  █
         █  creative tool.                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █  Changes in v2.2                                        █
         █                                                         █
         █  New: Midi learn support                                █
         █                                                         █
         █  PC: Shift + strg/control + left mousebutton on a knob  █
         █  activates Midi learn mode. If Midi learn is activated  █
         █  the next incoming Midi controler command is  assigned  █
         █  to  the knob.  The Midi  learn configuration  of all   █
         █  controlers is  stored in  an automatically  generated  █
         █  file 'gladiatormidi.cfg' within the vst directory. If  █
         █  'gladiatormidi.cfg'  is   deleted  it   automatically  █
         █  resets to the default assignments.                     █
         █                                                         █
         █  New features, changes, fixes and improvements:         █
         █                                                         █
         █  Smoother  overall  sound with  more  'analog hardware  █
         █  -like' feeling                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █  More punchy envelopes                                  █
         █                                                         █
         █  Drastically  improved  sound of  Chorus  and Ensemble  █
         █  effect.  Replaced  them  with  an  'analog   modeled'  █
         █  version.                                               █
         █                                                         █
         █  Additional lowpass filter: LP Superfat                 █
         █                                                         █
         █  New  modifier:  'Time  Delay'  delays  an  oscillator  █
         █  spectrum                                               █
         █                                                         █
         █  New  modifier:  'Pitch Harmonizer'  stacks  up to  16  █
         █  additional harmonics to an osciallator spectrum        █
         █                                                         █
         █  New  modifier:  'Pitch   Octaver'  stacks  up   to  8  █
         █  oscillators which are tuned in octaves                 █
         █                                                         █
         █  Improved  Moog  filter:  Analog  modelling  with self  █
         █  oscillation support for high resonance                 █
         █                                                         █
         █  Smoother filter sound: Comb+, Double Comb              █
         █                                                         █
         █  Improved  LP 12dB  Analog, BP  12dB Analog,  HP 12dB   █
         █  Analog: More silky treble                              █
         █                                                         █
         █  35 additional sounds                                   █
         █                                                         █
         █  Reworked and resorted factory presets                  █
         █                                                         █
         █  Slightly improved psychoacoustical processing          █
         █                                                         █
         █  Full version: User name is shown above preset browser  █
         █                                                         █
         █  Improved robustness against  user errors and  corrupt  █
         █  installations                                          █
         █                                                         █
         █  A warning is  displayed if a  user tries to  register  █
         █  with the wrong keyfile                                 █
         █                                                         █
         █  Renamed  filters:   "Comb1"->"Comb+","Comb2"->"Double  █
         █  Comb"                                                  █
         █                                                         █
         █  The hotkey 'm' resets  the mod matrix (Note:  Not all  █
         █  hosts support this)                                    █
         █                                                         █
         █  Gladiator banks  (glb files)  contain now  up to 4096  █
         █  presets                                                █
         █                                                         █
         █  Fixed a rarely appearing crash that could appear with  █
         █  certain system configurations (PC)                     █
         █                                                         █
         █  Fixed a possible crash with Midi CC 121                █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █                                   █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █  Installation Notes :                                   █
         █  --------------------                                   █
         █                                                         █
         █  1) Unzip, Unrar and run Setup.exe                      █
         █                                                         █
         █  2) Enjoy this fine Team AiR release !!!                █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █  Specials:                                              █
         █  =========                                              █
         █                                                         █
         █  As bonus we enabled the extra                          █
         █  and new up-coming expansions:                          █
         █                                                         █
         █  - Electronic                                           █
         █  - Dance Trance                                         █
         █  - State of Art                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █  Skins for Gladiator can be changed by                  █
         █  editing gladiatorskin.txt in installation dir          █
         █  Reload plugin after editing the file to apply !        █
         █                                                         █
         █  1 = default                                            █
         █  2 = red                                                █
         █  3 = gold                                               █
         █  4 = black                                              █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █  Protection Notes                                       █
         █  ================                                       █
         █                                                         █
         █  It's not everyday AiR feels the need to comment on  a  █
         █  release but we believe some issues about Markus  Feil  █
         █  need to  be addressed  for both  legitimate users and  █
         █  the warez community.                                   █
         █                                                         █
         █  In  our  opinion   Markus  Feil's  plugins   are  the  █
         █  equivilent to MALWARE, it is with disgust we find the  █
         █  elaborate (and futile!) measures he has taken  within  █
         █  his code.                                              █
         █                                                         █
         █  When a developer  starts dropping files  and creating  █
         █  empty BOGUS  registry keys,  writing to  a users host  █
         █  file etc.  then they  have crossed  a line  of ethics  █
         █  that is inexcusable.                                   █
         █                                                         █
         █  One  could  argue  that  warez  users  get  what they  █
         █  deserve, however... warez uses ALWAYS choose to  take  █
         █  a  risk  when  they use  warez.  The  legitimate user  █
         █  however gets exactly the SAME codebase and IF  things  █
         █  go wrong they are subjected to the same MALWARE  crap  █
         █  undeservedly.                                          █
         █                                                         █
         █  Furthermore, our  release is  BETTER than  what legit  █
         █  users are  getting because  we have  disposed of  the  █
         █  expansions that  legit users  DON'T have and probably  █
         █  DON'T know about.                                      █
         █                                                         █
         █  NOTE  TO Markus:  you are  tool, ppl  may debate  our  █
         █  ethics but WE DON'T infect and manipulate filesystems  █
         █  or  registries,  you're   no  better  than   a  virus  █
         █  developer in our opinion.                              █
         █                                                         █
         █  Stick to what you know cause your protection  schemes  █
         █  are no match for us <middle finger>                    █
         █                                                         █
         █  Some warez users like to  go legit, it's hard to  see  █
         █  them  going   legit  with   your  plugins   when  the  █
         █  experience you give them results in piss poor MALWARE  █
         █  techniques. FUCK YOU!                                  █
         █                                                         █
         █  Here are some of  the techniques Markus infects  your  █
         █  machine with:                                          █
         █                                                         █
         █  - Registry scanning                                    █
         █                                                         █
         █  - Filesystem scanning                                  █
         █                                                         █
         █  - Creating bogus registry keys                         █
         █                                                         █
         █  - File dropping                                        █
         █                                                         █
         █  - Multiple \system32\drivers\etc\host file updates     █
         █                                                         █
         █  - Deletion of files                                    █
         █                                                         █
         █  - Phone home notification                              █
         █                                                         █
         █  - ExitWindowsEx calls (causes machine to shutdown)     █
         █                                                         █
         █  - DLL unpacked checks                                  █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █  # Registry scanning...                                 █
         █                                                         █
         █  Markus has coded his plugins to look for other  Tone2  █
         █  and reFX registry entries, if blacklisted serials are  █
         █  found  then  his MALWARE  is  invoked. These  include  █
         █  Firebird, FilterBank, Warmverb, Gladiator, Vanguard    █
         █                                                         █
         █  # Filesystem scanning...                               █
         █                                                         █
         █  Markus  has  coded  his  plugins  to  look  for other  █
         █  products keyfiles, if blacklisted keyfiles are  found  █
         █  then his MALWARE is invoked. This includes  FireBird,  █
         █  FilterBank, Warmverb, Gladiator                        █
         █                                                         █
         █  # Bogus registry entries...                            █
         █                                                         █
         █  Markus creates keys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER               █
         █                                                         █
         █  at least two NEW keys with no data (not disclosing to  █
         █  protect privacy). if you  have been subjected to  the  █
         █  MALWARE traps check your  registry, the keys will  be  █
         █  obvious as the names are crap, make no sense and they  █
         █  have no data under them.                               █
         █                                                         █
         █  # File dropping...                                     █
         █                                                         █
         █  Markus creates:                                        █
         █                                                         █
         █  twdef.sys                                              █
         █                                                         █
         █  wvdriver.sys                                           █
         █                                                         █
         █  r2._9X1.r                                              █
         █                                                         █
         █  gldriver.sys                                           █
         █                                                         █
         █  gsndrun.sys                                            █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
         █  + about 4 other random file names (not disclosing  to  █
         █  protect privacy)                                       █
         █                                                         █
         █  If your going to look  for these files make sure  you  █
         █  have  turned  off  'Hide  protected  operating system  █
         █  files' in explorer. Typically they are dropped in the  █
         █  same location as the Gladiator2 dll.                   █
         █                                                         █
         █  # Update of hosts file...                              █
         █                                                         █
         █  Markus updates  the users  host file  with a  massive  █
         █  list of warez, torrent and other site urls             █
         █                                                         █
         █  # Deletion of files...                                 █
         █                                                         █
         █  Markus  deletes  any  blacklisted  keyfiles  from the  █
         █  users machine                                          █
         █                                                         █
         █                                                         █
        ▄█                                                         █▄
       ▄█                                                           █▄
      ▄█▀                                                           ▀█▄
    ▄██▀                                                             ▀██▄
    ███                                                               ███
    ▀██▄       ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄   ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄       ▄██▀
     ▀▀███▄▄▄▀▀      nFO lAYOUT (c) 2006 bEARCAVE-dESIGN      ▀▀▄▄▄███▀▀

This NFO File was rendered by

                                         ÜÜ   ÜÜÜ ßß
                                    ÜÜÛÛß ÜÜÛß  ÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ
                               ÜÜÛßÛÛÛß ÜÛÛß ÜÛÛßß   ßÛÛÛ
            ÜÛß            ÜÜÛßß ÜÛÛÛ ÜÛÛÛ ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜÜÜÛÛßß      ßÛÜ
             ßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛßß     ßÛÛÛ ßÛÛÛÜ ßßÛÜ ßßßÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛß
     ÜÜÛÛÛÜÜÜ    ßßßßß    Ü       ßßÛÜÜ ßßßß     Ü    ßßßßßß    ÜÜÜÛÛÛÜÜ
    ÜÛÛÛßßßßÛÛÛÜÜÜ  ÜÜÜÛÛß                        ßÛÛÜÜÜ   ÜÜÜÛÛÛßßßßÛÛÛÜ
    ÛÛÛ        ßßßßßßß         PROUDLY PRESENTS       ßßßßßßßß        ÛÛÛ
     ÛÛÜ                                                             ÜÛÛ
       ÛÜ             Tone2.Gladiator.VSTi.v2.2.READ.NFO            ÜÛ
        Û                                                           Û
        ßÛ                                                         Ûß
         Û  SUPPLIER ..: TEAM AiR                                  Û
         Û  SIZE ......: 12 * 4,77MB                                           Û
         Û  DATE ......: 09/2009                                   Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  A revolution in synthesis!                             Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  The   award   winning    Gladiator   gives   you    a  Û
         Û  groundbreaking  approach  to  sound  generation.  Its  Û
         Û  exclusive  HCM  synthesis technique,  covers  new and  Û
         Û  unique aural territory, only possible with Gladiator.  Û
         Û  The innovative synthesis, design and unmatched  sound  Û
         Û  quality, make this  not only the  perfect instrument,  Û
         Û  but  also  the  best  virtual  synthesizer  and go-to  Û
         Û  instrument  for all  those looking  for the  ultimate  Û
         Û  creative tool.                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Changes in v2.2                                        Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  New: Midi learn support                                Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  PC: Shift + strg/control + left mousebutton on a knob  Û
         Û  activates Midi learn mode. If Midi learn is activated  Û
         Û  the next incoming Midi controler command is  assigned  Û
         Û  to  the knob.  The Midi  learn configuration  of all   Û
         Û  controlers is  stored in  an automatically  generated  Û
         Û  file 'gladiatormidi.cfg' within the vst directory. If  Û
         Û  'gladiatormidi.cfg'  is   deleted  it   automatically  Û
         Û  resets to the default assignments.                     Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  New features, changes, fixes and improvements:         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Smoother  overall  sound with  more  'analog hardware  Û
         Û  -like' feeling                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  More punchy envelopes                                  Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Drastically  improved  sound of  Chorus  and Ensemble  Û
         Û  effect.  Replaced  them  with  an  'analog   modeled'  Û
         Û  version.                                               Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Additional lowpass filter: LP Superfat                 Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  New  modifier:  'Time  Delay'  delays  an  oscillator  Û
         Û  spectrum                                               Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  New  modifier:  'Pitch Harmonizer'  stacks  up to  16  Û
         Û  additional harmonics to an osciallator spectrum        Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  New  modifier:  'Pitch   Octaver'  stacks  up   to  8  Û
         Û  oscillators which are tuned in octaves                 Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Improved  Moog  filter:  Analog  modelling  with self  Û
         Û  oscillation support for high resonance                 Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Smoother filter sound: Comb+, Double Comb              Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Improved  LP 12dB  Analog, BP  12dB Analog,  HP 12dB   Û
         Û  Analog: More silky treble                              Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  35 additional sounds                                   Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Reworked and resorted factory presets                  Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Slightly improved psychoacoustical processing          Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Full version: User name is shown above preset browser  Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Improved robustness against  user errors and  corrupt  Û
         Û  installations                                          Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  A warning is  displayed if a  user tries to  register  Û
         Û  with the wrong keyfile                                 Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Renamed  filters:   "Comb1"->"Comb+","Comb2"->"Double  Û
         Û  Comb"                                                  Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  The hotkey 'm' resets  the mod matrix (Note:  Not all  Û
         Û  hosts support this)                                    Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Gladiator banks  (glb files)  contain now  up to 4096  Û
         Û  presets                                                Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Fixed a rarely appearing crash that could appear with  Û
         Û  certain system configurations (PC)                     Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Fixed a possible crash with Midi CC 121                Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                   Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Installation Notes :                                   Û
         Û  --------------------                                   Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  1) Unzip, Unrar and run Setup.exe                      Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  2) Enjoy this fine Team AiR release !!!                Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Specials:                                              Û
         Û  =========                                              Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  As bonus we enabled the extra                          Û
         Û  and new up-coming expansions:                          Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  - Electronic                                           Û
         Û  - Dance Trance                                         Û
         Û  - State of Art                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Skins for Gladiator can be changed by                  Û
         Û  editing gladiatorskin.txt in installation dir          Û
         Û  Reload plugin after editing the file to apply !        Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  1 = default                                            Û
         Û  2 = red                                                Û
         Û  3 = gold                                               Û
         Û  4 = black                                              Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Protection Notes                                       Û
         Û  ================                                       Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  It's not everyday AiR feels the need to comment on  a  Û
         Û  release but we believe some issues about Markus  Feil  Û
         Û  need to  be addressed  for both  legitimate users and  Û
         Û  the warez community.                                   Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  In  our  opinion   Markus  Feil's  plugins   are  the  Û
         Û  equivilent to MALWARE, it is with disgust we find the  Û
         Û  elaborate (and futile!) measures he has taken  within  Û
         Û  his code.                                              Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  When a developer  starts dropping files  and creating  Û
         Û  empty BOGUS  registry keys,  writing to  a users host  Û
         Û  file etc.  then they  have crossed  a line  of ethics  Û
         Û  that is inexcusable.                                   Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  One  could  argue  that  warez  users  get  what they  Û
         Û  deserve, however... warez uses ALWAYS choose to  take  Û
         Û  a  risk  when  they use  warez.  The  legitimate user  Û
         Û  however gets exactly the SAME codebase and IF  things  Û
         Û  go wrong they are subjected to the same MALWARE  crap  Û
         Û  undeservedly.                                          Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Furthermore, our  release is  BETTER than  what legit  Û
         Û  users are  getting because  we have  disposed of  the  Û
         Û  expansions that  legit users  DON'T have and probably  Û
         Û  DON'T know about.                                      Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  NOTE  TO Markus:  you are  tool, ppl  may debate  our  Û
         Û  ethics but WE DON'T infect and manipulate filesystems  Û
         Û  or  registries,  you're   no  better  than   a  virus  Û
         Û  developer in our opinion.                              Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Stick to what you know cause your protection  schemes  Û
         Û  are no match for us <middle finger>                    Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Some warez users like to  go legit, it's hard to  see  Û
         Û  them  going   legit  with   your  plugins   when  the  Û
         Û  experience you give them results in piss poor MALWARE  Û
         Û  techniques. FUCK YOU!                                  Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Here are some of  the techniques Markus infects  your  Û
         Û  machine with:                                          Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  - Registry scanning                                    Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  - Filesystem scanning                                  Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  - Creating bogus registry keys                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  - File dropping                                        Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  - Multiple \system32\drivers\etc\host file updates     Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  - Deletion of files                                    Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  - Phone home notification                              Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  - ExitWindowsEx calls (causes machine to shutdown)     Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  - DLL unpacked checks                                  Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  # Registry scanning...                                 Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Markus has coded his plugins to look for other  Tone2  Û
         Û  and reFX registry entries, if blacklisted serials are  Û
         Û  found  then  his MALWARE  is  invoked. These  include  Û
         Û  Firebird, FilterBank, Warmverb, Gladiator, Vanguard    Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  # Filesystem scanning...                               Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Markus  has  coded  his  plugins  to  look  for other  Û
         Û  products keyfiles, if blacklisted keyfiles are  found  Û
         Û  then his MALWARE is invoked. This includes  FireBird,  Û
         Û  FilterBank, Warmverb, Gladiator                        Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  # Bogus registry entries...                            Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Markus creates keys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER               Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  at least two NEW keys with no data (not disclosing to  Û
         Û  protect privacy). if you  have been subjected to  the  Û
         Û  MALWARE traps check your  registry, the keys will  be  Û
         Û  obvious as the names are crap, make no sense and they  Û
         Û  have no data under them.                               Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  # File dropping...                                     Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Markus creates:                                        Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  twdef.sys                                              Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  wvdriver.sys                                           Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  r2._9X1.r                                              Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  gldriver.sys                                           Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  gsndrun.sys                                            Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  + about 4 other random file names (not disclosing  to  Û
         Û  protect privacy)                                       Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  If your going to look  for these files make sure  you  Û
         Û  have  turned  off  'Hide  protected  operating system  Û
         Û  files' in explorer. Typically they are dropped in the  Û
         Û  same location as the Gladiator2 dll.                   Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  # Update of hosts file...                              Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Markus updates  the users  host file  with a  massive  Û
         Û  list of warez, torrent and other site urls             Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  # Deletion of files...                                 Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û  Markus  deletes  any  blacklisted  keyfiles  from the  Û
         Û  users machine                                          Û
         Û                                                         Û
         Û                                                         Û
        ÜÛ                                                         ÛÜ
       ÜÛ                                                           ÛÜ
      ÜÛß                                                           ßÛÜ
    ÜÛÛß                                                             ßÛÛÜ
    ÛÛÛ                                                               ÛÛÛ
     ßßÛÛÛÜÜÜßß      nFO lAYOUT (c) 2006 bEARCAVE-dESIGN      ßßÜÜÜÛÛÛßß

This NFO File was rendered by

